Пример #1
class ProteinSetSelectorTests(ProteinSetSelectorBaseTests):

    def setUp(self):
        self.mols = Read('Data/stringSel.pdb')
        self.mol = self.mols[0]
        self.stringSel = ProteinSetSelector()

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_select_with_empty_string(self):
         test result with empty string returns all mols
        result, msg = self.stringSel.select(self.mols, "")
        self.assertEquals(result, self.mols)

    def test_select_end(self):
         test select with '$'  returns last item
        new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb")
        self.mols +=new_mols
        result, msg = self.stringSel.select(self.mols, "$")
        self.assertEquals(result[-1], self.mols[-1])

    def test_select_with_valid_index(self):
         test string with valid_index returns set with 1 item 
        selString = "0"
        #selString = "1"
        result, msg = self.stringSel.select(self.mols, selString)
        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)

    def test_select_with_invalid_index_returns_empty_set(self):
         test string with invalid_index returns empty set
        selString = "2"
        result, msg = self.stringSel.select(self.mols, selString)
        self.assertEqual(result.__class__, self.mols.__class__)
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 0)
        self.assertEqual(msg[0], selString)

    def test_select_with_valid_range(self):
         test string with valid_range returns set with 2 items
        new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb")
        self.mols +=new_mols
        selString = "0-1"
        #selString = "1-2"
        result, msg = self.stringSel.select(self.mols, selString)
        self.assertEquals(len(result), 2)

    def test_select_with_invalid_range(self):
         test string with invalid_range returns set with 0 items 
        new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb")
        self.mols +=new_mols
        selString = "4-6"
        result, msg = self.stringSel.select(self.mols, selString)
        self.assertEquals(len(result), 0)

    def test_select_with_valid_regex(self):
         test string with valid_regex returns set with 1 items
         <this regex is intended to match 1, 2,or 3 followed by anything>
        new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb")
        self.mols +=new_mols
        selString = "[1-3]*"
        result, msg = self.stringSel.select(self.mols, selString)
        #print "result=", result
        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)

    def test_select_with_valid_regex_2(self):
         test string with valid_regex returns set with 1 items
         <this regex is intended to match anything in range s-z
         followed by anything>
        new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb")
        self.mols +=new_mols
        selString = "[s-z]*"
        result, msg = self.stringSel.select(self.mols, selString)
        #print "result=", result
        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)

    def test_select_valid_set(self):
         test string with valid set name returns 1 set
        new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb")
        self.mols +=new_mols
        these_sets = Sets()
        key = 'first'
        these_sets.add(key, self.mols[1:])
        selString = key
        result, msg = self.stringSel.select(self.mols, selString, 
        #print "result=", result
        self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
        self.assertEquals(result, self.mols[1:])