def test_update_groupings(test): if test == '0': # Update a grouping manually print 'Required parameters: Grouping ID' show(t.update_groupings([{'id':raw_input(), 'name':'Python Grouping updated', 'description':'Test grouping updated with Python library'}]))
def test_get_strings(test): if test == '0': # Get a string manually print "Required parameter: stringid" show(t.get_strings([{'stringid':raw_input()}])) elif test == '1': # Get a string manually with optional parameters print "Required parameter: stringid, component, lang, stringparams name, stringparams value" show(t.get_strings([{'stringid':raw_input(), 'component':raw_input(), 'lang': raw_input(), 'stringparams':[{'name':raw_input(),'value':raw_input()}] }])) elif test == '2': print "Required parameter: stringid, component, lang, stringparams name, stringparams value" show(t.get_strings([{'stringid':'groups', 'stringparams':[{'name':'stringname','value':'stringvalue'}] }])) elif test == '3': show(t.get_strings([{'stringid':'groupid'}])) #Errors elif test == '4': #Produces a 500 internal server error print "Required parameter: stringid, component, lang, stringparams name, stringparams value" show(t.get_strings([{'stringid':'groups', 'stringparams':[{'name':'','value':'stringvalue'}] }]))
def test_create_groups(test): if test == '0': # Create a group in a course manually print 'Required parameters: Course ID' show(t.create_groups([{'courseid':raw_input(), 'name':'Python Group', 'description':'Test group created with Python library'}]))
def test_unassign_roles(test): if test == '0': # Unassign a role to a user manually print "Required parameters: roleid, userid and contextid" show(t.unassign_roles([{'roleid': raw_input(), 'userid': raw_input(), 'contextid': raw_input()}])) elif test == '1': #Unassign a role to a user show(t.unassign_roles([{'roleid': '2', 'userid':'4' , 'contextid': '1'}]))
def test_update_users(): # Change a user name print 'Required parameters: id of the user to change its name' origUser = t.get_users_by_field('id',[raw_input()])[0] show(t.update_users([{'id':origUser['id'], 'username':'******', 'firstname':'Changed'}])) print "Press enter to restore its original user's name" raw_input() show(t.update_users([{'id':origUser['id'], 'username':origUser['username'], 'firstname':origUser['firstname']}]))
def test_get_forum_discussions(test): if test == '0': # Get discussions from 1 forum manually print 'Forum ID:' show(t.get_forum_discussions([raw_input()])) elif test == '1': show(t.get_forum_discussions([1,4])) # Errors elif test == '2': show(t.get_forum_discussions(1)) elif test == '3': show(t.get_forum_discussions([-1])) elif test == '4': show(t.get_forum_discussions(['a']))
def test_get_submissions(test): if test == '0': # Manually show 1 assignment submissions print 'Assignment ID to show submissions:' show(t.get_submissions([raw_input()])) elif test == '1': show(t.get_submissions([1])) elif test == '2': show(t.get_submissions([1],'submitted',1362385052, 1362385052)) # Errors elif test == '3': show(t.get_submissions(['a'])) elif test == '4': show(t.get_submissions([1],'submitted','a'))
def test_create_notes(test): if test == '0': # Create a note manually print "Required parameters: userid, publishstate('personal', 'course' or 'site'), courseid and text" show(t.create_notes([{'userid': raw_input(), 'publishstate': raw_input(), 'courseid': raw_input(), 'text': raw_input()}])) elif test == '1': # Create a personal note show(t.create_notes([{'userid': '3', 'publishstate':'personal' , 'courseid': '2', 'text': 'Python library test note'}])) elif test == '2': # Create a site note show(t.create_notes([{'userid': '3', 'publishstate':'site', 'courseid': '2', 'text': 'Python library test note'}])) # Errors elif test == '3': # Create a site note without course id show(t.create_notes([{'userid': '3', 'publishstate':'site' , 'text': 'Python library test note'}]))
def test_create_cohorts(test): if test == '0': # Create 1 cohort manually print 'Required parameters: type("id", "idnumber" or "system"), value, name, idnumber' show(t.create_cohorts([{'type':raw_input(), 'value':raw_input(), 'name':raw_input(), 'idnumber':raw_input()}])) elif test == '1': # Create 1 cohort show(t.create_cohorts([{'type':'id', 'value':'1', 'name':'Python Cohort', 'idnumber':'35', 'description':'This cohort has been created with the MoodLib python library.'}]))
def test_get_files(test): if test == '0': # Manually get 1 file print 'Parameters: contextid, component, filearea, itemid, filepath, filename' show(t.get_files(raw_input(), raw_input(), raw_input(), raw_input(), raw_input(), raw_input())) elif test == '1': show(t.get_files(45, 'assignsubmission_file', 'submission_files', 1, '/', '')) # Errors elif test == '2': show(t.get_files(45, 'assignsubmission_file', 'submission_files', 1, '/')) elif test == '3': show(t.get_files('', 'assignsubmission_file', 'submission_files', 1, '/', '')) elif test == '4': show(t.get_files(45, 'assignsubmission_file', 'submission_files', 'a', '/', ''))
def test_get_users(test): if test == '0': # Manually search users print 'Required parameters: key ("id", "lastname", "firstname", "idnumber", "username", "email" or "auth"), value' show(t.get_users([{'key':raw_input(), 'value':raw_input()}])) elif test == '1': # Search the user with the userid = 3 show(t.get_users([{'key':'id', 'value':'3'}])) elif test == '2': # Search without criteria: return all users and a warning (value field cannot be empty) show(t.get_users([{'key':'', 'value':'3'}])) elif test == '3': # Search using '%' character: search all users whose firstname contains an 'a' show(t.get_users([{'key':'firstname', 'value':'a%'}])) #Errors elif test == '4': show(t.get_users([]))
def test_get_string(test): if test == '0': # Get a string manually print "Required parameter: stringid" show(t.get_string(raw_input())) elif test == '1': # Get a string manually with optional parameters print "Required parameter: stringid, component, lang, stringparams name, stringparams value" show(t.get_string(raw_input(), raw_input(), raw_input(), [{'name':raw_input(),'value':raw_input()}])) elif test == '2': show(t.get_string('groups', stringparams=[{'name':'stringname','value':'id'}])) elif test == '3': show(t.get_string('groups'))
def test_update_cohorts(test): if test == '0': # Create 1 cohort manually print 'Required parameters: "id", type("id", "idnumber" or "system"), value, name, idnumber' show(t.update_cohorts([{'type':raw_input(), 'value':raw_input(), 'name':raw_input(), 'idnumber':raw_input()}])) elif test == '1': # Update 1 cohort show(t.update_cohorts([{'id':4, 'type':'id', 'value':'1', 'name':'Python Cohort', 'idnumber':'35', 'description':'This cohort has been created with the MoodLib python library.'}])) elif test == '2': # Update 1 cohort show(t.update_cohorts([{'id':4, 'type':'id', 'value':'2', 'name':'Python Cohort Changed', 'idnumber':'36', 'description':'This cohort has been changed with the MoodLib python library.'}])) elif test == '3': # Update 1 cohort show(t.update_cohorts([{'id':1, 'type':'system', 'value':'1', 'name':'Cohort1', 'idnumber':''}])) # Error elif test == '4': show(t.update_cohorts([{'id':4, 'type':'id', 'value':'1', 'idnumber':'36'}]))
def test_get_definitions(test): if test == '0': # get grades definitions manually print "Required parameters: course module id and area name" show(t.get_definitions([raw_input()], raw_input())) elif test == '1': # get a grade definitions show(t.get_definitions(['5'], 'resource')) # Errors elif test == '2': # get a grade definitions show(t.get_definitions(['50000'], 'resource'))
def test_add_cohort_members(test): if test == '0': # Adds a user to a cohort manually print 'Required parameters: cohorttype("id" or "idnumber"), cohortvalue, usertype("id" or "username"), uservalue' show(t.add_cohort_members([{'cohorttype': {'type':raw_input(), 'value':raw_input()}, 'usertype': {'type':raw_input(), 'value':raw_input()}} ])) elif test == '1': # Add a member using user and cohort IDs show(t.add_cohort_members([{'cohorttype': {'type':'id', 'value':'1'}, 'usertype': {'type':'id', 'value':'3'} }])) elif test == '2': # Add a member using username and cohort idnumber show(t.add_cohort_members([{'cohorttype': {'type':'idnumber', 'value':'35'}, 'usertype': {'type':'username', 'value':'student1'} }])) elif test == '3': # Get a warning because cohort specified do not exist show(t.add_cohort_members([{'cohorttype': {'type':'id', 'value':'1100'}, 'usertype': {'type':'id', 'value':'3'} }]))
def test_update_notes(test): if test == '0': # Update a note manually print "Required parameters: note id, publishstate('personal', 'course' or 'site') and text" show(t.update_notes([{'id': raw_input(), 'publishstate': raw_input(), 'text': raw_input()}])) elif test == '1': # Update a personal note show(t.update_notes([{'id': 1, 'publishstate': 'personal', 'text': 'Python note changed'}])) elif test == '2': # Update a personal note to a course show(t.update_notes([{'id': 1, 'publishstate': 'course', 'text': 'Python note changed to a course note'}]))
def test_assign_roles(test): if test == '0': # Assign a role to a user manually print "Required parameters: roleid, userid and contextid" show(t.assign_roles([{'roleid': raw_input(), 'userid': raw_input(), 'contextid': raw_input()}])) elif test == '1': # Assign a role to a user show(t.assign_roles([{'roleid': '2', 'userid':'4' , 'contextid': '2'}])) # Errors elif test == '2': # Assign a role to a user in a invalid context show(t.assign_roles([{'roleid': '6', # guest role id 'userid':'4' , # Any user id 'contextid': '1'}])) # System context
def test_create_users(test): if test == '1': # Create a test user show(t.create_users([{'username':'******', 'password':'******', 'firstname':'Python', 'lastname':'Test Student', 'email':'*****@*****.**'}])) #Errors elif test =='2': # Try to create a user with an invalid pasword show(t.create_users([{'username':'******', 'password':'******', 'firstname':'Python', 'lastname':'Test Student', 'email':'*****@*****.**'}])) elif test =='3': # Try to create a user with an invalid email show(t.create_users([{'username':'******', 'password':'******', 'firstname':'Python', 'lastname':'Test Student', 'email':'pythontest@t'}]))
def test_delete_calendar_events(test): if test == '0': # Manually delete 1 event print 'Event ID to delete:' show(t.delete_calendar_events([{'eventid':raw_input(), 'repeat':0}])) elif test == '1': # Manually delete 1 event series print 'Event ID to delete with series(repeated event):' show(t.delete_calendar_events([{'eventid':raw_input(), 'repeat':1}])) # Errors: # try to delete a global event with student user elif test == '2': show(t.delete_calendar_events([1])) elif test == '3': show(t.delete_calendar_events([{'eventid':1}])) elif test == '4': show(t.delete_calendar_events([{'eventid':1, 'repeat':2}])) elif test == '5': show(t.delete_calendar_events([{'eventid':-1, 'repeat':0}]))
def test_get_notes(): # Get a note manually print "Required parameters: note id" show(t.get_notes([raw_input()]))
def test_delete_notes(): # Delete a note manually print "Required parameters: note id" show(t.delete_notes([raw_input()]))
def test_upload_file(): # Manually upload the specified file to the main private area folder print 'Parameter: file path to upload' show(t.upload_file(raw_input(),'1/Testfiles/'))
def test_search_contacts(test): if test == '0': # Search contacts manually print 'Required parameters: Search string' show(t.search_contacts(raw_input()))
def test_get_contacts(): show(t.get_contacts())
def test_delete_contacts(test): if test == '0': # Delete a contact from your contacts list manually print 'Required parameters: User ID' show(t.delete_contacts([raw_input()]))
def test_get_calendar_events(test): if test == '0': # Manually show 1 event print 'Event ID to search:' show(t.get_calendar_events([raw_input()],userevents=0,siteevents=0)) elif test == '1': # Manually show events from 1 course print 'Course ID to search events:' show(t.get_calendar_events(courseids=[raw_input()],userevents=0,siteevents=0)) elif test == '2': # Manually show events from 1 group print 'Group ID to search events:' show(t.get_calendar_events(groupids=[raw_input()],userevents=0,siteevents=0)) elif test == '3': # Get user events (only those created with MoodLib) show(t.get_calendar_events(siteevents=0)) elif test == '4': # Get global site events (only those created with MoodLib) show(t.get_calendar_events(userevents=0)) elif test == '5': # Get user and global events in a time range even if are hidden timestr = t.get_calendar_events()['events'][0]['timestart'] timend = int(t.get_calendar_events()['events'][0]['timestart'])+10000 show(t.get_calendar_events(timestart=timestr,timeend=timend, ignorehidden=0)) # Errors elif test == '6': show(t.get_calendar_events(['a'])) elif test == '7': show(t.get_calendar_events(courseids=['a'])) elif test == '8': show(t.get_calendar_events(groupids=['a'])) elif test == '9': show(t.get_calendar_events(timestart='a')) elif test == '10': show(t.get_calendar_events(timeend='a'))
def test_create_calendar_events(test): if test == '0': # Create 1 event manually for the user print 'Event name to create:' show(t.create_calendar_events([{'name':raw_input()}])) elif test == '1': # Create 1 event with all parameters for a course show(t.create_calendar_events([{'name':'Python advanced event', 'description':'Event created with Moodle python library', 'format':'0', 'courseid':'2', 'groupid':'0', 'repeats':'3', 'eventtype':'course', 'timestart':int(time.time()), 'timeduration':'240', 'visible':'1', 'sequence':'1'}])) elif test == '2': # Create 1 event with all parameters for the entire site (courseid=1) show(t.create_calendar_events([{'name':'Python event: closing site', 'description':'This moodle site will be close for maintenance operations', 'courseid':'1', 'repeats':'2', 'eventtype':'site', 'timeduration':60*60*24, 'visible':'1'}])) # Warnings: execute test 2 or 3 with student user # Errors elif test == '3': show(t.create_calendar_events({'name':'Python advanced'})) elif test == '4': show(t.create_calendar_events([{'name':'Python event: error', 'repeats':'a'}])) elif test == '5': show(t.create_calendar_events([{'name':'Python event: error', 'timestart':'a'}])) elif test == '6': show(t.create_calendar_events([{'name':'Python event: error', 'timeduration':'a'}])) elif test == '7': show(t.create_calendar_events([{'name':'Python event: error', 'visible':'a'}]))
def test_send_instant_messages(test): if test == '0': # Send a message to a user manually print 'Required parameters: User ID, text message' show(t.send_instant_messages([{'touserid':raw_input(), 'text':raw_input()}]))
def test_create_contacts(test): if test == '0': # Add a contact to your contacts list manually print 'Required parameters: User ID' show(t.create_contacts([raw_input()]))
def test_block_contacts(test): if test == '0': # Block a contact manually print 'Required parameters: User ID' show(t.block_contacts([raw_input()]))