Пример #1
 def create(self, request, key_value_id=None):
     if 'system_id' in request.POST:
         post_key = request.POST.get('key')
         post_value = request.POST.get('value')
         system_id = request.POST.get('system_id')
         n = KeyValue()
         system = System.objects.get(id=system_id)
         if re.search('^nic\.(\d+)\.ipv4_address', str(post_key).strip()):
                 acl = KeyValueACL(request)
                 acl.check_ip_not_exist_other_system(system, post_value)
             except Exception, e:
                 resp = rc.FORBIDDEN
                 return resp
             n.obj = system
             if 'key' in request.POST:
                 n.key = request.POST['key']
             if 'value' in request.POST:
                 n.value = request.POST['value']
             resp = rc.ALL_OK
             resp.write('json = {"id":%i}' % (n.id))
             resp = rc.NOT_FOUND
             resp.write('Unable to Create Key/Value Pair')
         return resp
Пример #2
    def update(self, request, key_value_id=None):
        ###TODO This whole method is not functioning correctly. Just for version 2. Not getting the system_id or truth_id from the poster firefox plugin
        if 'system_id' in request.POST:
            n = None
            found = False
            post_key = request.POST.get('key')
            post_value = request.POST.get('value')
            system_id = request.POST.get('system_id')
            key_validated, validation_error_string = self.validate(
                post_key, post_value)
            if re.search('^nic\.(\d+)\.ipv4_address', str(post_key).strip()):
                    acl = KeyValueACL(request)
                    system = System.objects.get(id=system_id)
                    acl.check_ip_not_exist_other_system(system, post_value)
                except Exception, e:
                    resp = rc.FORBIDDEN
                    return resp
            if key_validated is False:
                resp = rc.FORBIDDEN
                resp.write('Validation Failed for %s %s' %
                           (request.POST['key'], validation_error_string))
                return resp

                n = KeyValue.objects.get(id=key_value_id,
                system = System.objects.get(id=request.POST['system_id'])
                found = True
            except Exception, e:
                #print e
                found = False
    validated = True
    resp = {'success': True, 'errorMessage': ''}
    post_key = request.POST.get('key').strip()
    post_value = request.POST.get('value').strip()
        Create the key value acl object.
        We can use it to validate based on criteria below
        tmp = models.KeyValue.objects.get(id=id)
        system = tmp.system
    except Exception, e:
        print e

    acl = KeyValueACL(request)
    if post_key == 'shouldfailvalidation':
        resp['success'] = False
        resp['errorMessage'] = 'Validation Failed'
        validated = False
    kv = models.KeyValue.objects.get(id=id)
    if kv is not None and validated:
        ##Here we eant to check if the existing key is a network adapter. If so we want to find out if it has a dhcp scope. If so then we want to add it to ScheduledTasks so that the dhcp file gets regenerated
        matches = re.search('^nic\.(\d+)', str(kv.key).strip())
            Check to see if we have a network adapter
            If so we need to flag the dhcp zone file to be regenerated
        if matches and matches.group(1):
                Check to see if it's an ipv4_address key