Пример #1
def pca_ring_spectrum(images, std=0):
    Decomposes a set of SEDs from multiband images into PCA and filters the less significant coefficients
        images: cube of muti-bandimages with size n1xn2xs where s is the number of bands and n1xn2, the size of each image
        alphas: PCA coefficients for each SED at each pixel location.
        basis: corresponding PCA basis.
        sig: noise as propagated into PCA space.


    pad = 0
    images = images.T
    n1, n2, s = np.shape(images)
    res0 = images + 0
    res = res0 + 0
    res1 = res + 0.
    sigmamr = np.zeros(s)
    tr = res + 0  #For thresholded images
    support = np.zeros((n1, n2))
    for j in range(s):
        sigmamr[j] = MCA.MAD(res0[:, :, j])
        res[:, :, j] = res1[:, :, j]
        x, y = np.where(res[:, :, j] == 0)
        tr[x, y, j] = 0
        tr[:, :, -1] = 1

    support = np.prod(tr, 2)

    support[np.where(support == 0.0)] = 0
    support[np.where(support != 0.0)] = 1
    x00, y00 = np.where(support == 0)
    res[x00, y00, :] = 0

    x, y = np.where(support == 1)

    support1d = np.reshape(support, (n1 * n2))
    x1d = np.where(support1d == 1)

    spectrums = np.reshape(res[x, y, :], (np.size(x1d), s))
    alphas = np.zeros((np.size(x), n1 * n2))
    alpha, base = mk.mk_pca(spectrums.T)

    ##Noise propagation in PCA space

    noise = np.multiply(np.random.randn(100, s), std.T)
    alphanoise = np.dot(base.T, noise.T)
    sig = np.zeros(2)
    sig[0] = np.std(alphanoise[0, :])
    sig[1] = np.std(alphanoise[1, :])

    count = 0
    for ind in np.reshape(x1d, np.size(x1d)):
        alphas[:, ind] = alpha[:, count]
        count = count + 1

    return alphas, base, sig