def update_user_rank_cutoffs(cur: MySQLdb.cursors.BaseCursor, scores: Sequence[float]) -> None: '''Updates the user ranking cutoff table.''' cur.execute('DELETE FROM `User_Rank_Cutoffs`;')'Updating ranking cutoffs...') cutoffs = [ Cutoff(.01, 'user-rank-international-master'), Cutoff(.09, 'user-rank-master'), Cutoff(.15, 'user-rank-expert'), Cutoff(.35, 'user-rank-specialist'), Cutoff(.40, 'user-rank-beginner'), ] if not scores: return for cutoff in cutoffs: # Scores are already in descending order. That will also bias the # cutoffs towards higher scores. cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO `User_Rank_Cutoffs` (`score`, `percentile`, `classname`) VALUES(%s, %s, %s);''', (scores[int(len(scores) * cutoff.percentile)], cutoff.percentile, cutoff.classname))
def update_school_rank(cur: MySQLdb.cursors.BaseCursor) -> None: '''Updates the school rank''''Updating school rank...') cur.execute(''' SELECT `s`.`school_id`, SUM(ROUND(100 / LOG(2, `distinct_school_problems`.accepted+1), 0)) AS `score` FROM `Schools` AS `s` INNER JOIN ( SELECT `su`.`school_id`, `p`.accepted, MIN(`su`.time) FROM `Submissions` AS `su` INNER JOIN `Runs` AS `r` ON `r`.run_id = `su`.current_run_id INNER JOIN `Problems` AS `p` ON `p`.`problem_id` = `su`.`problem_id` WHERE `r`.verdict = "AC" AND `p`.visibility >= 1 AND `su`.`school_id` IS NOT NULL GROUP BY `su`.`school_id`, `su`.`problem_id` ) AS `distinct_school_problems` ON `distinct_school_problems`.`school_id` = `s`.`school_id` GROUP BY `s`.`school_id` ORDER BY `score` DESC; ''') prev_score = None rank = 0 for index, row in enumerate(cur): if row['score'] != prev_score: rank = index + 1 prev_score = row['score'] cur.execute( ''' UPDATE `Schools` AS `s` SET `s`.`score` = %s, `s`.`ranking` = %s WHERE `s`.`school_id` = %s; ''', (row['score'], rank, row['school_id']))
def update_schools_solved_problems(cur: MySQLdb.cursors.BaseCursor) -> None: '''Updates the solved problems count by each school the last 6 months''''Updating schools solved problems...') months = 6 # in case this parameter requires adjustments cur.execute('DELETE FROM `Schools_Problems_Solved_Per_Month`') cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO `Schools_Problems_Solved_Per_Month` ( `school_id`, `time`, `problems_solved` ) SELECT `sc`.`school_id`, STR_TO_DATE( CONCAT ( YEAR(`su`.`time`), '-', MONTH(`su`.`time`), '-01' ), "%%Y-%%m-%%d" ) AS `time`, COUNT(DISTINCT `su`.`problem_id`) AS `problems_solved` FROM `Submissions` AS `su` INNER JOIN `Schools` AS `sc` ON `sc`.`school_id` = `su`.`school_id` INNER JOIN `Runs` AS `r` ON `r`.`run_id` = `su`.`current_run_id` INNER JOIN `Problems` AS `p` ON `p`.`problem_id` = `su`.`problem_id` WHERE `su`.`time` >= CURDATE() - INTERVAL %s MONTH AND `r`.`verdict` = "AC" AND `p`.`visibility` >= 1 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM `Submissions` AS `sub` INNER JOIN `Runs` AS `ru` ON `ru`.`run_id` = `sub`.`current_run_id` WHERE `sub`.`problem_id` = `su`.`problem_id` AND `sub`.`identity_id` = `su`.`identity_id` AND `ru`.`verdict` = "AC" AND `sub`.`time` < `su`.`time` ) GROUP BY `sc`.`school_id`, `time` ORDER BY `time` ASC; ''', (months, ))
def update_author_rank(cur: MySQLdb.cursors.BaseCursor) -> None: '''Updates the author's ranking''''Updating authors ranking...') cur.execute(''' SELECT `u`.`user_id`, `i`.`username`, `i`.`name`, `i`.`country_id`, `i`.`state_id`, `isc`.`school_id`, SUM(`p`.`quality`) AS `author_score` FROM `Problems` AS `p` INNER JOIN `ACLs` AS `a` ON `a`.`acl_id` = `p`.`acl_id` INNER JOIN `Users` AS `u` ON `u`.`user_id` = `a`.`owner_id` INNER JOIN `Identities` AS `i` ON `i`.`identity_id` = `u`.`main_identity_id` LEFT JOIN `Identities_Schools` AS `isc` ON `isc`.`identity_school_id` = `i`.`current_identity_school_id` WHERE `p`.`quality` IS NOT NULL GROUP BY `u`.`user_id` ORDER BY `author_score` DESC ''') prev_score = None rank = 0 for index, row in enumerate(cur): if row['author_score'] != prev_score: rank = index + 1 prev_score = row['author_score'] cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO `User_Rank` (`user_id`, `username`, `author_score`, `author_ranking`, `name`, `country_id`, `state_id`, `school_id`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE author_ranking = %s, author_score = %s;''', (row['user_id'], row['username'], row['author_score'], rank, row['name'], row['country_id'], row['state_id'], row['school_id'], rank, row['author_score']))
def update_problem_accepted_stats(cur: MySQLdb.cursors.BaseCursor) -> None: '''Updates the problem accepted stats''''Updating accepted stats for problems...') cur.execute(''' UPDATE `Problems` AS `p` SET `p`.accepted = ( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `s`.`identity_id`) FROM `Submissions` AS `s` INNER JOIN `Runs` AS `r` ON `r`.run_id = `s`.current_run_id INNER JOIN `Identities` AS `i` ON `i`.`identity_id` = `s`.`identity_id` INNER JOIN `Users` AS `u` ON `u`.`user_id` = `i`.`user_id` WHERE `s`.`problem_id` = `p`.`problem_id` AND `r`.verdict = 'AC' AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT `pf`.`problem_id`, `pf`.`user_id` FROM `Problems_Forfeited` AS `pf` WHERE `pf`.`problem_id` = `p`.`problem_id` AND `pf`.`user_id` = `u`.`user_id` ) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT `a`.`acl_id` FROM `ACLs` AS `a` WHERE `a`.`acl_id` = `p`.`acl_id` AND `a`.`owner_id` = `u`.`user_id` ) ); ''')
def update_user_rank(cur: MySQLdb.cursors.BaseCursor) -> Sequence[float]: '''Updates the user ranking.''' cur.execute('DELETE FROM `User_Rank`;')'Updating user rank...') cur.execute(''' SELECT `i`.`username`, `i`.`name`, `i`.`country_id`, `i`.`state_id`, `isc`.`school_id`, `up`.`identity_id`, `i`.`user_id`, COUNT(`p`.`problem_id`) AS `problems_solved_count`, SUM(ROUND(100 / LOG(2, `p`.`accepted` + 1) , 0)) AS `score` FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT `s`.`identity_id`, `s`.`problem_id` FROM `Submissions` AS `s` INNER JOIN `Runs` AS `r` ON `r`.run_id = `s`.current_run_id WHERE `r`.verdict = 'AC' AND `s`.type = 'normal' ) AS up INNER JOIN `Problems` AS `p` ON `p`.`problem_id` = up.`problem_id` AND `p`.visibility > 0 INNER JOIN `Identities` AS `i` ON `i`.`identity_id` = up.`identity_id` LEFT JOIN `Identities_Schools` AS `isc` ON `isc`.`identity_school_id` = `i`.`current_identity_school_id` INNER JOIN `Users` AS `u` ON `u`.`user_id` = `i`.`user_id` WHERE `u`.`is_private` = 0 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT `pf`.`problem_id`, `pf`.`user_id` FROM `Problems_Forfeited` AS `pf` WHERE `pf`.`problem_id` = `p`.`problem_id` AND `pf`.`user_id` = `u`.`user_id` ) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT `a`.`acl_id` FROM `ACLs` AS `a` WHERE `a`.`acl_id` = `p`.`acl_id` AND `a`.`owner_id` = `u`.`user_id` ) GROUP BY `identity_id` ORDER BY `score` DESC; ''') prev_score = None rank = 0 # MySQL has no good way of obtaining percentiles, so we'll store the sorted # list of scores in order to calculate the cutoff scores later. scores = [] for index, row in enumerate(cur): if row['score'] != prev_score: rank = index + 1 scores.append(row['score']) prev_score = row['score'] cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO `User_Rank` (`user_id`, `ranking`, `problems_solved_count`, `score`, `username`, `name`, `country_id`, `state_id`, `school_id`) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);''', (row['user_id'], rank, row['problems_solved_count'], row['score'], row['username'], row['name'], row['country_id'], row['state_id'], row['school_id'])) return scores
def update_coder_of_the_month_candidates( cur: MySQLdb.cursors.BaseCursor, first_day_of_current_month:, category: str) -> None: '''Updates the list of candidates to coder of the current month''''Updating the candidates to coder of the month...') if first_day_of_current_month.month == 12: first_day_of_next_month = first_day_of_current_month.year + 1, 1, 1) else: first_day_of_next_month = first_day_of_current_month.year, first_day_of_current_month.month + 1, 1) # First make sure there are not already selected coder of the month cur.execute( ''' SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `Coder_Of_The_Month` WHERE `time` = %s AND `selected_by` IS NOT NULL AND `category` = %s; ''', (first_day_of_next_month, category)) for row in cur: if row['count'] > 0:'Skipping because already exist selected coder') return cur.execute( ''' DELETE FROM `Coder_Of_The_Month` WHERE `time` = %s AND `category` = %s; ''', (first_day_of_next_month, category)) if category == 'female': gender_clause = " AND i.gender = 'female'" else: gender_clause = "" sql = f''' SELECT DISTINCT IFNULL(i.user_id, 0) AS user_id, i.username, IFNULL(i.country_id, 'xx') AS country_id, isc.school_id, COUNT(ps.problem_id) ProblemsSolved, IFNULL(SUM(ROUND(100 / LOG(2, ps.accepted+1) , 0)), 0) AS score, IFNULL( ( SELECT urc.classname FROM User_Rank_Cutoffs urc WHERE urc.score <= ( SELECT ur.score FROM User_Rank ur WHERE ur.user_id = i.user_id ) ORDER BY urc.percentile ASC LIMIT 1 ), 'user-rank-unranked' ) AS classname FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT s.identity_id, s.problem_id FROM Submissions s INNER JOIN Runs r ON r.run_id = s.current_run_id WHERE r.verdict = 'AC' AND s.type= 'normal' AND s.time >= %s AND s.time <= %s ) AS up INNER JOIN Problems ps ON ps.problem_id = up.problem_id and ps.visibility >= 1 INNER JOIN Identities i ON i.identity_id = up.identity_id LEFT JOIN Identities_Schools isc ON isc.identity_school_id = i.current_identity_school_id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT user_id, MAX(time) latest_time, selected_by FROM Coder_Of_The_Month WHERE category = %s GROUP BY user_id, selected_by ) AS cm on i.user_id = cm.user_id WHERE (cm.user_id IS NULL OR DATE_ADD(cm.latest_time, INTERVAL 1 YEAR) < %s) AND i.user_id IS NOT NULL {gender_clause} GROUP BY up.identity_id ORDER BY score DESC, ProblemsSolved DESC LIMIT 100; ''' cur.execute(sql, ( first_day_of_current_month, first_day_of_next_month, category, first_day_of_next_month, )) for index, row in enumerate(cur): cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO `Coder_Of_The_Month` ( `user_id`, `time`, `ranking`, `school_id`, `category`, `score`, `problems_solved` ) VALUES ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s ); ''', (row['user_id'], first_day_of_next_month, index + 1, row['school_id'], category, row['score'], row['ProblemsSolved']))
def update_school_of_the_month_candidates( cur: MySQLdb.cursors.BaseCursor, first_day_of_current_month: -> None: '''Updates the list of candidates to school of the current month''''Updating the candidates to school of the month...') if first_day_of_current_month.month == 12: first_day_of_next_month = first_day_of_current_month.year + 1, 1, 1) else: first_day_of_next_month = first_day_of_current_month.year, first_day_of_current_month.month + 1, 1) # First make sure there are not already selected schools of the month cur.execute( ''' SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `School_Of_The_Month` WHERE `time` = %s AND `selected_by` IS NOT NULL; ''', (first_day_of_next_month, )) for row in cur: if row['count'] > 0:'Skipping because already exist selected schools.') return cur.execute( ''' DELETE FROM `School_Of_The_Month` WHERE `time` = %s; ''', (first_day_of_next_month, )) cur.execute( ''' SELECT `s`.`school_id`, IFNULL( SUM( ROUND( 100 / LOG(2, `distinct_school_problems`.`accepted`+1), 0 ) ), 0.0 ) AS `score` FROM `Schools` AS `s` INNER JOIN ( SELECT `su`.`school_id`, `p`.`accepted`, MIN(`su`.`time`) AS `first_ac_time` FROM `Submissions` AS `su` INNER JOIN `Runs` AS `r` ON `r`.`run_id` = `su`.`current_run_id` INNER JOIN `Problems` AS `p` ON `p`.`problem_id` = `su`.`problem_id` WHERE `r`.`verdict` = "AC" AND `p`.`visibility` >= 1 AND `su`.`school_id` IS NOT NULL GROUP BY `su`.`school_id`, `su`.`problem_id` HAVING `first_ac_time` BETWEEN %s AND %s ) AS `distinct_school_problems` ON `distinct_school_problems`.`school_id` = `s`.`school_id` WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT `sotm`.`school_id`, MAX(`time`) AS `latest_time` FROM `School_Of_The_Month` AS `sotm` WHERE `sotm`.`school_id` = `s`.`school_id` AND ( `sotm`.`selected_by` IS NOT NULL OR `sotm`.`ranking` = 1 ) GROUP BY `sotm`.`school_id` HAVING DATE_ADD(`latest_time`, INTERVAL 1 YEAR) >= %s ) GROUP BY `s`.`school_id` ORDER BY `score` DESC LIMIT 100; ''', (first_day_of_current_month, first_day_of_next_month, first_day_of_next_month)) for index, row in enumerate(cur): cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO `School_Of_The_Month` ( `school_id`, `time`, `ranking`, `score` ) VALUES ( %s, %s, %s, %s ); ''', (row['school_id'], first_day_of_next_month, index + 1, row['score']))
def update_user_rank(cur: MySQLdb.cursors.BaseCursor) -> Sequence[float]: '''Updates the user ranking.''' cur.execute('DELETE FROM `User_Rank`;')'Updating accepted stats for problems...') cur.execute(''' UPDATE Problems p SET p.accepted = ( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT s.identity_id) FROM Submissions s INNER JOIN Runs r ON r.run_id = s.current_run_id INNER JOIN Identities i ON i.identity_id = s.identity_id INNER JOIN Users u ON u.user_id = i.user_id WHERE s.problem_id = p.problem_id AND r.verdict = 'AC' AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT pf.problem_id, pf.user_id FROM Problems_Forfeited pf WHERE pf.problem_id = p.problem_id AND pf.user_id = u.user_id ) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT a.acl_id FROM ACLs a WHERE a.acl_id = p.acl_id AND a.owner_id = u.user_id ) ); ''')'Updating user rank...') cur.execute(''' SELECT i.username,, i.country_id, i.state_id, i.school_id, up.identity_id, i.user_id, COUNT(p.problem_id) problems_solved_count, SUM(ROUND(100 / LOG(2, p.accepted+1) , 0)) score FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT s.identity_id, s.problem_id FROM Submissions s INNER JOIN Runs r ON r.run_id = s.current_run_id WHERE r.verdict = 'AC' AND s.type = 'normal' ) AS up INNER JOIN Problems p ON p.problem_id = up.problem_id AND p.visibility > 0 INNER JOIN Identities i ON i.identity_id = up.identity_id INNER JOIN Users u ON u.user_id = i.user_id WHERE u.is_private = 0 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT pf.problem_id, pf.user_id FROM Problems_Forfeited pf WHERE pf.problem_id = p.problem_id AND pf.user_id = u.user_id ) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT a.acl_id FROM ACLs a WHERE a.acl_id = p.acl_id AND a.owner_id = u.user_id ) GROUP BY identity_id ORDER BY score DESC; ''') rank = 0 prev_score = None # MySQL has no good way of obtaining percentiles, so we'll store the sorted # list of scores in order to calculate the cutoff scores later. scores = [] for row in cur: if row['score'] != prev_score: rank += 1 scores.append(row['score']) prev_score = row['score'] cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO User_Rank (user_id, rank, problems_solved_count, score, username, name, country_id, state_id, school_id) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);''', (row['user_id'], rank, row['problems_solved_count'], row['score'], row['username'], row['name'], row['country_id'], row['state_id'], row['school_id'])) return scores