Пример #1
#   record

__title__  = "TitanImport"
__author__ = "Raymond Wagner"
__version__= "v0.1.0"

from MythTV import MythDB, MythBE, Channel, Record, datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from optparse import OptionParser

import lxml.etree as etree

DB = MythDB()
BE = MythBE(db=DB)
tzoff = timedelta(0, int(BE.backendCommand('QUERY_TIME_ZONE').split('[]:[]')[1]))

def FindProgram(xmlprog, fuzzy):
    tvmode = xmlprog.find('tv-mode').text
    chan = None
    if tvmode == 'cable':
        # for cable, require a match of channel and station name
        for c in Channel.getAllEntries(db=DB):
            if c.freqid == xmlprog.find('rf-channel').text and \
               c.mplexid == 32767 and \
               c.callsign == xmlprog.find('station').text:
                chan = c
            if not fuzzy:
                return None
Пример #2

__title__ = "TitanImport"
__author__ = "Raymond Wagner"
__version__ = "v0.1.0"

from MythTV import MythDB, MythBE, Channel, Record, datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from optparse import OptionParser

import lxml.etree as etree

DB = MythDB()
BE = MythBE(db=DB)
tzoff = timedelta(0,

def FindProgram(xmlprog, fuzzy):
    tvmode = xmlprog.find('tv-mode').text
    chan = None
    if tvmode == 'cable':
        # for cable, require a match of channel and station name
        for c in Channel.getAllEntries(db=DB):
            if c.freqid == xmlprog.find('rf-channel').text and \
               c.mplexid == 32767 and \
               c.callsign == xmlprog.find('station').text:
                chan = c
            if not fuzzy: