Пример #1
	def get_tool_rate(self, tool: Tool) -> str:
		full_cost_rate = self._get_rate_by_table_id_and_class(tool, self.tool_rate_class, self.full_cost_rate_class)
		shared_cost_rate = self._get_rate_by_table_id_and_class(tool, self.tool_rate_class, self.shared_cost_rate_class)
		if full_cost_rate or shared_cost_rate:
			result = "Tool rates:"
			if tool.is_parent_tool():
				result += "<br> " + tool.name + ":"
			if full_cost_rate:
				result += " Full Cost <b>${:0,.2f}</b>".format(full_cost_rate)
			if shared_cost_rate:
				result += " Shared Cost <b>${:0,.2f}</b>".format(shared_cost_rate)
			if tool.is_parent_tool():
				for child_tool in tool.tool_children_set.all():
					child_full_cost_rate = self._get_rate_by_table_id_and_class(child_tool, self.tool_rate_class, self.full_cost_rate_class)
					child_shared_cost_rate = self._get_rate_by_table_id_and_class(child_tool, self.tool_rate_class, self.shared_cost_rate_class)
					if child_full_cost_rate or child_shared_cost_rate:
						result += "<br> " + child_tool.name + ":"
						if child_full_cost_rate:
							result += " Full Cost <b>${:0,.2f}</b>".format(child_full_cost_rate)
						if child_shared_cost_rate:
							result += " Shared Cost <b>${:0,.2f}</b>".format(child_shared_cost_rate)
			training_rate = self._get_rate_by_table_id_and_class(tool, self.tool_training_rate_class, self.full_cost_rate_class)
			training_group_rate = self._get_rate_by_table_id_and_class(tool, self.tool_training_group_rate_class, self.full_cost_rate_class)
			if training_rate or training_group_rate:
				result += "<br>Training rates:"
				if training_rate:
					result += " Individual <b>${:0,.2f}</b>".format(training_rate)
				if training_group_rate:
					result += " Group <b>${:0,.2f}</b>".format(training_group_rate)
			return result
Пример #2
	def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
		Explicitly record any project membership changes.
		if obj.parent_tool:
			if obj.pk:
				# if this is an update (from regular to child tool), we want to make sure we are creating a clean version. In case the previous tool had fields that are now irrelevant
				clean_alt_tool = Tool(**form.cleaned_data)
				clean_alt_tool.pk = obj.pk
				obj = clean_alt_tool
			super(ToolAdmin, self).save_model(request, obj, form, change)
			record_remote_many_to_many_changes_and_save(request, obj, form, change, 'qualified_users', super(ToolAdmin, self).save_model)
			if 'required_resources' in form.changed_data:
			if 'nonrequired_resources' in form.changed_data:
Пример #3
def get_tool_full_config_history(tool: Tool):
    # tool config by user and tool and time
    configs = []
    config_history = ConfigurationHistory.objects.filter(
    configurations = tool.current_ordered_configurations()
    for c in config_history:
        for co in configurations:
            if co == c.configuration:
                current_settings = co.current_settings_as_list()
                current_settings[c.slot] = c.setting
                co.current_settings = ", ".join(current_settings)
        config_input = {
            "configurations": configurations,
            "render_as_form": False
        configuration = ConfigurationEditor()
            "modification_time": c.modification_time,
            "user": c.user,
            "html": configuration.render(None, config_input)
    return configs
Пример #4
def get_tool_full_config_history(tool: Tool):
    # tool config by user and tool and time
    configs = []
    config_history = ConfigurationHistory.objects.filter(
    configurations = tool.current_ordered_configurations()
    for c in config_history:
        for co in configurations:
            if co == c.configuration:
                current_settings = co.current_settings_as_list()
                current_settings[c.slot] = c.setting
                co.current_settings = ', '.join(current_settings)
        config_input = {
            'configurations': configurations,
            'render_as_form': False,
        configuration = ConfigurationEditor()
            'modification_time': c.modification_time,
            'user': c.user,
            'html': configuration.render(None, config_input),
    return configs
Пример #5
def check_policy_to_enable_tool(tool: Tool, operator: User, user: User,
                                project: Project, staff_charge: bool):
	Check that the user is allowed to enable the tool. Enable the tool if the policy checks pass.
    facility_name = get_customization('facility_name')

    # The tool must be visible (or the parent if it's a child tool) to users.
    visible = tool.parent_tool.visible if tool.is_child_tool(
    ) else tool.visible
    if not visible:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(
            "This tool is currently hidden from users.")

    # The tool must be operational.
    # If the tool is non-operational then it may only be accessed by staff members.
    if not tool.operational and not operator.is_staff:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(
            "This tool is currently non-operational.")

    # The tool must not be in use.
    current_usage_event = tool.get_current_usage_event()
    if current_usage_event:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("The tool is currently being used by " +
                                      str(current_usage_event.user) + ".")

    # The user must be qualified to use the tool itself, or the parent tool in case of alternate tool.
    tool_to_check_qualifications = tool.parent_tool if tool.is_child_tool(
    ) else tool
    if tool_to_check_qualifications not in operator.qualifications.all(
    ) and not operator.is_staff:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(
            "You are not qualified to use this tool.")

    # Only staff members can operate a tool on behalf of another user.
    if (user and operator.pk != user.pk) and not operator.is_staff:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(
            "You must be a staff member to use a tool on another user's behalf."

    # All required resources must be available to operate a tool except for staff.
    if tool.required_resource_set.filter(
            available=False).exists() and not operator.is_staff:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(
            "A resource that is required to operate this tool is unavailable.")

    # The tool operator may not activate tools in a particular area unless they are logged in to the area.
    # Staff are exempt from this rule.
    if tool.requires_area_access and AreaAccessRecord.objects.filter(
            end=None).count() == 0 and not operator.is_staff:
        dictionary = {'operator': operator, 'tool': tool, 'type': 'access'}
        abuse_email_address = get_customization('abuse_email_address')
        message = get_media_file_contents(
        if abuse_email_address and message:
            rendered_message = Template(message).render(Context(dictionary))
            send_mail("Area access requirement", rendered_message,
                      abuse_email_address, [abuse_email_address])
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(
            "You must be logged in to the {} to operate this tool.".format(

    # The tool operator may not activate tools in a particular area unless they are still within that area reservation window
    if not operator.is_staff and tool.requires_area_reservation():
        if not tool.requires_area_access.get_current_reservation_for_user(
            dictionary = {
                'operator': operator,
                'tool': tool,
                'type': 'reservation',
            abuse_email_address = get_customization('abuse_email_address')
            message = get_media_file_contents(
            if abuse_email_address and message:
                rendered_message = Template(message).render(
                send_mail("Area reservation requirement", rendered_message,
                          abuse_email_address, [abuse_email_address])
            return HttpResponseBadRequest(
                "You must have a current reservation for the {} to operate this tool."

    # Staff may only charge staff time for one user at a time.
    if staff_charge and operator.charging_staff_time():
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(
            'You are already charging staff time. You must end the current staff charge before you being another.'

    # Staff may not bill staff time to the themselves.
    if staff_charge and operator == user:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(
            'You cannot charge staff time to yourself.')

    # Users may only charge to projects they are members of.
    if project not in user.active_projects():
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(
            'The designated user is not assigned to the selected project.')

    # The tool operator must not have a lock on usage
    if operator.training_required:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(
            f"You are blocked from using all tools in the {facility_name}. Please complete the {facility_name} rules tutorial in order to use tools."

    # Users may only use a tool when delayed logoff is not in effect. Staff are exempt from this rule.
    if tool.delayed_logoff_in_progress() and not operator.is_staff:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(
            "Delayed tool logoff is in effect. You must wait for the delayed logoff to expire before you can use the tool."

    # Users may not enable a tool during a scheduled outage. Staff are exempt from this rule.
    if tool.scheduled_outage_in_progress() and not operator.is_staff:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(
            "A scheduled outage is in effect. You must wait for the outage to end before you can use the tool."

    return HttpResponse()
Пример #6
def check_policy_to_enable_tool(tool: Tool, operator: User, user: User, project: Project, staff_charge: bool):
	Check that the user is allowed to enable the tool. Enable the tool if the policy checks pass.
	facility_name = get_customization('facility_name')

	# The tool must be visible (or the parent if it's a child tool) to users.
	visible = tool.parent_tool.visible if tool.is_child_tool() else tool.visible
	if not visible:
		return HttpResponseBadRequest("This tool is currently hidden from users.")

	# The tool must be operational.
	# If the tool is non-operational then it may only be accessed by staff members or service personnel.
	if not tool.operational and not operator.is_staff and not operator.is_service_personnel:
		return HttpResponseBadRequest("This tool is currently non-operational.")

	# The tool must not be in use.
	current_usage_event = tool.get_current_usage_event()
	if current_usage_event:
		return HttpResponseBadRequest("The tool is currently being used by " + str(current_usage_event.user) + ".")

	# The user must be qualified to use the tool itself, or the parent tool in case of alternate tool.
	tool_to_check_qualifications = tool.parent_tool if tool.is_child_tool() else tool
	if tool_to_check_qualifications not in operator.qualifications.all() and not operator.is_staff:
		return HttpResponseBadRequest("You are not qualified to use this tool.")

	# Only staff members can operate a tool on behalf of another user.
	if (user and operator.pk != user.pk) and not operator.is_staff:
		return HttpResponseBadRequest("You must be a staff member to use a tool on another user's behalf.")

	# All required resources must be available to operate a tool except for staff or service personnel.
	if tool.required_resource_set.filter(available=False).exists() and not operator.is_staff and not operator.is_service_personnel:
		return HttpResponseBadRequest("A resource that is required to operate this tool is unavailable.")

	# The tool operator may not activate tools in a particular area unless they are logged in to the area.
	# Staff are exempt from this rule.
	if tool.requires_area_access and AreaAccessRecord.objects.filter(area=tool.requires_area_access, customer=operator, staff_charge=None, end=None).count() == 0 and not operator.is_staff:
		abuse_email_address = get_customization('abuse_email_address')
		message = get_media_file_contents('unauthorized_tool_access_email.html')
		if abuse_email_address and message:
			dictionary = {
				'operator': operator,
				'tool': tool,
				'type': 'access'
			rendered_message = Template(message).render(Context(dictionary))
			send_mail(subject="Area access requirement", content=rendered_message, from_email=abuse_email_address, to=[abuse_email_address], email_category=EmailCategory.ABUSE)
		return HttpResponseBadRequest("You must be logged in to the {} to operate this tool.".format(tool.requires_area_access.name))

	# The tool operator may not activate tools in a particular area unless they are still within that area reservation window
	# Staff and service personnel are exempt from this rule.
	if not operator.is_staff and not operator.is_service_personnel and tool.requires_area_reservation():
		if not tool.requires_area_access.get_current_reservation_for_user(operator):
			abuse_email_address = get_customization('abuse_email_address')
			message = get_media_file_contents('unauthorized_tool_access_email.html')
			if abuse_email_address and message:
				dictionary = {
					'operator': operator,
					'tool': tool,
					'type': 'reservation',
				rendered_message = Template(message).render(Context(dictionary))
				send_mail(subject="Area reservation requirement", content=rendered_message, from_email=abuse_email_address, to=[abuse_email_address], email_category=EmailCategory.ABUSE)
			return HttpResponseBadRequest("You must have a current reservation for the {} to operate this tool.".format(tool.requires_area_access.name))

	# Staff may only charge staff time for one user at a time.
	if staff_charge and operator.charging_staff_time():
		return HttpResponseBadRequest('You are already charging staff time. You must end the current staff charge before you being another.')

	# Staff may not bill staff time to themselves.
	if staff_charge and operator == user:
		return HttpResponseBadRequest('You cannot charge staff time to yourself.')

	# Users may only charge to projects they are members of.
	if project not in user.active_projects():
		return HttpResponseBadRequest('The designated user is not assigned to the selected project.')

	# The tool operator must not have a lock on usage
	if operator.training_required:
		return HttpResponseBadRequest(f"You are blocked from using all tools in the {facility_name}. Please complete the {facility_name} rules tutorial in order to use tools.")

	# Users may only use a tool when delayed logoff is not in effect. Staff and service personnel are exempt from this rule.
	if tool.delayed_logoff_in_progress() and not operator.is_staff and not operator.is_service_personnel:
		return HttpResponseBadRequest("Delayed tool logoff is in effect. You must wait for the delayed logoff to expire before you can use the tool.")

	# Users may not enable a tool during a scheduled outage. Staff and service personnel are exempt from this rule.
	if tool.scheduled_outage_in_progress() and not operator.is_staff and not operator.is_service_personnel:
		return HttpResponseBadRequest("A scheduled outage is in effect. You must wait for the outage to end before you can use the tool.")

	#Refuses all tool logins if user is logged in using an excluded project (i.e. one reserved for buddy system or observation)
	if not operator.is_staff:
		projects_to_exclude = []
		if exclude:
			projects_to_exclude = [int(s) for s in exclude.split() if s.isdigit()]
			if tool.requires_area_access:
				current_access = AreaAccessRecord.objects.filter(area=tool.requires_area_access, customer=operator, staff_charge=None, end=None)
				if current_access[0].project.id in projects_to_exclude:
					return HttpResponseBadRequest("You may not use tools while logged in with this project.")
			return HttpResponseBadRequest("There was a problem enabling this tool. Please see staff.")

	if tool.reservation_required and not operator.is_staff:
		if not Reservation.objects.filter(start__lt=timezone.now()+td, end__gt=timezone.now(), cancelled=False, missed=False, shortened=False, user=operator, tool=tool).exists():
			return HttpResponseBadRequest("A reservation is required to enable this tool.")

	return HttpResponse()