Пример #1
def main():
    speed = -.5	 # m/s
    min_altitude = 0.8  # mm
    max_altitudeGoal = 2.5# mm
    height_diff = 0 #mm
    timeout  = 300# seconds
    # pid_i = (kp, ki, kd, integrator, derivator, set_point)
    pid_x = (6, 0.625, 2.5, 0, 0, 500)
    pid_y = (6, 0.875, 3.75, 0, 0, 500)
    pid_z = (1,0,0,0,0,2.5)
    pid_theta = (1/260,0,0,0,0,0)

    # set the bounding box
    bbx = (375, 625)
    bby = (375, 625)
    bounding_box = True

    bbx_min, bbx_max = bbx
    bby_min, bby_max = bby

    yaw_min = 10
    yaw_max = 350

    # controller update values
    yaw_update = 0
    x_update   = 0
    y_update   = 0
    z_update   = 0

    navdata = nd()

    # Twist commands
    qc = Twist()

    land  = Landing(speed, min_altitude, height_diff, max_altitudeGoal, \
                    timeout, bbx, bby, pid_x, pid_y, pid_z, pid_theta)
    rate = rospy.Rate(200)

    while((land.state != 'land')):
        # print takeoff.state

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        # always update the altitude
        # z_update = land.pid_z.update(z_update)
        # print("Theta %.2f"  % navdata.theta)
        # print("(%d, %d)"  % (navdata.tag_x, navdata.tag_y))

        if (navdata.tag_acquired):
            # If 10 < theta < 350 then let's rotate
            # if ((yaw_min < navdata.theta) and (navdata.theta < yaw_max)):
            if ((yaw_min < navdata.theta < yaw_max)):
                print "Yaw!"
                yaw_update  = land.pid_theta.update(navdata.theta)
                print "No yaw!"
                yaw_update = 0

            # is_in_box(minimum, maximum, position)
            if (land.is_in_box(bbx_min, bbx_max, navdata.tag_y) and land.is_in_box(bby_min, bby_max, navdata.tag_x)):
                # If the QC is in the bounding box then we should enter 'Hover'
                # mode and just hang there
                x_update = 0
                y_update = 0
                # # qc.angular.x = 0.0
                # qc.angular.y = 0.0
                # print("In the Box")

                # It's not in the bounding box therefore we should update the PIDs
                x_update  = land.pid_x.update(navdata.tag_x)
                y_update  = land.pid_y.update(navdata.tag_y)
                # print("%.3f" % land.pid_x.getError())

        # always update the altitude
        height_diff = land.max_altitudeGoal - land.altitude
        # We only want to execute these manuevers if we're in land mode
        if land.state == 'land':
            # print("%.3f m" % land.altitude)
            if(land.altitude > land.min_altitude):
                print("Go down")
                # qc.linear.z  = speed
                if(land.height_diff > land.min_altitude):
                    qc.linear.z = speed
                elif(land.height_diff <= land.min_altitude):
                    qc.linear.z  = 0
            # elif((land.altitude < land.min_altitude)):
                if not (land.altitude == 0):
                    print("Eagle one has descended!")
                    # To change states, we publish the fact that we've
                    # reached our land altitude
                    rospy.loginfo("Going to secure mode")

        # qc.angular.z = yaw_update
        qc.linear.x  = x_update
        qc.linear.y  = y_update
        # qc.linear.z  = z_update

Пример #2
def main():
    min_altitude = 0.8  # mm
    altitude_goal = 2.5# mm
    height_diff = 0 #mm
    timeout  = 300# seconds
    # pid_i = (kp, ki, kd, integrator, derivator, set_point)
    pid_x = (6, 0.625, 2.5, 0, 0, 500)
    pid_y = (6, 0.875, 3.75, 0, 0, 500)
    pid_z = (0.1,0,0,0,0,altitude_goal)
    pid_theta = (1/260.0,0,0,0,0,0)

    # set the bounding box
    bbx = (375, 625)
    bby = (375, 625)
    bounding_box = True

    bbx_min, bbx_max = bbx
    bby_min, bby_max = bby

    yaw_min = 10
    yaw_max = 350

    # controller update values
    yaw_update = 0
    x_update   = 0
    y_update   = 0
    z_update   = 0

    navdata = nd()

    # Twist commands
    qc = Twist()

    follow  = Follow(bbx, bby, pid_x, pid_y, pid_z, pid_theta, bounding_box)
    rate = rospy.Rate(200)

    while((follow.state != 'follow')):
        # print takeoff.state

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        if(state == 'follow'):
            # always update the altitude
            # if not (altitude_goal - 0.25 < navdata.altitude < altitude_goal + 0.25):
            # if (navdata.altitude < altitude_goal):
                # z_update = follow.pid_z.update(navdata.altitude)
            # print("Theta %.2f"  % navdata.theta)
            # print("(%d, %d)"  % (navdata.tag_x, navdata.tag_y))
            if (navdata.altitude < altitude_goal  - 0.25):
                qc.linear.z = 0.25
            elif (altitude_goal + 0.25 < navdata.altitude):
                qc.linear.z = -0.25
                qc.linear.z = 0

            if (navdata.tag_acquired):
                # If 10 < theta < 350 then let's rotate
                if ((yaw_min < navdata.theta) and (navdata.theta < yaw_max)):
                # if ((yaw_min < navdata.theta < yaw_max)):
                    yaw_update  = follow.pid_theta.update(navdata.theta-180)
                    # print "%.3f" % yaw_update
                    # print "No yaw!"
                    yaw_update = 0

                # is_in_box(minimum, maximum, position)
                if (follow.is_in_box(bbx_min, bbx_max, navdata.tag_y) and follow.is_in_box(bby_min, bby_max, navdata.tag_x)):
                    # If the QC is in the bounding box then we should enter 'Hover'
                    # mode and just hang there
                    x_update = 0
                    y_update = 0
                    # # qc.angular.x = 0.0
                    # qc.angular.y = 0.0
                    # print("In the Box")

                    # It's not in the bounding box therefore we should update the PIDs
                    x_update  = follow.pid_x.update(navdata.tag_x)
                    y_update  = follow.pid_y.update(navdata.tag_y)
                    # print("%.3f" % follow.pid_x.getError())

        qc.angular.z = yaw_update
        qc.linear.x  = x_update
        qc.linear.y  = y_update
        # qc.linear.z  = z_update

def main():
    speed = -.5  # m/s
    min_altitude = 0.8  # mm
    max_altitudeGoal = 2.5  # mm
    height_diff = 0  #mm
    timeout = 300  # seconds
    # pid_i = (kp, ki, kd, integrator, derivator, set_point)
    pid_x = (6, 0.625, 2.5, 0, 0, 500)
    pid_y = (6, 0.875, 3.75, 0, 0, 500)
    pid_z = (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.5)
    pid_theta = (1 / 260, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

    # set the bounding box
    bbx = (375, 625)
    bby = (375, 625)
    bounding_box = True

    bbx_min, bbx_max = bbx
    bby_min, bby_max = bby

    yaw_min = 10
    yaw_max = 350

    # controller update values
    yaw_update = 0
    x_update = 0
    y_update = 0
    z_update = 0

    navdata = nd()

    # Twist commands
    qc = Twist()

    land  = Landing(speed, min_altitude, height_diff, max_altitudeGoal, \
                    timeout, bbx, bby, pid_x, pid_y, pid_z, pid_theta)
    rate = rospy.Rate(200)

    while ((land.state != 'land')):
        # print takeoff.state

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        # always update the altitude
        # z_update = land.pid_z.update(z_update)
        # print("Theta %.2f"  % navdata.theta)
        # print("(%d, %d)"  % (navdata.tag_x, navdata.tag_y))

        if (navdata.tag_acquired):
            # If 10 < theta < 350 then let's rotate
            # if ((yaw_min < navdata.theta) and (navdata.theta < yaw_max)):
            if ((yaw_min < navdata.theta < yaw_max)):
                print "Yaw!"
                yaw_update = land.pid_theta.update(navdata.theta)
                print "No yaw!"
                yaw_update = 0

            # is_in_box(minimum, maximum, position)
            if (land.is_in_box(bbx_min, bbx_max, navdata.tag_y)
                    and land.is_in_box(bby_min, bby_max, navdata.tag_x)):
                # If the QC is in the bounding box then we should enter 'Hover'
                # mode and just hang there
                x_update = 0
                y_update = 0
                # # qc.angular.x = 0.0
                # qc.angular.y = 0.0
                # print("In the Box")

                # It's not in the bounding box therefore we should update the PIDs
                x_update = land.pid_x.update(navdata.tag_x)
                y_update = land.pid_y.update(navdata.tag_y)
                # print("%.3f" % land.pid_x.getError())

        # always update the altitude
        height_diff = land.max_altitudeGoal - land.altitude
        # We only want to execute these manuevers if we're in land mode
        if land.state == 'land':
            # print("%.3f m" % land.altitude)
            if (land.altitude > land.min_altitude):
                print("Go down")
                # qc.linear.z  = speed
                if (land.height_diff > land.min_altitude):
                    qc.linear.z = speed
                elif (land.height_diff <= land.min_altitude):
                    qc.linear.z = 0
                # elif((land.altitude < land.min_altitude)):
                if not (land.altitude == 0):
                    print("Eagle one has descended!")
                    # To change states, we publish the fact that we've
                    # reached our land altitude
                    rospy.loginfo("Going to secure mode")

        # qc.angular.z = yaw_update
        qc.linear.x = x_update
        qc.linear.y = y_update
        # qc.linear.z  = z_update

Пример #4
def main():
    min_altitude = 0.8  # mm
    altitude_goal = 2.5  # mm
    height_diff = 0  #mm
    timeout = 300  # seconds
    # pid_i = (kp, ki, kd, integrator, derivator, set_point)
    pid_x = (6, 0.625, 2.5, 0, 0, 500)
    pid_y = (6, 0.875, 3.75, 0, 0, 500)
    pid_z = (0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, altitude_goal)
    pid_theta = (1 / 260.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

    # set the bounding box
    bbx = (375, 625)
    bby = (375, 625)
    bounding_box = True

    bbx_min, bbx_max = bbx
    bby_min, bby_max = bby

    yaw_min = 10
    yaw_max = 350

    # controller update values
    yaw_update = 0
    x_update = 0
    y_update = 0
    z_update = 0

    navdata = nd()

    # Twist commands
    qc = Twist()

    follow = Follow(bbx, bby, pid_x, pid_y, pid_z, pid_theta, bounding_box)
    rate = rospy.Rate(200)

    while ((follow.state != 'follow')):
        # print takeoff.state

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        # always update the altitude
        if not (altitude_goal - 0.25 < navdata.altitude <
                altitude_goal + 0.25):
            # if (navdata.altitude < altitude_goal):
            z_update = follow.pid_z.update(navdata.altitude)
        # print("Theta %.2f"  % navdata.theta)
        # print("(%d, %d)"  % (navdata.tag_x, navdata.tag_y))
        if (altitude_goal - 0.25 < navdata.altitude):
            qc.linear.z = 0.25
        elif (navdata.altitude < altitude_goal + 0.25):
            qc.linear.z = -0.25
            qc.linear.z = 0

        if (navdata.tag_acquired):
            # If 10 < theta < 350 then let's rotate
            if ((yaw_min < navdata.theta) and (navdata.theta < yaw_max)):
                # if ((yaw_min < navdata.theta < yaw_max)):
                yaw_update = follow.pid_theta.update(navdata.theta - 180)
                # print "%.3f" % yaw_update
                # print "No yaw!"
                yaw_update = 0

            # is_in_box(minimum, maximum, position)
            if (follow.is_in_box(bbx_min, bbx_max, navdata.tag_y)
                    and follow.is_in_box(bby_min, bby_max, navdata.tag_x)):
                # If the QC is in the bounding box then we should enter 'Hover'
                # mode and just hang there
                x_update = 0
                y_update = 0
                # # qc.angular.x = 0.0
                # qc.angular.y = 0.0
                # print("In the Box")

                # It's not in the bounding box therefore we should update the PIDs
                x_update = follow.pid_x.update(navdata.tag_x)
                y_update = follow.pid_y.update(navdata.tag_y)
                # print("%.3f" % follow.pid_x.getError())

        qc.angular.z = yaw_update
        qc.linear.x = x_update
        qc.linear.y = y_update
        # qc.linear.z  = z_update
