def main():
    - Parse the CLI command into g.various data items.
    - Validate user-supplied directories; get environment variables.
    - Make queues to send instructions to pool of worker processes.
    - Create pool of worker processes.
    - Query the searchspace for the stream of instructions
    - For each instruction from database selection, get dict for line
    - Using dict args, construct plausible command lines, into file
    - For each instruction, expand to the number of samples (seeds) to use.
    - When we finally have a single instruction to execute, queue that
       to the worker jobs.
    - When all instructions have been queued, close down the worker processes.
    NTRC.ntracef(0, "MAIN", "Begin.")
    NTRC.ntracef(0, "MAIN", "TRACE  traceproduction|%s|" % NTRC.isProduction())

    sBrokerCommand = fnsReconstituteCommand(sys.argv)
    NTRC.ntracef(0, "MAIN", "command=|%s|" % (sBrokerCommand.rstrip()))

    # Get args from CLI and put them into the global data
    dCliDict = brokercli.fndCliParse("")
    # Carefully insert any new CLI values into the Global object.
    dCliDictClean = {
        k: util.fnIntPlease(v)
        for k, v in dCliDict.items() if v is not None

    # Validate that the user-specified directories exist.
    if not fnbValidateDir(g.sFamilyDir):
        raise ValueError("FamilyDir \"%s\" not found" % (g.sFamilyDir))
    if not fnbValidateDir("%s/%s" % (g.sFamilyDir, g.sSpecificDir)):
        raise ValueError("SpecificDir \"%s\" not found" % (g.sSpecificDir))

    # Get command templates from external file.

    # Construct database query for this invocation.
    g.cFmt = brokerformat.CFormat()
    dQuery = g.cFmt.fndFormatQuery(dCliDict, g)

    # Look for overriding environment variables

    # Open the database to keep "done" records,
    #  and delete moldy, old in-progress records.
    g.mdb = searchdatabasemongo.CSearchDatabase(
        g.sSearchDbMongoName, g.sSearchDbProgressCollectionName,

    # Get the set of instructions for today from database.
        0, "MAIN",
        "proc querydict2|%s|" % (list(util.fngSortDictItemsByKeys(dQuery))))
    itAllInstructions = searchspace.fndgGetSearchSpace(g.sInsDir, g.sInsTyp,

    # Start the start-end threads.
    # Define queues.
    # Need a Multiprocessing Manager to own the output queue.  (Do we?) (Yes.)
    mpmgr = mp.Manager()
    g.qJobs = mp.Queue()
    g.qOutput = mpmgr.Queue()
    # Start pool of worker processes.
    g.cWorkersInst = cworkers.CWorkers(nservers=g.nCores,

    # If this wasn't just a listonly run, do all the cases.
    if not g.sListOnly.startswith("Y"):
        NTRC.ntracef(3, "MAIN", "proc all instr|%s|" % (g.lGiantInstr))
        NTRC.ntracef(0, "MAIN", "Listonly.")
    nRuns = fnnProcessAllInstructions(itAllInstructions)
    NTRC.ntracef(0, "MAIN", "End queued all runs ncases|%s|" % (g.nCases, ))
Пример #2
def dumpParamsIntoLog():
    # We want a log file to be self-contained, so record all sorts
    #  of information in it about the parameters that resulted in
    #  the answers.
    lg.logInfo("MAIN","Simulation parameters")
    lg.logInfo("MAIN","Command line|%s|" % (sys.argv))
    sCmd = fnsReconstituteCommand(sys.argv)
    lg.logInfo("MAIN","Usable CLI line|%s|" % (sCmd))
    lg.logInfo("PARAMS","familydir|%s| specificdir|%s|" 
        % (G.sFamilyDir,G.sSpecificDir)) 
    lg.logInfo("PARAMS","RANDOM random seed|%d| "
        % (G.nRandomSeed))
    lg.logInfo("PARAMS","begin simulation timelimit|%d|hr=|%d|metricyr "
        % (G.nSimLength, G.nSimLength/10000, 
        G.nSimLengthDefault, G.nSimLengthDefault/10000))
    G.nPoliteTimer = int(os.getenv("NPOLITE", P.nPoliteTimer)) 
    lg.logInfo("PARAMS","POLITE time|%s|msec" % (G.nPoliteTimer)) 
    lg.logInfo("PARAMS","LOG    logfile|%s| loglevel|%s|" 
        % (G.sLogFile,G.sLogLevel)) 
    lg.logInfo("PARAMS", "TRACE  traceproduction|%s|" % NTRC.isProduction())

    # C l i e n t  params
    NTRC.ntracef(3,"MAIN","client params dict|%s|" 
        % (G.dClientParams))
    for sClient in G.dClientParams:
        lCollections = G.dClientParams[sClient]
        for lCollection in lCollections:
            (sCollection,nQuality,nDocs) = lCollection
            lg.logInfo("PARAMS","CLIENT client|%s| collection|%s| quality|%d| "
                % (sClient,sCollection,nQuality,nDocs))
    lg.logInfo("PARAMS", "ALLCLIENTS nDocuments|%s| override if nz" % (G.nDocuments))

    # S e r v e r  params
    NTRC.ntracef(3,"MAIN","server params dict|%s|" 
        % (G.dServerParams))
    for sServer in G.dServerParams:
        (nQuality,nShelfSize) = G.dServerParams[sServer][0]
        lg.logInfo("PARAMS","SERVER server|%s| quality|%d| shelfsize|%d|TB" 
            % (sServer,nQuality,nShelfSize))
    lg.logInfo("PARAMS","SERVER DefaultHalflife|%s|" 
        % (G.fServerDefaultHalflife))

    # S h e l f  params
    NTRC.ntracef(3,"MAIN","shelf params dict|%s|" % (G.dShelfParams))
    for nQuality in G.dShelfParams:
        (nSmallFailureRate,nShelfFailureRate) = G.dShelfParams[nQuality][0]
        lg.logInfo("PARAMS","SHELF quality|%d| smallfailrate|%d|Khr=|%d|yr "
            % (nQuality, nSmallFailureRate, nSmallFailureRate*1000/8766, 

    # D i s t r i b u t i o n  policy params.
    NTRC.ntracef(3,"MAIN","distn params dict|%s|" % (G.dDistnParams))
    for nValue in G.dDistnParams:
        (nQuality,nCopies) = G.dDistnParams[nValue][0]
        lg.logInfo("PARAMS","DISTRIBUTION value|%d| quality|%d| copies|%d|" 
            % (nValue,nQuality,nCopies))

    # D o c u m e n t  S i z e  params.
    NTRC.ntracef(3,"MAIN","document params dict|%s|" % (G.dDistnParams))
    for nValue in G.dDocParams:
        for lMode in G.dDocParams[nValue]:
            (nPercent,nMean,nSdev) = lMode
            lg.logInfo("PARAMS","DOCUMENT value|%d| percent|%d| "
                "meanMB|%d| sd|%d|" 
                % (nValue,nPercent,nMean,nSdev))

    # A u d i t  params.
    lg.logInfo("PARAMS","AUDIT interval hours|%s| segments|%s| type|%s| "
        "bandwidth Mbps|%s|" 
        % (G.nAuditCycleInterval, G.nAuditSegments, G.sAuditStrategy, 

    # G l i t c h  params.
    lg.logInfo("PARAMS","GLITCH freq|%d| impact|%d| span|%d| decay|%d| "
        "maxlife|%d| ignorelimit|%.3f|" 
        % (G.nGlitchFreq, G.nGlitchImpact, G.nGlitchSpan, G.nGlitchDecay, 
        G.nGlitchMaxlife, G.fGlitchIgnoreLimit))

    # S h o c k   params.
    lg.logInfo("PARAMS","SHOCKS freq|%d| impact|%d| span|%d| "
        "maxlife|%s| type|%s|" 
        % (G.nShockFreq, G.nShockImpact, G.nShockSpan, G.nShockMaxlife,
        G.nShockType ))
def main():
    - Parse the CLI command into g.various data items.
    - Validate user-supplied directories; get environment variables.
    - Query the searchspace for the stream of instructions
    - For each instruction from database selection, get dict for line
    - Using dict args, construct plausible command lines, into file
    - Check to see that there aren't too many similar processes 
      already running; if too many, then wait.
    - Launch ListActor process to execute commands.
    - Wait a polite interval before launching another.
    NTRC.ntracef(0, "MAIN", "Begin.")
    NTRC.ntracef(0, "MAIN", "TRACE  traceproduction|%s|" % NTRC.isProduction())

    sBrokerCommand = fnsReconstituteCommand(sys.argv)
    NTRC.ntracef(0, "MAIN", "command=|%s|" % (sBrokerCommand.rstrip()))

    # Get args from CLI and put them into the global data
    dCliDict = brokercli.fndCliParse("")
    # Carefully insert any new CLI values into the Global object.  
    dCliDictClean = {k:util.fnIntPlease(v) for k,v in dCliDict.items() 
                        if v is not None}

    # Validate that the user-specified directories exist.
    if not fnbValidateDir(g.sFamilyDir):
        raise ValueError("FamilyDir \"%s\" not found" % (g.sFamilyDir))
    if not fnbValidateDir("%s/%s" % (g.sFamilyDir, g.sSpecificDir)):
        raise ValueError("SpecificDir \"%s\" not found" % (g.sSpecificDir))

    # Get command templates from external file.

    # Construct database query for this invocation.
    g.cFmt = brokerformat.CFormat()
    dQuery = g.cFmt.fndFormatQuery(dCliDict, g)

    # Look for overriding environment variables

    # Open the database to keep "done" records,
    #  and delete moldy, old in-progress records.
    g.mdb = searchdatabasemongo.CSearchDatabase(g.sSearchDbMongoName, 
    # Get the set of instructions for today from database.
    NTRC.tracef(0,"MAIN","proc querydict2|%s|" % ((dQuery)))
    itAllInstructions = searchspace.fndgGetSearchSpace(g.sInsDir, g.sInsTyp, 
    nRuns = fnnProcessAllInstructions(itAllInstructions)
    # If this wasn't just a listonly run, do all the cases.  
    if not g.sListOnly.startswith("Y"):
        NTRC.ntracef(3, "MAIN", "proc all instr|%s|" % (g.lGiantInstr))
        nCases = nb.fntRunEverything(g, iter(g.lGiantInstr)
                                , g.nCoreTimer, g.nStuckLimit)
        nCases = len(g.lGiantInstr)
    NTRC.ntracef(0, "MAIN", "End ncases|%s|" % (nCases,))
def main():
    - Parse the CLI command into g.various data items.
    - Validate user-supplied directories; get environment variables.
    - Query the searchspace for the stream of instructions
    - For each instruction from database selection, get dict for line
    - Using dict args, construct plausible command lines, into file
    - Check to see that there aren't too many similar processes 
      already running; if too many, then wait.
    - Launch ListActor process to execute commands.
    - Wait a polite interval before launching another.
    NTRC.ntracef(0, "MAIN", "Begin.")
    NTRC.ntracef(0, "MAIN", "TRACE  traceproduction|%s|" % NTRC.isProduction())

    def fnbQEnd():
        return g.bLast

    sBrokerCommand = fnsReconstituteCommand(sys.argv)
    NTRC.ntracef(0, "MAIN", "command=|%s|" % (sBrokerCommand.rstrip()))

    # Get args from CLI and put them into the global data
    dCliDict = brokercli.fndCliParse("")
    # Carefully insert any new CLI values into the Global object.
    dCliDictClean = {
        k: util.fnIntPlease(v)
        for k, v in dCliDict.items() if v is not None

    # Validate that the user-specified directories exist.
    if not fnbValidateDir(g.sFamilyDir):
        raise ValueError("FamilyDir \"%s\" not found" % (g.sFamilyDir))
    if not fnbValidateDir("%s/%s" % (g.sFamilyDir, g.sSpecificDir)):
        raise ValueError("SpecificDir \"%s\" not found" % (g.sSpecificDir))

    # Get command templates from external file.

    # Construct database query for this invocation.
    g.cFmt = brokerformat.CFormat()
    dQuery = g.cFmt.fndFormatQuery(dCliDict, g)

    # Look for overriding environment variables

    # Open the database to keep "done" records,
    #  and delete moldy, old in-progress records.
    g.mdb = searchdatabasemongo.CSearchDatabase(
        g.sSearchDbMongoName, g.sSearchDbProgressCollectionName,

    # Get the set of instructions for today from database.
        0, "MAIN",
        "proc querydict2|%s|" % (list(util.fngSortDictItemsByKeys(dQuery))))
    itAllInstructions = searchspace.fndgGetSearchSpace(g.sInsDir, g.sInsTyp,

    # Start the start-end threads.
    nb.fntRunEverything(g, g.qInstructions, fnbQEnd, g.nCoreTimer,

    # If this wasn't just a listonly run, do all the cases.
    if not g.sListOnly.startswith("Y"):
        NTRC.ntracef(3, "MAIN", "proc all instr|%s|" % (g.lGiantInstr))
        NTRC.ntracef(0, "MAIN", "Listonly.")
    nRuns = fnnProcessAllInstructions(itAllInstructions)
    NTRC.ntracef(0, "MAIN", "End queued all runs ncases|%s|" % (g.nCases, ))