Пример #1
    del (monconn_jobs_local)
    del (mysql_conn)

############-----------------    Main Function

if __name__ == '__main__':

    ############----------------- Try Except to avoid Failure of code
        ], "Revival Mailer Weekly", "Jobs Processing from SQL Started!!!")

        ############-----------------    Start the timer
        print 'preProcessing Jobs...', time.ctime()
        start_time = time.time()
        htmls = HTMLStripper()

        ############-----------------    Loading the mapping for Bag of Words
        print 'Loading the mappings for bow'
        synMappingFileName = '../Features/rawData/LSI/Model_UnifiedTKE/unifiedtkelist.csv'
        keywordIdMappingFileName = '../Features/rawData/LSI/Model_UnifiedTKE/unifiedtkelist_numbered.csv'  #This file is created

############-----------------  Main Function
if __name__ == '__main__':

    ############----------------- Try Except to avoid Failure of code

        ], "SJ Onsite", "Similar Jobs Onsite Creation started !! ")

        ############-----------------  Start the timer
        start_time = time.time()
        print "Started at time", start_time, "seconds"

        ############-----------------  Remove the previous Mongo dump of Similar Jobs
        tablename = 'JobSuggestions'
        monconn_recommendations = MongoConnect(tablename,

if __name__ == '__main__':  

    ############-----------------Try Except to provide alert in case of code failure
        send_email(['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'],"Job Alert Mailer","Candidate DB Updation Started!!")

        ############-----------------  Loading the mappings for bow
        print "Loading Mapping for BOW"
        synMappingFileName = '/data/Projects/JobAlerts/Features/rawData/LSI/Model_UnifiedTKE/unifiedtkelist.csv'
        keywordIdMappingFileName = '/data/Projects/JobAlerts/Features/rawData/LSI/Model_UnifiedTKE/unifiedtkelist_numbered.csv' 
        mb = MyBOW(synMappingFileName, keywordIdMappingFileName)
        ############-----------------Creating the connection to candidates_processed_5 and dropping if already exist
Пример #4
    MONGO_PORT = 27017
    connection = Connection(MONGO_HOST, MONGO_PORT)  #leave blank for local db
    db = Database(connection, 'mailer_monthly')
    return db

############-----------------Try Except to provide alert in case of code failure


    ], "Revival Monthly", "Candidates Processeing Started !!")
    date = datetime.datetime.now()
    print date
    startdate, enddate = getMonthlyLoginRangeFor(date)
    print startdate
    days_from = (date - startdate).days
    print enddate
    days_to = (date - enddate).days

    ############-----------------Loading the mappings for Bag of Words
    print 'Loading the mappings for bow'
    synMappingFileName = '../Features/rawData/LSI/Model_UnifiedTKE/unifiedtkelist.csv'
    keywordIdMappingFileName = '../Features/rawData/LSI/Model_UnifiedTKE/unifiedtkelist_numbered.csv'  #This file is created
Пример #5
############-----------------Main Function

if __name__ == '__main__':

    ############-----------------Try Except to provide alert in case of code failure

            ], "Applies Incremental - JAM",
            'Incremental Applications Extraction started!!!\n Collection Name : candidate_applications \n DB Name : JobAlerts'

        ############-----------------Finding the date 183 days before today's date
        todayDate = date.today()
        previousDate = todayDate + relativedelta(days=-183)
        day1 = datetime.combine(previousDate, time(0, 0))

        ############-----------------Connection to the candidate_applications on Mongo(
        print 'Connecting to Mongodb..'
Пример #6
    MONGO_PORT = 27017
    connection = Connection(MONGO_HOST, MONGO_PORT)  #leave blank for local db
    db = Database(connection, 'JobAlerts')
    return db

############-----------------Try Except to provide alert in case of code failure

        ], "Spam Bounce Removal - JAM",
        'Spam Bounce Removal Started!!\nDB Name : candidates_processed_4')

    ############-----------------Loading the mappings for Bag of Words
    print 'Loading the mappings for bow'
    synMappingFileName = '../Features/rawData/LSI/Model_UnifiedTKE/unifiedtkelist.csv'
    keywordIdMappingFileName = '../Features/rawData/LSI/Model_UnifiedTKE/unifiedtkelist_numbered.csv'  #This file is created
    mb = MyBOW(synMappingFileName, keywordIdMappingFileName)
    print 'Loading the mappings for bow...finished'

    ############-----------------Creating Mongo Connection for candidates database
    MONGO_HOST = 'localhost'
    MONGO_PORT = 27017
    connection = Connection(MONGO_HOST, MONGO_PORT)  #leave blank for local db
    db = Database(connection, 'mailer_weekly')
    return db

############-----------------Try Except to provide alert in case of code failure

    ], "Revival Mailer Weekly", 'Candidates Processing Started !!!')

    date = datetime.datetime.now()
    print date
    startdate, enddate = getWeeklyLoginRangeFor(date)
    print startdate
    days_from = (date - startdate).days
    print enddate
    days_to = (date - enddate).days

    ############-----------------Loading the mappings for Bag of Words
    print 'Loading the mappings for bow'
    synMappingFileName = '../Features/rawData/LSI/Model_UnifiedTKE/unifiedtkelist.csv'
from Features.LSI_common.MyBOW import MyBOW  #Custom Module - /data/Projects/MidoutMailer/Features/LSI_common/MyBOW.py

############----------------- Main Function

if __name__ == '__main__':

    ############-----------------Try Except to provide alert in case of code failure


        ], "Midout Mailers", "Midouts Candidates Processing  Started!!!!")

        print 'Mongo connect module:'

        username = '******'
        password = '******'

        ############----------------- Dictionary for LookupExperience
        print "Loading Dictionary for Experience"
        tableName = 'LookupExperience'
        monconn_users = MongoConnect(tableName,
Пример #9
############-----------------    Printing all the numbers obtained
print "jobs_processed_count", jobs_processed_count
print "jobs_processed_tech_dump_count", jobs_processed_tech_dump_count
print "candidates_count", candidates_count
print "recommendations_count", recommendations_count

############-----------------    Alert Mailer in case any number in smaller than permissible limit

if jobs_processed_count > jobs_processed_tech_dump_count or jobs_processed_count < 3000:
        ], "Urgent!!!",
        "Job Alert Mailer : Jobs Count is Less!!!!!\nCall Akash (+91-8527716555) or Kanika (+91-9560649296) asap."

if recommendations_count < 2500000:
        ], "Urgent!!!",
        "Job Alert Mailer : Recommendations Count is Less!!!!!\nCall Akash (+91-8527716555) or Kanika (+91-9560649296) asap."
Пример #10
    del (monconn_jobs_local)
    del (mysql_conn)

############-----------------    Main Function
if __name__ == '__main__':

    ############----------------- Try Except to avoid Failure of code

        ], "SJ Onsite", "1 Months Jobs Processeing Started !!")

        ############-----------------    Start the timer
        print 'preProcessing Jobs...', time.ctime()
        start_time = time.time()
        htmls = HTMLStripper()

        ############-----------------    Loading the mapping for Bag of Words
        print 'Loading the mappings for bow'
        synMappingFileName = '../Features/rawData/LSI/Model_UnifiedTKE/unifiedtkelist.csv'
        keywordIdMappingFileName = '../Features/rawData/LSI/Model_UnifiedTKE/unifiedtkelist_numbered.csv'  #This file is created
from collections import defaultdict
from pprint import pprint
from Utils.Utils_1 import cleanToken
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

#Custom Modules
from DataConnections.MongoConnect.MongoConnect import MongoConnect  #Custom Module - /data/Projects/JobAlerts/DataConnections/MongoConnect/MongoConnect.py
from Notifier.Notifier import send_email  #Custom Module - /data/Projects/JobAlerts/Notifier/Notifier.py

############-----------------Credentials for server
    ['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'],
    "Resume Dump Incremental - JAM",
    'Resume Details Dump Incremental Started!!\n Collection Name : candidate_data \n DB Name : ResumeDump'
username = '******'
password = '******'
tableName = 'ResumeParserDump'
date1 = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=2)
print "Date : ", datetime.now()

############-----------------Try Except to provide alert in case of code failure
    ############-----------------Creating a mongo connection to miscellaneous DB
Пример #12
        MONGO_HOST, MONGO_PORT)  #######---------- Leave blank for local DB
    db = Database(connection, 'JobAlerts')
    return db

############-----------------Try Except to provide alert in case of code failure

        ], "Users Incremental - JAM",
        'Candidates Extraction from SOLR Started!!\n Collection Name : candidates_processed_4 \n DB Name : JobAlerts'

    ############-----------------Loading the mappings for Bag of Words
    print 'Loading the mappings for bow'
    synMappingFileName = '../Features/rawData/LSI/Model_UnifiedTKE/unifiedtkelist.csv'
    keywordIdMappingFileName = '../Features/rawData/LSI/Model_UnifiedTKE/unifiedtkelist_numbered.csv'  #This file is created
    mb = MyBOW(synMappingFileName, keywordIdMappingFileName)
    print 'Loading the mappings for bow...finished'

    ############-----------------Finding the date 183 days before today's date
Пример #13
    del (monconn_jobs_local)
    del (mysql_conn)

############-----------------    Main Function

if __name__ == '__main__':

    ############----------------- Try Except to avoid Failure of code
        ], "Midout Mailers", "Tech Dump Jobs Processeing Started !!")

        ############-----------------    Start the timer
        print 'preProcessing Jobs...', time.ctime()
        start_time = time.time()
        htmls = HTMLStripper()

        ############-----------------    Loading the mapping for Bag of Words
        print 'Loading the mappings for bow'
        synMappingFileName = '../Features/rawData/LSI/Model_UnifiedTKE/unifiedtkelist.csv'
        keywordIdMappingFileName = '../Features/rawData/LSI/Model_UnifiedTKE/unifiedtkelist_numbered.csv'  #This file is created
############-----------------  Main Function

if __name__ == '__main__':

    ############----------------- Try Except to avoid Failure of code


        ############-----------------  Start the timer
        ], "Revival Mailer Weekly", 'Recommendations generation Started!!!')
        start_time = time.time()
        print "Started at time", start_time, "seconds"

        ############-----------------  Drop the existing collection
        tablename = 'WeeklyMsgQueue'
        monconn_recommendations = MongoConnect(tablename,

Пример #15
def preProcessChunk(chunkID):

    ############-----------------    SQL Credentials
    port = 3308
    host = ""
    user = "******"
    password = "******"
    database = "SumoPlus"
    unix_socket = "/tmp/mysql.sock"
    port = 3306

    ############-----------------    Creating the SQL Query
    print "Loading Jobs From MySql...."
    mysql_conn = MySQLConnect(database, host, user, password, unix_socket,
    cmd1 = '''drop table if exists SumoPlus.XY'''
    cmd2 = '''create table SumoPlus.XY as 
         SELECT company_account_id,SUM(final_sale_price)as price,enabled,MAX(expiry_date)as expiry_date 
         from SumoPlus.backoffice_accountsales a1 
         where enabled in 
         (select min(enabled) from SumoPlus.backoffice_accountsales where a1.company_account_id=company_account_id)
         group by 1
    cmd3 = '''ALTER TABLE SumoPlus.XY add index company_account_id (company_account_id)'''
    cmd4 = '''SELECT
         rj.jobid as Jobid,
         rj.jobtitle as JobTitle,
         rj.description as JD,
         rj.isbocreated as back_office_job,
         rj.publisheddate as publisheddate,
         rj.republisheddate as republisheddate,
         rj.companyid_id as Company_id,
         rj.displayname as Company_name,
         la1.text_value_MAX as SalaryMax,
         la2.text_value_MIN as SalaryMin,
         le1.display as ExpMin,
         le2.display as ExpMax,
         li.industry_desc as Industry,
         group_concat(c.AttValueCustom,'') as keySkills,
         group_concat(fn.field_enu,'') as function,
         group_concat(l.city_desc,'') as location,
         group_concat(fn.sub_field_enu,'') as subfunction,
         case account_type
         when 0 THEN "Company"
         when 1 THEN "Consultant"
         when 2 THEN "Others"
         when 3 THEN "Enterprise"
         ELSE "Not Specified"
         END AS account_type,
         IF(XY.enabled = 1 AND XY.price != 0 AND XY.expiry_date > CURDATE(),'Paid','Free') AS 'flag'        
         (select * from recruiter_job 
            where recruiter_job.jobstatus in (3,9) 
            and (DATEDIFF( CURDATE(),DATE(recruiter_job.publisheddate)) < 16 OR DATEDIFF( CURDATE(),DATE(recruiter_job.republisheddate)) < 16) 
         ) AS rj 
         left join lookup_annualsalary AS la1 on rj.salarymax = la1.salary_id 
         left join  lookup_annualsalary AS la2 on rj.salarymin = la2.salary_id 
         left join lookup_experience AS le1 on rj.minexperience = le1.value 
         left join  lookup_experience AS le2 on rj.maxexperience = le2.value 
         left join recruiter_jobattribute as c on rj.jobid = c.jobid_id 
         left join  lookup_industry AS li on rj.industry=li.industry_id 
         left join lookup_subfunctionalarea_new163 AS fn on fn.sub_field_id = c.AttValue AND c.AttType = 12 
         left join lookup_city_new512 AS l on  l.city_id = c.AttValue AND c.AttType = 13 
         left join SumoPlus.XY AS XY on XY.company_account_id = rj.companyid_id
         left join SumoPlus.backoffice_companyaccount AS F on  F.id= rj.companyid_id       
         c.AttType in (3,12,13) 
         group by rj.jobid

    cmd5 = '''drop table if exists SumoPlus.XY

    ############-----------------    Executing the SQL Query
    print 'chnukID:', chunkID, ': Loading jobs from SQL....', time.ctime()
    jobs = mysql_conn.query(cmd4)
    print 'chunkID:', chunkID, ': Loading jobs from SQL....completed..', time.ctime(
    print 'chunkid:', chunkID, ' : Number of jobs loaded: ', len(jobs)

    ############-----------------Connecting to Jobs Collections Mongo (
    print 'Connecting to Mongodb..'
    tableName = 'jobs_processed'
    monconn_jobs_local = MongoConnect(tableName,
    monconn_jobs_local_cur = monconn_jobs_local.getCursor()
    print 'Connecting to Mongodb...finished'

    ############-----------------Processing the Jobs data extracted from SQL
    i = 0
    for job in jobs:
        if i % 1000 == 0:
            print '\tchunkID:', chunkID, ' numRecords:', i, ' completed in ', time.time(
            ) - start_time, ' seconds'
        job_id = job['Jobid']
        job_title = cleanToken(job['JobTitle'])
        job_maxexp = cleanToken(job['ExpMax'])
        job_minexp = cleanToken(job['ExpMin'])
        job_maxsal = cleanToken(job['SalaryMax'])
        job_minsal = cleanToken(job['SalaryMin'])
        job_jd = cleanHTML(cleanToken(job['JD']))
        job_industry = cleanToken(job['Industry'])
        job_location = removeDup(job['location'])
        job_subfunction = removeDup(cleanToken(job['subfunction']))
        job_function = removeDup(cleanToken(job['function']))
        job_skills = removeDup(cleanToken(job['keySkills']))
        job_flag = job['flag']
        job_accounttype = job['account_type']
        job_company_id = job['Company_id']
        job_company_name = cleanToken(job['Company_name'])
        job_published_date = job['publisheddate']
        job_republished_date = job['republisheddate']
        job_back_office = int(job['back_office_job'])
        job_location = job_location.replace(', ', ',').lower().split(',')
        if job_company_id == 421880:  #######---------- Altimetrik Jobs removed

        ############-----------------Creating Bag of Words for Text
        text = 5 * (" " + job_title) + ' ' + 5 * (
            " " + job_skills) + ' ' + 1 * (" " + job_jd) + ' ' + 2 * (
                " " + job_industry) + ' ' + 2 * (
                    " " + job_function) + ' ' + 2 * (" " + job_subfunction)
        text = text.replace('candidates', ' ')
        job_bow = mb.getBow(text, getbowdict=0)

        ############-----------------Creating Job document to be saved in Mongo
        document = {'job_id': job_id, 'job_title': job_title,'job_function':job_function, \
             'job_maxexp': job_maxexp, 'job_minexp': job_minexp,\
             'job_location':job_location, 'job_subfunction':job_subfunction,\
             'job_maxsal':job_maxsal,'job_minsal':job_minsal, 'job_skills': job_skills, \
             'job_bow': job_bow, 'job_industry': job_industry, 'job_jd': job_jd, \
             'job_flag':job_flag,'job_accounttype':job_accounttype, \

        ############-----------------Saving the document in Job collection Mongo (
        i += 1

    print "Processing finished....."
    print 'chunkID:', chunkID, ' Total time taken is: ', time.time(
    ) - start_time, ' seconds.'
    end_time = time.time()
    time_taken = end_time - start_time
    ], "Revival Mailer Weekly", 'Jobs Processed ' + str(i) + ' in :' +
               str(end_time - start_time) + ' seconds')

    ############-----------------Changing the status of completion and deleting the mongo connections
    del (monconn_jobs_local)
    del (mysql_conn)
Пример #16
def preProcessChunk(chunkID):

    ############-----------------    SQL Credentials
    port = 3308
    host = ""
    user = "******"
    password = "******"
    database = "SumoPlus"
    unix_socket = "/tmp/mysql.sock"
    port = 3306

    ############-----------------    Creating the SQL Query
    print "Loading Jobs From MySql...."
    mysql_conn = MySQLConnect(database, host, user, password, unix_socket,
    cmd1 = '''drop table if exists SumoPlus.XY'''
    cmd2 = '''create table SumoPlus.XY as 
         SELECT company_account_id,SUM(final_sale_price)as price,enabled,MAX(expiry_date)as expiry_date 
         from SumoPlus.backoffice_accountsales a1 
         where enabled in 
         (select min(enabled) from SumoPlus.backoffice_accountsales where a1.company_account_id=company_account_id)
         group by 1
    cmd3 = '''ALTER TABLE SumoPlus.XY add index company_account_id (company_account_id)'''
    cmd4 = '''SELECT
         rj.jobid as Jobid,
         rj.jobtitle as JobTitle,
         rj.description as JD,
         rj.companyid_id as Company_id,
         rj.publisheddate as publisheddate,
         rj.displayname as Company_name,
         la1.text_value_MAX as SalaryMax,
         la2.text_value_MIN as SalaryMin,
         le1.display as ExpMin,
         le2.display as ExpMax,
         li.industry_desc as Industry,
         group_concat(c.AttValueCustom,'') as keySkills,
         group_concat(fn.field_enu,'') as function,
         group_concat(l.city_desc,'') as location,
         group_concat(fn.sub_field_enu,'') as subfunction,
         case account_type
         when 0 THEN "Company"
         when 1 THEN "Consultant"
         when 2 THEN "Others"
         when 3 THEN "Enterprise"
         ELSE "Not Specified"
         END AS account_type,
         IF(XY.enabled = 1 AND XY.price != 0 AND XY.expiry_date > CURDATE(),'Paid','Free') AS 'flag'        
         (select * from recruiter_job 
            where recruiter_job.jobstatus in (3,9) 
            and (DATEDIFF( CURDATE(),DATE(recruiter_job.publisheddate)) < 20 OR DATEDIFF( CURDATE(),DATE(recruiter_job.republisheddate)) < 20)  
         ) AS rj 
         left join lookup_annualsalary AS la1 on rj.salarymax = la1.salary_id 
         left join  lookup_annualsalary AS la2 on rj.salarymin = la2.salary_id 
         left join lookup_experience AS le1 on rj.minexperience = le1.value 
         left join  lookup_experience AS le2 on rj.maxexperience = le2.value 
         left join recruiter_jobattribute as c on rj.jobid = c.jobid_id 
         left join  lookup_industry AS li on rj.industry=li.industry_id 
         left join lookup_subfunctionalarea_new163 AS fn on fn.sub_field_id = c.AttValue AND c.AttType = 12 
         left join lookup_city_new512 AS l on  l.city_id = c.AttValue AND c.AttType = 13 
         left join SumoPlus.XY AS XY on XY.company_account_id = rj.companyid_id
         left join SumoPlus.backoffice_companyaccount AS F on  F.id= rj.companyid_id       
         c.AttType in (3,12,13) 
         group by rj.jobid

    cmd5 = '''drop table if exists SumoPlus.XY

    ############-----------------    Executing the SQL Query
    print 'chnukID:', chunkID, ': Loading jobs from SQL....', time.ctime()
    jobs = mysql_conn.query(cmd4)
    print 'chunkID:', chunkID, ': Loading jobs from SQL....completed..', time.ctime(
    print 'chunkid:', chunkID, ' : Number of jobs loaded: ', len(jobs)

    ############-----------------    Connecting to Jobs Tech Dump Collections Mongo (
    print 'Connecting to Mongodb..'
    tableName = 'JobDesc_weekly'
    monconn_jobs_local = MongoConnect(tableName,
    monconn_jobs_local_cur = monconn_jobs_local.getCursor()
    print 'Connecting to Mongodb...finished'

    ############-----------------Processing the Jobs data extracted from SQL
    i = 0
    for job in jobs:
        if i % 1000 == 0:
            print '\tchunkID:', chunkID, ' numRecords:', i, ' completed in ', time.time(
            ) - start_time, ' seconds'
        _id = job['Jobid']
        comp_name = cleanToken_1(job.get('Company_name', None))
        loc = (removeDup(job.get('location', None))).replace(', ',
        min_exp = job.get('ExpMin', None)
        title = cleanToken_1(job.get('JobTitle', None))
        max_exp = job.get('ExpMax', None)
        pub_date = job.get('publisheddate', None)
        id = job['Jobid']
        job_flag = job.get('flag')

        p = 0
        if job_flag == "Paid":
            p = 1
            p = 0

        desc = None

        ############-----------------Creating Job document to be saved in Mongo
        document = {
            '_id': _id,
            'comp_name': comp_name,
            'loc': loc,
            'min_exp': min_exp,
            'title': title,
            'max_exp': max_exp,
            'pub_date': pub_date,
            'id': id,
            'p': p,
            'desc': desc

        ############-----------------Saving the document in Job collection Mongo (
        i += 1

    print "Processing finished....."
    print 'chunkID:', chunkID, ' Total time taken is: ', time.time(
    ) - start_time, ' seconds.'
    end_time = time.time()
    time_taken = end_time - start_time
    ], "Revival Mailer Weekly", 'TEch Dump Jobs Processed ' + str(i) +
               ' in :' + str(end_time - start_time) + ' seconds')

    ############-----------------Deleting the mongo connections
    del (monconn_jobs_local)
    del (mysql_conn)
Пример #17

############-----------------  Main Function

if __name__ == '__main__':

    ############----------------- Try Except to avoid Failure of code

        ], "Revival Monthly", "Recommendation Generation Started !!")

        ############-----------------  Start the timer
        start_time = time.time()
        print "Started at time", start_time, "seconds"

        ############-----------------  Drop the existing collection
        tablename = 'MonthlyMsgQueue'
        monconn_recommendations = MongoConnect(tablename,
def preProcessChunk(chunkID):
    ############-----------------    SQL Credentials
    #Connect to SQL table and get the jobs data
    port = 3308

    port = 3306

    ############-----------------    Creating the SQL Query
    print "Loading Jobs From MySql...."
    mysql_conn = MySQLConnect(database, host, user, password, unix_socket, port)
    #cmd = '''SELECT rj.jobid as Jobid,rj.jobtitle as JobTitle,rj.description as JD,la1.text_value_MAX as SalaryMax,la2.text_value_MIN as SalaryMin,le1.display as ExpMin,le2.display as ExpMax,li.industry_desc as Industry,c.AttValueCustom as keySkills,l.city_desc as location,fn.field_enu as function,fn.sub_field_enu as subfunction from recruiter_job AS rj left join lookup_annualsalary AS la1 on rj.salarymax = la1.salary_id left join  lookup_annualsalary AS la2 on rj.salarymin = la2.salary_id left join lookup_experience AS le1 on rj.minexperience = le1.value left join  lookup_experience AS le2 on rj.maxexperience = le2.value left join recruiter_jobattribute as c on rj.jobid = c.jobid_id left join  lookup_industry AS li on rj.industry=li.industry_id left join lookup_subfunctionalarea_new163 AS fn on fn.sub_field_id = c.AttValue AND c.AttType = 12 left join lookup_city_new512 AS l on  l.city_id = c.AttValue AND c.AttType = 13 WHERE rj.jobstatus in (3,5,6,9) and c.AttType in (3,12,13) and (DATEDIFF( CURDATE(),DATE(rj.publisheddate)) < 4 OR DATEDIFF( CURDATE(),DATE(rj.republisheddate)) < 4)  and rj.jobid%''' + str(numChunks) + '=' + str(chunkID)
    #cmd = '''SELECT rj.jobid as Jobid,rj.jobtitle as JobTitle,rj.description as JD,la1.text_value_MAX as SalaryMax,la2.text_value_MIN as SalaryMin,le1.display as ExpMin,le2.display as ExpMax,li.industry_desc as Industry,c.AttValueCustom as keySkills,l.city_desc as location,fn.field_enu as function,fn.sub_field_enu as subfunction from recruiter_job AS rj left join lookup_annualsalary AS la1 on rj.salarymax = la1.salary_id left join  lookup_annualsalary AS la2 on rj.salarymin = la2.salary_id left join lookup_experience AS le1 on rj.minexperience = le1.value left join  lookup_experience AS le2 on rj.maxexperience = le2.value left join recruiter_jobattribute as c on rj.jobid = c.jobid_id left join  lookup_industry AS li on rj.industry=li.industry_id left join lookup_subfunctionalarea_new163 AS fn on fn.sub_field_id = c.AttValue AND c.AttType = 12 left join lookup_city_new512 AS l on  l.city_id = c.AttValue AND c.AttType = 13 WHERE rj.jobstatus in (3,5,6,9) and c.AttType in (3,12,13) and (DATEDIFF( CURDATE(),DATE(rj.publisheddate)) < 4 OR DATEDIFF( CURDATE(),DATE(rj.republisheddate)) < 4)'''
    #print cmd
        rj.jobid as Jobid,
        rj.jobtitle as JobTitle,
        rj.description as JD,
        la1.text_value_MAX as SalaryMax,
        la2.text_value_MIN as SalaryMin,
        le1.display as ExpMin,
        le2.display as ExpMax,
        li.industry_desc as Industry,
        group_concat(c.AttValueCustom,'') as keySkills,
        group_concat(fn.field_enu,'') as function,
        group_concat(l.city_desc,'') as location,
        group_concat(fn.sub_field_enu,'') as subfunction 
        (select * from recruiter_job 
            where recruiter_job.jobstatus in (3,9) 
            and (DATEDIFF( CURDATE(),DATE(recruiter_job.publisheddate)) < 8 OR DATEDIFF( CURDATE(),DATE(recruiter_job.republisheddate)) < 8)  
        ) AS rj 
        left join lookup_annualsalary AS la1 on rj.salarymax = la1.salary_id 
        left join  lookup_annualsalary AS la2 on rj.salarymin = la2.salary_id 
        left join lookup_experience AS le1 on rj.minexperience = le1.value 
        left join  lookup_experience AS le2 on rj.maxexperience = le2.value 
        left join recruiter_jobattribute as c on rj.jobid = c.jobid_id 
        left join  lookup_industry AS li on rj.industry=li.industry_id 
        left join lookup_subfunctionalarea_new163 AS fn on fn.sub_field_id = c.AttValue AND c.AttType = 12 
        left join lookup_city_new512 AS l on  l.city_id = c.AttValue AND c.AttType = 13 
        c.AttType in (3,12,13) 
        group by rj.jobid

    ############-----------------    Executing the SQL Query
    print 'chnukID:', chunkID, ': Loading jobs from SQL....', time.ctime()
    jobs = mysql_conn.query(cmd)
    print 'chunkID:', chunkID,': Loading jobs from SQL....completed..', time.ctime()
    print 'chunkid:', chunkID, ' : Number of jobs loaded: ', len(jobs)

    ############-----------------Connecting to Jobs Collections Mongo (
    print 'Connecting to Mongodb..'
    tableName = 'jobs_processed_midout'
    monconn_jobs_local = MongoConnect(tableName , host = 'localhost', database = 'Midout_Mailers')
    monconn_jobs_local_cur = monconn_jobs_local.getCursor()
    print 'Connecting to Mongodb...finished'
    ############-----------------Processing the Jobs data extracted from SQL
    i = 0
    for job in jobs:
        #print i
        if i%1000 == 0:
            print '\tchunkID:', chunkID, ' numRecords:' , i,  ' completed in ', time.time() - start_time, ' seconds'
        job_id = job['Jobid']
        job_title = cleanToken(job['JobTitle'])
        job_maxexp = cleanToken(job['ExpMax'])
        job_minexp = cleanToken(job['ExpMin'])  
        job_maxsal = cleanToken(job['SalaryMax'])
        job_minsal = cleanToken(job['SalaryMin'])  
        job_jd = cleanHTML(cleanToken(job['JD']) )
        job_industry = cleanToken(job['Industry'])

        ############-----------------Creating Bag of Words for Text
        text = 5*(" "+job_title) + ' ' + 5*(" "+job_skills) + ' ' + 1*(" "+job_jd) +' '+2*(" "+job_industry)+' '+2*(" "+job_function)+' '+2*(" "+job_subfunction)
        text = text.replace('candidates', ' ')
        job_bow = mb.getBow(text, getbowdict = 0)

        ############-----------------Creating Job document to be saved in Mongo
        document = {'job_id': job_id, 'job_title': job_title,'job_function':job_function, \
             'job_maxexp': job_maxexp, 'job_minexp': job_minexp,\
             'job_location':job_location, 'job_subfunction':job_subfunction,\
             'job_maxsal':job_maxsal,'job_minsal':job_minsal, 'job_skills': job_skills, \
             'job_bow': job_bow, 'job_industry': job_industry, 'job_jd': job_jd

        ############-----------------Saving the document in Job collection Mongo (
        i += 1

    print "Processing finished....."    
    print 'chunkID:', chunkID, ' Total time taken is: ', time.time() - start_time, ' seconds.'
    end_time = time.time()
    time_taken = end_time - start_time
    send_email(['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'],"Midout Mailers",'Jobs Processed '+str(i)+' in :' + str(end_time - start_time) + ' seconds')
    #os.system(' echo "Jobs Processed '+str(i)+' in :' + str(end_time - start_time) + ' seconds' +' " | mutt -s "Midout Mailers" [email protected] ,[email protected]')