def get_metadata(input_dir, tree, debug=0): json_name = 'metadata.json' file_metadata = {} json_files = listFiles(input_dir, match=json_name) if len(json_files) == 0: print 'no metadata file {} in input dir: {}'.format( json_name, input_dir) print 'Will now index files...' files = listFiles(input_dir) print '# of files: {}'.format(len(files)) for idx, file_name in enumerate(files): ntuple = HGCalNtuple([file_name], tree) nevents = ntuple.nevents() file_metadata[file_name] = nevents if debug > 2: print ' [{}] file: {} # events: {}'.format( idx, file_name, nevents) with open(json_name, 'w') as fp: json.dump(file_metadata, fp) copy_to_eos(file_name=json_name, target_dir=input_dir, target_file_name=json_name) else: print 'dir already indexed, will read metadata...' unique_filename = '{}.json'.format(uuid.uuid4()) copy_from_eos(input_dir=input_dir, file_name=json_name, target_file_name=unique_filename) with open(unique_filename, 'r') as fp: file_metadata = json.load(fp) os.remove(unique_filename) return file_metadata
def main(): ntuple = HGCalNtuple( "/Users/clange/CERNBox/partGun_PDGid211_x120_E80.0To80.0_NTUP_9.root") tot_nevents = 0 tot_genpart = 0 tot_rechit = 0 tot_rechit_raw = 0 tot_cluster2d = 0 tot_multiclus = 0 tot_simcluster = 0 tot_pfcluster = 0 tot_calopart = 0 tot_track = 0 for event in ntuple: # print "Event", event.entry() tot_nevents += 1 genParts = event.genParticles() tot_genpart += len(genParts) recHits = event.recHits() tot_rechit += len(recHits) if (ntuple.hasRawRecHits()): recHitsRaw = event.recHits("rechit_raw") tot_rechit_raw += len(recHitsRaw) layerClusters = event.layerClusters() tot_cluster2d += len(layerClusters) multiClusters = event.multiClusters() tot_multiclus += len(multiClusters) simClusters = event.simClusters() tot_simcluster += len(simClusters) pfClusters = event.pfClusters() tot_pfcluster += len(pfClusters) pfClusters = event.pfClusters() tot_pfcluster += len(pfClusters) caloParts = event.caloParticles() tot_calopart += len(caloParts) tracks = event.tracks() tot_track += len(tracks) # for genPart in genParts: # print tot_nevents, "genPart pt:", print "Processed %d events" % tot_nevents print "On average %f generator particles" % (float(tot_genpart) / tot_nevents) print "On average %f reconstructed hits" % (float(tot_rechit) / tot_nevents) print "On average %f raw reconstructed hits" % (float(tot_rechit_raw) / tot_nevents) print "On average %f layer clusters" % (float(tot_cluster2d) / tot_nevents) print "On average %f multi-clusters" % (float(tot_multiclus) / tot_nevents) print "On average %f sim-clusters" % (float(tot_simcluster) / tot_nevents) print "On average %f PF clusters" % (float(tot_pfcluster) / tot_nevents) print "On average %f calo particles" % (float(tot_calopart) / tot_nevents) print "On average %f tracks" % (float(tot_track) / tot_nevents)
def main(): relFractionE = 0.001 # set sample/tree - for pions pidSelected = 211 # GEN_eng = 5. # ntuple = HGCalNtuple("/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomEGunProducer_pdgid211_E5_cmssw93X_withPRs_20170817/NTUP/partGun_PDGid211_x100_E5.0To5.0_NTUP.root") # GEN_eng = 20. # ntuple = HGCalNtuple("/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomEGunProducer_pdgid211_E20_cmssw93X_withPRs_20170817/NTUP/partGun_PDGid211_x100_E20.0To20.0_NTUP.root") # GEN_eng = 50. # ntuple = HGCalNtuple("/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomEGunProducer_pdgid211_E50_cmssw93X_withPRs_20170809/NTUP/partGun_PDGid211_x100_E50.0To50.0_NTUP.root") # GEN_eng = 100. # ntuple = HGCalNtuple("/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomEGunProducer_pdgid211_E100_cmssw93X_withPRs_20170817/NTUP/partGun_PDGid211_x100_E100.0To100.0_NTUP.root") # GEN_eng = 300. # ntuple = HGCalNtuple("/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomEGunProducer_pdgid211_E300_cmssw93X_withPRs_20170817/NTUP/partGun_PDGid211_x100_E300.0To300.0_NTUP.root") # set sample/tree - for photons pidSelected = 22 GEN_eng = 5. ntuple = HGCalNtuple( "/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomEGunProducer_pdgid22_E5_cmssw93X_withPRs_20170809/NTUP/partGun_PDGid22_x100_E5.0To5.0_NTUP.root" ) # GEN_eng = 20. # ntuple = HGCalNtuple("/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomEGunProducer_pdgid22_E20_cmssw93X_withPRs_20170817/NTUP/partGun_PDGid22_x100_E20.0To20.0_NTUP.root") # GEN_eng = 50. # ntuple = HGCalNtuple("/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomEGunProducer_pdgid22_E50_cmssw93X_withPRs_20170817/NTUP/partGun_PDGid22_x100_E50.0To50.0_NTUP.root") # GEN_eng = 100. # ntuple = HGCalNtuple("/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomEGunProducer_pdgid22_E100_cmssw93X_withPRs_20170817/NTUP/partGun_PDGid22_x100_E100.0To100.0_NTUP.root") # GEN_eng = 300. # ntuple = HGCalNtuple("/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomEGunProducer_pdgid22_E300_cmssw93X_withPRs_20170817/NTUP/partGun_PDGid22_x100_E300.0To300.0_NTUP.root") # ntuple = HGCalNtuple("../data/_SingleGammaPt100Eta1p6_2p8_PhaseIITDRFall17DR-noPUFEVT_93X_upgrade2023_realistic_v2-v1_GEN-SIM-RECO/NTUP/_SingleGammaPt100Eta1p6_2p8_PhaseIITDRFall17DR-noPUFEVT_93X_upgrade2023_realistic_v2-v1_GEN-SIM-RECO_NTUP_1.root") runCalibrationScaleResolution(pidSelected, GEN_eng, ntuple, relFractionE)
def main(): relFractionE = 0.001 # set sample/tree - for pions pidSelected = 211 # GEN_eng = 5. # ntuple = HGCalNtuple("/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomEGunProducer_pdgid211_E5_cmssw93X_withPRs_20170817/NTUP/partGun_PDGid211_x100_E5.0To5.0_NTUP.root") # GEN_eng = 20. # ntuple = HGCalNtuple("/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomEGunProducer_pdgid211_E20_cmssw93X_withPRs_20170817/NTUP/partGun_PDGid211_x100_E20.0To20.0_NTUP.root") # GEN_eng = 50. # ntuple = HGCalNtuple("/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomEGunProducer_pdgid211_E50_cmssw93X_withPRs_20170809/NTUP/partGun_PDGid211_x100_E50.0To50.0_NTUP.root") # GEN_eng = 100. # ntuple = HGCalNtuple("/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomEGunProducer_pdgid211_E100_cmssw93X_withPRs_20170817/NTUP/partGun_PDGid211_x100_E100.0To100.0_NTUP.root") # GEN_eng = 300. # ntuple = HGCalNtuple("/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomEGunProducer_pdgid211_E300_cmssw93X_withPRs_20170817/NTUP/partGun_PDGid211_x100_E300.0To300.0_NTUP.root") # set sample/tree - for photons pidSelected = 22 GEN_eng = 5. ntuple = HGCalNtuple( "/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomEGunProducer_pdgid22_E5_cmssw93X_withPRs_20170809/NTUP/partGun_PDGid22_x100_E5.0To5.0_NTUP.root" ) # GEN_eng = 20. # ntuple = HGCalNtuple("/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomEGunProducer_pdgid22_E20_cmssw93X_withPRs_20170817/NTUP/partGun_PDGid22_x100_E20.0To20.0_NTUP.root") # GEN_eng = 50. # ntuple = HGCalNtuple("/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomEGunProducer_pdgid22_E50_cmssw93X_withPRs_20170817/NTUP/partGun_PDGid22_x100_E50.0To50.0_NTUP.root") # GEN_eng = 100. # ntuple = HGCalNtuple("/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomEGunProducer_pdgid22_E100_cmssw93X_withPRs_20170817/NTUP/partGun_PDGid22_x100_E100.0To100.0_NTUP.root") # GEN_eng = 300. # ntuple = HGCalNtuple("/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomEGunProducer_pdgid22_E300_cmssw93X_withPRs_20170817/NTUP/partGun_PDGid22_x100_E300.0To300.0_NTUP.root") runCalibrationScaleResolution(pidSelected, GEN_eng, ntuple, relFractionE)
def main(): global opt, args usage = ('usage: %prog [options]\n' + '%prog -h for help') parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage) # input options parser.add_option( '', '--files', dest='fileString', type='string', default= '/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomPtGunProducer_SinglePiPt2Eta1p6_2p8_Fall17DR-NoPUFEVT_clange_20180129/NTUP/partGun_PDGid211_x60_Pt2.0To2.0_NTUP_6.root', help='comma-separated file list') parser.add_option('', '--gunType', dest='gunType', type='string', default='pt', help='pt or e') parser.add_option('', '--pid', dest='pid', type='int', default=211, help='pdgId int') parser.add_option('', '--genValue', dest='genValue', type='float', default=25, help='generated pT or energy') # store options and arguments as global variables global opt, args (opt, args) = parser.parse_args() print "files:", opt.fileString print "gunType:", opt.gunType print "pid:", print "GEN_engpt:", opt.genValue # set sample/tree - for photons gun_type = opt.gunType pidSelected = GEN_engpt = opt.genValue fileList = opt.fileString.split(",") for fileName in fileList: ntuple = HGCalNtuple(opt.fileString) for event in ntuple: if (event.entry() > 11): break SACEvt = SACevent(event, 60) SACEvt.Print()
def main(): inFile = sys.argv[1] ntuple = HGCalNtuple(inFile) maxEvents = 10 tot_nevents = 0 tot_genpart = 0 tot_rechit = 0 tot_cluster2d = 0 tot_multiclus = 0 tot_simcluster = 0 tot_pfcluster = 0 tot_calopart = 0 tot_track = 0 for event in ntuple: if event.entry() >= maxEvents: break print("Event", event.entry() + 1) tot_nevents += 1 genParts = event.genParticles() tot_genpart += len(genParts) recHits = event.recHits() tot_rechit += len(recHits) layerClusters = event.layerClusters() tot_cluster2d += len(layerClusters) multiClusters = event.multiClusters() tot_multiclus += len(multiClusters) simClusters = event.simClusters() tot_simcluster += len(simClusters) pfClusters = event.pfClusters() tot_pfcluster += len(pfClusters) pfClusters = event.pfClusters() tot_pfcluster += len(pfClusters) caloParts = event.caloParticles() tot_calopart += len(caloParts) tracks = event.tracks() tot_track += len(tracks) # for genPart in genParts: # print(tot_nevents, "genPart pt:", print("Processed %d events" % tot_nevents) print("On average %f generator particles" % (float(tot_genpart) / tot_nevents)) print("On average %f reconstructed hits" % (float(tot_rechit) / tot_nevents)) print("On average %f layer clusters" % (float(tot_cluster2d) / tot_nevents)) print("On average %f multi-clusters" % (float(tot_multiclus) / tot_nevents)) print("On average %f sim-clusters" % (float(tot_simcluster) / tot_nevents)) print("On average %f PF clusters" % (float(tot_pfcluster) / tot_nevents)) print("On average %f calo particles" % (float(tot_calopart) / tot_nevents)) print("On average %f tracks" % (float(tot_track) / tot_nevents))
def main(): # ============================================ # configuration bit maxEvents = 100 debug = 1 input_base_dir = '/Users/cerminar/cernbox/hgcal/CMSSW932/' #input_sample_dir = 'FlatRandomEGunProducer_EleGunE50_1p7_2p8_PU0_20171005/NTUP/' #output_filename = 'histos_EleE50_PU0.root' # input_sample_dir = 'FlatRandomEGunProducer_EleGunE50_1p7_2p8_PU50_20171005/NTUP/' # output_filename = 'histos_EleE50_PU50.root' input_sample_dir = 'FlatRandomEGunProducer_EleGunE50_1p7_2p8_PU200_20171005/NTUP/' output_filename = 'histos_EleE50_PU200.root' # ============================================ input_files = listFiles(os.path.join(input_base_dir, input_sample_dir)) print('- dir {} contains {} files.'.format(input_sample_dir, len(input_files))) chain = getChain('hgcalTriggerNtuplizer/HGCalTriggerNtuple', input_files) print('- created TChain containing {} events'.format(chain.GetEntries())) ntuple = HGCalNtuple(input_files, tree='hgcalTriggerNtuplizer/HGCalTriggerNtuple') output = ROOT.TFile(output_filename, "RECREATE") hgen = histos.GenPartHistos('h_genAll') htc = histos.TCHistos('h_tcAll') h2dcl = histos.ClusterHistos('h_clAll') h3dcl = histos.Cluster3DHistos('h_cl3dAll') import time import numpy as np def loopNP(narray, buff): for e in range(0, len(narray)): buff += narray[e] return buff def loopROOT(narray, buff): for e in range(0, len(narray)): buff += narray[e] return buff def loopCMG(narray, buff): for row in narray['energy']: buff += row buff = np.sum(narray['energy']) # # print # for e in range(0, len(narray._dataframe)): # buff += narray._dataframe.loc[e].tc_energy return buff for ientry, entry in enumerate(chain): print(ientry) if ientry == 2: break start = time.clock() narray_id = np.array(entry.tc_id) narray_subdet = np.array(entry.tc_subdet) narray_zside = np.array(entry.tc_zside) narray_wafer = np.array(entry.tc_wafer) narray_wafertype = np.array(entry.tc_wafertype) narray_energy = np.array(entry.tc_energy) narray_eta = np.array(entry.tc_eta) narray_phi = np.array(entry.tc_phi) narray_z = np.array(entry.tc_z) narray_cell = np.array(entry.tc_cell) narray_data = np.array(entry.tc_data) narray_layer = np.array(entry.tc_layer) buff = 0 buff = loopNP(narray_energy, buff) end = time.clock() print("LEN NP: {}".format(len(narray_energy))) print("PERF Numpy: {}".format(end - start)) print("SUM: {}".format(buff)) buff = 0 print("LEN PY: {}".format(len(entry.tc_energy))) start = time.clock() buff = loopROOT(entry.tc_energy, buff) end = time.clock() print("PERF py: {}".format(end - start)) print("SUM: {}".format(buff)) buff = 0 start = time.clock() event = Event(chain, ientry) triggerCells = event.getDataFrame(prefix='tc') buff = loopCMG(triggerCells, buff) end = time.clock() print("LEN CMG: {}".format(len( print("PERF CMG: {}".format(end - start)) print("SUM: {}".format(buff)) sys.exit(0)
def analyze(params, batch_idx=0): print(params) doAlternative = False debug = int(params.debug) pool = Pool(5) tc_geom_df = pd.DataFrame() cell_geom_df = pd.DataFrame() geom_file = params.input_base_dir + '/geom/test_triggergeom_v1.root' print 'Loading the geometry...' tc_geom_tree = HGCalNtuple([geom_file], tree='hgcaltriggergeomtester/TreeTriggerCells') tc_geom_df = convertGeomTreeToDF(tc_geom_tree._tree) tc_geom_df['radius'] = np.sqrt(tc_geom_df['x']**2 + tc_geom_df['y']**2) tc_geom_df['eta'] = np.arcsinh(tc_geom_df.z / tc_geom_df.radius) cell_geom_tree = HGCalNtuple([geom_file], tree='hgcaltriggergeomtester/TreeCells') cell_geom_df = convertGeomTreeToDF(cell_geom_tree._tree) debugPrintOut(debug, 'Cell geometry', toCount=cell_geom_df, toPrint=cell_geom_df.iloc[:3]) debugPrintOut(debug, 'TC geometry', toCount=tc_geom_df, toPrint=tc_geom_df.iloc[:3]) display = EventDisplayManager(cell_geom=cell_geom_df, trigger_cell_geom=tc_geom_tree) # for index, tc_geom in tc_geom_df.iterrows(): # tc_geom.max_dist_neigh = np.max(tc_geom.neighbor_distance) algos = ['DEF', 'DBS'] particles = [ Particle('ele', PID.electron), Particle('photon', PID.photon), Particle('pion', PID.pion), Particle('pizero', PID.pizero) ] tc_layer = tc_geom_df[(tc_geom_df.eta < 0) & (tc_geom_df.layer == 1)] tc_layer['energy'] = * 1000 gridM = Grid(x_nbins=68, x_min=-170., x_max=170., y_nbins=68, y_min=-170., y_max=170., z=-320.755005) gridP = Grid(x_nbins=68, x_min=-170., x_max=170., y_nbins=68, y_min=-170., y_max=170., z=320.755005) towerMap = TowerMaps(refGridPlus=gridP, refGridMinus=gridM) #display.displayTriggerCells(1, tc_layer) #display.displayTowers(1, -1, 3, 1, gridM) tc_layer_1_EE = tc_geom_df[(tc_geom_df.eta < 0) & (tc_geom_df.layer == 1) & (tc_geom_df.subdet == 3)] print tc_layer_1_EE.iloc[1] gridEE_m_l1 = towerMap.extrapolateXY(tc_layer_1_EE.iloc[1].z) print gridEE_m_l1.getCorners(34, 34) gridEE_m_l1.getBinCenter(65, 34) gridEE_m_l1.getBinCenter(64, 34) gridEE_m_l1.getBinCenter(42, 34) gridEE_m_l1.getBinCenter(43, 34) tc_layer_1_FH = tc_geom_df[(tc_geom_df.eta < 0) & (tc_geom_df.layer == 1) & (tc_geom_df.subdet == 4)] print tc_layer_1_FH.iloc[1] gridFH_m_l1 = towerMap.extrapolateXY(tc_layer_1_FH.iloc[1].z) gridFH_m_l1.getBinCenter(65, 34) gridFH_m_l1.getBinCenter(64, 34) gridFH_m_l1.getBinCenter(42, 34) gridFH_m_l1.getBinCenter(43, 34) print gridFH_m_l1.getCorners(34, 34) tc_layer_1_BH = tc_geom_df[(tc_geom_df.eta < 0) & (tc_geom_df.layer == 1) & (tc_geom_df.subdet == 5)] print tc_layer_1_BH.iloc[1] gridBH_m_l1 = towerMap.extrapolateXY(tc_layer_1_BH.iloc[1].z) print gridBH_m_l1.getCorners(34, 34) gridBH_m_l1.getBinCenter(65, 34) gridBH_m_l1.getBinCenter(64, 34) gridBH_m_l1.getBinCenter(42, 34) gridBH_m_l1.getBinCenter(43, 34) tc_layer_12_BH = tc_geom_df[(tc_geom_df.eta < 0) & (tc_geom_df.layer == 12) & (tc_geom_df.subdet == 5)] print tc_layer_12_BH.iloc[1] gridBH_m_l12 = towerMap.extrapolateXY(tc_layer_12_BH.iloc[1].z) print gridBH_m_l12.getCorners(34, 34) sys.exit(0) input_files = listFiles( os.path.join(params.input_base_dir, params.input_sample_dir)) print('- dir {} contains {} files.'.format(params.input_sample_dir, len(input_files))) ntuple = HGCalNtuple(input_files, tree='hgcalTriggerNtuplizer/HGCalTriggerNtuple') print('- created TChain containing {} events'.format(ntuple.nevents())) event_n = 0 while (False): event_n = input('Enter event number (-1 to quit): ') print 'Processing event: {}'.format(event_n) if event_n == -1: break event = ntuple.getEvent(event_n) print("--- Event {}, @ {}".format(event.entry(), print(' run: {}, lumi: {}, event: {}'.format(, event.lumi(), event.event())) genParts = event.getDataFrame(prefix='gen') if len(genParts[(genParts.eta > 1.7) & (genParts.eta < 2.5)]) == 0: print "No particles in interesting era range" continue genParticles = event.getDataFrame(prefix='genpart') genParticles['pdgid'] = hgcDigis = event.getDataFrame(prefix='hgcdigi') triggerCells = event.getDataFrame(prefix='tc') # this is not needed anymore in recent versions of the ntuples # tcsWithPos = pd.merge(triggerCells, tc_geom_df[['id', 'x', 'y']], on='id') triggerClusters = event.getDataFrame(prefix='cl') triggerClusters['ncells'] = [len(x) for x in triggerClusters.cells] if 'x' not in triggerClusters.columns: triggerClusters = pd.merge(triggerClusters, tc_geom_df[['z', 'id']], on='id') triggerClusters['R'] = triggerClusters.z / np.sinh( triggerClusters.eta) triggerClusters['x'] = triggerClusters.R * np.cos( triggerClusters.phi) triggerClusters['y'] = triggerClusters.R * np.sin( triggerClusters.phi) trigger3DClusters = event.getDataFrame(prefix='cl3d') trigger3DClusters['nclu'] = [ len(x) for x in trigger3DClusters.clusters ] triggerClustersGEO = pd.DataFrame() trigger3DClustersGEO = pd.DataFrame() triggerClustersDBS = pd.DataFrame() trigger3DClustersDBS = pd.DataFrame() trigger3DClustersDBSp = pd.DataFrame() debugPrintOut(debug, 'gen parts', toCount=genParts, toPrint=genParts) debugPrintOut(debug, 'gen particles', toCount=genParticles, toPrint=genParticles) # [['eta', 'phi', 'pt', 'energy', 'mother', 'gen', 'pid', 'pdgid', 'reachedEE']] debugPrintOut(debug, 'digis', toCount=hgcDigis, toPrint=hgcDigis.iloc[:3]) debugPrintOut(debug, 'Trigger Cells', toCount=triggerCells, toPrint=triggerCells.iloc[:3]) debugPrintOut(debug, '2D clusters', toCount=triggerClusters, toPrint=triggerClusters.iloc[:3]) debugPrintOut(debug, '3D clusters', toCount=trigger3DClusters, toPrint=trigger3DClusters.iloc[:3]) if params.clusterize and False: # Now build DBSCAN 2D clusters for zside in [-1, 1]: arg = [(layer, zside, triggerCells) for layer in range(0, 29)] results =, arg) for clres in results: triggerClustersDBS = triggerClustersDBS.append( clres, ignore_index=True) debugPrintOut(debug, 'DBS 2D clusters', toCount=triggerClustersDBS, toPrint=triggerClustersDBS.iloc[:3]) trigger3DClustersDBS = build3DClusters( 'DBS', clAlgo.build3DClustersEtaPhi, triggerClustersDBS, pool, debug) trigger3DClustersDBSp = build3DClusters('DBSp', clAlgo.build3DClustersProj, triggerClustersDBS, pool, debug) display.displayTriggerCells(event_n, triggerCells) display.displayClusters(event_n, triggerClusters, triggerCells) display.displayGenParticle( event_n, genParticles[(genParticles.gen > 0) & ( == PID.photon) & (genParticles.reachedEE == 2) & (np.abs(genParticles.eta) < 2.8) & (np.abs(genParticles.eta) > 1.7)])
def analyze(params, batch_idx=0): print(params) debug = int(params.debug) tc_geom_df = pd.DataFrame() tc_rod_bins = pd.DataFrame() if False: # read the geometry dump geom_file = os.path.join(params.input_base_dir, 'geom/test_triggergeom.root') tc_geom_tree = HGCalNtuple( [geom_file], tree='hgcaltriggergeomtester/TreeTriggerCells') tc_geom_tree.setCache(learn_events=100) print('read TC GEOM tree with # events: {}'.format( tc_geom_tree.nevents())) tc_geom_df = convertGeomTreeToDF(tc_geom_tree._tree) tc_geom_df['radius'] = np.sqrt(tc_geom_df['x']**2 + tc_geom_df['y']**2) tc_geom_df['eta'] = np.arcsinh(tc_geom_df.z / tc_geom_df.radius) if False: tc_rod_bins = pd.read_csv( filepath_or_buffer='data/TCmapping_v2.txt', sep=' ', names=['id', 'rod_x', 'rod_y'], index_col=False) tc_rod_bins['rod_bin'] = tc_rod_bins.apply( func=lambda cell: (int(cell.rod_x), int(cell.rod_y)), axis=1) tc_geom_df = pd.merge(tc_geom_df, tc_rod_bins, on='id') if debug == -4: tc_geom_tree.PrintCacheStats() print('...done') tree_name = 'hgcalTriggerNtuplizer/HGCalTriggerNtuple' input_files = [] range_ev = (0, params.maxEvents) if params.events_per_job == -1: print 'This is interactive processing...' input_files = fm.get_files_for_processing( input_dir=os.path.join(params.input_base_dir, params.input_sample_dir), tree=tree_name, nev_toprocess=params.maxEvents, debug=debug) else: print 'This is batch processing...' input_files, range_ev = fm.get_files_and_events_for_batchprocessing( input_dir=os.path.join(params.input_base_dir, params.input_sample_dir), tree=tree_name, nev_toprocess=params.maxEvents, nev_perjob=params.events_per_job, batch_id=batch_idx, debug=debug) # print ('- dir {} contains {} files.'.format(params.input_sample_dir, len(input_files))) print '- will read {} files from dir {}:'.format(len(input_files), params.input_sample_dir) for file_name in input_files: print ' - {}'.format(file_name) ntuple = HGCalNtuple(input_files, tree=tree_name) if params.events_per_job == -1: if params.maxEvents == -1: range_ev = (0, ntuple.nevents()) print('- created TChain containing {} events'.format(ntuple.nevents())) print('- reading from event: {} to event {}'.format( range_ev[0], range_ev[1])) ntuple.setCache(learn_events=1, entry_range=range_ev) output = ROOT.TFile(params.output_filename, "RECREATE") if False: hTCGeom = histos.GeomHistos('hTCGeom') hTCGeom.fill(tc_geom_df[(np.abs(tc_geom_df.eta) > 1.65) & (np.abs(tc_geom_df.eta) < 2.85)]) # instantiate all the plotters plotter_collection = [] plotter_collection.extend(params.plotters) print plotter_collection # ------------------------------------------------------- # book histos for plotter in plotter_collection: plotter.book_histos() # ------------------------------------------------------- # event loop ev_manager = collections.EventManager() if params.weight_file is not None: ev_manager.read_weight_file(params.weight_file) nev = 0 for evt_idx in range(range_ev[0], range_ev[1] + 1): # print(evt_idx) event = ntuple.getEvent(evt_idx) if (params.maxEvents != -1 and nev >= params.maxEvents): break if debug >= 2 or event.entry() % 100 == 0: print("--- Event {}, @ {}".format(event.entry(), print(' run: {}, lumi: {}, event: {}'.format(, event.lumi(), event.event())) nev += 1 try:, debug) puInfo = event.getPUInfo() debugPrintOut(debug, 'PU', toCount=puInfo, toPrint=puInfo) for plotter in plotter_collection: #print plotter plotter.fill_histos(debug=debug) except Exception as inst: print("[EXCEPTION OCCURRED:] --- Event {}, @ {}".format( event.entry(), print(' run: {}, lumi: {}, event: {}'.format(, event.lumi(), event.event())) print(str(inst)) print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(200) print("Processed {} events/{} TOT events".format(nev, ntuple.nevents())) print("Writing histos to file {}".format(params.output_filename)) lastfile = ntuple.tree().GetFile() print 'Read bytes: {}, # of transaction: {}'.format( lastfile.GetBytesRead(), lastfile.GetReadCalls()) if debug == -4: ntuple.PrintCacheStats() hm = histos.HistoManager() hm.writeHistos() output.Close() return
def main(): # init output stuff outDir = "testReClusteringExample" if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.makedirs(outDir) histDict = {} # get sample/tree # please give an CMSSW930 NTUP root file. ######################################### ntuple = HGCalNtuple( "root://" ) # CMSSW_9_3_0_pre3 with some pre4 PRs on top #ntuple = HGCalNtuple("/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomPtGunProducer_predragm_PDGid22_nPart1_Pt20to100_Eta2p3to2p5_cmssw921_20170605/NTUP/partGun_PDGid22_x400_Pt20.0To100.0_NTUP_1.root") # cmssw921 with all recent fixes as of June 12 #ntuple = HGCalNtuple("/eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomPtGunProducer_predragm_PDGid22_id211_id11_id15_id130_nPart1_Pt20to100_Eta2p3to2p5_cmssw921_20170606/NTUP/partGun_PDGid22_id211_id11_id15_id130_x400_Pt20.0To100.0_NTUP_1.root")# cmssw921 with all recent fixes as of June 12 # prepare some lists for comparions multiClusters_nClust2DDiff = [] tot_nClust2D_reco = [] clusters2D_eng_reco = [] tot_nClust2D_rerun = [] clusters2D_eng_rerun = [] clusters2DMultiSelected_eng_rerun = [] # start event loop for event in ntuple: if (not event.entry() in allowedRangeEvents): continue # checking external condition if (verbosityLevel >= 1): print("\nCurrent event: ", event.entry()) # get collections of raw rechits, sim clusters, 2D clusters, multi clusters, etc. recHitsRaw = event.recHits() simClusters = event.simClusters() layerClusters = event.layerClusters() multiClusters = event.multiClusters() # get flat list of rechist associated to sim-cluster hits rHitsSimAssoc = getRecHitsSimAssoc(recHitsRaw, simClusters) # get flat list of raw rechits which satisfy treshold condition rHitsCleaned = [ rechit for rechit in recHitsRaw if recHitAboveTreshold(rechit, ecut, dependSensor)[1] ] ### Imaging algo run at RECO step (CMSSW) # get flat list of all clusters 2D produced with algo at RECO step (CMSSW) clusters2DList_reco = [cls2D for cls2D in layerClusters] # get flat list of all multi-clusters produced with algo at RECO step (CMSSW) multiClustersList_reco = [ multiCluster for multiCluster in multiClusters ] ### Imaging algo run as stand-alone (python) # instantiate the stand-alone clustering implemented in HGCalImagingAlgo HGCalAlgo = HGCalImagingAlgo(ecut=ecut, deltac=deltac, multiclusterRadii=multiclusterRadii, minClusters=minClusters, dependSensor=dependSensor, verbosityLevel=0) # produce 2D clusters with stand-alone algo, out of all raw rechits clusters2D_rerun = HGCalAlgo.makeClusters( recHitsRaw) # nested list of "hexels", per layer, per 2D cluster # produce multi-clusters with stand-alone algo, out of all 2D clusters multiClustersList_rerun = HGCalAlgo.make3DClusters( clusters2D_rerun ) # flat list of multi-clusters (as basic clusters) # get for testing: flat list of 2D clustered, and flat list of clustered non-halo "hexeles" (from stand-alone algo) clusters2DList_rerun = HGCalAlgo.getClusters( clusters2D_rerun, verbosityLevel=0) # flat list of 2D clusters (as basic clusters) hexelsClustered_rerun = [ iNode for bClust in clusters2DList_rerun for iNode in bClust.thisCluster if not iNode.isHalo ] # flat list of clustered "hexeles", without the "halo" hexels ### Produce some basic histograms for each event (2D/3D view of associated sim-clusters, selected rec-hits, etc.) if (verbosityLevel >= 2): # histograming of rechist associated to sim-cluster hits histDict = histRecHitsSimAssoc(rHitsSimAssoc, event.entry(), histDict, tag="rHitsSimAssoc_", zoomed=False) # histograming of raw rechist (with ecut cleaning) histDict = histRecHits(rHitsCleaned, event.entry(), histDict, tag="rHitsCleaned_", zoomed=True) # histograming of clustered hexels histDict = histHexelsClustered(hexelsClustered_rerun, event.entry(), histDict, tag="clustHex_", zoomed=False) ### Compare stand-alone clustering and sim-clusters rHitsSimAssocDID = [ rechit.detid() for simClus in rHitsSimAssoc for rechit in simClus ] # list of detids for sim-associated rehits (with ecut cleaning) rHitsClustdDID = [iNode.detid for iNode in hexelsClustered_rerun ] # list of detids for clustered hexels # print some info if requested if (verbosityLevel >= 1): print("num of rechits associated with sim-clusters : ", len(rHitsSimAssocDID)) print("num of rechits clustered with imaging algo. : ", len(rHitsClustdDID)) print("num of clustered not found in sim-associated:", len(list(set(rHitsClustdDID) - set(rHitsSimAssocDID)))) print("num of sim-associated not found in clustered:", len(list(set(rHitsSimAssocDID) - set(rHitsClustdDID)))) ### Compare stand-alone and reco-level clustering clusters2DListMultiSelected_rerun = [ cls for multiCluster in multiClustersList_rerun for cls in multiCluster.thisCluster ] # print more details if requested if (verbosityLevel >= 1): ls = sorted( range(len(clusters2DListMultiSelected_rerun)), key=lambda k: clusters2DListMultiSelected_rerun[k].thisCluster[ 0].layer, reverse=False) # indices sorted by increasing layer number for index in range(len(multiClustersList_rerun)): print("Multi-cluster (RE-RUN) index: ", index, ", No. of 2D-clusters = ", len(multiClustersList_rerun[index].thisCluster), ", Energy = ", multiClustersList_rerun[index].energy, ", Phi = ", multiClustersList_rerun[index].phi, ", Eta = ", multiClustersList_rerun[index].eta, ", z = ", multiClustersList_rerun[index].z) ls = sorted( range(len(clusters2DList_reco)), key=lambda k: clusters2DList_reco[k].layer(), reverse=False) # indices sorted by increasing layer number for index in range(len(multiClustersList_reco)): print("Multi-cluster (RECO) index: ", index, ", No. of 2D-clusters = ", len(multiClustersList_reco[index].cluster2d()), ", Energy = ", multiClustersList_reco[index].energy(), ", Phi = ", multiClustersList_reco[index].phi(), ", Eta = ", multiClustersList_reco[index].eta(), ", z = ", multiClustersList_reco[index].z()) print("num of clusters2D @reco : ", len(clusters2DList_reco)) print("num of clusters2D re-run: ", len(clusters2DListMultiSelected_rerun)) print("num of multi-cluster @reco : ", len(multiClustersList_reco)) print("num of multi-cluster re-run: ", len(multiClustersList_rerun)) ### Produce some basic histograms with general info (one per sample) if (verbosityLevel >= 2): # relative diff. in number of 2D clusters (re-run vs. reco) multiClusters_nClust2DDiff.append(100 * float( len(clusters2DListMultiSelected_rerun) - len(clusters2DList_reco)) / float(len(clusters2DList_reco))) # number of 2D clusters from algo at re-run step tot_nClust2D_rerun.append(len(clusters2DListMultiSelected_rerun)) clusters2D_eng_rerun.extend([ clusters2DList_rerun[k].energy for k in range(0, len(clusters2DList_rerun)) ]) # eng re-run # number of 2D clusters from algo at RECO step tot_nClust2D_reco.append(len(clusters2DList_reco)) clusters2D_eng_reco.extend([ clusters2DList_reco[k].energy() for k in range(0, len(clusters2DList_reco)) ]) # eng reco # histograms - re-run vs. reco, 2D clusters counting histDict = histValue1D(multiClusters_nClust2DDiff, histDict, tag="MultClust_nCl2DRelDiff_RerunReco", title="Rerun vs. Reco: rel. diff. Num(2D clusters)", axunit="#deltaN_{cl.2D}[%]", binsRangeList=[200, -10, 10], ayunit="N(events)") histDict = histValue1D(tot_nClust2D_rerun, histDict, tag="tot_nClust2D_rerun", title="Rerun: total Num(2D clusters)", axunit="N_{cl.2D}", binsRangeList=[100, 0, 1000], ayunit="total occurences") histDict = histValue1D(tot_nClust2D_reco, histDict, tag="tot_nClust2D_reco", title="Reco: total Num(2D clusters)", axunit="N_{cl.2D}", binsRangeList=[100, 0, 1000], ayunit="total occurences") # histograms - 2D clusters energy spectra histDict = histValue1D(clusters2D_eng_rerun, histDict, tag="Clust2D_Eng_Rerun", title="Rerun E(all 2D clusters)", axunit="#E_{cl.2D}[GeV]", binsRangeList=[1000, 0, 5], ayunit="N(2D clusters)") histDict = histValue1D(clusters2D_eng_reco, histDict, tag="Clust2D_Eng_Reco", title="Reco E(all 2D clusters)", axunit="#E_{cl.2D}[GeV]", binsRangeList=[1000, 0, 5], ayunit="N(2D clusters)") # print/save histograms histPrintSaveAll(histDict, outDir)
def main(): global opt, args usage = ('usage: %prog [options]\n' + '%prog -h for help') parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage) # input options # parser.add_option('', '--files', dest='fileString', type='string', default='root://', help='comma-separated file list') parser.add_option( '', '--files', dest='fileString', type='string', default= 'root://', help='comma-separated file list') parser.add_option('', '--gunType', dest='gunType', type='string', default='pt', help='pt or e') parser.add_option('', '--pid', dest='pid', type='int', default=211, help='pdgId int') parser.add_option('', '--genValue', dest='genValue', type='int', default=50, help='generated pT or energy') parser.add_option('', '--tag', dest='tag', type='string', default='noPU', help='some tag, best used for PU and other info') parser.add_option('', '--ref', dest='refName', type='string', default='genpart', help='reference collection') parser.add_option('', '--obj', dest='objName', type='string', default='pfcluster', help='object of interest collection') # store options and arguments as global variables global opt, args (opt, args) = parser.parse_args() print "files:", opt.fileString print "gunType:", opt.gunType print "pid:", print "GEN_engpt:", opt.genValue print "refName:", opt.refName print "objName:", opt.objName # set sample/tree - for photons gun_type = opt.gunType pidSelected = GEN_engpt = opt.genValue tag = opt.tag refName = opt.refName objName = opt.objName histDict = {} fileList = opt.fileString.split(",") start_time = timeit.default_timer() for fileName in fileList: ntuple = HGCalNtuple(opt.fileString) eventLoop(ntuple, refName, objName, gun_type, pidSelected, GEN_engpt, histDict) f = ROOT.TFile( "{}_{}_{}GeV_{}_{}_{}.root".format(gun_type, pidSelected, GEN_engpt, refName, objName, tag), "recreate") for etaBinName in etaBins: for phiBinName in phiBins: if "ref_Energy_eta" + etaBinName + "_phi" + phiBinName in histDict[ etaBinName][phiBinName]: histDict[etaBinName][phiBinName]["ref_Energy_eta" + etaBinName + "_phi" + phiBinName].Write() histDict[etaBinName][phiBinName]["ref_Pt_eta" + etaBinName + "_phi" + phiBinName].Write() histDict[etaBinName][phiBinName]["obj_Energy_eta" + etaBinName + "_phi" + phiBinName].Write() histDict[etaBinName][phiBinName]["obj_Pt_eta" + etaBinName + "_phi" + phiBinName].Write() histDict[etaBinName][phiBinName]["obj_dEoverE_eta" + etaBinName + "_phi" + phiBinName].Write() histDict[etaBinName][phiBinName]["obj_dPtoverPt_eta" + etaBinName + "_phi" + phiBinName].Write() histDict[etaBinName][phiBinName]["obj_dE_eta" + etaBinName + "_phi" + phiBinName].Write() histDict[etaBinName][phiBinName]["obj_dPt_eta" + etaBinName + "_phi" + phiBinName].Write() histDict[etaBinName][phiBinName]["obj_EoverERef_eta" + etaBinName + "_phi" + phiBinName].Write() histDict[etaBinName][phiBinName]["obj_PtoverPtRef_eta" + etaBinName + "_phi" + phiBinName].Write() f.Write() f.Close() elapsed = timeit.default_timer() - start_time print "Time:", elapsed
def main(): if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.makedirs(outDir) for ntupleNumber in range(minNtuple, maxNtuple + 1): print("\nCurrent ntup: ", ntupleNumber) ntuple = HGCalNtuple(inputPath + "{}.root".format(ntupleNumber)) # start event loop for event in ntuple: startEvent = time.time() eventID = event.entry() startEvent = time.time() print("\nCurrent event: ", eventID) # check if particles reached EE genParticles = event.genParticles() skipEvent = False for particle in genParticles: if not particle.reachedEE(): # print("particle didn't reach EE -- skipping the event!!") skipEvent = True break if skipEvent: continue eventDir = outDir + "/ntup{}/event{}".format(ntupleNumber, eventID) if not os.path.exists(eventDir): os.makedirs(eventDir) # get raw rec hits print("\n\npreparing raw recHits...", end='') start = time.time() recHitsRaw = event.getDataFrame("rechit") end = time.time() print(" done (", end - start, " s)") # get simulated hits associated with a cluster print("preparing simulated hits and clusters...", end='') start = time.time() simClusters = event.getDataFrame("simcluster") simHitsPerClusterArray = getHitsPerCluster(recHitsRaw, simClusters) end = time.time() print(" done (", end - start, " s)") # re-run clustering with HGCalAlgo, save to file print("running clustering algorithm...", end='') start = time.time() recClusters, rec3Dclusters = getRecClustersFromImagingAlgo( recHitsRaw) end = time.time() print(" done (", end - start, " s)") # recClusters -> array of hexel objects print("looking for hits associated with hexels...", end='') start = time.time() recHitsPerClusterArray = getRecHitsPerHexel( recHitsRaw, recClusters) end = time.time() print(" done (", end - start, " s)") # perform final analysis, fill in histograms and save to files print("\nGenerating final hists...") start = time.time() energyComparisonHist = ROOT.TH2D("energy comparison", "energy comparison", 100, 0, 100, 100, 0, 100) energyComparisonOverlapHist = ROOT.TH2D( "energy comparison overlap.", "energy comparison overlap.", 100, 0, 100, 100, 0, 100) for layer in range(minLayer, maxLayer): # print("layer:",layer) for recClusterIndex, recCluster in enumerate( recHitsPerClusterArray): # print("rec cluster:",recCluster) recHitsInLayerInCluster = recCluster[getLayerMask( recCluster, layer)] recEnergy = recHitsInLayerInCluster["energy"].sum() xMaxRec = recHitsInLayerInCluster["x"].max() xMinRec = recHitsInLayerInCluster["x"].min() yMaxRec = recHitsInLayerInCluster["y"].max() yMinRec = recHitsInLayerInCluster["y"].min() recClusterX = xMinRec + (xMaxRec - xMinRec) / 2. recClusterY = yMinRec + (yMaxRec - yMinRec) / 2. recClusterR = max((xMaxRec - xMinRec) / 2., (yMaxRec - yMinRec) / 2.) assocSimEnergy = 0 for simClusterIndex, simCluster in enumerate( simHitsPerClusterArray): # print("sim cluster:",simCluster) simHitsInLayerInCluster = simCluster[getLayerMask( simCluster, layer)] simEnergy = simHitsInLayerInCluster["energy"].sum() xMaxSim = simHitsInLayerInCluster["x"].max() xMinSim = simHitsInLayerInCluster["x"].min() yMaxSim = simHitsInLayerInCluster["y"].max() yMinSim = simHitsInLayerInCluster["y"].min() simClusterX = xMinSim + (xMaxSim - xMinSim) / 2. simClusterY = yMinSim + (yMaxSim - yMinSim) / 2. simClusterR = max((xMaxSim - xMinSim) / 2., (yMaxSim - yMinSim) / 2.) if recEnergy * simEnergy != 0: energyComparisonHist.Fill(recEnergy, simEnergy) # if circlesOverlap(recClusterX,recClusterY,recClusterR,simClusterX,simClusterY,simClusterR): # energyComparisonOverlapHist.Fill(recEnergy,simEnergy) if pointWithinCircle(simClusterX, simClusterY, recClusterX, recClusterY, recClusterR, clusterAcceptScale): # if circlesOverlap(recClusterX,recClusterY,recClusterR,simClusterX,simClusterY,simClusterR,clusterAcceptScale): assocSimEnergy += simEnergy if recEnergy * assocSimEnergy != 0: energyComparisonOverlapHist.Fill( recEnergy, assocSimEnergy) energyComparisonHist.SaveAs( "{}/energyComparisonHist.root".format(eventDir)) energyComparisonOverlapHist.SaveAs( "{}/energyComparisonOverlapHist.root".format(eventDir)) end = time.time() print(" done (", end - start, " s)") for index in range(len(rec3Dclusters)): print( f"Multi-cluster (RE-RUN) index: {index}", f", No. of 2D-clusters = {len(rec3Dclusters[index].thisCluster)}", f", Energy = {rec3Dclusters[index].energy:.2f}", f", Phi = {rec3Dclusters[index].phi:.2f}", f", Eta = {rec3Dclusters[index].eta:.2f}", f", z = {rec3Dclusters[index].z:.2f}") endEvent = time.time() print("Total event processing time: ", endEvent - startEvent, " s")
def analyze(params, batch_idx=0): print str(params) debug = int(params.debug) # pool = Pool(5) n_phi_bins = 72 n_eta_bins = 18 phi_bins = np.linspace(-1 * math.pi, math.pi, n_phi_bins + 1) eta_bins = np.linspace(1.479, 3.0, n_eta_bins + 1) # eta_bins = np.linspace(1.41, 3.1, n_eta_bins+1) eta_bin_size = eta_bins[1] - eta_bins[0] eta_bin_first = eta_bins[0] + eta_bin_size / 2 phi_bin_size = phi_bins[1] - phi_bins[0] phi_bin_first = phi_bins[0] + phi_bin_size / 2 print '-- Eta bin size: {}, first bin center: {}, # bins: {}'.format( eta_bin_size, eta_bin_first, len(eta_bins) - 1) print ' {}'.format(eta_bins) print '-- Phi bin size: {}, first bin center: {}, # bins: {}'.format( phi_bin_size, phi_bin_first, len(phi_bins) - 1) print ' {}'.format(phi_bins) tc_geom_df = pd.DataFrame() cell_geom_df = pd.DataFrame() geom_file = os.path.join(params.input_base_dir, 'geom/test_triggergeom.root') # geom_file = params.input_base_dir+'/geom/test_triggergeom_v1.root' print 'Loading the geometry...' tc_geom_tree = HGCalNtuple([geom_file], tree='hgcaltriggergeomtester/TreeTriggerCells') tc_geom_tree.setCache(learn_events=100) tc_geom_df = convertGeomTreeToDF(tc_geom_tree._tree) tc_geom_df['radius'] = np.sqrt(tc_geom_df['x']**2 + tc_geom_df['y']**2) tc_geom_df['eta'] = np.arcsinh(tc_geom_df.z / tc_geom_df.radius) tc_geom_df['phi'] = np.arctan2(tc_geom_df.y, tc_geom_df.x) # cell_geom_tree = HGCalNtuple([geom_file], tree='hgcaltriggergeomtester/TreeCells') # cell_geom_tree.setCache(learn_events=100) # cell_geom_df = convertGeomTreeToDF(cell_geom_tree._tree) # # bhcell_geom_tree = HGCalNtuple([geom_file], tree='hgcaltriggergeomtester/TreeCellsBH') # bhcell_geom_tree.setCache(learn_events=100) # bhcell_geom_df = convertGeomTreeToDF(bhcell_geom_tree._tree) print '...done' # display_mgr = display.EventDisplayManager(cell_geom=cell_geom_df, # trigger_cell_geom=tc_geom_tree) # tc_geom_df['cell'] = hgcdetid.v_cell( sel_cells = tc_geom_df[tc_geom_df.subdet.isin([3, 4]) & ~( (tc_geom_df.subdet == 3) & (tc_geom_df.layer % 2 == 0))].copy() # some checks on the selection: # # print '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@' # print sel_cells[(sel_cells.subdet == 3) & (sel_cells.layer % 2 != 0)] # print '#################################' # print sel_cells[(sel_cells.subdet == 3) & (sel_cells.layer % 2 == 0)] # print sel_cells.subdet.unique() print sel_cells[sel_cells.subdet == 3].layer.unique() sel_cells['wafertype'] = 1 # FIXME: in the current implementation of the TriggerGeometry all TCs have wafertype = 1 # here we need to know which modules have 120um thinckness to map them to the 6 HGCROC layouts # we crudely assume that this is true for EE and FH modules with radius < 70cm sel_cells['wafertype'] = hgcdetid.v_settype_on_radius(sel_cells['radius']) def map_wafertype_majority(data): # print data # counts = data['wafertype'].value_counts() # # if len(counts) > 1: # wafertype = counts.index[0] # data.loc[data.index, 'wafertype'] = wafertype data['wafertype'] = data['wafertype'].value_counts().index[0] return data # now we actually correct the wafertype for the rest of the module based on majority logic print 'Starting wafertype mapping on majority logic: {}'.format( sel_cells = sel_cells.groupby(['subdet', 'zside', 'layer', 'wafer']).apply(map_wafertype_majority) print '...done: {}'.format( # we now assign the hgcroc value # tc_geom_df['sector'] = hgcdetid.v_module_sector( # tc_geom_df['subcell'] = tc_geom_df.cell - tc_geom_df.sector*16 sel_cells['hgcroc'] = hgcdetid.v_hgcroc_big( sel_cells.loc[sel_cells.wafertype == -1, ('hgcroc')] = hgcdetid.v_hgcroc_small( sel_cells.loc[sel_cells.wafertype == -1, ('id')]) sel_cells['eta_bin'] = np.digitize(np.fabs(sel_cells.eta), eta_bins) - 1 # tc_geom_df['eta_bin_c'] = np.digitize(np.fabs(tc_geom_df.eta), eta_bins)-1 sel_cells['phi_bin'] = np.digitize(sel_cells.phi, phi_bins) - 1 # deal with rounding effects on pi sel_cells.loc[sel_cells.phi_bin == n_phi_bins, ('phi_bin')] = n_phi_bins - 1 sel_cells.loc[sel_cells.phi_bin == -1, ('phi_bin')] = 0 # deal with the fact that some of the cells hactually have eta outside the bin range sel_cells.loc[sel_cells.eta_bin == n_eta_bins, ('eta_bin')] = n_eta_bins - 1 sel_cells.loc[sel_cells.eta_bin == -1, ('eta_bin')] = 0 tc_overflow = sel_cells[(sel_cells.eta_bin < 0) | (sel_cells.eta_bin > n_eta_bins - 1) | (sel_cells.phi_bin < 0) | (sel_cells.phi_bin > n_phi_bins - 1)][[ 'id', 'eta', 'phi', 'eta_bin', 'phi_bin' ]] if not tc_overflow.empty: print 'ERROR: some of the TCs have a bin outside the allowed range' print tc_overflow # This needs to be fixed after all the rounding has been take care of sel_cells['tt_bin'] = sel_cells.apply( func=lambda cell: (int(cell.eta_bin), int(cell.phi_bin)), axis=1) sel_cells['hgcroc_tt_bin'] = sel_cells['tt_bin'] sel_cells['wafer_tt_bin'] = sel_cells['tt_bin'] # temp_bins = pd.Series() # now we assign all hgcrocs or modules to the same tower on a majority logic on the TCs belonging to them def map_hgcroctt_majority(data): tt_bin = data['tt_bin'].value_counts().index[0] data['hgcroc_tt_bin'] = pd.Series([tt_bin for x in data.index], index=data.index) return data # counts = data['tt_bin'].value_counts() # if len(counts) > 1: # tt_bin = counts.index[0] # data.loc[data.index, 'hgcroc_tt_bin'] = pd.Series([tt_bin for x in data.index], # index=data.index) print 'Starting hgcroc mapping to TT on majority logic: {}'.format( sel_cells = sel_cells.groupby( ['subdet', 'zside', 'layer', 'wafer', 'hgcroc']).apply(map_hgcroctt_majority) print '...done: {}'.format( def map_wafertt_majority(data): tt_bin = data['tt_bin'].value_counts().index[0] data['wafer_tt_bin'] = pd.Series([tt_bin for x in data.index], index=data.index) return data # counts = data['tt_bin'].value_counts() # if len(counts) > 1: # tt_bin = counts.index[0] # data.loc[data.index, 'hgcroc_tt_bin'] = pd.Series([tt_bin for x in data.index], # index=data.index) print 'Starting wafer mapping to TT on majority logic: {}'.format( sel_cells = sel_cells.groupby(['subdet', 'zside', 'layer', 'wafer']).apply(map_wafertt_majority) print '...done: {}'.format( def dump_mapping(tc_map, field, file_name): tower_tc_mapping = pd.DataFrame( columns=['id', 'towerbin_x', 'towerbin_y'], dtype=np.int64) = tower_tc_mapping.towerbin_x = tc_map.apply( func=(lambda x: x[field][0]), axis=1) tower_tc_mapping.towerbin_y = tc_map.apply( func=(lambda x: x[field][1]), axis=1) tower_tc_mapping.to_csv(file_name, sep=' ', float_format='%.0f', header=False, index=False) return tower_tc_mapping hgcroc_sel_cells = dump_mapping( sel_cells, field='hgcroc_tt_bin', file_name='TCmapping_hgcroc_eta-phi_v2.txt') wafer_sel_cells = dump_mapping(sel_cells, field='wafer_tt_bin', file_name='TCmapping_wafer_eta-phi_v2.txt') missing = np.array([ '1780744193', '1780744194', '1780744195', '1780744196', '1780744197', '1780744198', '1780744199', '1780744200', '1780744201', '1780744202', '1780744203', '1780744204', '1780744205', '1780744206', '1780744207', '1780744208', '1780744209', '1780744210', '1780744211', '1780744212', '1780744213', '1780744214', '1780744215', '1780744216', '1780744217', '1780744218', '1780744219', '1780744220', '1780744221', '1780744222', '1780744223', '1780744224', '1780744225', '1780744226', '1780744227', '1780744228', '1780744229', '1780744230', '1780744231', '1780744232', '1780744233', '1780744234', '1780744235', '1780744236', '1780744237', '1780744238', '1780744239', '1780744240', '1780744241', '1780744242', '1780744243', '1780744244', '1780744245', '1780744246', '1780744247', '1780744248', '1780744249', '1780744250', '1780744251', '1780744252', '1780744253', '1780744254', '1780744255', '1780744256', '1780744257', '1780744258', '1780744259', '1780744260', '1780744261', '1780744262', '1780744263', '1780744264', '1797521409', '1797521410', '1797521411', '1797521412', '1797521413', '1797521414', '1797521415', '1797521416', '1797521417', '1797521418', '1797521419', '1797521420', '1797521421', '1797521422', '1797521423', '1797521424', '1797521425', '1797521426', '1797521427', '1797521428', '1797521429', '1797521430', '1797521431', '1797521432', '1797521433', '1797521434', '1797521435', '1797521436', '1797521437', '1797521438', '1797521439', '1797521440', '1797521441', '1797521442', '1797521443', '1797521444', '1797521445', '1797521446', '1797521447', '1797521448', '1797521449', '1797521450', '1797521451', '1797521452', '1797521453', '1797521454', '1797521455', '1797521456', '1797521457', '1797521458', '1797521459', '1797521460', '1797521461', '1797521462', '1797521463', '1797521464', '1797521465', '1797521466', '1797521467', '1797521468', '1797521469', '1797521470', '1797521471', '1797521472', '1797521473', '1797521474', '1797521475', '1797521476', '1797521477', '1797521478', '1797521479', '1797521480' ], dtype='|S10') print sel_cells[] print "# of TCs = {}".format(len( print "# of TCs mapped to TT (hgcroc) = {}".format( len( print "# of bins (hgcroc) = {}".format( len(sel_cells.hgcroc_tt_bin.unique())) print "# of TCs mapped to TT (wafer) = {}".format( len( print "# of bins (wafer) = {}".format(len(sel_cells.wafer_tt_bin.unique())) sys.exit(0) # tc_ids_all = pd.DataFrame(columns=['wf', 'wtf', 'hgcroc']) # results = [] # # # # # for index, tc in tc_geom_df.iterrows(): # if index % 1000 == 0: # print 'TC: {}'.format(index) # detid = HGCalDetId( # # tc_ids = pd.DataFrame(columns=['wf', 'wtf', 'hgcroc']) # tc_ids['wf'] = detid.wafer() # tc_ids['wft'] = detid.waferType() # tc_ids['hgcroc'] = detid.hgcroc() # results.append(tc_ids) # tc_ids_all = pd.concatenate(results) # # for index, cell in cell_geom_df.iterrows(): # if index % 1000 == 0: # print 'Cell: {}'.format(index) # detid = HGCalDetId(cell.tc_id) # cell['wf'] = detid.wafer() # cell['wft'] = detid.waferType() # cell['hgcroc'] = detid.hgcroc() cell_sel_type_p1 = cell_geom_df[(cell_geom_df.wafertype == 1) & (cell_geom_df.layer == 1) & (cell_geom_df.wafer == 180) & (cell_geom_df.zside == -1)] cell_sel_type_m1 = cell_geom_df[(cell_geom_df.wafertype == -1) & (cell_geom_df.layer == 1) & (cell_geom_df.wafer == 101) & (cell_geom_df.zside == -1)] tc_sel_p1 = tc_geom_df[(tc_geom_df.subdet == 3) & (tc_geom_df.layer == 1) & # (tc_geom_df.wafer == 101) & (tc_geom_df.wafertype == -1) & (tc_geom_df.zside == -1)] print '--------------------------------------------------------------------' print cell_sel_type_p1[['id', 'layer', 'subdet', 'zside', 'wafer', 'cell']] print '---------------------------------------------------------------------' print cell_sel_type_m1 # # # tc_geom_df['wf'] = tc_geom_df.apply(compute_wafer, axis=1) # cell_geom_df['wf'] = cell_geom_df.apply(compute_wafer, axis=1) # tc_geom_df['wft'] = tc_geom_df.apply(compute_waferType, axis=1) # cell_geom_df['wft'] = cell_geom_df.apply(compute_waferType, axis=1) # print '---------------------------------------------------------------------' debugPrintOut(debug, 'Cell geometry', toCount=cell_geom_df, toPrint=cell_geom_df.iloc[:3]) print '---------------------------------------------------------------------' debugPrintOut(debug, 'BH geometry', toCount=bhcell_geom_df, toPrint=bhcell_geom_df.iloc[:3]) print '---------------------------------------------------------------------' debugPrintOut(debug, 'TC geometry', toCount=tc_geom_df, toPrint=tc_geom_df.iloc[:3]) cell_sel_type_p1['color'] = cell_sel_type_p1.cell cell_sel_type_m1['color'] = cell_sel_type_m1.cell tc_sel_p1['energy'] = tc_sel_p1.hgcroc print '---------------------------------------------------------------------' print tc_sel_p1 # display_mgr.displayCells(event=1, cells=cell_sel_type_p1) # display_mgr.displayCells(event=1, cells=cell_sel_type_m1) # display_mgr.displayTriggerCells(event=1, tcs=tc_sel_p1) # sys.exit(0)
def analyze(params, batch_idx=0): print(params) debug = int(params.debug) pool = Pool(5) tc_geom_df = pd.DataFrame() tc_rod_bins = pd.DataFrame() if False: # read the geometry dump geom_file = os.path.join(params.input_base_dir, 'geom/test_triggergeom.root') tc_geom_tree = HGCalNtuple( [geom_file], tree='hgcaltriggergeomtester/TreeTriggerCells') tc_geom_tree.setCache(learn_events=100) print('read TC GEOM tree with # events: {}'.format( tc_geom_tree.nevents())) tc_geom_df = convertGeomTreeToDF(tc_geom_tree._tree) tc_geom_df['radius'] = np.sqrt(tc_geom_df['x']**2 + tc_geom_df['y']**2) tc_geom_df['eta'] = np.arcsinh(tc_geom_df.z / tc_geom_df.radius) if False: tc_rod_bins = pd.read_csv( filepath_or_buffer='data/TCmapping_v2.txt', sep=' ', names=['id', 'rod_x', 'rod_y'], index_col=False) tc_rod_bins['rod_bin'] = tc_rod_bins.apply( func=lambda cell: (int(cell.rod_x), int(cell.rod_y)), axis=1) tc_geom_df = pd.merge(tc_geom_df, tc_rod_bins, on='id') if debug == -4: tc_geom_tree.PrintCacheStats() print('...done') tree_name = 'hgcalTriggerNtuplizer/HGCalTriggerNtuple' input_files = [] range_ev = (0, params.maxEvents) if params.events_per_job == -1: print 'This is interactive processing...' input_files = fm.get_files_for_processing( input_dir=os.path.join(params.input_base_dir, params.input_sample_dir), tree=tree_name, nev_toprocess=params.maxEvents, debug=debug) else: print 'This is batch processing...' input_files, range_ev = fm.get_files_and_events_for_batchprocessing( input_dir=os.path.join(params.input_base_dir, params.input_sample_dir), tree=tree_name, nev_toprocess=params.maxEvents, nev_perjob=params.events_per_job, batch_id=batch_idx, debug=debug) # print ('- dir {} contains {} files.'.format(params.input_sample_dir, len(input_files))) print '- will read {} files from dir {}:'.format(len(input_files), params.input_sample_dir) for file_name in input_files: print ' - {}'.format(file_name) ntuple = HGCalNtuple(input_files, tree=tree_name) if params.events_per_job == -1: if params.maxEvents == -1: range_ev = (0, ntuple.nevents()) print('- created TChain containing {} events'.format(ntuple.nevents())) print('- reading from event: {} to event {}'.format( range_ev[0], range_ev[1])) ntuple.setCache(learn_events=1, entry_range=range_ev) output = ROOT.TFile(params.output_filename, "RECREATE") if False: hTCGeom = histos.GeomHistos('hTCGeom') hTCGeom.fill(tc_geom_df[(np.abs(tc_geom_df.eta) > 1.65) & (np.abs(tc_geom_df.eta) < 2.85)]) # instantiate all the plotters nev = 0 for evt_idx in range(range_ev[0], range_ev[1] + 1): # print(evt_idx) event = ntuple.getEvent(evt_idx) if (params.maxEvents != -1 and nev >= params.maxEvents): break if debug >= 2 or event.entry() % 100 == 0: print("--- Event {}, @ {}".format(event.entry(), print(' run: {}, lumi: {}, event: {}'.format(, event.lumi(), event.event())) nev += 1 # get the interesting data-frames triggerCells = event.getDataFrame(prefix='tc') clusters = event.getDataFrame(prefix='hmVRcl3d') clusters_truth = event.getDataFrame(prefix='cl3dtruth') gen_info = event.getDataFrame(prefix='gen') gen_particles = event.getDataFrame(prefix='genpart') puInfo = event.getPUInfo() debugPrintOut(debug, 'PU', toCount=puInfo, toPrint=puInfo) debugPrintOut(debug, 'Trigger Cells', toCount=triggerCells, toPrint=triggerCells.iloc[:3]) # print gen_particles.columns print gen_particles[['pid', 'eta', 'phi', 'pt', 'mother', 'gen']] def find_gen_particle(cluster, triggerCells): return triggerCells[ cluster.clusters)].genparticle.unique()[0] def find_cluster_components(cluster, triggerCells): return triggerCells[] # for index, cluster in clusters_truth.iterrows(): # print cluster # print 'corresponding gen particle: {}'.format(find_gen_particle(cluster, triggerCells)) if not clusters_truth.empty: clusters_truth['genparticle'] = clusters_truth.apply( func=lambda cl: find_gen_particle(cl, triggerCells), axis=1) print clusters_truth best_match_indexes = {} best_match_indexes_truth = {} if not clusters.empty: best_match_indexes, allmatches = utils.match_etaphi( gen_particles[['eta', 'phi']], clusters[['eta', 'phi']], clusters['pt'], deltaR=0.1) if not clusters_truth.empty: best_match_indexes_truth, allmatches_truth = utils.match_etaphi( gen_particles[['eta', 'phi']], clusters_truth[['eta', 'phi']], clusters_truth['pt'], deltaR=0.1) for idx, gen_particle in gen_particles[ (abs(gen_particles.eta) > 1.5) & (abs(gen_particles.eta) < 2.4)].iterrows(): if idx in best_match_indexes.keys(): print '-----------------------' print gen_particle matched3DCluster = clusters.loc[[best_match_indexes[idx]]] print 'RECO cluster:' print matched3DCluster print matched3DCluster.clusters print find_cluster_components(matched3DCluster.iloc[0], triggerCells) response = / if idx in best_match_indexes_truth.keys(): matched3DCluster_truth = clusters_truth.loc[[ best_match_indexes_truth[idx] ]] print 'True cluster:' print matched3DCluster_truth print find_cluster_components(matched3DCluster_truth.iloc[0], triggerCells) response_truth = / # print '# towers eta >0 {}'.format(len(triggerTowers[triggerTowers.eta > 0])) # print '# towers eta <0 {}'.format(len(triggerTowers[triggerTowers.eta < 0])) print("Processed {} events/{} TOT events".format(nev, ntuple.nevents())) print("Writing histos to file {}".format(params.output_filename)) lastfile = ntuple.tree().GetFile() print 'Read bytes: {}, # of transaction: {}'.format( lastfile.GetBytesRead(), lastfile.GetReadCalls()) if debug == -4: ntuple.PrintCacheStats() return
def main(): samples2Run = [ 'FlatRandomPtGunProducer_SinglePion_35GeV_20170523', 'FlatRandomPtGunProducer_SinglePhoton_35GeV_20170523', 'RelValTTbar_14TeV_CMSSW_9_1_0_pre3-PU25ns_91X_upgrade2023_realistic_v1_D13PU200-v2_GEN-SIM-RECO' ] sampleManager = SampleManager() for sampleName in samples2Run: sample = sampleManager.getSample(sampleName) print "Sample {} has {} files".format(sampleName, len(sample.getFiles())) outDir = sampleName HGCalHelpers.createOutputDir(outDir) rootOnly = False imgType = 'png' canvas = None if not rootOnly: canvas = ROOT.TCanvas(outDir, outDir, 600, 600) outFile = ROOT.TFile.Open("{}.root".format(sampleName), "RECREATE") histDict = getHists() currentEvent = 0 for inFile in sample.getFiles(): if maxEvents > 0: if currentEvent > maxEvents: break print inFile ntuple = HGCalNtuple(inFile) for event in ntuple: currentEvent += 1 if (currentEvent % 10 == 0): print "Event", currentEvent, "of", maxEvents if maxEvents > 0: if currentEvent > maxEvents: break # # multi clusters # multiClusters = event.multiClusters() # multiClusterCounter = {} # for currentRange in rangeFolders: # multiClusterCounter[currentRange] = 0 # for multiCluster in multiClusters: # if (multiCluster.z() < 0): # multiClusterCounter['minus_z'] += 1 # histDict['{}_{}_eta'.format('MultiClus', currentRange)].Fill(abs(multiCluster.eta())) # histDict['{}_{}_pt'.format('MultiClus', currentRange)].Fill( # histDict['{}_{}_nclus'.format('MultiClus', currentRange)].Fill(len(multiCluster.cluster2d())) # if (1.6 < abs(multiCluster.eta()) < 2.6): # multiClusterCounter['minus_z_eta'] += 1 # histDict['{}_{}_eta'.format('MultiClus', currentRange)].Fill(abs(multiCluster.eta())) # histDict['{}_{}_pt'.format('MultiClus', currentRange)].Fill( # histDict['{}_{}_nclus'.format('MultiClus', currentRange)].Fill(len(multiCluster.cluster2d())) # # print # else: # multiClusterCounter['plus_z'] += 1 # histDict['{}_{}_eta'.format('MultiClus', currentRange)].Fill(abs(multiCluster.eta())) # histDict['{}_{}_pt'.format('MultiClus', currentRange)].Fill( # histDict['{}_{}_nclus'.format('MultiClus', currentRange)].Fill(len(multiCluster.cluster2d())) # if (1.6 < abs(multiCluster.eta()) < 2.6): # multiClusterCounter['plus_z_eta'] += 1 # histDict['{}_{}_eta'.format('MultiClus', currentRange)].Fill(abs(multiCluster.eta())) # histDict['{}_{}_pt'.format('MultiClus', currentRange)].Fill( # histDict['{}_{}_nclus'.format('MultiClus', currentRange)].Fill(len(multiCluster.cluster2d())) # layer clusters layerClusters = event.layerClusters() recHits = event.recHits() layerClusterCounter = {} for currentRange in rangeFolders: layerClusterCounter[currentRange] = [] layerClusterCounter["100_" + currentRange] = [] layerClusterCounter["200_" + currentRange] = [] layerClusterCounter["300_" + currentRange] = [] layerClusterCounter["other_" + currentRange] = [] for layer in range(0, 53): # use index zero as overall counter layerClusterCounter[currentRange].append(0) layerClusterCounter["100_" + currentRange].append(0) layerClusterCounter["200_" + currentRange].append(0) layerClusterCounter["300_" + currentRange].append(0) layerClusterCounter["other_" + currentRange].append(0) for layerCluster in layerClusters: # if recHits[layerCluster.rechitSeed()].flags() != 0: # print recHits[layerCluster.rechitSeed()].flags(),, len(layerCluster.rechits()) histDict["eventDisplay_{}".format(currentEvent)].Fill( layerCluster.layer(), layerCluster.phi(), layerCluster.eta(), # print layerCluster.rechitSeed() # seedHitThickness = int(recHits[layerCluster.rechitSeed()].thickness()) # # print "seedHitThickness", seedHitThickness # histStringsForFilling = [] # if (layerCluster.z() < 0): # histStringsForFilling.append('minus_z') # histStringsForFilling.append(thicknessDict[seedHitThickness] + 'minus_z') # if (1.6 < abs(layerCluster.eta()) < 2.6): # histStringsForFilling.append('minus_z_eta') # histStringsForFilling.append(thicknessDict[seedHitThickness] + 'minus_z_eta') # else: # histStringsForFilling.append('plus_z') # histStringsForFilling.append(thicknessDict[seedHitThickness] + 'plus_z') # if (1.6 < abs(layerCluster.eta()) < 2.6): # histStringsForFilling.append('plus_z_eta') # histStringsForFilling.append(thicknessDict[seedHitThickness] + 'plus_z_eta') # for histString in histStringsForFilling: # layerClusterCounter[histString][0] += 1 # layerClusterCounter[histString][layerCluster.layer()] += 1 # histDict['{}_{}_eta'.format('LayerClus', histString)].Fill(abs(layerCluster.eta())) # histDict['{0}_{1}_{2:0>2}_eta'.format('LayerClus', histString, layerCluster.layer())].Fill(abs(layerCluster.eta())) # histDict['{}_{}_pt'.format('LayerClus', histString)].Fill( # histDict['{0}_{1}_{2:0>2}_pt'.format('LayerClus', histString, layerCluster.layer())].Fill( # histDict['{}_{}_nhitCore'.format('LayerClus', histString)].Fill(layerCluster.nhitCore()) # histDict['{0}_{1}_{2:0>2}_nhitCore'.format('LayerClus', histString, layerCluster.layer())].Fill(layerCluster.nhitCore()) # histDict['{}_{}_nhitAll'.format('LayerClus', histString)].Fill(layerCluster.nhitAll()) # histDict['{0}_{1}_{2:0>2}_nhitAll'.format('LayerClus', histString, layerCluster.layer())].Fill(layerCluster.nhitAll()) # fill counting histograms # for currentRange in rangeFolders: # for layer in range(0, 53): # # if (currentEvent == 1): # # print currentRange, layer, layerClusterCounter[currentRange][layer] # if (layer == 0): # histDict['{}_{}_mult'.format('LayerClus', currentRange)].Fill(layerClusterCounter[currentRange][layer]) # histDict['{}_{}_mult'.format('MultiClus', currentRange)].Fill(multiClusterCounter[currentRange]) # else: # histDict['{0}_{1}_{2:0>2}_mult'.format('LayerClus', currentRange, layer)].Fill(layerClusterCounter[currentRange][layer]) # for key, value in histDict.items(): # if value.GetEntries() != 0: # value.Scale(1./maxEvents) HGCalHelpers.saveHistograms(histDict, canvas, outDir, imgType, logScale=False, rootOnly=rootOnly) outFile.Write() outFile.Close()