Пример #1
    def edge_length(e):
        Compute length of an edge.

        :param afem.topology.entities.Edge e: The edge.

        :return: Edge length.
        :rtype: float
        return SMESH_Algo.EdgeLength_(e.object)
Пример #2
    def is_degenerated(e):
        Check if the edge has no 3-D curve.

        :param afem.topology.entities.Edge e: The edge.

        :return: *True* if no 3-D curve, *False* otherwise.
        :rtype: bool
        return SMESH_Algo.isDegenerated_(e.object)
Пример #3
    def is_straight(e):
        Check if the edge can be considered straight.

        :param afem.topology.entities.Edge e: The edge.

        :return: *True* if straight, *False* otherwise.
        :rtype: bool
        return SMESH_Algo.IsStraight_(e.object)
Пример #4
    def is_continuous(e1, e2):
        Check if the two edges can be considered continuous.

        :param afem.topology.entities.Edge e1: The first edge.
        :param afem.topology.entities.Edge e2: The second edge.

        :return: *True* if continuous, *False* otherwise.
        :rtype: bool
        return SMESH_Algo.IsContinuous_(e1.object, e2.object)
Пример #5
    def continuity(e1, e2):
        Calculate the continuity of the two edges.

        :param afem.topology.entities.Vertex e1: The first edge.
        :param afem.topology.entities.Vertex e2: The second edge.

        :return: The continuity.
        :rtype: OCCT.GeomAbs.GeomAbs_Shape
        return SMESH_Algo.Continuity_(e1.object, e2.object)
Пример #6
    def vertex_node(v, mesh):
        Get a node built on a vertex.

        :param afem.topology.entities.Vertex v: The vertex.
        :param mesh: The mesh.
        :type mesh: afem.smesh.entities.Mesh or afem.smesh.entities.MeshDS

        :return: The node.
        :rtype: afem.smesh.entities.Node
        return Node(SMESH_Algo.VertexNode_(v.object, mesh.object))