def build_from_json(juph): """ :param juph: A dictionary that contains JSON-parsed object :type juph: dict :rtype: UserProfilePhotos """ phus = [] phu = [] for photos in juph['photos']: for photo in photos: phu.append(PhotoSize.build_from_json(photo)) phus.append(tuple(phu)) return UserProfilePhotos(juph['total_count'], phus)
def build_from_json(jsticker): """ :param jsticker: A dictionary that contains JSON-parsed object :type jsticker: dict :rtype: Sticker """ thumb = None file_size = 0 if 'thumb' in jsticker.keys(): thumb = PhotoSize.build_from_json(jsticker['thumb']) if 'file_size' in jsticker.keys(): file_size = int(jsticker['file_size']) return Sticker(jsticker['file_id'], int(jsticker['width']), int(jsticker['height']), thumb, file_size)
def build_from_json(jvideo): """ :param jvideo: A dictionary that contains JSON-parsed object :type jvideo: dict :rtype: Video """ thumb = None mime_type = "" file_size = 0 if 'thumb' in jvideo.keys(): thumb = PhotoSize.build_from_json(jvideo['thumb']) if 'mime_type' in jvideo.keys(): mime_type = jvideo['mime_type'] if 'file_size' in jvideo.keys(): file_size = int(jvideo['file_size']) return Video(jvideo['file_id'], int(jvideo['width']), int(jvideo['height']), int(jvideo['duration']), thumb, mime_type, file_size)
def build_from_json(jdocument): """ :param jdocument: A dictionary that contains JSON-parsed object :type jdocument: dict :rtype: Document """ thumb = None file_name = "" mime_type = "" file_size = 0 if 'thumb' in jdocument.keys(): thumb = PhotoSize.build_from_json(jdocument['thumb']) if 'file_name' in jdocument.keys(): file_name = jdocument['file_name'] if 'mime_type' in jdocument.keys(): mime_type = jdocument['mime_type'] if 'file_size' in jdocument.keys(): file_size = int(jdocument['file_size']) return Document(jdocument['file_id'], thumb, file_name, mime_type, file_size)
def __extract_ph_array(jph: list): pharray = [] for photo in jph: pharray.append(PhotoSize.build_from_json(photo)) return tuple(pharray)