def release_parent(path): ppath = os.path.dirname(path) info = examine_path(ppath) parent = get_volume_entry(info['vid']) if 'ro' in parent: vos('release', parent['name'], '-verbose') fs("checkvolumes")
def get_volume_entry(name_or_id): info = {'locked':False} out = vos('listvldb', '-name', name_or_id, '-quiet', '-noresolve', '-noauth') for line in out.splitlines(): m ='^(\S+)', line) if m: info['name'] = m ='RWrite: (\d+)', line) if m: info['rw'] = m ='ROnly: (\d+)', line) if m: info['ro'] = m ='Backup: (\d+)', line) if m: info['bk'] = m = re.match(r'\s+server (\S+) partition /vicep(\S+) RW Site', line) if m: info['server'] = info['part'] = m = re.match(r'\s+server (\S+) partition /vicep(\S+) RO Site', line) if m: server = part = if 'rosites' not in info: info['rosites'] = [] info['rosites'].append((server, part)) m = re.match(r'\s*Volume is currently LOCKED', line) if m: info['locked'] = True m = re.match(r'\s*Volume is locked for a (\S+) operation', line) if m: info['op'] = return info
def volume_location_matches(self, name_or_id, server, part, vtype='rw'): address = socket.gethostbyname(server) if vtype not in ('rw', 'ro', 'bk'): raise AssertionError("Volume type must be one of 'rw', 'ro', or 'bk'.") volume = get_volume_entry(name_or_id)"volume: %s" % (volume)) if vtype not in volume: raise AssertionError("Volume type '%s' not found in VLDB for volume '%s'" % (vtype, name_or_id)) if vtype == 'ro': found = False for s,p in volume['rosites']: if s == address and p == part: found = True if not found: raise AssertionError("Volume entry does not contain ro site! %s:%s" % (server, part)) else: if volume['server'] != address or volume['part'] != part: raise AssertionError("Volume entry location does not match! expected %s:%s, found %s:%s" % (address, part, volume['server'], volume['part'])) out = vos('listvol', '-server', volume['server'], '-partition', volume['part'], '-fast', '-noauth', '-quiet') for line in out.splitlines(): vid = line.strip() if vid: if volume[vtype] == vid: return raise AssertionError("Volume id %s is not present on server '%s', partition '%s'" % (volume['rw'], volume['server'], volume['part']))
def get_parts(server): """Get the server partitions.""" parts = [] for line in vos('listpart', server).splitlines(): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("The partitions"): continue if line.startswith("Total"): continue for part in line.split(): parts.append(part.replace("/vicep", "")) return parts
def volume_should_exist(self, name_or_id): """Verify the existence of a read-write volume. Fails if the volume entry is not found in the VLDB or the volume is not present on the fileserver indicated by the VLDB. """ volume = get_volume_entry(name_or_id) out = vos('listvol', '-server', volume['server'], '-partition', volume['part'], '-fast', '-noauth', '-quiet') for line in out.splitlines(): vid = line.strip() if vid: if volume['rw'] == vid: return raise AssertionError("Volume id %s is not present on server '%s', partition '%s'" % (volume['rw'], volume['server'], volume['part']))
def remove_volume(self, name_or_id, path=None, flush=False, server=None, part=None, zap=False): """Remove a volume. Remove the volume and any clones. Optionally remove the given mount point. """ if name_or_id == '0':"Skipping remove for volume id 0") return volume = None if path and os.path.exists(path): path = os.path.abspath(path) if not path.startswith('/afs'): raise AssertionError("Path not in '/afs': %s" % (path)) if flush: fs("flush", path) fs('rmmount', '-dir', path) release_parent(path) try: volume = get_volume_entry(name_or_id) except NoSuchEntryError:"No vldb entry found for volume '%s'" % name_or_id) if volume: if 'rosites' in volume: for server,part in volume['rosites']: vos('remove', '-server', server, '-part', part, '-id', "%s.readonly" % name_or_id) vos('remove', '-id', name_or_id) fs("checkvolumes") elif zap: if not server: server = socket.gethostname() if part: try: vos('zap', '-id', name_or_id, '-server', server, '-part', part); except NoSuchEntryError:"No volume {name_or_id} to zap on server {server} part {part}".format(**locals())) else: for part in get_parts(server): try: vos('zap', '-id', name_or_id, '-server', server, '-part', part); except NoSuchEntryError:"No volume {name_or_id} to zap on server {server} part {part}".format(**locals()))
def create_volume(self, name, server=None, part='a', path=None, quota='0', ro=False, acl=None, orphan=False): """Create and mount a volume. Create a volume and optionally mount the volume. Also optionally create a read-only clone of the volume and release the new new volume. Release the parent volume if it is replicated. """ vid = None if not name: raise AssertionError("volume name is required!") if server is None or server == '': # use this host server = socket.gethostname() if path: path = os.path.abspath(path) if not path.startswith('/afs'): raise AssertionError("Path not in '/afs'.") out = vos('create', '-server', server, '-partition', part, '-name', name, '-m', quota, '-verbose') for line in out.splitlines(): m = re.match(r'Volume (\d+) created on partition', line) if m: vid = break if vid is None: raise AssertionError("Created volume id not found!") if path: fs('mkmount', '-dir', path, '-vol', name) if acl: fs('setacl', '-dir', path, '-acl', *acl.split(',')) if ro: vos('addsite', '-server', server, '-partition', part, '-id', name) vos('release', name, '-verbose') if path: release_parent(path) if orphan: # Intentionally remove the vldb entry for testing! vos('delent', '-id', vid) return vid
def release_volume(self, name): vos('release', '-id', name, '-verbose') fs("checkvolumes")
def _zap_volume(name_or_id, server, part): try: vos('zap', '-id', name_or_id, '-server', server, '-part', part); except NoSuchEntryError:"No such volume to zap")