Пример #1
    def test_varSelection(self):
        linearSelection = model_order_reduction.variables_selection(self.X)
        linearSelection.eigens = self.nPCtest
        linearSelection.retained = self.nVarTest

        linearSelection.method = self.selMethod1
        labels1, ____ = linearSelection.fit()

        linearSelection.method = self.selMethod2
        labels2, ____ = linearSelection.fit()

        linearSelection.method = self.selMethod3
        labels3, ____ = linearSelection.fit()


        self.assertEqual(len(labels1), self.nVarTest)
        self.assertEqual(len(labels2), self.nVarTest)
        self.assertEqual(len(labels3), self.nVarTest)
    #set the initialization method

    #enable additional options:

X = readCSV(file_options["path_to_file"], file_options["input_file_name"])
print("matrix dimensions: {}".format(X.shape))

if settings["select_variables"]:
    PVs = model_order_reduction.variables_selection(X, settings)
    labels, numbers = PVs.fit()

    redX = X[:, numbers]

print("The new data dimensions are: {}".format(X.shape))

model = clustering.lpca(redX, settings)

index = model.fit()

if settings["evaluate_clustering"]:

    #evaluate the clustering solution
    PHC_coeff, PHC_deviations = evaluate_clustering_PHC(X,
Пример #3
    newDirName = "trainingMGPCAforPV2ndtry_time" + now.strftime(

# Write a txt to recap the prescribed settings
text_file = open("Recap_training.txt", "wt")
method_used = text_file.write("The PV method is: " + str(settings["method"]) +
                              ". \n")
minVar = text_file.write(
    "The number of considered variables for the model reduction is: {} \n".

# Retrieve the PVs name, and the corresponding numbers in the original matrix X
PV = model_order_reduction.variables_selection(X_preprocessed, settings)
PVs, numbers = PV.fit()

# Save the selected variables in a .txt, they can be useful later on
np.savetxt("Selected_variables.txt", numbers)

# Cut the dimensionality of the original matrix, considering only
# the selected 'm' variables
X_preprocessed_cut = X_preprocessed[:, numbers]

#perform the dimensionality reduction via Principal Component Analysis,
# and return the eigenvectors of the reduced manifold (PCs).
model = model_order_reduction.PCA(X_preprocessed, settings)
PCs, ____ = model.fit()

#compute the projection of the original points on the reduced