def find_extension_modules(folder, builtins): importlib.invalidate_caches() #base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) base = sublime.packages_path() path = base + '/' + folder moduleTable = {} # Built in extensions #for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): # for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.py'): # if '__init__' in filename or 'abstract' in filename: # continue for filename in builtins: filename = filename + ".py" force = sets.Get("forceLoadInternalExtensions", False) module = load_module("OrgExtended", folder, filename, force) moduleTable[filename.split('.')[0]] = module # User generated extensions path = os.path.join(base, 'User', folder) for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.py'): if '__init__' in filename or 'abstract' in filename: continue # Only reload if the file is newer. # NOTE: Due to how import works, it will not # reload the file until sublime reloads # so we have to track that ourselves # in the loadModCache. fullfilename = os.path.join(path, filename) lastMod = os.path.getmtime(fullfilename) force = fullfilename not in lastModCache or lastMod > lastModCache[ fullfilename] or sets.Get("forceLoadExternalExtensions", False) lastModCache[fullfilename] = lastMod module = load_module("User", folder, filename, force) moduleTable[filename.split('.')[0]] = module return moduleTable
def RebuildDb(self): if(evt.Get().listeners('tagsfound')): evt.Get().clear_listeners('tagsfound') evt.Get().on("tagsfound",self.OnTags) self.Files = [] self.files = {} self.orgPaths = sets.Get("orgDirs",None) self.orgFiles = sets.Get("orgFiles",None) self.orgExcludePaths = sets.Get("orgExcludeDirs",None) self.orgExcludeFiles = sets.Get("orgExcludeFiles",None) matches = [] if(self.orgPaths): for orgPath in self.orgPaths: orgPath = orgPath.replace('\\','/') globSuffix = sets.Get("validOrgExtensions",[".org"]) for suffix in globSuffix: if('archive' in suffix): continue suffix = "*" + suffix dirGlobPos = orgPath.find("*") if(dirGlobPos > 0): suffix = os.path.join(orgPath[dirGlobPos:],suffix) orgPath = orgPath[0:dirGlobPos] if("*" in orgPath): log.error(" orgDirs only supports double star style directory wildcards! Anything else is not supported: " + str(orgPath)) if(sublime.active_window().active_view()): sublime.active_window().active_view().set_status("Error: ","orgDirs only supports double star style directory wildcards! Anything else is not supported: " + str(orgPath)) log.error(" skipping orgDirs value: " + str(orgPath)) continue if not Path(orgPath).exists(): log.warning('orgDir path {} does not exist!'.format(orgPath)) continue try: for path in Path(orgPath).glob(suffix): if OrgDb.IsExcluded(str(path), self.orgExcludePaths, self.orgExcludeFiles): continue try: filename = str(path) file = FileInfo(filename,loader.load(filename), self.orgPaths) self.AddFileInfo(file) except Exception as e: #x = sys.exc_info() log.warning("FAILED PARSING: %s\n %s",str(path),traceback.format_exc()) except Exception as e: log,logging.warning("ERROR globbing {}\n{}".format(orgPath, traceback.format_exc())) if(self.orgFiles): for orgFile in self.orgFiles: path = orgFile.replace('\\','/') if OrgDb.IsExcluded(str(path), self.orgExcludePaths, self.orgExcludeFiles): continue try: filename = str(path) file = FileInfo(filename,loader.load(filename), self.orgPaths) self.AddFileInfo(file) except Exception as e: #x = sys.exc_info() log.warning("FAILED PARSING: %s\n %s",str(path),traceback.format_exc()) self.SortFiles() self.RebuildIds()
def onActivated(view): shouldHandleActivationFolding = sets.Get("onFocusRespectStartupFolds", None) if (shouldHandleActivationFolding): # Now lets respect the fold state if we have any. file = db.Get().FindInfo(view) if (file): r =[0] globalStartup = sets.Get("startup", ["showall"]) startup = r.startup(globalStartup) if (Startup.overview in startup or Startup.fold in startup): fold_all_but_my_tree(view) elif (Startup.content in startup): fold_all_but_my_tree(view) fold_all_links(view)
def dayPageFilenameToDateTime(view): filename = view.file_name() if (not filename): return None formatStr = sets.Get("dayPageNameFormat", "%a_%Y_%m_%d") filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] return datetime.datetime.strptime(filename, formatStr)
def plugin_loaded(): evt.Get().off("tagsfound",db.Get().OnTags) sets.setup_user_settings() # Load our settings file. # We probably need a command to reload it # When it is modified, and probably to reload # the DB automatically when your orgs change. sets.Load() clocking.Load() # To enable debug logging, set the env var to a non-blank value. # This is the same pattern that neovintageous uses and I think # it is a reasonably decent mechanism _DEBUG = bool(os.getenv('SUBLIME_ORGEXTENDED_DEBUG')) _DEBUG = _DEBUG or sets.Get("enableDebugLogging",False) #_DEBUG = True if _DEBUG: logger = logging.getLogger('OrgExtended') logger.propagate = 0 if not logger.hasHandlers(): logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stream_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter( 'Org: %(levelname)-7s [%(filename)15s:%(lineno)4d] %(message)s' )) logger.addHandler(stream_handler) logger.debug('debug logger initialized') global log log = logging.getLogger(__name__) db.Get().RebuildDb() #window = sublime.active_window() #if window is None: sublime.set_timeout_async(lambda: sync_up_on_loaded(), 1000) log.debug("DONE INITIALIZING ORG CAPTURE")
def HandleEntering(self, m, l, orgnode): self.skipSrc = False language ='lang') paramstr = l[len(] p = type('', (), {})() src.BuildFullParamList(p,language,paramstr,orgnode) exp = p.params.Get("exports",None) # Have to pass on parameter to the results block self.e.sparams = p if(isinstance(exp,list) and len(exp) > 0): exp = exp[0] if(exp == 'results' or exp == 'none'): self.skipSrc = True return # Some languages we skip source by default skipLangs = sets.Get("revealDefaultSkipSrc",[]) if(exp == None and language == skipLangs): self.skipSrc = True return attribs = "" if("data-noescape" in params): attribs += " data-noescape" if("data-trim" in params): attribs += " data-trim" if("data-line-numbers" in params): attribs += " data-line-numbers=\"{nums}\"".format(nums=params["data-line-numbers"]) self.options, self.float, self.caption = self.HandleOptions() if(haveLang(language)): self.e.doc.append(" <pre><code language=\"{language}\" {attribs}>".format(language=mapLanguage(language),attribs=attribs)) else: self.e.doc.append(" <pre><code {attribs}>".format(attribs=attribs))
def HandleEntering(self, m, l, orgnode): self.skipSrc = False language ='lang') paramstr = l[len(] p = type('', (), {})() src.BuildFullParamList(p, language, paramstr, orgnode) exp = p.params.Get("exports", None) # Have to pass on parameter to the results block self.e.sparams = p if (isinstance(exp, list) and len(exp) > 0): exp = exp[0] if (exp == 'results' or exp == 'none'): self.skipSrc = True return # Some languages we skip source by default skipLangs = sets.Get("latexDefaultSkipSrc", []) if (exp == None and language == skipLangs): self.skipSrc = True return attribs = "" self.options, self.float, self.caption = self.HandleOptions() self.e.doc.append(r" \begin{center}") self.e.doc.append(r" \centering") if (haveLang(language)): self.e.doc.append( r" \begin{options}{{lstlisting}}[language={{{lang}}}]".format( options=self.options, lang=mapLanguage(language))) else: self.e.doc.append(r" \begin{options}{{lstlisting}}".format( options=self.options))
def __GetPaths(self, name): paths = sets.Get(name, None) if (str == type(paths)): return os.path.expanduser(paths) if (list == type(paths)): return list(map(os.path.expanduser, paths)) return None
def redraw(self): if(None == self.inputpanel): return ff = sets.Get("input_font_face","Arial") content = "<html><body id=\"orgselect\">" content += """<style> div.orgselect { background-color: #202020; font-family: """ + ff + """; padding: 7px; border: 2px solid #73AD21; border-style: none none none solid; } div.currentsel { background-color: #353555; } </style><div class=\"orgselect\">""" if(hasattr(self,'matched')): if(not self.current in self.matched and len(self.matched) > 0): self.current = self.matched[0] for i in self.matched: if(i == self.current): content += "<div class=\"currentsel\">" + i + "</div>" else: content += i + "<br>" content += "</div></body></html>" #self.inputpanel.show_popup_menu(self.matched,None) #self.inputpanel.show_popup(content,sublime.COOPERATE_WITH_AUTO_COMPLETE,-1) if(None != content and content != ""): self.popup(content)
def Setup(): global notice checkPeriod = sets.Get("noticePeriod", 1) * 60 if (checkPeriod < 60): checkPeriod = 60 notice = NotificationSystem(interval=timedelta(seconds=checkPeriod)) notice.start() log.debug("NOTIFICATION SYSTEM IS UP AND RUNNING: " + str(checkPeriod))
def run(self, edit): refile = sets.Get("refile", None) log.debug("REFILE: ", refile) if (refile): self.view.window().open_file(refile) else: log.error( "Could not find refile file, have you set it in your config?")
def CheckNotifications(self): log.debug("CHECKING...") if ( > self.todaysDate or == None): self.todaysDate = self.notified = {} self.BuildToday() # Periodically rebuild the day. if ((self.checkcount % 4) == 0): self.checkcount += 1 self.BuildToday() hours = sets.Get("notifyHoursBefore", 0) minutes = sets.Get("notifyMinsBefore", 15) for item in n = item['node'] if (IsWithinNotificationWindow(n, hours, minutes) and not self.HaveNotifiedFor(item)): log.debug("DO NOTIFY CALLED") self.DoNotify(item)
def dayPageGetPath(): dpPath = sets.Get("dayPagePath", None) if (dpPath == None): sublime.status_message( "Day Page error. dayPagePath setting is not set!") log.error( " Cannot create day page without dayPathPath in configuration") return None os.makedirs(dpPath, exist_ok=True) return dpPath
def Reload(self, fileOrView): self.orgPaths = sets.Get("orgDirs", None) fi = self.FindInfo(fileOrView) if (fi != None): fi.Reload() self.RebuildIds() return fi else: rv = self.LoadNew(fileOrView) self.RebuildIds() return rv
def on_panel_ready(self, index, openas, panel): self.panel = panel global captureBufferName captureBufferName = sets.Get("captureBufferName", captureBufferName) window = self.view.window() template = self.templates[index] target, capturePath, captureFile, at = GetCapturePath( self.view, template) if (panel.is_loading()): sublime.set_timeout_async( lambda: self.on_panel_ready(index, openas, panel), 100) return startPos = -1 # Try to store the capture index panel.settings().set('cap_index', index) panel.settings().set('cap_view', self.openas = openas if ('template' in template): startPos = self.insert_template(template['template'], panel) window.run_command('show_panel', args={'panel': 'output.orgcapture'}) panel.sel().clear() panel.sel().add(startPos) window.focus_view(panel) self.cleanup_capture_panel() elif ('snippet' in template): self.level = 0 = None prefix = "" if (self.openas): insertAt = captureFile.At(at) = panel.text_point(insertAt.end_row + 1, 0) self.insertRow = insertAt.end_row + 1 linev = panel.line( linetxt = panel.substr(linev) if (linetxt and not linetxt.strip() == ""): prefix = "\n" = linev.end() self.insertRow += 1 else: = linev.begin() panel.sel().clear() panel.sel().add( self.level = insertAt.level else: window.run_command('show_panel', args={'panel': 'output.orgcapture'}) if (self.openas and self.level > 0): self.index = index self.panel = panel self.panel.Insert(, prefix + ("*" * self.level), evt.Make(self.on_added_stars)) else: self.insert_snippet(index)
def run(self, edit): style = sets.Get("PandocStyle", "blocky") css = GetCssForHtmlExport(style) outFile = tf.GetViewFileAs(self.view, ".html") cmd = [Pandoc(), "-s", "-c", css] inHeader = GetHeaderData(style) if (inHeader): cmd.extend(inHeader) cmd.extend(["-o", outFile, self.view.file_name()]) print(cmd) Execute(cmd)
def run(self, edit): templates = sets.Get("captureTemplates", []) temps = [] for temp in templates: log.debug("TEMPLATE: ", temp) temps.append(temp['name']) if (int(sublime.version()) >= 4096): self.view.window().show_quick_panel(temps, self.on_done_base_st4, -1, -1) else: self.view.window().show_quick_panel(temps, self.on_done_base_st3, -1, -1)
def FindImageFile(view, url): # ABS if (os.path.isabs(url)): return url # Relative if (view != None): curDir = os.path.dirname(view.file_name()) filename = os.path.join(curDir, url) if (os.path.isfile(filename)): return filename # In search path searchHere = sets.Get("imageSearchPath", []) for direc in searchHere: filename = os.path.join(direc, url) if (os.path.isfile(filename)): return filename searchHere = sets.Get("orgDirs", []) for direc in searchHere: filename = os.path.join(direc, "images", url) if (os.path.isfile(filename)): return filename
def onDeactivated(view): global captureBufferName global lastHeader if ( == captureBufferName): tempIndex = view.settings().get('cap_index') templates = sets.Get("captureTemplates", []) template = templates[tempIndex] #outpath, outfile = GetCaptureOutput() #print('template index was: ' + str(tempIndex)) target, capturePath, captureFile, at = GetCapturePath( GetViewById(view.settings().get('cap_view')), template) #refilePath = sets.Get("refile","UNKNOWN") #refile = load(refilePath) captureFileRoot = None if (captureFile != None): captureFileRoot = bufferContentsToInsert = view.substr(sublime.Region(0, view.size())) if not bufferContentsToInsert.endswith('\n'): bufferContentsToInsert += "\n" didInsert = False # Get a capture node captureNode = loader.loads(bufferContentsToInsert) # if we moused out of the window we might be replacing # ourselves again. if (lastHeader == None): lastHeader = str(captureNode[1].heading) # We may haved moved around in the capture file # so find the old heading. for heading in captureFileRoot: if (type(heading) is node.OrgRootNode): continue if str(heading.heading) == lastHeader: #log.debug("REPLACING: " + str(heading.heading)) heading.replace_node(captureNode[1]) didInsert = True continue if (not didInsert): insertAt = captureFileRoot inserted = captureNode[1] if (at != None and at > 0): # This does not work? its a node not a file insertAt = captureFile.At(at) insertAt.insert_child(inserted) f = open(capturePath, "w+") # reauthor the ENTIRE file. # This can get expensive! for item in captureFileRoot: f.write(str(item)) f.close() lastHeader = str(captureNode[1].heading) log.debug("***************>>>>> [" + + "] is no more")
def plot_table_command(table,view): # First get parameters ps = plot_get_params(table,view) # Next build the data file datafile = plot_build_data_file(table,ps) # Next build the plot command file plot_build_command_file(table,ps) # Shell out to gnu plot plotcmd = sets.Get("gnuplot",r"C:\Program Files\gnuplot\bin\gnuplot.exe") output = ps['_filename'] outpath = os.path.dirname(output) sourcepath = os.path.dirname(view.file_name()) commandLine = [plotcmd, "-c", ps['_gpltfile'] ] try: startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW except: startupinfo = None cwd = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(),"User") if(output == "viewer" and platform.system() == "Windows"): global ppp ppp = subprocess.Popen(commandLine, universal_newlines=True, cwd=cwd, startupinfo=startupinfo, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) o = "" e = "" else: popen = subprocess.Popen(commandLine, universal_newlines=True, cwd=cwd, startupinfo=startupinfo, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (o,e) = popen.communicate() print("Attempting to plot data from table:") print("STDOUT: \n" + str(o)) print("STDERR: \n" + str(e)) cullTempFiles = True if(cullTempFiles): if(os.path.exists(ps['_datafile'])): os.remove(ps['_datafile']) if(os.path.exists(ps['_gpltfile'])): os.remove(ps['_gpltfile']) row = view.curRow() node = db.Get().At(view, row) level = 1 indent = " " if(node): level = node.level indent = " " * level + " " o = indent + "#+RESULTS:\n"+indent+"[[file:" + output.replace("\\","/") + "]]" if(output != "viewer"): have = plot_find_results(table,view) if(not have): o = "\n" + o view.run_command("org_internal_replace", {"start": table.resultsRegion.begin(), "end": table.resultsRegion.end(), "text": o}) print(o)
def Execute(cmd, sets): exe = sets.Get("graphviz", None) if (exe == None): print( "ERROR: cannot find graphviz executable file. Please setup the graphviz key in your settings file" ) return ["ERROR - missing graphviz executable file"] output = "diagram" format = cmd.params.Get('fmt', "png") engine = cmd.params.Get('engine', "default") output = output + "." + format cmd.output = cmd.params.Get('file', output) if (engine != "default"): if (platform.system() == "Windows"): if (not engine.endswith(".exe")): engine = engine + ".exe" exe = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(exe), engine) outpath = os.path.dirname(cmd.filename) sourcepath = os.path.dirname(cmd.sourcefile) destFile = os.path.join(sourcepath, cmd.output) commandLine = [exe, "-T" + format, cmd.filename, "-o", destFile] #print(str(commandLine)) #commandLine = [r"java", "-jar", jarfile, "-help"] try: startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW except: startupinfo = None # cwd=working_dir, env=my_env, os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(destFile), exist_ok=True) cwd = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), "User") popen = subprocess.Popen(commandLine, universal_newlines=True, cwd=cwd, startupinfo=startupinfo, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) #popen.wait() (o, e) = popen.communicate() #convertFile = os.path.join(outpath,os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cmd.filename))[0] + ".png") #copyfile(convertFile, destFile) #print(str(os.path.basename(cmd.sourcefile))) #print(str(os.path.splitext(cmd.filename))) #print(str(os.path.splitext(cmd.sourcefile))) #destFile = os.path.relpath(destFile, sourcepath) #o = "[[file:" + destFile + "]]" + o return o.split('\n') + e.split('\n')
def EscAndLinks(self, l): line = html.escape(l) m = if(m): link ='link').strip() desc ='desc') if(not desc): desc = link else: desc = desc.strip() if(link.endswith(".png") or link.endswith(".jpg") or link.endswith(".jpeg") or link.endswith(".gif")): if(link.startswith("file:")): link = re.sub(r'^file:','',link) extradata = "" if(self.commentName and self.commentName in link): extradata = " " + self.commentData self.commentName = None if(hasattr(self,'attrs')): for key in self.attrs: extradata += " " + str(key) + "=\"" + str(self.attrs[key]) + "\"" preamble = "" postamble = "" if(hasattr(self,'caption') and self.caption): preamble = "<div class=\"figure\"><p>" postamble = "</p><p><span class=\"figure-number\">Figure {index}: </span>{caption}</p></div>".format(index=self.figureIndex,caption=self.caption) self.figureIndex += 1 line = RE_LINK.sub("{preamble}<img src=\"{link}\" alt=\"{desc}\"{extradata}>{postamble}".format(preamble=preamble,link=link,desc=desc,extradata=extradata,postamble=postamble),line) self.ClearAttributes() else: line = RE_LINK.sub("<a href=\"{link}\">{desc}</a>".format(link=link,desc=desc),line) self.ClearAttributes() else: line = exp.RE_BOLD.sub(r"<b>\1</b>",line) line = exp.RE_ITALICS.sub(r"<i>\1</i>",line) line = exp.RE_UNDERLINE.sub(r"<u>\1</u>",line) line = exp.RE_STRIKETHROUGH.sub(r"<strike>\1</strike>",line) line = exp.RE_VERBATIM.sub(r"<pre>\1</pre>",line) line = exp.RE_CODE.sub(r"<code>\1</code>",line) line = RE_STARTQUOTE.sub(r"<blockquote>",line) line = RE_ENDQUOTE.sub(r"</blockquote>",line) line = RE_STARTNOTE.sub(r'<aside class="notes">',line) line = RE_ENDNOTE.sub(r"</aside>",line) line = RE_CHECKBOX.sub(r'<input type="checkbox">',line) line = RE_CHECKED_CHECKBOX.sub(r'<input type="checkbox" checked>',line) if(sets.Get("htmlExportPartialCheckboxChecked",True)): line = RE_PARTIAL_CHECKBOX.sub(r'<input type="checkbox" checked>',line) else: line = RE_PARTIAL_CHECKBOX.sub(r'<input type="checkbox">',line) line = exp.RE_HR.sub(r'<hr>',line) return line
def ShowBalloon(todo, time): log.debug("SHOW BALLOON POPUP") formatDict = {"time": time, "todo": todo} if (sublime.platform() == 'windows'): commandLine = sets.Get("ExternalNotificationCommand", [ r"C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe", "-ExecutionPolicy", "Unrestricted", ".\\balloontip.ps1", "\"{todo}\"", "\"{time}\"" ], formatDict) elif (sublime.platform() == 'osx'): commandLine = sets.Get("ExternalNotificationCommand", [ 'osascript', '-e', "display notification \"{time}\" with title \"{todo}\" subtitle \"" + "Org Mode TODO" + "\"" ], formatDict) else: print("ERROR: platform not yet supported for notifications") # Expand all potential macros. for i in range(len(commandLine)): commandLine[i] = commandLine[i].format(todo=todo, time=time) try: startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW except: startupinfo = None # cwd=working_dir, env=my_env, cwd = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), "OrgExtended") if (sublime.platform() == 'windows'): popen = subprocess.Popen(commandLine, universal_newlines=True, cwd=cwd, startupinfo=startupinfo, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) popen.wait() elif (sublime.platform() == 'osx'): subprocess.check_call(commandLine, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
def Execute(cmd, sets): jarfile = sets.Get("ditaa", None) if (jarfile == None): print( "ERROR: cannot find ditaa jar file. Please setup the ditaa key in your settings file" ) return ["ERROR - missing ditaa.jar file"] cmd.output = cmd.params.Get('file', 'diagram.png') outpath = os.path.dirname(cmd.filename) sourcepath = os.path.dirname(cmd.sourcefile) #commandLine = [r"java", "-jar", jarfile, mypath, "-o", output] commandLine = [r"java", "-jar", jarfile, cmd.filename, "-o"] print(str(commandLine)) #commandLine = [r"java", "-jar", jarfile, "-help"] try: startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW except: startupinfo = None # cwd=working_dir, env=my_env, os.makedirs(outpath, exist_ok=True) cwd = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), "User") popen = subprocess.Popen(commandLine, universal_newlines=True, cwd=cwd, startupinfo=startupinfo, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) #popen.wait() (o, e) = popen.communicate() convertFile = os.path.join( outpath, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cmd.filename))[0] + ".png") destFile = os.path.join(sourcepath, cmd.output) copyfile(convertFile, destFile) #print(str(os.path.basename(cmd.sourcefile))) #print(str(os.path.splitext(cmd.filename))) #print(str(os.path.splitext(cmd.sourcefile))) #destFile = os.path.relpath(destFile, sourcepath) out = o o = "" #o = "[[file:" + destFile + "]]" if ("error" in out or "failed" in out or "Failed" in out or "Error" in out or "not" in out): o = o + out return o.split('\n') + e.split('\n')
def run(self,edit, onDone=None, index=None, suffix=""): self.file = db.Get().FindInfo(self.view) self.onDone = onDone self.suffix = suffix if(index != None): self.index = index else: self.index = None if(None == self.file): log.error("Not an org file? Cannot build reveal document") evt.EmitIf(onDone) return if(sets.Get("htmlExecuteSourceOnExport",True)): self.view.run_command('org_execute_all_source_blocks',{"onDone":evt.Make(self.OnDoneSourceBlockExecution),"amExporting": True}) else: self.OnDoneSourceBlockExecution()
def onLoad(view): remove_all_folds(view) # Now lets respect the fold state if we have any. file = db.Get().FindInfo(view) if (file): r =[0] globalStartup = sets.Get("startup", ["showall"]) startup = r.startup(globalStartup) if (Startup.overview in startup or Startup.fold in startup): fold_all(view) elif (Startup.content in startup): fold_content(view) #if(Startup.showall in startup or Startup.nofold in startup): else: fold_showall(view) fold_all_links(view)
def on_done(self, index): if (index < 0): return global captureBufferName captureBufferName = sets.Get("captureBufferName", captureBufferName) window = self.view.window() template = self.templates[index] target, capturePath, captureFile, at = GetCapturePath( self.view, template) openas = False if ('openas' in template and 'direct' == template['openas']): panel = window.open_file(capturePath) openas = True else: panel = window.create_output_panel("orgcapture") self.on_panel_ready(index, openas, panel)
def on_done(self, index, modifiers=None): if(index >= 0): f = self.files[index] link = self.view.MakeRelativeToMe(f[0]) desc = os.path.basename(link) if(len(f) > 1): desc = f[1] includeRoamTag = sets.Get("insertRoamTagToFileLink", True) if includeRoamTag is False: log.error(self.rawTitles[f[0]]) desc = self.rawTitles[f[0]] indent = "" node = db.Get().AtInView(self.view) if(node): indent = node.indent() data = r"{indent}[[file:{link}][{desc}]]".format(indent=indent, link=link, desc=desc) self.view.run_command("org_internal_insert", {"location": self.view.sel()[0].begin(), "text": data})
def run(self, edit): self.files = [] self.rawTitles = {} for i in range(0, len(db.Get().Files)): filename = db.Get().Files[i].filename title = " ".join(db.Get().Files[i].org.get_comment("TITLE", "")).strip() self.rawTitles[filename] = title useRoamTags = sets.Get("linkFindUseRoamTags", True) if(useRoamTags): tags = " ".join(db.Get().Files[i].org.get_comment("ROAM_TAGS", "")).strip() if(tags != ""): title = "(" + tags + ") " + title if(title != ""): self.files.append([filename, title]) else: self.files.append([filename]) self.view.window().show_quick_panel(self.files, self.on_done, -1, -1)
def run(self, edit, onDone=None): self.edit = edit self.onDone = onDone self.dt = dpPath = sets.Get("dayPagePath",None) os.makedirs(dpPath, exist_ok=True) if(dpPath == None): sublime.status_message("Day Page error. dayPagePath setting is not set!") log.error(" Cannot create day page without dayPathPath in configuration") return dateString = self.dt.strftime("%a_%Y_%m_%d") dpPath = os.path.join(dpPath,dateString + ".org") if(not os.path.exists(dpPath)): with open(dpPath,"w") as f: f.write("#+TITLE: {}\n".format(dateString)) f.write("#+AUTHOR: {}\n".format(getpass.getuser())) sublime.active_window().open_file(dpPath, sublime.ENCODED_POSITION) self.OnDone()