class test_connectWithState_PM( ExampleCommand1_PM):

    # does not use GBC; at least Done & Cancel should work
    title = "test connectWithState"
    def _addGroupBoxes(self):
        """Add the groupboxes for this Property Manager."""
        self.pmGroupBox1 = PM_GroupBox( self, title =  "settings")
        self.pmGroupBox2 = PM_GroupBox( self, title =  "commands")

    _sMaxCylinderHeight = 20 ### TODO: ask the stateref for this
    def _loadGroupBox1(self, pmGroupBox):
        """Load widgets into groupbox 1 (passed as pmGroupBox)."""

        # cylinder height (a double, stored as a preferences value)

        cylinderHeight_stateref = Preferences_StateRef_double(
            ### TODO: ask model object for this ref; this code should not need to know what kind it is (from prefs or model)
        self.cylinderHeightSpinbox  =  \
            PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox,
                              label         =  "cylinder height:",
##                              value         =  CYLINDER_HEIGHT_DEFAULT_VALUE,
##                              # guess: default value or initial value (guess they can't be distinguished -- bug -- yes, doc confirms)
##                              setAsDefault  =  True,
                              ### TODO: get all the following from the stateref, whenever the connection to state is made
                              minimum       =  3,
                              maximum       =  self._sMaxCylinderHeight,
                              singleStep    =  0.25,
                              decimals      =  self._sCoordinateDecimals,
                              suffix        =  ' ' + self._sCoordinateUnits )
        # REVIEW: is it ok that the above will set some wrong defaultValue,
        # to be immediately corrected by the following connection with state?
            debug_metainfo = True

        # ==
        # cylinder width (a double, stored in the command object,
        #  defined there using the State macro -- note, this is not yet a good
        #  enough example for state stored in a Node)

        cylinderWidth_stateref = ObjAttr_StateRef( self.commandrun, 'cylinderWidth')

        ## TEMPORARY: just make sure it's defined in there
        junk = cylinderWidth_stateref.defaultValue
        self.cylinderWidthSpinbox  =  \
            PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox,
                              label         =  "cylinder width:",
##                              value         =  defaultValue,
##                              setAsDefault  =  True,
##                                  ### REVISE: the default value should come from the cylinderWidth_stateref
                                  # (and so, probably, should min, max, step, units...)
                              minimum       =  0.1,
                              maximum       =  15.0,
                              singleStep    =  0.1,
                              decimals      =  self._sCoordinateDecimals,
                              suffix        =  ' ' + self._sCoordinateUnits )
                                debug_metainfo = True )

        # ==
        # cylinder round caps (boolean)
        cylinderRoundCaps_stateref = Preferences_StateRef( CYLINDER_ROUND_CAPS_PREFS_KEY,
                                                           CYLINDER_ROUND_CAPS_DEFAULT_VALUE ) ### TODO: get from model
        ## TEMPORARY: just make sure it's defined in there
        junk = cylinderRoundCaps_stateref.defaultValue
        self.cylinderRoundCapsCheckbox = PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox, text = 'round caps on cylinder')
##        self.cylinderRoundCapsCheckbox.setDefaultValue(CYLINDER_ROUND_CAPS_DEFAULT_VALUE)
##            # note: setDefaultValue is an extension to the PM_CheckBox API, not yet finalized
                                debug_metainfo = True )

        # ==
        # cylinder vertical or horizontal (boolean)
        cylinderVertical_stateref = ObjAttr_StateRef( self.commandrun, 'cylinderVertical' )
        self.cylinderVerticalCheckbox = PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox, text = 'cylinder is vertical')
##        self.cylinderVerticalCheckbox.setDefaultValue(CYLINDER_VERTICAL_DEFAULT_VALUE)
##            ### REVISE: the default value should come from the stateref
                                debug_metainfo = True )
        return # from _loadGroupBox1

    def _loadGroupBox2(self, pmGroupBox): ### RENAME button attrs
        self.startButton = \
            PM_PushButton( pmGroupBox,
                           label     = "",
                           text      = "Bigger",
                           spanWidth = False ) ###BUG: button spans PM width, in spite of this setting
        self.startButton.setAction( self.button_Bigger, cmdname = "Bigger")
        self.stopButton = \
            PM_PushButton( pmGroupBox,
                           label     = "",
                           text      = "Smaller",
                           spanWidth = False )
        self.stopButton.setAction( self.button_Smaller, cmdname = "Smaller")

    def button_Bigger(self):

    def button_Smaller(self):
    def _addWhatsThisText(self):
        """What's This text for some of the widgets in the Property Manager."""
        self.cylinderHeightSpinbox.setWhatsThis("cylinder height (stored in prefs)")
        self.cylinderWidthSpinbox.setWhatsThis("cylinder width (stored as State in the command object)")
    pass # end of class
class test_connectWithState_PM( ExampleCommand1_PM):

    # does not use GBC; at least Done & Cancel should work
    title = "test connectWithState"
    def _addGroupBoxes(self):
        Add the groupboxes for this Property Manager.
        self.pmGroupBox1 = PM_GroupBox( self, title =  "settings")
        self.pmGroupBox2 = PM_GroupBox( self, title =  "commands")

    _sMaxCylinderHeight = 20 ### TODO: ask the stateref for this
    def _loadGroupBox1(self, pmGroupBox):
        Load widgets into groupbox 1 (passed as pmGroupBox).
        # cylinder height (a double, stored as a preferences value)

        cylinderHeight_stateref = Preferences_StateRef_double(
            ### TODO: ask model object for this ref; this code should not need to know what kind it is (from prefs or model)
        self.cylinderHeightSpinbox  =  \
            PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox,
                              label         =  "cylinder height:",
##                              value         =  CYLINDER_HEIGHT_DEFAULT_VALUE,
##                              # guess: default value or initial value (guess they can't be distinguished -- bug -- yes, doc confirms)
##                              setAsDefault  =  True,
                              ### TODO: get all the following from the stateref, whenever the connection to state is made
                              minimum       =  3,
                              maximum       =  self._sMaxCylinderHeight,
                              singleStep    =  0.25,
                              decimals      =  self._sCoordinateDecimals,
                              suffix        =  ' ' + self._sCoordinateUnits )
        # REVIEW: is it ok that the above will set some wrong defaultValue,
        # to be immediately corrected by the following connection with state?
            debug_metainfo = True

        # ==
        # cylinder width (a double, stored in the command object,
        #  defined there using the State macro -- note, this is not yet a good
        #  enough example for state stored in a Node)

        cylinderWidth_stateref = ObjAttr_StateRef( self.command, 'cylinderWidth')

        ## TEMPORARY: just make sure it's defined in there
        junk = cylinderWidth_stateref.defaultValue
        self.cylinderWidthSpinbox  =  \
            PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox,
                              label         =  "cylinder width:",
##                              value         =  defaultValue,
##                              setAsDefault  =  True,
##                                  ### REVISE: the default value should come from the cylinderWidth_stateref
                                  # (and so, probably, should min, max, step, units...)
                              minimum       =  0.1,
                              maximum       =  15.0,
                              singleStep    =  0.1,
                              decimals      =  self._sCoordinateDecimals,
                              suffix        =  ' ' + self._sCoordinateUnits )
                                debug_metainfo = True )

        # ==
        # cylinder round caps (boolean)
        cylinderRoundCaps_stateref = Preferences_StateRef( CYLINDER_ROUND_CAPS_PREFS_KEY,
                                                           CYLINDER_ROUND_CAPS_DEFAULT_VALUE ) ### TODO: get from model
        ## TEMPORARY: just make sure it's defined in there
        junk = cylinderRoundCaps_stateref.defaultValue
        self.cylinderRoundCapsCheckbox = PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox, text = 'round caps on cylinder')
##        self.cylinderRoundCapsCheckbox.setDefaultValue(CYLINDER_ROUND_CAPS_DEFAULT_VALUE)
##            # note: setDefaultValue is an extension to the PM_CheckBox API, not yet finalized
                                debug_metainfo = True )

        # ==
        # cylinder vertical or horizontal (boolean)
        cylinderVertical_stateref = ObjAttr_StateRef( self.command, 'cylinderVertical' )
        self.cylinderVerticalCheckbox = PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox, text = 'cylinder is vertical')
##        self.cylinderVerticalCheckbox.setDefaultValue(CYLINDER_VERTICAL_DEFAULT_VALUE)
##            ### REVISE: the default value should come from the stateref
                                debug_metainfo = True )
        return # from _loadGroupBox1

    def _loadGroupBox2(self, pmGroupBox): ### RENAME button attrs
        self.startButton = \
            PM_PushButton( pmGroupBox,
                           label     = "",
                           text      = "Bigger",
                           spanWidth = False ) ###BUG: button spans PM width, in spite of this setting
        self.startButton.setAction( self.button_Bigger, cmdname = "Bigger")
        self.stopButton = \
            PM_PushButton( pmGroupBox,
                           label     = "",
                           text      = "Smaller",
                           spanWidth = False )
        self.stopButton.setAction( self.button_Smaller, cmdname = "Smaller")

    def button_Bigger(self):

    def button_Smaller(self):
    def _addWhatsThisText(self):
        What's This text for some of the widgets in the Property Manager.
        self.cylinderHeightSpinbox.setWhatsThis("cylinder height (stored in prefs)")
        self.cylinderWidthSpinbox.setWhatsThis("cylinder width (stored as State in the command object)")
    pass # end of class