Пример #1
def NSMatrixSetup(P, FS, A, nu, iter, Type):

    if Type['precond'] == 'PCD':
        u = TrialFunction(FS['Velocity'])
        v = TestFunction(FS['Velocity'])
        p = TrialFunction(FS['Pressure'])
        q = TestFunction(FS['Pressure'])
        IS = common.IndexSet([FS['Velocity']])
        mesh = FS['Velocity'].mesh()
        n = FacetNormal(mesh)
        if iter == 1:
            if FS['Pressure'].ufl_element().degree(
            ) == 0 or FS['Pressure'].ufl_element().family() == 'DG':
                    'Navier-Stokes PCD preconditioner not implemented for DG pressure elements'

            P['L'] = PETScFunc.Assemble(
                assemble(nu * inner(grad(p), grad(q)) * dx))

            P['M'] = PETScFunc.Assemble(assemble((1. / nu) * inner(p, q) * dx))

        P['Fp'] = PETScFunc.Assemble(
            assemble(nu * inner(grad(q), grad(p)) * dx(mesh) +
                     inner((Type['u_k'][0] * grad(p)[0] +
                            Type['u_k'][1] * grad(p)[1]), q) * dx(mesh) +
                     (1. / 2) * div(Type['u_k']) * inner(p, q) * dx(mesh) -
                     (1. / 2) *
                     (Type['u_k'][0] * n[0] + Type['u_k'][1] * n[1]) *
                     inner(p, q) * ds(mesh)))

        P['F'] = A.getSubMatrix(IS[0], IS[0])

    elif Type['precond'] == 'LSC':
        u = TrialFunction(FS['Velocity'])
        v = TestFunction(FS['Velocity'])
        IS = common.IndexSet(FS)
        if iter == 1:
            Qdiag = PETScFunc.Assemble(assemble(inner(u, v) *
            Bt = A.getSubMatrix(IS['Velocity'], IS['Pressure'])
            B = A.getSubMatrix(IS['Pressure'], IS['Velocity'])

            P['scaledBt'] = Bt
            P['L'] = B * Bt
        P['F'] = A.getSubMatrix(IS['Velocity'], IS['Velocity'])
        PrintFuncs.Errors('Navier-Stokes preconditioner has to be LSC or PCD')

    P['precond'] = Type['precond']

    return P
Пример #2
def PETScToNLiter(x,FS):
    n = len(FS)
    IS = common.IndexSet(FS)
    u = {}
    for i in range(n):
        v = Function(FS.values()[i])
        v.vector()[:] = x.getSubVector(IS.values()[i]).array
        if FS.keys()[i] == 'Pressure':
            ones = Function(FS['Pressure'])
            ones.vector()[:] = 1
            vv = Function(FS['Pressure'])
            vv.vector()[:] = v.vector().array() - assemble(v*dx)/assemble(ones*dx)
            u[FS.keys()[i]] = vv
            u[FS.keys()[i]] = v
    return u
Пример #3
def NLtol(x, u, FS, Type=None):
    IS = common.IndexSet(FS)

    if Type == 'Update':
        v = x.getSubVector(IS['Velocity']).array
        p = x.getSubVector(IS['Pressure']).array

        pa = Function(FS['Pressure'])
        pa.vector()[:] = p

        ones = Function(FS['Pressure'])
        ones.vector()[:] = (0 * p + 1)
        pp = Function(FS['Pressure'])
        )[:] = pa.vector().array() - assemble(pa * dx) / assemble(ones * dx)

        vnorm = norm(v)
        pnorm = norm(pp.vector().array())

        V = [vnorm, pnorm]
        eps = PrintFuncs.NormPrint(V, Type)

        x.axpy(1.0, u)
        return x, eps
        vcurrent = x.getSubVector(IS['Velocity']).array
        pcurrent = x.getSubVector(IS['Pressure']).array
        vprev = u.getSubVector(IS['Velocity']).array
        pprev = u.getSubVector(IS['Pressure']).array

        pa = Function(FS['Pressure'])
        pa.vector()[:] = pcurrent

        ones = Function(FS['Pressure'])
        ones.vector()[:] = (0 * pcurrent + 1)
        pp = Function(FS['Pressure'])
        )[:] = pa.vector().array() - assemble(pa * dx) / assemble(ones * dx)

        vnorm = norm(vcurrent - vprev)
        pnorm = norm(pp.vector().array() - pprev)

        V = [vnorm, pnorm]
        eps = PrintFuncs.NormPrint(V, Type)

        return x, eps
Пример #4
 def __init__(self, W, KSP):
     self.W = W
     self.IS = common.IndexSet(W)
     self.KSP = KSP