def transit_test(): mc.drive_left_motor(motor_pub, 0) mc.drive_right_motor(motor_pub, 0) x_pos = float(input("Enter x_pos of destination")) y_pos = float(input("Enter y_pos of destination")) print(currentState.getCurrentPos()) input('start?') dest = pp.Position(x_pos, y_pos) path = create_path(currentState.currentPos, dest, ARENA_WIDTH, ARENA_HEIGHT, currentState.getObstacles().values()) commands = converToCommands(path) print(str(commands)) done = False while not done: for command in commands: print(str(command[2])) direction = True if command[0] < 0: direction = False okay = turn(math.fabs(command[0]), direction, ROBOT_SPEED_TURN) if not okay: break distance = command[1] next_x = currentState.getCurrentPos().getX( ) + math.fabs(distance) * math.cos( currentState.getCurrentPos().getOrientation()) next_y = currentState.getCurrentPos().getY( ) + math.fabs(distance) * math.sin( currentState.getCurrentPos().getOrientation()) next_pos = pp.Position(next_x, next_y) direction = True if distance < 0: direction = False okay = rpmdrive(next_pos, direction, distance, ROBOT_SPEED_DRIVE) if not okay: break rospy.sleep(0.01) if currentState.getCurrentPos().distanceTo(command[2]) > 0.2: break if currentState.getCurrentPos( ) == dest or currentState.getCurrentPos().getDistanceTo(dest) < 0.2: done = True else: print("modifying path") path = create_path(currentState.getCurrentPos(), dest, ARENA_WIDTH, ARENA_HEIGHT, currentState.getObstacles().values()) commands = converToCommands(path) print(str(commands)) if rospy.is_shutdown(): exit(-1)
class Planning(object): def __init__(self): self._pp = PathPlanning() # Subscriber to the start and goal tag ID (the two values are separated by a comma). self._subStartGoal = rospy.Subscriber('start_goal_tag', String, self._handleStartGoal) # Publisher of the path, which is given as a list of comma separated tag IDs. self._pubPathTags = rospy.Publisher('path_tags', String, queue_size=10, latch=True) # Publisher of the actions, which are given as a semicolon separated list of actions. self._pubPathActions = rospy.Publisher('path_actions', String, queue_size=10, latch=True) def _handleStartGoal(self, msg): try: startGoal =',') path = self._pp.findPath(int(startGoal[0]), int(startGoal[1])) patha, pathb = tee(path) msgPathTags = String() = ','.join(str(x) for x in patha) if != '': self._pubPathTags.publish(msgPathTags) actions = self._pp.generateActions(list(pathb)) msgPathActions = String() = ';'.join('{:s},{:f},{:d}'.format(*x) for x in actions) if != '': self._pubPathActions.publish(msgPathActions) except AttributeError: print('Error! Something went wrong :(')
def __init__(self): self._pp = PathPlanning() # Subscriber to the start and goal tag ID (the two values are separated by a comma). self._subStartGoal = rospy.Subscriber('start_goal_tag', String, self._handleStartGoal) # Publisher of the path, which is given as a list of comma separated tag IDs. self._pubPathTags = rospy.Publisher('path_tags', String, queue_size=10)
def transit_test1(): print('simple path following stuff') print('currentPos: ' + str(currentState.getCurrentPos())) dest_x = float(input('enter destination x pos')) dest_y = float(input('enter destination y pos')) dest = pp.Position(dest_x, dest_y) print(str(len(currentState.getObstacles().values()))) path = create_path(currentState.getCurrentPos(), dest, 4.2672, 6.096, currentState.getObstacles().values()) send_path_data(path) for position in path.path: print(str(position)) exit(0) commands = convertToCommands(path) for command in commands: if command[0] > 0: turn_algo_2(command[0], True) else: turn_algo_2(math.fabs(command[0]), False) dest_x = currentState.getCurrentPos().getX() + command[1] * math.cos( currentState.getCurrentPos().getOrientation()) dest_y = currentState.getCurrentPos().getY() + command[1] * math.sin( currentState.getCurrentPos().getOrientation()) dest = pp.Position(dest_x, dest_y, currentState.getCurrentPos().getOrientation()) if command[1] > 0: conservative_drive(dest, True, command[1]) else: conservative_drive(dest, False, math.fabs(command[1])) print('testing done') exit(0)
def updateRelativePos(d_distance, d_angle): pos = currentState.getCurrentPos() if d_distance > 0: x = pos.getX() + d_distance * math.cos(pos.getOrientation()) y = pos.getY() + d_distance * math.sin(pos.getOrientation()) currentState.setCurrentPos(pp.Position(x, y, pos.getOrientation())) elif d_angle > 0: next_pos = pp.Position(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), (pos.getOrientation() + toRadian(d_angle)) % (2 * math.pi)) currentState.setCurrentPos(next_pos)
def looky_turn(currentPos, next_distance): nextX = currentPos.getX() + next_distance * math.cos( currentPos.getOrientation()) nextY = currentPos.getY() + next_distance * math.sin( currentPos.getOrientation()) nextPos = pp.Position(nextX, nextY, currentPos.getOrientation()) looky_turn_2(nextPos, COLLECTION_BIN)
def updateObstacle(msg): global currentState obs = pp.Obstacle(msg.x, msg.y, msg.diameter / 2) if currentState.addObstacle(msg.obsID, obs): print('added obstacle') mc.drive_left_motor(motor_pub, 0) mc.drive_right_motor(motor_pub, 0)
def simple_turn_test1(): rospy.loginfo('This test routine attempts to turn in place given degrees') while True: print('current position: ' + str(currentState.getCurrentPos())) answer = input('Start testing? y/n ') if answer == 'y': break goal = float( input( 'Enter how much to turn in degrees. input should be less than 360') ) goal_in_rad = toRadian(goal) currentPos = currentState.getCurrentPos() destination = pp.Position(currentPos.getX(), currentPos.getY(), (currentPos.getOrientation() + goal_in_rad) % (2 * math.pi)) direction = True if goal > 0: direction = True else: direction = False turn_algo_2(math.fabs(goal), direction) print('testing succesful') rospy.loginfo('localization data:') rospy.loginfo( 'start_angle:' + str(toDegree(currentPos.getOrientation())) + ' end_angle' + str(toDegree(currentState.getCurrentPos().getOrientation())) + ' actual_goal:' + str(toDegree(destination.getOrientation()))) exit(0)
def simple_drive_test1(): rospy.loginfo( 'This test routine attempts to drive straight from is current position' ) distance = float(input('Enter distance you want to travel')) while True: if rospy.is_shutdown(): exit(-1) print('current position: ' + str(currentState.getCurrentPos())) answer = input( 'Make sure that robot is in a place okay to drive forward. Start testing? y/n ' ) if answer == 'y': break currentPos = currentState.getCurrentPos() destination = pp.Position( currentPos.getX() + distance * math.cos(currentPos.getOrientation()), currentPos.getY() + distance * math.sin(currentPos.getOrientation()), currentPos.getOrientation()) direction = True if distance > 0: direction = True else: direction = False conservative_drive(destination, direction, math.fabs(distance)) measure = float(input('How much did it move? (in m): ')) rospy.loginfo('distance_travelled:' + str(measure) + ' distance_entered:' + str(distance)) print('testing successful') exit(0)
def main(): lenX = 101 lenY = 101 _maze = MazeGenerator([lenX, lenY]) _maze.constructNotRecursion() maze = txtToMatrix("mazeTxt.txt") node_start = Node([0, 1]) node_start.gcost = 0 node_goal = Node([lenX - 1, lenY - 2]) path = PathPlanning(maze, node_start, node_goal) route = path.DepthFirstSearch() desenho = Maze(txtToMatrix("mazeTxt.txt")) desenho.draw(route, False)
def converToCommands(path): commands = [] first_pos = True currentPos = currentState.getCurrentPos() for position in path.path: if first_pos: first_pos = False else: angle_to_face = currentPos.angleToFace(position) pos = pp.Position(currentPos.getX(), currentPos.getY(), angle_to_face) angle_turn = currentPos.angleTurnTo(pos) distance = currentPos.distanceTo(position) commands.append((toDegree(angle_turn), distance, position)) currentPos = pp.Position( pos.getX() + distance * math.cos(angle_to_face), pos.getY() + distance * math.sin(angle_to_face), angle_to_face) currentPos.orientation = angle_to_face return commands
def looky_turn(currentPos, next_distance): nextX = currentPos.getX() + next_distance * math.cos( currentPos.getOrientation()) nextY = currentPos.getY() + next_distance * math.sin( currentPos.getOrientation()) nextPos = pp.Position(nextX, nextY, currentPos.getOrientation()) looky_angle = (nextPos.angleToFace(pp.Position(0, 0, 0))) % (2 * math.pi) if looky_angle >= (toRadian(-150) % 2 * math.pi) or looky_angle <= toRadian(150): if looky_angle <= toRadian(150): mc.star_looky(motor_pub, toDegree(looky_angle)) else: mc.star_looky(motor_pub, toDegree(looky_angle - 2 * math.pi)) elif looky_angle >= ((toRadian(-150) + math.pi) % (2 * math.pi)) \ and looky_angle <= ((toRadian(150) + math.pi) % (2 * math.pi)): mc.port_looky(motor_pub, toDegree(looky_angle - math.pi)) else: mc.star_looky(motor_pub, 150) mc.port_looky(motor_pub, -150)
class Planning(object): def __init__(self): self._pp = PathPlanning() # Subscriber to the start and goal tag ID (the two values are separated by a comma). self._subStartGoal = rospy.Subscriber('start_goal_tag', String, self._handleStartGoal) # Publisher of the path, which is given as a list of comma separated tag IDs. self._pubPathTags = rospy.Publisher('path_tags', String, queue_size=10) def _handleStartGoal(self, msg): startGoal =',') path = self._pp.findPath(int(startGoal[0]), int(startGoal[1])) msgPathTags = String() = ','.join(str(x) for x in path) self._pubPathTags.publish(msgPathTags)
def rpm_drive_test(): print("How much distance you want to move?") distance = float(input()) direction = True if distance < 0: direction = False dest_x = currentState.getCurrentPos().getX() + math.fabs( distance) * math.cos(currentState.getCurrentPos().getOrientation()) dest_y = currentState.getCurrentPos().getY() + math.fabs( distance) * math.sin(currentState.getCurrentPos().getOrientation()) dest = pp.Position(dest_x, dest_y) rpmdrive(dest, direction, distance, ROBOT_SPEED_DRIVE) result = float(input("how much did it go?")) rospy.loginfo("goal:" + str(distance) + " actual:" + str(result) + "\n") exit(0)
def looky_turn_2(currentPos, next_pos): looky_angle = (currentPos.angleToFace(pp.Position(0, 0, 0))) % (2 * math.pi) print(str(looky_angle)) if looky_angle >= (toRadian(-150) % (2 * math.pi)) or looky_angle <= toRadian(150): if looky_angle <= toRadian(150): mc.star_looky(motor_pub, toDegree(looky_angle)) else: mc.star_looky(motor_pub, toDegree(looky_angle - 2 * math.pi)) elif looky_angle >= ((toRadian(-150) + math.pi) % (2 * math.pi)) \ and looky_angle <= ((toRadian(150) + math.pi) % (2 * math.pi)): mc.port_looky(motor_pub, toDegree(looky_angle - math.pi)) else: mc.star_looky(motor_pub, 150) mc.port_looky(motor_pub, -150)
def updateObstacle(msg): global currentState if currentState.currentPos is None or currentState.ignore_obs: return robot_orient = currentState.getCurrentPos().getOrientation() true_dx = msg.y * math.cos(robot_orient) + msg.x * math.cos(robot_orient - math.pi / 2) true_dy = msg.y * math.sin(robot_orient) + msg.x * math.sin(robot_orient - math.pi / 2) rad_clear = min(msg.diameter / 2 + 0.75, math.sqrt(true_dx**2 + true_dy**2) - 0.25) obs = pp.Obstacle(currentState.getCurrentPos().getX() + true_dx, currentState.getCurrentPos().getY() + true_dy, rad_clear) if obs.getCenter()[0] < 0.25 or obs.getCenter( )[0] > ARENA_WIDTH - 0.25 or obs.getCenter( )[1] < 2.74 + 0.25 or obs.getCenter()[1] > 1.9 + 2.74 - 0.25: return if currentState.addObstacle(msg.obsID, obs): print('saw obstacle') mc.drive_left_motor(motor_pub, 0) mc.drive_right_motor(motor_pub, 0)
def turn_algo_2(goal, counter): offset = currentState.getGyroZ() cum_angle = 0 stop_angle = 0 flag = False done = False initTime = time.time() lastTime = None goal_orientation = (currentState.getCurrentPos().getOrientation() + toRadian(goal)) % (2 * math.pi) goal_pos = pp.Position(currentState.getCurrentPos().getX(), currentState.getCurrentPos().getY(), goal_orientation) looky_turn_2(currentState.getCurrentPos(), goal_pos) if counter: mc.drive_left_motor(motor_pub, -ROBOT_SPEED_TURN) mc.drive_right_motor(motor_pub, ROBOT_SPEED_TURN) else: mc.drive_left_motor(motor_pub, ROBOT_SPEED_TURN) mc.drive_right_motor(motor_pub, -ROBOT_SPEED_TURN) while not done: w = currentState.getGyroZ() - offset if not flag: if math.fabs((math.fabs(currentState.getStarRPM()) + math.fabs(currentState.getPortRPM())) / 2 - ROBOT_SPEED_TURN) < 1: print('hi') stop_angle = goal - cum_angle print(str(stop_angle)) flag = True elif cum_angle >= goal / 2: stop_angle = cum_angle flag = True if lastTime is None: lastTime = time.time() else: currentTime = time.time() deltaT = currentTime - lastTime cum_angle += math.fabs(w) * deltaT lastTime = currentTime logGyroData(currentState.getGyroZ() + offset, currentState.getPortRPM(), currentState.getStarRPM(), cum_angle, currentTime - initTime) if flag and cum_angle >= stop_angle: mc.drive_right_motor(motor_pub, 0) mc.drive_left_motor(motor_pub, 0) done = True if rospy.is_shutdown(): exit(-1) while currentState.getGyroZ() > 1: w = currentState.getGyroZ() - offset currentTime = time.time() cum_angle += math.fabs(w * (currentTime - lastTime)) lastTime = currentTime rospy.sleep(0.005) measure = input('How much did it turn? (in deg): ') logTurnData(counter, ROBOT_SPEED_TURN, goal, cum_angle, float(measure), lastTime - initTime)
def run(): dest = pp.Position(1.5, 4.0) path = create_path(currentState.currentPos, dest, ARENA_WIDTH, ARENA_HEIGHT, currentState.getObstacles().values()) if path is None: currentState.ignore_obs = True currentState.obstacles = {} path = create_path(currentState.currentPos, dest, ARENA_WIDTH, ARENA_HEIGHT, currentState.getObstacles().values()) commands = converToCommands(path) print(str(commands)) done = False while not done: for command in commands: print(str(command[2])) direction = True if command[0] < 0: direction = False okay = turn(math.fabs(command[0]), direction, ROBOT_SPEED_TURN) print('finished turn') if not okay: break distance = command[1] next_x = currentState.getCurrentPos().getX( ) + math.fabs(distance) * math.cos( currentState.getCurrentPos().getOrientation()) next_y = currentState.getCurrentPos().getY( ) + math.fabs(distance) * math.sin( currentState.getCurrentPos().getOrientation()) next_pos = pp.Position(next_x, next_y) direction = True if distance < 0: direction = False okay = rpmdrive(next_pos, direction, distance, ROBOT_SPEED_DRIVE) if not okay: break rospy.sleep(0.01) if currentState.getCurrentPos().distanceTo(command[2]) > 0.2: break if currentState.getCurrentPos( ) == dest or currentState.getCurrentPos().distanceTo(dest) < 0.2: done = True else: currentState.obstacle_found = False print("modifying path") path = create_path(currentState.getCurrentPos(), dest, ARENA_WIDTH, ARENA_HEIGHT, currentState.getObstacles().values()) if path is None: currentState.ignore_obs = True currentState.obstacles = {} path = create_path(currentState.getCurrentPos(), dest, ARENA_WIDTH, ARENA_HEIGHT, currentState.getObstacles().values()) commands = converToCommands(path) print(str(commands)) if rospy.is_shutdown(): exit(-1)
def updatePos(msg): global currentState pos = pp.Position(msg.x, msg.y, msg.theta) if not currentState.oriented: currentState.setCurrentPos(pos) currentState.foundTag()
def updatePos(msg): global currentState pos = pp.Position(msg.x, msg.y, msg.theta) currentState.setCurrentPos(pos)
def convert_axis(pos, dx, dy): return pp.Position(pos.getY() + dy, dx - pos.getX(), (pos.getOrientation() + 3 * math.pi / 2) % (2 * math.pi))
from PathPlanning.ThetaStar import create_path # from PathPlanning.PathTesting import drawPath from RobotState import Robot_state from apriltags_ros.msg import Localization from hci.msg import sensorValue, motorCommand from obstacle_detection.msg import Obstacle from std_msgs.msg import Float32 """ Main Module for Autonomy operation """ """ Constants """ ARENA_WIDTH = 3.0 ARENA_HEIGHT = 7.0 COLLECTION_BIN = pp.Position(0, 0) ROBOT_SPEED_DRIVE = 20.0 ROBOT_SPEED_DRIVE_LOAD = 30.0 ROBOT_SPEED_TURN = 15.0 ROBOT_SPPED_TURN_LOAD = 25.0 CONTROL_RATE = 0.005 WHEEL_RADIUS = 0.2286 # IN M TURN_RADIUS = 0.3 # IN M # Map from ID to time allocated. tasks = { 0: -1, 1: 20, 2: 20, 3: 50, 4: 100, 5: 20,