Пример #1
def route_create_ensemble_workflow(ensemble):
    dao = Ensembles(g.session)
    e = dao.get_ensemble(g.user.username, ensemble)

    name = request.form.get("name", None)
    if name is None:
        raise EMError("Specify ensemble workflow 'name'")

    priority = request.form.get("priority", 0)

    basedir = request.form.get("basedir")
    if basedir is None:
        raise EMError(
            "Specify 'basedir' where plan command should be executed")

    plan_command = request.form.get("plan_command")
    if plan_command is None:
        raise EMError(
            "Specify 'plan_command' that should be executed to plan workflow")

    dao.create_ensemble_workflow(e.id, name, basedir, priority, plan_command)


    return api.json_created(
Пример #2
    def get_dashboard_state_for_running_workflow(self):
        """Get the latest state of the workflow from the dashboard
        tables where timestamp is > last updated of the ensemble workflow"""
        # We can only use this for running workflows because we are assuming
        # that the last state of the workflow should be after the updated
        # timestamp of the ensemble workflow. That might not be true for
        # workflows in states other than RUNNING.
        if self.workflow.state != EnsembleWorkflowStates.RUNNING:
            raise EMError("This method should only be called for running workflows")

        w = self.get_dashboard()
        if w is None:
            raise EMError("Dashboard workflow not found")

        # Need to compute the unix ts for updated in this ugly way
        updated = (
            self.workflow.updated - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)

        # Get the last event for the workflow where the event timestamp is
        # greater than the last updated ts for the ensemble workflow
        ws = (
            .filter(MasterWorkflowstate.timestamp >= updated)
            .order_by(text("timestamp desc"))

        if ws is None:
            name = self.workflow.name
            log.info("No recent workflow state records for workflow %s" % name)

        return ws
Пример #3
    def run(self):
        "Run the workflow using pegasus-run"
        submitdir = self.workflow.submitdir

        if submitdir is None:
            raise EMError("Workflow submitdir not set")

        if not os.path.isdir(submitdir):
            raise EMError("Workflow submit dir does not exist: %s" % submitdir)

        logfile = self.workflow.get_logfile()

        runscript("pegasus-run %s >>%s 2>&1" % (submitdir, logfile), env=get_script_env())
Пример #4
def runscript(script, cwd=None, env=None):
    # Make sure the cwd is OK
    if cwd is not None and not os.path.isdir(cwd):
        raise EMError("Working directory does not exist: %s" % cwd)

    if env is None:
        env = dict(os.environ)

    p = subprocess.Popen(script, shell=True, env=env, cwd=cwd)

    rc = p.wait()

    if rc != 0:
        raise EMError("Script failed with exitcode %d" % rc)
Пример #5
    def get_wf_uuid(self):
        "Get the workflow UUID from the braindump file"
        submitdir = self.find_submitdir()

        braindump_file_path = os.path.join(submitdir, "braindump.yml")

        if not os.path.isfile(braindump_file_path):
            raise EMError("braindump.yml not found")

        with open(braindump_file_path) as f:
            bd = braindump.load(f)

        if bd.wf_uuid is None:
            raise EMError("wf_uuid not found in braindump.yml")

        return bd.wf_uuid
Пример #6
    def plan(self):
        "Launch the pegasus planner"
        w = self.workflow
        basedir = w.get_basedir()
        pidfile = w.get_pidfile()
        logfile = w.get_logfile()
        runfile = w.get_runfile()
        resultfile = w.get_resultfile()
        plan_command = w.get_plan_command()

        if os.path.isfile(pidfile) and self.planning():
            raise EMError("Planner already running")

        # When we re-plan, we need to remove all the old
        # files so that the ensemble manager doesn't get
        # confused.
        files = [runfile, resultfile, pidfile]
        for f in files:
            if os.path.isfile(f):

        script = "({}) 2>&1 | tee -a {} | grep pegasus-run >{} ; /bin/echo $? >{}".format(
            plan_command, logfile, runfile, resultfile,
        forkscript(script, cwd=basedir, pidfile=pidfile, env=get_script_env())
Пример #7
def pathfind(exe):
    PATH = os.getenv("PATH", "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin")
    PATH = PATH.split(":")
    for prefix in PATH:
        exepath = os.path.join(prefix, exe)
        if os.path.isfile(exepath):
            return exepath
    raise EMError("%s not found on PATH" % exe)
Пример #8
    def find_submitdir(self):
        "Get the workflow submitdir from the workflow log"
        logfile = self.workflow.get_runfile()

        if not os.path.isfile(logfile):
            raise EMError("Workflow run file not found: %s" % logfile)

        submitdir = None

        f = open(logfile)
            for l in f:
                if l.startswith("pegasus-run"):
                    submitdir = l.split()[1]

        if submitdir is None:
            raise EMError("No pegasus-run found in the workflow run file: %s" % logfile)

        return submitdir
Пример #9
def forkscript(script, pidfile=None, cwd=None, env=None):
    # This does a double fork to detach the process from the python
    # interpreter so that we don't have to call wait() on it

    # Make sure the cwd is OK
    if cwd is not None and not os.path.isdir(cwd):
        raise EMError("Working directory does not exist: %s" % cwd)

    if env is None:
        env = dict(os.environ)

    # This is just to ensure we get an exception if there is
    # something wrong with the pidfile
    if pidfile is not None:
            open(pidfile, "w").close()
        except Exception:
            raise EMError("Unable to write pidfile: %s" % pidfile)

    pid1 = os.fork()
    if pid1 == 0:
        if cwd is not None:

        pid2 = os.fork()
        if pid2 == 0:
            os.execve("/bin/sh", ["/bin/sh", "-c", script], env)

        if pidfile is not None:
            f = open(pidfile, "w")
            f.write("%d\n" % pid2)


    pid, exitcode = os.waitpid(pid1, 0)
    if exitcode != 0:
        raise EMError("Non-zero exitcode launching script: %d" % exitcode)
Пример #10
def route_create_ensemble():
    name = request.form.get("name", None)
    if name is None:
        raise EMError("Specify ensemble name")

    max_running = request.form.get("max_running", 1)
    max_planning = request.form.get("max_planning", 1)

    dao = Ensembles(g.session)
    dao.create_ensemble(g.user.username, name, max_running, max_planning)

    return api.json_created(url_for("route_get_ensemble", name=name, _external=True))
Пример #11
def get_bin(name, exe):
    # Try to find NAME/bin using 1) NAME env var, 2) NAME config
    # variable, 3) PATH env var
    exepath = None

    HOME = os.getenv(name, emapp.config.get(name, None))

    if HOME is not None:
        if not os.path.isdir(HOME):
            raise EMError("{} is not a directory: {}".format(name, HOME))
        BIN = os.path.join(HOME, "bin")
        if not os.path.isdir(BIN):
            raise EMError("{}/bin is not a directory: {}".format(name, BIN))
        exepath = os.path.join(BIN, exe)

    exepath = exepath or pathfind(exe)

    if not os.path.isfile(exepath):
        raise EMError("{} not found: {}".format(exe, exepath))

    BIN = os.path.dirname(exepath)

    return BIN
Пример #12
    def get_wf_uuid(self):
        "Get the workflow UUID from the braindump file"
        submitdir = self.find_submitdir()

        braindump = os.path.join(submitdir, "braindump.txt")

        if not os.path.isfile(braindump):
            raise EMError("braindump.txt not found")

        wf_uuid = None

        f = open(braindump, "r")
            for l in f:
                if l.startswith("wf_uuid"):
                    wf_uuid = l.split()[1]

        if wf_uuid is None:
            raise EMError("wf_uuid not found in braindump.txt")

        return wf_uuid
Пример #13
    def get_dashboard(self):
        "Get the dashboard record for the workflow"
        wf_uuid = self.workflow.wf_uuid
        if wf_uuid is None:
            raise EMError("wf_uuid is none")

            w = (self.dao.session.query(DashboardWorkflow).filter_by(
            return w
        except NoResultFound:
            name = self.workflow.name
            log.debug("No dashboard record for workflow %s" % name)
            return None
Пример #14
    def planning_successful(self):
        "Check to see if planning was successful"
        resultfile = self.workflow.get_resultfile()

        if not os.path.exists(resultfile):
            raise EMError("Result file not found: %s" % resultfile)

        exitcode = int(open(resultfile, "r").read())

        if exitcode != 0:
            return False

        except Exception, e:
            return False
Пример #15
    def planning(self):
        "Check pidfile to see if the planner is still running"
        pidfile = self.workflow.get_pidfile()

        if not os.path.exists(pidfile):
            raise EMError("pidfile missing")

        pid = int(open(pidfile,"r").read())

            os.kill(pid, 0)
            # If that succeeds, the process is still running
            return True
        except OSError, e:
            # errno 3 is No Such Process
            if e.errno != 3:
Пример #16
 def running_successful(self):
     "Assuming the workflow is done running, did it finish successfully?"
     ws = self.get_dashboard_state_for_running_workflow()
     if ws is None or ws.state == "WORKFLOW_STARTED":
         raise EMError("Workflow is running")
     return ws.status == 0