Пример #1
 def buildLeptons(self, cmgLeptons, event):
     '''Build muons for veto, associate best vertex, select loose ID muons.
     The loose ID selection is done to ensure that the muon has an inner track.'''
     leptons = []
     for index, lep in enumerate(cmgLeptons):
         # pyl = self.__class__.LeptonClass(lep)
         pyl = Muon(lep)
         pyl.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
     return leptons
Пример #2
 def buildLeptons(self, cmgLeptons, event):
     '''Build muons for veto, associate best vertex, select loose ID muons.
 The loose ID selection is done to ensure that the muon has an inner track.'''
     leptons = []
     for index, lep in enumerate(cmgLeptons):
         pyl = Muon(lep)
         pyl.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
         if not pyl.muonID('POG_ID_Medium'): continue
         if not pyl.relIso(dBetaFactor=0.5, allCharged=0) < 0.3: continue
         if not self.testLegKine(pyl, ptcut=10, etacut=2.4): continue
     return leptons
Пример #3
 def buildLeptons(self, cmgLeptons, event):
   '''Build muons for veto, associate best vertex, select loose ID muons.
   The loose ID selection is done to ensure that the muon has an inner track.'''
   leptons = []
   for index, lep in enumerate(cmgLeptons):
     pyl = Muon(lep)
     pyl.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
     if not pyl.muonID('POG_ID_Medium')                     : continue
     if not pyl.relIso(dBetaFactor=0.5, allCharged=0) < 0.3 : continue
     if not self.testLegKine(pyl, ptcut=10, etacut=2.4)     : continue
     leptons.append( pyl )
   return leptons
 def buildOtherLeptons(self, cmgLeptons, event):
     '''Build muons for veto, associate best vertex, select loose ID muons.
     The loose ID selection is done to ensure that the muon has an inner track.'''
     leptons = []
     for index, lep in enumerate(cmgLeptons):
         pyl = Muon(lep)
         pyl.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
         pyl.event = event.input.object()
         if not pyl.muonID("POG_ID_Medium_Moriond"):
         if not pyl.relIso(0.4, dbeta_factor=0.5, all_charged=0) < 0.3:
         if not self.testLegKine(pyl, ptcut=10, etacut=2.4):
         if not abs(pyl.dxy()) < 0.045:
         if not abs(pyl.dz()) < 0.2:
     return leptons
Пример #5
    def process(self, event):

        self.counters.counter('KinematicVertexFitter').inc('all events')

        event.bs = self.handles['offlinebeamspot'].product()

        point = ROOT.reco.Vertex.Point(
        error = event.bs.covariance3D()
        chi2 = 0.
        ndof = 0.
        bsvtx = ROOT.reco.Vertex(point, error, chi2, ndof,
                                 3)  # size? say 3? does it matter?

        # select the best triplet candidate, according to:

        #   - the candidate must have a good refitted vertex
        candidates = [
            cand for cand in event.seltau3mu if self.checkTripletVertex(cand)
        if not len(candidates):
            return False
            '>0 triplets with good vertex')

        #   - none of the candidate's muons can make a good resonance with another muon in the event
        candidates = [
            cand for cand in candidates
            if self.checkResonanceOtherMuon(cand, event)
        if not len(candidates):
            return False
            '>0 triplets without resonances with other muons')

        #   - if there's still more than one candidate, pick the one with the best vertex probability.
        #     Give precedence to candidates with the correct charge
        candidate = sorted(candidates,
                           key=lambda cand:
                           ((cand.charge() != 1), cand.svtree.prob),
        self.counters.counter('KinematicVertexFitter').inc('candidate chosen')

        # save the number of candidates as event attribute
        event.ncands = len(candidates)

        # now investigate the one good candidate
        event.tau3mu = candidate
        svtree = candidate.svtree

        # accessing the tree components

        # We are now at the top of the decay tree getting
        # the Tau reconstructed KinematicPartlcle
        tauref = svtree.currentParticle()
        event.tau3mu.refitTau = self.buildP4(tauref)[0]

        # getting the tau->mu mu mu decay vertex
        sv = svtree.currentDecayVertex().get()

        if not sv.vertexIsValid(): return False
            'valid refitted vertex')

        # this shit does not work, but it should http://cmslxr.fnal.gov/source/RecoVertex/KinematicFitPrimitives/src/KinematicVertex.cc#0112
        # event.tau3mu.refittedVertex = getattr(sv, 'operator Vertex')() # this is now a reco::Vertex

        # let's work it around
        tauvtx = self.RecoVertex(sv, kinVtxTrkSize=3)

        # Now navigating down the tree, mu1
        if not svtree.movePointerToTheFirstChild(): return False
            'valid refitted muon 1')
        mu1ref = svtree.currentParticle()
        refitMu1 = self.buildP4(mu1ref)[0]

        # mu2
        if not svtree.movePointerToTheNextChild(): return False
            'valid refitted muon 2')
        mu2ref = svtree.currentParticle()
        refitMu2 = self.buildP4(mu2ref)[0]

        # mu3
        if not svtree.movePointerToTheNextChild(): return False
            'valid refitted muon 3')
        mu3ref = svtree.currentParticle()
        refitMu3 = self.buildP4(mu3ref)[0]

        # create a new tau3mu object using the original pat muons
        # after their p4 is updated to the refitted p4

        mu1refit = dc(event.tau3mu.mu1().physObj)  # clone PAT Muons
        mu2refit = dc(event.tau3mu.mu2().physObj)  # clone PAT Muons
        mu3refit = dc(event.tau3mu.mu3().physObj)  # clone PAT Muons

        mu1refit.setP4(refitMu1)  # update p4
        mu2refit.setP4(refitMu2)  # update p4
        mu3refit.setP4(refitMu3)  # update p4

        # instantiate heppy muons from PAT muons
        refitMuons = [

        # associate the primary vertex to the muons
        for mu in refitMuons:
            mu.associatedVertex = event.vertices[0]

        # create a new tau3mu object
        event.tau3muRefit = Tau3MuMET(refitMuons, event.tau3mu.met())

        # append the refitted vertex to it
        event.tau3muRefit.refittedVertex = tauvtx

        # calculate 2D displacement significance
        distanceTauBS = self.vertTool.distance(tauvtx, bsvtx)
        event.tau3muRefit.refittedVertex.ls = distanceTauBS.significance()

        # calculate decay length significance w.r.t. the beamspot
        tauperp = ROOT.math.XYZVector(event.tau3mu.refitTau.px(),
                                      event.tau3mu.refitTau.py(), 0.)

        displacementFromBeamspotTau = ROOT.GlobalPoint(
            -1 * ((event.bs.x0() - tauvtx.x()) +
                  (tauvtx.z() - event.bs.z0()) * event.bs.dxdz()),
            -1 * ((event.bs.y0() - tauvtx.y()) +
                  (tauvtx.z() - event.bs.z0()) * event.bs.dydz()), 0)

        vperptau = ROOT.math.XYZVector(displacementFromBeamspotTau.x(),
                                       displacementFromBeamspotTau.y(), 0.)

        event.tau3muRefit.refittedVertex.cos = vperptau.Dot(tauperp) / (
            vperptau.R() * tauperp.R())

        return True
Пример #6
 def __init__(self, diobject):
     super(MuonElectron, self).__init__(diobject)
     self.mu = Muon(super(MuonElectron, self).leg1())
     self.ele = Electron(super(MuonElectron, self).leg2())
Пример #7
 def __init__(self, diobject):
     super(TauMuon, self).__init__(diobject)
     self.tau = Tau(super(TauMuon, self).leg1())
     self.mu = Muon(super(TauMuon, self).leg2())
Пример #8
 def __init__(self, diobject):
     super(DiMuon, self).__init__(diobject)
     self.mu1 = Muon(super(DiMuon, self).leg1())
     self.mu2 = Muon(super(DiMuon, self).leg2())
Пример #9
    def process(self, event):

        # all jets
        miniaodjets = [Jet(jet) for jet in self.handles['jets'].product()]

        # ugt decision
        event.ugt = self.handles['ugt'].product().at(0, 0)

        # now find the L1 muons from BX = 0
        L1muons_allbx = self.handles['L1muons'].product()

        if getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'onlyBX0', True):
            L1_muons = []
            for jj in range(L1muons_allbx.size(0)):
                L1_muons.append(L1muons_allbx.at(0, jj))

            event.L1_muons = L1_muons

            event.L1_muons = [mu for mu in L1muons_allbx]
            if len(event.L1_muons):
                import pdb

        # append a reco jet (if it exists) to each L1 muon
        for mu in event.L1_muons:
            jets = sorted([
                jj for jj in miniaodjets if deltaR2(
                    jj.eta(), jj.phi(), mu.etaAtVtx(), mu.phiAtVtx()) < 0.16
                          key=lambda x: deltaR2(x, mu))
            if len(jets):
                mu.jet = jets[0]

        event.L1_muons_eta_0p5_q8 = sorted([
            mu for mu in event.L1_muons
            if abs(mu.eta()) < 0.5 and mu.hwQual() >= 8
                                           key=lambda mu: mu.pt(),
        event.L1_muons_eta_0p5_q12 = sorted([
            mu for mu in event.L1_muons
            if abs(mu.eta()) < 0.5 and mu.hwQual() >= 12
                                            key=lambda mu: mu.pt(),
        event.L1_muons_eta_0p8_q8 = sorted([
            mu for mu in event.L1_muons
            if abs(mu.eta()) < 0.8 and mu.hwQual() >= 8
                                           key=lambda mu: mu.pt(),
        event.L1_muons_eta_0p8_q12 = sorted([
            mu for mu in event.L1_muons
            if abs(mu.eta()) < 0.8 and mu.hwQual() >= 12
                                            key=lambda mu: mu.pt(),
        event.L1_muons_eta_1p0_q8 = sorted([
            mu for mu in event.L1_muons
            if abs(mu.eta()) < 1.0 and mu.hwQual() >= 8
                                           key=lambda mu: mu.pt(),
        event.L1_muons_eta_1p0_q12 = sorted([
            mu for mu in event.L1_muons
            if abs(mu.eta()) < 1.0 and mu.hwQual() >= 12
                                            key=lambda mu: mu.pt(),
        event.L1_muons_eta_1p5_q8 = sorted([
            mu for mu in event.L1_muons
            if abs(mu.eta()) < 1.5 and mu.hwQual() >= 8
                                           key=lambda mu: mu.pt(),
        event.L1_muons_eta_1p5_q12 = sorted([
            mu for mu in event.L1_muons
            if abs(mu.eta()) < 1.5 and mu.hwQual() >= 12
                                            key=lambda mu: mu.pt(),
        event.L1_muons_eta_2p1_q8 = sorted([
            mu for mu in event.L1_muons
            if abs(mu.eta()) < 2.1043125 and mu.hwQual() >= 8
                                           key=lambda mu: mu.pt(),
        event.L1_muons_eta_2p1_q12 = sorted([
            mu for mu in event.L1_muons
            if abs(mu.eta()) < 2.1043125 and mu.hwQual() >= 12
                                            key=lambda mu: mu.pt(),
        event.L1_muons_eta_2p5_q8 = sorted([
            mu for mu in event.L1_muons
            if abs(mu.eta()) < 2.5 and mu.hwQual() >= 8
                                           key=lambda mu: mu.pt(),
        event.L1_muons_eta_2p5_q12 = sorted([
            mu for mu in event.L1_muons
            if abs(mu.eta()) < 2.5 and mu.hwQual() >= 12
                                            key=lambda mu: mu.pt(),
        event.L1_muons_eta_inf_q8 = sorted(
            [mu for mu in event.L1_muons if mu.hwQual() >= 8],
            key=lambda mu: mu.pt(),
        event.L1_muons_eta_inf_q12 = sorted(
            [mu for mu in event.L1_muons if mu.hwQual() >= 12],
            key=lambda mu: mu.pt(),

        #         # 29  L1_SingleMu22er2p1
        #         if ugt.getAlgoDecisionFinal(29) and len([mu for mu in event.L1_muons_eta_2p1_q12 if mu.pt()>=22.])==0:
        #             import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()

        #         if any([mm.eta() == 2.1 for mm in event.L1_muons]):
        #             print 'cazz...'
        #             import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()

        #         if len(event.L1_muons_eta_2p5_q12)>1:
        #             for mm in event.L1_muons_eta_2p5_q12: print mm.pt(), mm.eta(), mm.phi(), mm.hwQual()
        #             import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()

        #         if event.run==305081:

        event.fakeL1mu = True
        event.deltapt = -9999.
        event.isiso = -99.
        event.lowptjet = False

        if len(event.L1_muons_eta_2p1_q12
               ) > 0 and event.L1_muons_eta_2p1_q12[0].pt() >= 22.:

            print 'Jets, unfiltered'
            for jet in miniaodjets:
                print jet, '\tpfJetId', jet.jetID(
                    "POG_PFID_Loose"), '\tpuJetId', jet.puJetId(
                    ), '\tbtag', jet.btag(
                if deltaR2(jet.eta(), jet.phi(),
                           event.L1_muons_eta_2p1_q12[0].phiAtVtx()) < 0.25:
                    if jet.pt() < 20.:
                        event.lowptjet = True

            print 'L1 muons'
            for mu in event.L1_muons_eta_2p1_q12:
                print 'pt %.2f\teta %.2f\tphi %.2f\tetaAtVtx %.2f\tphiAtVtx %.2f' % (
                    mu.pt(), mu.eta(), mu.phi(), mu.etaAtVtx(), mu.phiAtVtx())

            print 'offline muons'
            for mm in [Muon(ii) for ii in self.handles['muons'].product()]:
                print mm

                if deltaR2(mm.eta(), mm.phi(),
                           event.L1_muons_eta_2p1_q12[0].phiAtVtx()) < 0.25:
                    event.fakeL1mu = False
                    event.isiso = int(mm.relIso() < 1.)
                    event.deltapt = event.L1_muons_eta_2p1_q12[0].pt() - mm.pt(

            # jj = miniaodjets[1]
            # deltaR(jj.eta(), jj.phi(), mu.etaAtVtx(), mu.phiAtVtx())

#             import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()

        return True
Пример #10
 def __init__(self, diobject):
     super(DiMuon, self).__init__(diobject)
     self.mu1 = Muon(diobject.leg1())
     self.mu2 = Muon(diobject.leg2())
Пример #11
 def __init__(self, diobject):
     super(MuonElectron, self).__init__(diobject)
     self.mu = Muon(diobject.leg1())
     self.ele = HTauTauElectron(diobject.leg2())