Пример #1
 def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName):
     super(JetAnalyzer,self).__init__(cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName)
     mcGT   = cfg_ana.mcGT   if hasattr(cfg_ana,'mcGT')   else "PHYS14_25_V2"
     dataGT = cfg_ana.dataGT if hasattr(cfg_ana,'dataGT') else "GR_70_V2_AN1"
     self.shiftJEC = self.cfg_ana.shiftJEC if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, 'shiftJEC') else 0
     self.recalibrateJets = self.cfg_ana.recalibrateJets
     self.addJECShifts = self.cfg_ana.addJECShifts
     if   self.recalibrateJets == "MC"  : self.recalibrateJets =     self.cfg_comp.isMC
     elif self.recalibrateJets == "Data": self.recalibrateJets = not self.cfg_comp.isMC
     elif self.recalibrateJets not in [True,False]: raise RuntimeError, "recalibrateJets must be any of { True, False, 'MC', 'Data' }, while it is %r " % self.recalibrateJets
     self.doJEC = self.recalibrateJets or (self.shiftJEC != 0) or self.addJECShifts
     if self.doJEC:
       doResidual = getattr(cfg_ana, 'applyL2L3Residual', 'Data')
       if   doResidual == "MC":   doResidual = self.cfg_comp.isMC
       elif doResidual == "Data": doResidual = not self.cfg_comp.isMC
       elif doResidual not in [True,False]: raise RuntimeError, "If specified, applyL2L3Residual must be any of { True, False, 'MC', 'Data'(default)}"
       if self.cfg_comp.isMC:
         self.jetReCalibrator = JetReCalibrator(mcGT,self.cfg_ana.recalibrationType, doResidual, cfg_ana.jecPath, calculateSeparateCorrections=getattr(cfg_ana,"calculateSeparateCorrections",False))
         self.jetReCalibrator = JetReCalibrator(dataGT,self.cfg_ana.recalibrationType, doResidual, cfg_ana.jecPath, calculateSeparateCorrections=getattr(cfg_ana,"calculateSeparateCorrections",False))
     self.doPuId = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'doPuId', True)
     self.jetLepDR = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'jetLepDR', 0.4)
     self.jetLepArbitration = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'jetLepArbitration', lambda jet,lepton: lepton) 
     self.lepPtMin = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'minLepPt', -1)
     self.lepSelCut = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'lepSelCut', lambda lep : True)
     self.jetGammaDR =  getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'jetGammaDR', 0.4)
         self.qglcalc = QGLikelihoodCalculator(getattr(self.cfg_ana,"QGpath",qgdefname).format(CMSSW_BASE= os.environ['CMSSW_BASE']))
     if not hasattr(self.cfg_ana ,"collectionPostFix"):self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix=""
Пример #2
 def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName):
     super(JetAnalyzer, self).__init__(cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName)
     mcGT = cfg_ana.mcGT if hasattr(cfg_ana, 'mcGT') else "PHYS14_25_V2"
     dataGT = cfg_ana.dataGT if hasattr(cfg_ana,
                                        'dataGT') else "GR_70_V2_AN1"
     self.shiftJEC = self.cfg_ana.shiftJEC if hasattr(
         self.cfg_ana, 'shiftJEC') else 0
     self.recalibrateJets = self.cfg_ana.recalibrateJets
     if self.recalibrateJets == "MC":
         self.recalibrateJets = self.cfg_comp.isMC
     elif self.recalibrateJets == "Data":
         self.recalibrateJets = not self.cfg_comp.isMC
     elif self.recalibrateJets not in [True, False]:
         raise RuntimeError, "recalibrateJets must be any of { True, False, 'MC', 'Data' }, while it is %r " % self.recalibrateJets
     self.doJEC = self.recalibrateJets or (self.shiftJEC != 0)
     if self.doJEC:
         if self.cfg_comp.isMC:
             self.jetReCalibrator = JetReCalibrator(mcGT, "AK4PFchs", False,
             self.jetReCalibrator = JetReCalibrator(dataGT, "AK4PFchs",
                                                    True, cfg_ana.jecPath)
     self.doPuId = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'doPuId', True)
     self.jetLepDR = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'jetLepDR', 0.4)
     self.jetLepArbitration = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'jetLepArbitration',
                                      lambda jet, lepton: lepton)
     self.lepPtMin = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'minLepPt', -1)
     self.jetGammaDR = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'jetGammaDR', 0.4)
     if (self.cfg_ana.doQG):
         self.qglcalc = QGLikelihoodCalculator(
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName):
     super(JetAnalyzer, self).__init__(cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName)
     mcGT = cfg_ana.mcGT if hasattr(cfg_ana, 'mcGT') else "PHYS14_25_V2"
     dataGT = cfg_ana.dataGT if hasattr(cfg_ana,
                                        'dataGT') else "GR_70_V2_AN1"
     self.shiftJEC = self.cfg_ana.shiftJEC if hasattr(
         self.cfg_ana, 'shiftJEC') else 0
     self.recalibrateJets = self.cfg_ana.recalibrateJets
     if self.recalibrateJets == "MC":
         self.recalibrateJets = self.cfg_comp.isMC
     elif self.recalibrateJets == "Data":
         self.recalibrateJets = not self.cfg_comp.isMC
     elif self.recalibrateJets not in [True, False]:
         raise RuntimeError, "recalibrateJets must be any of { True, False, 'MC', 'Data' }, while it is %r " % self.recalibrateJets
     self.doJEC = self.recalibrateJets or (self.shiftJEC != 0)
     if self.doJEC:
         if self.cfg_comp.isMC:
             self.jetReCalibrator = JetReCalibrator(mcGT, "AK4PFchs", False,
             self.jetReCalibrator = JetReCalibrator(dataGT, "AK4PFchs",
                                                    True, cfg_ana.jecPath)
     self.doPuId = self.cfg_ana.doPuId if hasattr(self.cfg_ana,
                                                  'doPuId') else True
     self.jetLepDR = self.cfg_ana.jetLepDR if hasattr(
         self.cfg_ana, 'jetLepDR') else 0.5
     self.lepPtMin = self.cfg_ana.minLepPt if hasattr(
         self.cfg_ana, 'minLepPt') else -1
     self.jetGammaDR = self.cfg_ana.jetGammaDR if hasattr(
         self.cfg_ana, 'jetGammaDR') else 0.4
     if (self.cfg_ana.doQG):
         self.qglcalc = QGLikelihoodCalculator(
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName):
        super(JetAnalyzer,self).__init__(cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName)
        mcGT   = cfg_ana.mcGT  if hasattr(cfg_ana,'mcGT')   else [[-1,"PHYS14_25_V2"]]
        dataGT = cfg_ana.dataGT if hasattr(cfg_ana,'dataGT') else [[-1,"GR_70_V2_AN1"]]
        self.shiftJEC = self.cfg_ana.shiftJEC if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, 'shiftJEC') else 0
        self.recalibrateJets = self.cfg_ana.recalibrateJets
        self.jetPtOrUpOrDnSelection = getattr(self.cfg_ana,'jetPtOrUpOrDnSelection',False)
        self.addJECShifts = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'addJECShifts',False) or self.jetPtOrUpOrDnSelection
        if   self.recalibrateJets == "MC"  : self.recalibrateJets =     self.cfg_comp.isMC
        elif self.recalibrateJets == "Data": self.recalibrateJets = not self.cfg_comp.isMC
        elif self.recalibrateJets not in [True,False]: raise RuntimeError, "recalibrateJets must be any of { True, False, 'MC', 'Data' }, while it is %r " % self.recalibrateJets
        calculateSeparateCorrections = getattr(cfg_ana,"calculateSeparateCorrections", False);
        calculateType1METCorrection  = getattr(cfg_ana,"calculateType1METCorrection",  False);
        self.doJEC = self.recalibrateJets or (self.shiftJEC != 0) or self.addJECShifts or calculateSeparateCorrections or calculateType1METCorrection
        if self.doJEC:
          doResidual = getattr(cfg_ana, 'applyL2L3Residual', 'Data')
          if   doResidual == "MC":   doResidual = self.cfg_comp.isMC
          elif doResidual == "Data": doResidual = not self.cfg_comp.isMC
          elif doResidual not in [True,False]: raise RuntimeError, "If specified, applyL2L3Residual must be any of { True, False, 'MC', 'Data'(default)}"
          GTs = getattr(cfg_comp, 'jecGT', mcGT if self.cfg_comp.isMC else dataGT)
          if type(GTs) == str: GTs = [ (-1, GTs) ]
          # Now take care of the optional arguments
          kwargs = { 'calculateSeparateCorrections':calculateSeparateCorrections,
                     'calculateType1METCorrection' :calculateType1METCorrection, }
          if kwargs['calculateType1METCorrection']: kwargs['type1METParams'] = cfg_ana.type1METParams
          # instantiate the jet re-calibrator
          for (run,GT) in GTs:
              self.jetReCalibrators.append(JetReCalibrator(GT, cfg_ana.recalibrationType, doResidual, cfg_ana.jecPath, **kwargs) )

        self.doPuId = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'doPuId', True)
        self.matchJetsWithThreshold = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'matchJetsWithThreshold', False)
        self.jetLepDR = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'jetLepDR', 0.4)
        self.jetLepArbitration = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'jetLepArbitration', lambda jet,lepton: lepton) 
        self.lepPtMin = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'minLepPt', -1)
        self.lepSelCut = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'lepSelCut', lambda lep : True)
        self.jetGammaDR =  getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'jetGammaDR', 0.4)
        self.jetGammaLepDR =  getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'jetGammaLepDR', 0.4)
        self.cleanFromLepAndGammaSimultaneously = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'cleanFromLepAndGammaSimultaneously', False)
        if self.cleanFromLepAndGammaSimultaneously:
            if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, 'jetGammaLepDR'):
                self.jetGammaLepDR =  self.jetGammaLepDR 
            elif (self.jetGammaDR == self.jetLepDR):
                self.jetGammaLepDR = self.jetGammaDR
                raise RuntimeError, "DR for simultaneous cleaning of jets from leptons and photons is not defined, and dR(gamma, jet)!=dR(lep, jet)"
            self.qglcalc = QGLikelihoodCalculator(getattr(self.cfg_ana,"QGpath",qgdefname).format(CMSSW_BASE= os.environ['CMSSW_BASE']))
        if not hasattr(self.cfg_ana ,"collectionPostFix"):self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix=""
Пример #5
 def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName):
     super(JetAnalyzer, self).__init__(cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName)
     mcGT = cfg_ana.mcGT if hasattr(cfg_ana, 'mcGT') else "PHYS14_25_V2"
     dataGT = cfg_ana.dataGT if hasattr(cfg_ana,
                                        'dataGT') else "GR_70_V2_AN1"
     self.shiftJEC = self.cfg_ana.shiftJEC if hasattr(
         self.cfg_ana, 'shiftJEC') else 0
     self.recalibrateJets = self.cfg_ana.recalibrateJets
     if self.recalibrateJets == "MC":
         self.recalibrateJets = self.cfg_comp.isMC
     elif self.recalibrateJets == "Data":
         self.recalibrateJets = not self.cfg_comp.isMC
     elif self.recalibrateJets not in [True, False]:
         raise RuntimeError(
             "recalibrateJets must be any of { True, False, 'MC', 'Data' }, while it is %r "
             % self.recalibrateJets)
     self.doJEC = self.recalibrateJets or (self.shiftJEC != 0)
     if self.doJEC:
         if self.cfg_comp.isMC:
             self.jetReCalibrator = JetReCalibrator(
                 mcGT, self.cfg_ana.recalibrationType, False,
             self.jetReCalibrator = JetReCalibrator(
                 dataGT, self.cfg_ana.recalibrationType, True,
     self.doPuId = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'doPuId', True)
     self.jetLepDR = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'jetLepDR', 0.4)
     self.jetLepArbitration = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'jetLepArbitration',
                                      lambda jet, lepton: lepton)
     self.lepPtMin = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'minLepPt', -1)
     self.lepSelCut = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'lepSelCut', lambda lep: True)
     self.jetGammaDR = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'jetGammaDR', 0.4)
     if (self.cfg_ana.doQG):
         self.qglcalc = QGLikelihoodCalculator(
             % os.environ['CMSSW_BASE'])
     if not hasattr(self.cfg_ana, "collectionPostFix"):
         self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix = ""
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName):
        self.debug = getattr(cfg_ana, 'debug', False)

        super(JetAnalyzer, self).__init__(cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName)
        mcGT = cfg_ana.mcGT if hasattr(cfg_ana, 'mcGT') else "PHYS14_25_V2"
        dataGT = cfg_ana.dataGT if hasattr(cfg_ana,
                                           'dataGT') else "GR_70_V2_AN1"

        mcGT_jer = cfg_ana.mcGT_jer if hasattr(
            cfg_ana, 'mcGT_jer') else "Summer15_25nsV6_MC"
        dataGT_jer = cfg_ana.dataGT_jer if hasattr(
            cfg_ana, 'dataGT_jer') else "Summer15_25nsV6_DATA"

        self.shiftJEC = self.cfg_ana.shiftJEC if hasattr(
            self.cfg_ana, 'shiftJEC') else 0
        self.recalibrateJets = self.cfg_ana.recalibrateJets
        self.addJECShifts = self.cfg_ana.addJECShifts if hasattr(
            self.cfg_ana, 'addJECShifts') else 0
        if self.recalibrateJets == "MC":
            self.recalibrateJets = self.cfg_comp.isMC
        elif self.recalibrateJets == "Data":
            self.recalibrateJets = not self.cfg_comp.isMC
        elif self.recalibrateJets not in [True, False]:
            raise RuntimeError, "recalibrateJets must be any of { True, False, 'MC', 'Data' }, while it is %r " % self.recalibrateJets

        calculateSeparateCorrections = getattr(cfg_ana,
        calculateType1METCorrection = getattr(cfg_ana,
        self.doJEC = self.recalibrateJets or (
            self.shiftJEC != 0
        ) or self.addJECShifts or calculateSeparateCorrections or calculateType1METCorrection
        if self.doJEC:
            if self.debug: print "[Debug] I am doing Jet energy calibration :D"
            doResidual = getattr(cfg_ana, 'applyL2L3Residual', 'Data')
            if doResidual == "MC": doResidual = self.cfg_comp.isMC
            elif doResidual == "Data": doResidual = not self.cfg_comp.isMC
            elif doResidual not in [True, False]:
                raise RuntimeError, "If specified, applyL2L3Residual must be any of { True, False, 'MC', 'Data'(default)}"
            GT = getattr(cfg_comp, 'jecGT',
                         mcGT if self.cfg_comp.isMC else dataGT)
            GT_jer = getattr(cfg_comp, 'jerGT',
                             mcGT_jer if self.cfg_comp.isMC else dataGT_jer)
            # Now take care of the optional arguments
            kwargs = {
                'calculateSeparateCorrections': calculateSeparateCorrections,
                'calculateType1METCorrection': calculateType1METCorrection,
            if kwargs['calculateType1METCorrection']:
                kwargs['type1METParams'] = cfg_ana.type1METParams
            # instantiate the jet re-calibrator
            if self.debug:
                print "[Debug] check input for jetReCalibrator: tell me if it is MC -- %r; tell me the doResidual is %r\n" % (
                    self.cfg_comp.isMC, doResidual)

            self.jetReCalibrator = JetReCalibrator(GT,
                                                   doResidual, cfg_ana.jecPath,

        self.smearJets = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'smearJets', False)
        if self.smearJets:
            self.jetResolution = JetResolution(GT_jer,
        self.doPuId = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'doPuId', True)
        self.jetLepDR = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'jetLepDR', 0.4)
        self.jetLepArbitration = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'jetLepArbitration',
                                         lambda jet, lepton: lepton)
        self.lepPtMin = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'minLepPt', -1)
        self.lepSelCut = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'lepSelCut', lambda lep: True)
        self.jetGammaDR = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'jetGammaDR', 0.4)
        if (self.cfg_ana.doQG):
            qgdefname = "{CMSSW_BASE}/src/PhysicsTools/Heppy/data/pdfQG_AK4chs_13TeV_v2b.root"
            self.qglcalc = QGLikelihoodCalculator(
                getattr(self.cfg_ana, "QGpath",
        if not hasattr(self.cfg_ana, "collectionPostFix"):
            self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix = ""