def __init__(self, app): = app self.starSystemDlg = StarSystemDlg( self.fleetDlg = FleetDlg( self.researchDlg = ResearchDlg( self.confirmDlg = ConfirmDlg( self.diplomacyDlg = DiplomacyDlg.DiplomacyDlg( self.constructionDlg = ConstructionDlg( self.messagesDlg = MessagesDlg( self.planetsOverviewDlg = PlanetsOverviewDlg( self.systemOverviewDlg = SystemOverviewDlg( self.fleetsOverviewDlg = FleetsOverviewDlg( self.optionsDlg = OptionsDlg( self.searchDlg = SearchDlg( self.problemsDlg = ProblemsDlg.ProblemsDlg( self.empireOverviewDlg = EmpireOverviewDlg.EmpireOverviewDlg( self.galaxyRestartDlg = GalaxyRestartDlg( self.planetsAnalysisDlg = PlanetsAnalysisDlg(app) self.fleetsAnalysisDlg = FleetsAnalysisDlg(app) self.mapWidget = None self.createUI() self.centered = 0
class MainGameDlg: def __init__(self, app): = app self.starSystemDlg = StarSystemDlg( self.fleetDlg = FleetDlg( self.researchDlg = ResearchDlg( self.confirmDlg = ConfirmDlg( self.diplomacyDlg = DiplomacyDlg.DiplomacyDlg( self.constructionDlg = ConstructionDlg( self.messagesDlg = MessagesDlg( self.planetsOverviewDlg = PlanetsOverviewDlg( self.globalQueuesDlg = GlobalQueuesDlg( self.systemOverviewDlg = SystemOverviewDlg( self.fleetsOverviewDlg = FleetsOverviewDlg( self.optionsDlg = OptionsDlg( self.searchDlg = SearchDlg( self.problemsDlg = ProblemsDlg.ProblemsDlg( self.empireOverviewDlg = EmpireOverviewDlg.EmpireOverviewDlg( self.galaxyFinishDlg = GalaxyFinishDlg( self.planetsAnalysisDlg = PlanetsAnalysisDlg(app) self.fleetsAnalysisDlg = FleetsAnalysisDlg(app) self.mapWidget = None self.createUI() self.centered = 0 def display(self): = False gdata.mainGameDlg = self # register for updates gdata.updateDlgs.append(self) #self.refocus() def refocus(self): #log.debug("refocusing") def onCmdInProgress(self, inProgress): if inProgress: = (0xff, 0xff, 0x00) else: = None def hide(self): = True gdata.mainGameDlg = None # unregister updates if self in gdata.updateDlgs: gdata.updateDlgs.remove(self) def onExit(self, widget, action, data):'Exitting a session...')) self.hide() def onSelectMapObj(self, widget, action, data): = None obj = client.get(data, noUpdate=1) if obj == None:'Cannot select object on map')) return if obj.type in (Const.T_PLANET, Const.T_SYSTEM, Const.T_WORMHOLE): self.starSystemDlg.onSelectMapObj(None, None, data) elif obj.type == Const.T_FLEET: self.fleetDlg.display(data) def onResearch(self, widget, action, data): self.researchDlg.display() def onDiplomacy(self, widget, action, data): self.diplomacyDlg.display() def onMessages(self, widget, action, data): self.messagesDlg.display() def onConstruction(self, widget, action, data): self.constructionDlg.display() def onPlanetsMenu(self, widget, action, data): * 20, 0)) def onPlanets(self, widget, action, data): self.planetsOverviewDlg.display() def onSystems(self, widget, action, data): self.systemOverviewDlg.display() def onPlanetAnalysis(self, widget, action, data): self.planetsAnalysisDlg.display() def onGlobalQueues(self, widget, action, data): self.globalQueuesDlg.display() def onFleetsMenu(self, widget, action, data): * 20, 0)) def onFleets(self, widget, action, data): self.fleetsOverviewDlg.display() def onFleetAnalysis(self, widget, action, data): self.fleetsAnalysisDlg.display() def onOptions(self, widget, action, data): self.optionsDlg.display() def onProblems(self, widget, action, data): self.problemsDlg.display() def onOverview(self, widget, action, data): self.empireOverviewDlg.display() def onSearch(self, widget, action, data): self.searchDlg.display() def onStats(self, widget, action, data): url = 'http://%s/%s/galaxy%d.html' % (,, client.getPlayer().galaxy, ), new=1) def onResign(self, widget, action, data): # swap yes and no self.confirmDlg.display(_('Are you sure to resign current game?'), _('No'), _('Yes'), cancelAction=self.onResignConfirmed) def onSaveView(self, widget, action, data): self.confirmDlg.display( _('Save the current starmap view as an image?'), _('Yes'), _('No'), confirmAction=self.onSaveViewConfirm) def onSaveViewConfirm(self): turn = client.getTurn() name = 'view_' + res.formatTime(turn, '_') full_name = os.path.join(, name) savedas =, chronicle_shot=False) self.confirmDlg.display(_('File saved as %s' % savedas), _('OK'), False) def onSaveStarmap(self, widget, action, data): self.confirmDlg.display(_('Save whole galaxy starmap as an image?'), _('Yes'), _('No'), confirmAction=self.onSaveStarmapConfirm) def onSaveStarmapConfirm(self): turn = client.getTurn() name = 'starmap_' + res.formatTime(turn, '_') full_name = os.path.join(, name) savedas =, chronicle_shot=True) self.confirmDlg.display(_('File saved as %s' % savedas), _('OK'), False) def onMenu(self, widget, action, data): w, h = gdata.scrnSize - self.systemMenu.width * 20 - 4, 0)) def onResignConfirmed(self): client.cmdProxy.resign(client.getPlayerID()) client.db.clear() def onToggleTime(self, widget, action, data): galaxyID = client.getPlayer().galaxy galaxy = client.get(galaxyID) galaxy.timeEnabled = client.cmdProxy.toggleTime(galaxyID) self.alterMenu(None, None, False) def onFinishConfirmedSingle(self): self.onFinishConfirmed(None, Const.SCENARIO_SINGLE) def onFinishConfirmedOuterspace(self, imperatorMsg): self.onFinishConfirmed(imperatorMsg, Const.SCENARIO_OUTERSPACE) def onFinishConfirmed(self, imperatorMsg, scenario):'Galaxy finish in progress...')) oldMsgHandler = client.cmdProxy.msgHandler client.cmdProxy.msgHandler = None client.cmdProxy.keepAliveTime = 60 * 60 # do not try to connect to server (one hour) if scenario == Const.SCENARIO_SINGLE: client.cmdProxy.deleteSingle(client.getPlayer().galaxy) elif scenario == Const.SCENARIO_OUTERSPACE: client.cmdProxy.finishGalaxyImperator(Const.OID_UNIVERSE, client.getPlayer().galaxy, imperatorMsg) else: return client.db.clear() client.cmdProxy.msgHandler = oldMsgHandler self.hide() def update(self, configUpdated=False): self.galaxyFinishPopup(None, None, False) self.alterMenu(None, None, False) player = client.getPlayer() turn = client.getTurn() = res.formatTime(turn) if configUpdated: # center of 1st player star if not self.centered: player = client.getPlayer() if player.planets: planet = client.get(player.planets[0]), planet.y) elif player.fleets: fleet = client.get(player.fleets[0]), fleet.y) self.centered = 1 self.refocus() #only fire off when dialog first updated # enable/disable construction = Utils.enableConstruction(client) # enable/disable diplomacy #if player.diplomacyRels: = 1 #else: # = 0 # highlight messages button? self.messagesDlg.update() if self.messagesDlg.newMsgs > 0: = gdata.sevColors[gdata.MAJ] else: = None def alterMenu(self, widget, action, data): """ Update menu according to current situation, being different in singleplayer or when player is imperator of competitive galaxy, or player has no rights to finish galaxy at all. """ if client.db != None: player = client.getPlayer() galaxy = client.get(player.galaxy) # player can restart (finish) it's own singleplayer galaxy anytime if galaxy.scenario == Const.SCENARIO_SINGLE: # depends on state of galaxy if not galaxy.timeEnabled: self.systemMenu.items[7].text = _("Resume galaxy") else: self.systemMenu.items[7].text = _("Pause galaxy") self.systemMenu.items[7].action = "onToggleTime" self.systemMenu.items[6].enabled = True self.systemMenu.items[7].enabled = True elif galaxy.scenario == Const.SCENARIO_OUTERSPACE: # standard behavior if player.imperator > 2: # player is imperator for more than two weeks - has right to finish galaxy self.systemMenu.items[6].enabled = True else: # no right to finish galaxy self.systemMenu.items[6].enabled = False # you cannot resign when time is stopped if galaxy.timeEnabled: self.systemMenu.items[7].enabled = True else: self.systemMenu.items[7].enabled = False def galaxyFinishButton(self, widget, action, data): player = client.getPlayer() galaxy = client.get(player.galaxy) if galaxy.scenario == Const.SCENARIO_OUTERSPACE and player.imperator > 2: localTime = time.time() = str(localTime) self.galaxyFinishDlg.display( finishAction=self.onFinishConfirmedOuterspace) elif galaxy.scenario == Const.SCENARIO_SINGLE: self.confirmDlg.display(_( 'Are you really really sure you want to finish this single player galaxy of yours? You won\'t be able to get back.' ), _('Finish'), _('No'), confirmAction=self.onFinishConfirmedSingle) def galaxyFinishPopup(self, widget, action, data): """ Pop up dialog to finish galaxy in case player is eligible imperator of competitive galaxy. Do this once per day. """ if client.db != None: player = client.getPlayer() galaxy = client.get(player.galaxy) if galaxy.scenario == Const.SCENARIO_OUTERSPACE and player.imperator > 2: lastGalaxyFinishShown = if lastGalaxyFinishShown != None: localTime = time.time() storedTime = float(lastGalaxyFinishShown) if localTime - storedTime > 60 * 60 * 24: = str( localTime) self.galaxyFinishDlg.display( finishAction=self.onFinishConfirmedOuterspace) else: = str(time.time()) self.galaxyFinishDlg.display( finishAction=self.onFinishConfirmedOuterspace) def updateMsgButton(self): if self.messagesDlg.newMsgs > 0: = gdata.sevColors[gdata.MAJ] else: = None def processKeyUp(self, evt): if evt.key == pygame.K_F12 and pygame.key.get_mods( ) & pygame.KMOD_CTRL: self.onExit(None, None, None) return ui.NoEvent def processKeyDown(self, evt): # Alt+M - Messages if evt.unicode == u'\x6D' and pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_ALT: self.messagesDlg.display() # Alt+R - Research elif evt.unicode == u'\x72' and pygame.key.get_mods( ) & pygame.KMOD_ALT: self.researchDlg.display() # Alt+D - Diplomacy elif evt.unicode == u'\x64' and pygame.key.get_mods( ) & pygame.KMOD_ALT: self.diplomacyDlg.display() # Alt+C - Constr elif evt.unicode == u'\x63' and pygame.key.get_mods( ) & pygame.KMOD_ALT: self.constructionDlg.display() # Alt+P - Planets elif evt.unicode == u'\x70' and pygame.key.get_mods( ) & pygame.KMOD_ALT: self.onPlanetsMenu( False, False, False) # use onPlanetsMenu rather than direct control # Alt+F - Fleets elif evt.unicode == u'\x66' and pygame.key.get_mods( ) & pygame.KMOD_ALT: self.onFleetsMenu( False, False, False) # use onFleetsMenu rather than direct control # Alt+O - Overview elif evt.unicode == u'\x6F' and pygame.key.get_mods( ) & pygame.KMOD_ALT: self.empireOverviewDlg.display() # Alt+B - Pro'b'lems elif evt.unicode == u'\x62' and pygame.key.get_mods( ) & pygame.KMOD_ALT: self.problemsDlg.display() # Alt+N - Me'n'u elif evt.unicode == u'\x6E' and pygame.key.get_mods( ) & pygame.KMOD_ALT: self.onMenu(False, False, False) # use onMenu rather than direct control def createUI(self): w, h = gdata.scrnSize lw, lh = w / 20, h / 20 = ui.Window(, modal=1, decorated=0, alwaysInBackground=1, movable=0, rect=ui.Rect(0, 0, w, h), layoutManager=ui.SimpleGridLM(), )'*', self) # map self.mapWidget = StarMapWidget(, id='vStarMap', action='onSelectMapObj', layout=(0, 1, lw, lh - 2)) self.searchDlg.mapWidget = self.mapWidget = self.mapWidget self.mapWidget.callEventHandler = self # bottom ui.Label(, id='vStatus', align=ui.ALIGN_W, layout=(0, lh - 1, lw - 16, 1), ) ui.Label(, id='vTurn', align=ui.ALIGN_E, text='????.??', font='normal-bold', layout=(lw - 4, lh - 1, 4, 1), ) # top ui.Button(, layout=(0, 0, 4, 1), text=_('Messages'), action='onMessages', id="vMessages") ui.Button(, layout=(4, 0, 4, 1), text=_('Research'), action='onResearch') ui.Button(, layout=(8, 0, 4, 1), text=_('Diplomacy'), id="vDiplomacy", action='onDiplomacy', enabled=0) ui.Button(, layout=(12, 0, 4, 1), text=_('Constr'), id="vConstruction", action='onConstruction', enabled=0) ui.Button(, layout=(16, 0, 4, 1), text=_('Planets'), id="vPlanetsMenu", action='onPlanetsMenu', enabled=1) ui.Button(, layout=(20, 0, 4, 1), text=_('Fleets'), id="vFleetsMenu", action='onFleetsMenu', enabled=1) ui.Button(, layout=(24, 0, 4, 1), text=_('Overview'), id="vOverview", action='onOverview', enabled=1) ui.Title(, layout=(28, 0, lw - 37, 1)) ui.Button(, layout=(lw - 9, 0, 4, 1), text=_('Problems'), action='onProblems') ui.Button(, layout=(lw - 5, 0, 5, 1), text=_('Menu'), action='onMenu') ='Ready.')) # system menu self.systemMenu = ui.Menu(, title=_("Menu"), width=5, items=[ ui.Item(_("Find system"), action="onSearch", hotkey=u'\x66'), # F ui.Item(_("Statistics"), action="onStats", hotkey=u'\x73'), # S ui.Item(_("Save View"), action="onSaveView", hotkey=u'\x76'), # V ui.Item(_("Save Starmap"), action="onSaveStarmap"), ui.Item(_("Options"), action="onOptions", hotkey=u'\x6F'), # O ui.Item(_("--------"), enabled=False), ui.Item( _("Finish galaxy"), action="galaxyFinishButton", enabled=False, data=True ), # no hotkey; if this position moved, you need to update finishGalaxy's "self.systemMenu.items" lines to reference new index position ui.Item(_("Resign"), action="onResign"), # no hotkey ui.Item(_("--------"), enabled=False), ui.Item(_("Exit"), action="onExit", hotkey=u'\x71'), # Q (also directly CTRL+F12) ]) self.systemMenu.subscribeAction("*", self) self.systemFleetMenu = ui.Menu(, title=_("Fleets"), width=4, items=[ ui.Item(_("Fleet List"), action="onFleets", hotkey=u'\x66'), # F ui.Item(_("Analysis"), action="onFleetAnalysis", hotkey=u'\x61'), # A ]) self.systemFleetMenu.subscribeAction("*", self) self.systemPlanetMenu = ui.Menu(, title=_("Planets"), width=5, items=[ ui.Item(_("Planet List"), action="onPlanets", hotkey=u'\x70'), # P ui.Item(_("System List"), action="onSystems", hotkey=u'\x73'), # S ui.Item(_("Global queues"), action="onGlobalQueues"), ui.Item(_("Analysis"), action="onPlanetAnalysis", hotkey=u'\x61'), #A ]) self.systemPlanetMenu.subscribeAction("*", self)
class MainGameDlg: def __init__(self, app): = app self.starSystemDlg = StarSystemDlg( self.fleetDlg = FleetDlg( self.researchDlg = ResearchDlg( self.confirmDlg = ConfirmDlg( self.diplomacyDlg = DiplomacyDlg.DiplomacyDlg( self.constructionDlg = ConstructionDlg( self.messagesDlg = MessagesDlg( self.planetsOverviewDlg = PlanetsOverviewDlg( self.globalQueuesDlg = GlobalQueuesDlg( self.systemOverviewDlg = SystemOverviewDlg( self.fleetsOverviewDlg = FleetsOverviewDlg( self.optionsDlg = OptionsDlg( self.searchDlg = SearchDlg( self.problemsDlg = ProblemsDlg.ProblemsDlg( self.empireOverviewDlg = EmpireOverviewDlg.EmpireOverviewDlg( self.galaxyRestartDlg = GalaxyRestartDlg( self.planetsAnalysisDlg = PlanetsAnalysisDlg(app) self.fleetsAnalysisDlg = FleetsAnalysisDlg(app) self.mapWidget = None self.createUI() self.centered = 0 def display(self): gdata.showBackground = 0 gdata.mainGameDlg = self # register for updates gdata.updateDlgs.append(self) #self.refocus() def refocus(self): #log.debug("refocusing") def onCmdInProgress(self, inProgress): if inProgress: = (0xff, 0xff, 0x00) else: = None def hide(self): gdata.showBackground = 1 gdata.mainGameDlg = None # unregister updates if self in gdata.updateDlgs: gdata.updateDlgs.remove(self) def onQuit(self, widget, action, data):'Logging out and exitting...')) def onSelectMapObj(self, widget, action, data): = None obj = client.get(data, noUpdate = 1) if obj == None:'Cannot select object on map')) return if obj.type in (T_PLANET, T_SYSTEM, T_WORMHOLE): self.starSystemDlg.display(data) elif obj.type == T_FLEET: self.fleetDlg.display(data) def onResearch(self, widget, action, data): self.researchDlg.display() def onDiplomacy(self, widget, action, data): self.diplomacyDlg.display() def onMessages(self, widget, action, data): self.messagesDlg.display() def onConstruction(self, widget, action, data): self.constructionDlg.display() def onPlanetsMenu(self, widget, action, data):*20, 0)) def onPlanets(self, widget, action, data): self.planetsOverviewDlg.display() def onSystems(self, widget, action, data): self.systemOverviewDlg.display() def onPlanetAnalysis(self, widget, action, data): self.planetsAnalysisDlg.display() def onGlobalQueues(self, widget, action, data): self.globalQueuesDlg.display() def onFleetsMenu(self, widget, action, data):*20, 0)) def onFleets(self, widget, action, data): self.fleetsOverviewDlg.display() def onFleetAnalysis(self, widget, action, data): self.fleetsAnalysisDlg.display() def onOptions(self, widget, action, data): self.optionsDlg.display() def onProblems(self, widget, action, data): self.problemsDlg.display() def onOverview(self, widget, action, data): self.empireOverviewDlg.display() def onSearch(self, widget, action, data): self.searchDlg.display() def onStats(self, widget, action, data): for galaxyID in client.getPlayer().galaxies: url = 'http://%s/%s/galaxy%d.html' % (,, galaxyID, ), new = 1) def onSponsor(self, widget, action, data):"", new = 1) def onResign(self, widget, action, data): # swap yes and no self.confirmDlg.display(_('Are you sure to resign current game?'), _('No'), _('Yes'), cancelAction = self.onResignConfirmed) def onSaveStarmap(self, widget, action, data): self.confirmDlg.display(_('Save the current starmap view as an image?'), _('Yes'), _('No'), confirmAction = self.onSaveStarmapConfirm) def onSaveStarmapConfirm(self): turn = client.getTurn() name = res.formatTime(turn,'_') savedas = self.confirmDlg.display(_('File saved as %s' % savedas), _('OK'), False) def onMenu(self, widget, action, data): w, h = gdata.scrnSize - self.systemMenu.width * 20 - 4, 0)) def onResignConfirmed(self): client.cmdProxy.resign(client.getPlayerID()) client.db.clear() def onRestartConfirmed(self, imperatorMsg):'Galaxy restart in progress...')) oldMsgHandler = client.cmdProxy.msgHandler client.cmdProxy.msgHandler = None client.cmdProxy.keepAliveTime = 60 * 60 # do not try to connect to server (one hour) client.cmdProxy.restartGalaxy(OID_UNIVERSE, client.getPlayer().galaxies[0], imperatorMsg) client.db.clear() client.cmdProxy.msgHandler = oldMsgHandler self.hide() def update(self,configUpdated=False): self.galaxyRestart(None, None, False) player = client.getPlayer() turn = client.getTurn() = res.formatTime(turn) if configUpdated: # center of 1st player star if not self.centered: player = client.getPlayer() if player.planets: planet = client.get(player.planets[0]), planet.y) elif player.fleets: fleet = client.get(player.fleets[0]), fleet.y) self.centered = 1 self.refocus() #only fire off when dialog first updated # enable/disable construction = Utils.enableConstruction(client) # enable/disable diplomacy #if player.diplomacyRels: = 1 #else: # = 0 # highlight messages button? self.messagesDlg.update() if self.messagesDlg.newMsgs > 0: = gdata.sevColors[gdata.MAJ] else: = None def galaxyRestart(self, widget, action, data): shownFromMenu = bool(data) if client.db != None: player = client.getPlayer() if player.imperator > 2: self.systemMenu.items[3].enabled = True lastGalaxyRestartShown = if lastGalaxyRestartShown != None: localTime = time.time() storedTime = float(lastGalaxyRestartShown) if localTime - storedTime > 60 * 60 * 24 or shownFromMenu == True: = str(localTime) self.galaxyRestartDlg.display(restartAction = self.onRestartConfirmed) else: = str(time.time()) self.galaxyRestartDlg.display(restartAction = self.onRestartConfirmed) else: self.systemMenu.items[3].enabled = False if shownFromMenu == True:"Only imperator elected three times and more can restart galaxy.")) def updateMsgButton(self): if self.messagesDlg.newMsgs > 0: = gdata.sevColors[gdata.MAJ] else: = None def processKeyUp(self, evt): return ui.NoEvent def processKeyDown(self, evt): # Alt+M - Messages if evt.unicode == u'\x6D' and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_ALT: self.messagesDlg.display() # Alt+R - Research elif evt.unicode == u'\x72' and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_ALT: self.researchDlg.display() # Alt+D - Diplomacy elif evt.unicode == u'\x64' and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_ALT: self.diplomacyDlg.display() # Alt+C - Constr elif evt.unicode == u'\x63' and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_ALT: self.constructionDlg.display() # Alt+P - Planets elif evt.unicode == u'\x70' and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_ALT: self.onPlanetsMenu(False,False,False) # use onPlanetsMenu rather than direct control # Alt+F - Fleets elif evt.unicode == u'\x66' and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_ALT: self.onFleetsMenu(False,False,False) # use onFleetsMenu rather than direct control # Alt+O - Overview elif evt.unicode == u'\x6F' and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_ALT: self.empireOverviewDlg.display() # Alt+B - Pro'b'lems elif evt.unicode == u'\x62' and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_ALT: self.problemsDlg.display() # Alt+N - Me'n'u elif evt.unicode == u'\x6E' and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_ALT: self.onMenu(False,False,False) # use onMenu rather than direct control def createUI(self): w, h = gdata.scrnSize lw, lh = w / 20, h / 20 = ui.Window(, modal = 1, decorated = 0, alwaysInBackground = 1, movable = 0, rect = ui.Rect(0, 0, w, h), layoutManager = ui.SimpleGridLM(), )'*', self) # map self.mapWidget = StarMapWidget(, id = 'vStarMap', action = 'onSelectMapObj', layout = (0, 1, lw, lh - 2) ) self.searchDlg.mapWidget = self.mapWidget = self.mapWidget self.mapWidget.callEventHandler = self # bottom ui.Label(, id = 'vStatus', align = ui.ALIGN_W, layout = (0, lh - 1, lw - 16, 1), ) ui.ActiveLabel(, id = "vSponsor", align = ui.ALIGN_W, icons = [(pygame.image.load("res/sponsor_logo_small.png"), ui.ALIGN_E)], layout = (lw - 12, lh - 1, 8, 1), action = "onSponsor", statustip = _("Server sponsored by K2 Software"), ) ui.Label(, id = 'vTurn', align = ui.ALIGN_E, text = '????.??', font = 'normal-bold', layout = (lw - 4, lh - 1, 4, 1), ) # top ui.Button(, layout = (0, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Messages'), action = 'onMessages', id = "vMessages") ui.Button(, layout = (4, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Research'), action = 'onResearch') ui.Button(, layout = (8, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Diplomacy'), id = "vDiplomacy", action = 'onDiplomacy', enabled = 0) ui.Button(, layout = (12, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Constr'), id = "vConstruction", action = 'onConstruction', enabled = 0) ui.Button(, layout = (16, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Planets'), id = "vPlanetsMenu", action = 'onPlanetsMenu', enabled = 1) ui.Button(, layout = (20, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Fleets'), id = "vFleetsMenu", action = 'onFleetsMenu', enabled = 1) ui.Button(, layout = (24, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Overview'), id = "vOverview", action = 'onOverview', enabled = 1) ui.Title(, layout = (28, 0, lw - 37, 1)) ui.Button(, layout = (lw - 9, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Problems'), action = 'onProblems') ui.Button(, layout = (lw - 5, 0, 5, 1), text = _('Menu'), action = 'onMenu') ='Ready.')) # system menu self.systemMenu = ui.Menu(, title = _("Menu"), width = 5, items = [ ui.Item(_("Find system"), action = "onSearch", hotkey = u'\x66'), # F ui.Item(_("Statistics"), action = "onStats", hotkey = u'\x73'), # S ui.Item(_("Save Starmap"), action = "onSaveStarmap", hotkey = u'\x76'), # V ui.Item(_("Galaxy restart"), action = "galaxyRestart", enabled = False, data = True), # no hotkey; if this position moved, you need to update restartGalaxy's "self.systemMenu.items" lines to reference new index position ui.Item(_("Options"), action = "onOptions", hotkey = u'\x6F'), # O ui.Item(_("--------"), enabled = False), ui.Item(_("Resign"), action = "onResign"), # no hotkey ui.Item(_("--------"), enabled = False), ui.Item(_("Quit"), action = "onQuit", hotkey = u'\x71'), # Q ] ) self.systemMenu.subscribeAction("*", self) self.systemFleetMenu = ui.Menu(, title = _("Fleets"), width = 4, items = [ ui.Item(_("Fleet List"), action = "onFleets", hotkey = u'\x66'), # F ui.Item(_("Analysis"), action = "onFleetAnalysis", hotkey = u'\x61'), # A ] ) self.systemFleetMenu.subscribeAction("*", self) self.systemPlanetMenu = ui.Menu(, title = _("Planets"), width = 5, items = [ ui.Item(_("Planet List"), action = "onPlanets", hotkey = u'\x70'), # P ui.Item(_("System List"), action = "onSystems", hotkey = u'\x73'), # S ui.Item(_("Global queues"), action = "onGlobalQueues"), ui.Item(_("Analysis"), action = "onPlanetAnalysis", hotkey = u'\x61'), #A ] ) self.systemPlanetMenu.subscribeAction("*", self)
def __init__(self, app): self._textRows = 0 = app self.planetsAnalysisDlg = PlanetsAnalysisDlg(app) self.fleetsAnalysisDlg = FleetsAnalysisDlg(app) self.createUI()
class EmpireOverviewDlg: """Displays Empire overview dialog. Dialog displays curent users statistics and amount of each strategic resource. """ def __init__(self, app): self._textRows = 0 = app self.planetsAnalysisDlg = PlanetsAnalysisDlg(app) self.fleetsAnalysisDlg = FleetsAnalysisDlg(app) self.createUI() def display(self): # show window if not def hide(self):"Ready.")) def update(self): if def show(self): player = client.getPlayer() if not hasattr(player.stats, "prodProd"): = [_("No data available")] = 0 = 0 = 1 return text = [] # imperator or leader if player.imperator == 1: text.append(_("You are LEADER of the galaxy.")) text.append("") elif player.imperator == 2: text.append(_("You are IMPERATOR of the galaxy.")) text.append("") elif player.imperator >= 3: text.append(_("You are IMPERATOR of the galaxy.")) text.append(_("You have the right to end this galaxy.")) text.append("") # strategic resources # check ownership of the strat. resources srChange = {} for planetID in player.planets: planet = client.get(planetID) if planet.plStratRes: sr = planet.plStratRes srChange[sr] = srChange.get(sr, 0) + 1 if player.stratRes or srChange: text.append(_("Strategic resources:")) # merge owned and change srList = player.stratRes.keys() for sr in srChange: if sr not in srList: srList.append(sr) srList.sort() for sr in srList: text.append(u' %s: %s (+%d)' % ( gdata.stratRes[sr], player.stratRes.get(sr, 0), srChange.get(sr, 0), )) text.append('') # statistics # compute some stats realProd = 0 realSci = 0 for planetID in player.planets: planet = client.get(planetID) realProd += planet.effProdProd realSci += planet.effProdSci for fleetID in player.fleets: fleet = client.get(fleetID) # display data text.append(_("Statistics:")) text.append(u' %s: %s' % (_("Population"), getattr(player.stats, "storPop", "?"))) if hasattr(player.stats, "storPop") and player.govPwr > player.stats.storPop and player.stats.storPop > 0: text.append(u' %s: %s (%d %% %s)' % (_("Gov. power"), player.govPwr, 100 * (player.govPwr - player.stats.storPop) / player.govPwr, _("unused"))) else: text.append(u' %s: %s' % (_("Gov. power"), player.govPwr)) text.append(u' %s: %s' % (_("Planets"), getattr(player.stats, "planets", "?"))) text.append(u' %s: %s' % (_("Structures"), getattr(player.stats, "structs", "?"))) text.append(u' %s: %s' % (_("Raw production"), getattr(player.stats, "prodProd", "?"))) text.append(u' %s: %d' % (_("Total production"), realProd)) text.append(u' %s: %s' % (_("Raw research"), getattr(player.stats, "prodSci", "?"))) text.append(u' %s: %s' % (_("Total reseach"), player.effSciPoints)) text.append(u' %s: %s' % (_("Military power"), getattr(player.stats, "fleetPwr", "?"))) if hasattr(player, "pirateFame"): text.append(u' %s: %s (%+d %% %s)' % ( _("Fame"), player.pirateFame, player.pirateFame, _("production eff.") )) text.append(u' %s: %s fame' % ( _("New colony on planet with TL3 resouce cost"), int(Rules.pirateTL3StratResColonyCostMod * Rules.pirateColonyCostMod * len(player.planets)), )) text.append(u' %s: %s fame' % ( _("New colony cost multiplier"), int(Rules.pirateColonyCostMod * len(player.planets)), )) text.append(u' %s' % ( _("(hover over system/planet to view actual cost)"), )) text.append("") # Production text.append(_("Production:")) text.append(u' %s: %s' % (_("Raw production"), getattr(player.stats, "prodProd", "?"))) if player.prodIncreasePool > 0: ratio = (Rules.unusedProdMod * player.prodIncreasePool) / player.stats.prodProd text.append(u' %s: %d (%+d %% %s)' % ( _("Unused production"), player.prodIncreasePool, min(ratio * 100, math.sqrt(ratio) * 100), _("effectivity") )) # fleet support total = getattr(player.stats, 'fleetSupportProd', 0) + player.fleetUpgradePool * Rules.operProdRatio if total > player.stats.prodProd / 10: effectivity = - 100 * (total - player.stats.prodProd / 10) / max(player.stats.prodProd, 1) else: effectivity = 0 text.append(u' %s: %+d (%s %d %s, %+d %% %s)' % ( _("Fleet support"), - total, _("first"), player.stats.prodProd / 10, _("CP is free"), effectivity, _("effectivity") )) text.append(u" %s: %d %%" % (_("Empire effectivity"), int(100 * player.prodEff))) text.append(u' %s: %d' % (_("Total production"), realProd)) text.append("") # Research text.append(_("Research:")) text.append(u" %s: %d %%" % (_("Empire effectivity"), int(100 * player.sciEff))) if hasattr(player.stats, "prodSci"): text.append(u" %s: %s" % (_("Raw production"), getattr(player.stats, "prodSci", "?"))) text.append(u' %s: %s' % (_("Real production"), realSci)) if player.techLevel < 7: popSupp = int(player.stats.storPop * Rules.sciPtsPerCitizen[player.techLevel]) else: popSupp = 0 text.append(u' %s: %+d' % (_("Population support"), -popSupp)) text.append(u' %s: %+d' % (_("From pacts"), player.effSciPoints + popSupp - player.sciPoints)) text.append(u' %s: %d' % (_("Total research"), player.effSciPoints)) text.append("") # Fleet civ = [0, 0, 0, 0] mil = [0, 0, 0, 0] mp = [0, 0, 0, 0] for fleetID in player.fleets: fleet = client.get(fleetID) for designID, hp, shield, exp in fleet.ships: tech = player.shipDesigns[designID] if tech.isMilitary: mil[tech.combatClass] += 1 else: civ[tech.combatClass] += 1 mp[tech.combatClass] += int(tech.combatPwr * float(hp + shield) / (tech.maxHP + tech.shieldHP)) text.append(_("Fleet:")) text.append(u' %s: %d (%d %s)' % (_("Upgrade Pool"), player.fleetUpgradePool, - player.fleetUpgradePool * Rules.operProdRatio,_("CP to support"))) text.append(u' %s: %d %s + %d %s, %d %s' % (_("Small ships"), civ[0], _("civ"), mil[0], _("mil"), mp[0],_("MP"))) text.append(u' %s: %d %s + %d %s, %d %s' % (_("Medium ships"), civ[1], _("civ"), mil[1], _("mil"), mp[1],_("MP"))) text.append(u' %s: %d %s + %d %s, %d %s' % (_("Large ships"), civ[2], _("civ"), mil[2], _("mil"), mp[2],_("MP"))) # Planetary Weapons weapons = player.planetWeapons if weapons[0] or weapons[1] or weapons[2]: text.append("") text.append(u'Planetary Weapons:') if weapons[0] != None: if weapons[0] in player.techs.keys(): tech = client.getTechInfo(weapons[0]) sweapon = text.append(u' Anti-small: %s' % sweapon) if weapons[1] != None: if weapons[1] in player.techs.keys(): tech = client.getTechInfo(weapons[1]) mweapon = text.append(u' Anti-medium: %s' % mweapon) if weapons[2] != None: if weapons[2] in player.techs.keys(): tech = client.getTechInfo(weapons[2]) lweapon = text.append(u' Anti-large: %s' % lweapon) = text = 0 = 0 = len(text) def onClose(self, widget, action, data): self.hide() def onOK(self, widget, action, data): self.hide() def onPlanetsAnalysis(self, widget, action, data): self.planetsAnalysisDlg.display() def onFleetsAnalysis(self, widget, action, data): self.fleetsAnalysisDlg.display() def onMenu(self, widget, action, data): r = widget.rect + r.left, - 4 * r.height)) def createUI(self): screenWidth, screenHeight = gdata.scrnSize # size of dialog in layout metrics (for SimpleGridLM) cols = 23 rows = 27 # dialog width and height in pixels width = cols * 20 + 5 height = rows * 20 + 4 #creating dialog window = ui.Window(, modal = 1, escKeyClose = 1, movable = 0, title = _("Empire Overview"), rect = ui.Rect((screenWidth - width) / 2, (screenHeight - height) / 2, width, height), layoutManager = ui.SimpleGridLM(), )'*', self) # first row is window title rows -= 1 s = ui.Scrollbar(, layout = (cols - 1, 0, 1, rows - 1)) t = ui.Text(, layout = (0, 0, cols - 1, rows - 1), id = "vText", editable = 0) self._textRows = rows - 1 t.attachVScrollbar(s) # dialog bottom line ui.Title(, layout = (0, rows - 1, cols - 10, 1)) ui.TitleButton(, layout = (cols - 10, rows - 1, 5, 1), text = _("Analysis"), action = "onMenu") ui.TitleButton(, layout = (cols - 5, rows - 1, 5, 1), text = _("Close"), action = "onClose") # analysis menu self.analysisMenu = ui.Menu(, title = _("Field of analysis"), width = 5, items = [ ui.Item(_("Planets"), action = "onPlanetsAnalysis"), ui.Item(_("Fleets"), action = "onFleetsAnalysis"), ] ) self.analysisMenu.subscribeAction("*", self)
class EmpireOverviewDlg: """Displays Empire overview dialog. Dialog displays curent users statistics and amount of each strategic resource. """ def __init__(self, app): self._textRows = 0 = app self.planetsAnalysisDlg = PlanetsAnalysisDlg(app) self.fleetsAnalysisDlg = FleetsAnalysisDlg(app) self.createUI() def display(self): # show window if not def hide(self):"Ready.")) def update(self): if def show(self): player = client.getPlayer() if not hasattr(player.stats, "prodProd"): = [_("No data available")] = 0 = 0 = 1 return text = [] # imperator or leader if player.imperator == 1: text.append(_("You are LEADER of the galaxy.")) text.append("") elif player.imperator == 2: text.append(_("You are IMPERATOR of the galaxy.")) text.append("") elif player.imperator >= 3: text.append(_("You are IMPERATOR of the galaxy.")) text.append(_("You have the right to end this galaxy.")) text.append("") # strategic resources # check ownership of the strat. resources srChange = {} for planetID in player.planets: planet = client.get(planetID) if planet.plStratRes: sr = planet.plStratRes srChange[sr] = srChange.get(sr, 0) + Rules.stratResAmountBig if player.stratRes or srChange: text.append(_("Strategic resources:")) # merge owned and change srList = player.stratRes.keys() for sr in srChange: if sr not in srList: srList.append(sr) srList.sort() for sr in srList: # srChange is printed as integer - assumption is there are only # full generators of special resources (i.e. planets) text.append(u' %s: %s (+%d)' % ( gdata.stratRes[sr], player.stratRes.get(sr, 0) / float(Rules.stratResAmountBig), srChange.get(sr, 0) / float(Rules.stratResAmountBig), )) text.append('') # statistics # compute some stats realProd = 0 realSci = 0 for planetID in player.planets: planet = client.get(planetID) realProd += planet.effProdProd realSci += planet.effProdSci for fleetID in player.fleets: fleet = client.get(fleetID) # display data text.append(_("Statistics:")) text.append(u' %s: %s' % (_("Population"), getattr(player.stats, "storPop", "?"))) if hasattr( player.stats, "storPop" ) and player.govPwr > player.stats.storPop and player.stats.storPop > 0: text.append(u' %s: %s (%d %% %s)' % (_("Gov. power"), player.govPwr, 100 * (player.govPwr - player.stats.storPop) / player.govPwr, _("unused"))) else: text.append(u' %s: %s' % (_("Gov. power"), player.govPwr)) text.append(u' %s: %s' % (_("Planets"), getattr(player.stats, "planets", "?"))) text.append(u' %s: %s' % (_("Structures"), getattr(player.stats, "structs", "?"))) text.append( u' %s: %s' % (_("Raw production"), getattr(player.stats, "prodProd", "?"))) text.append(u' %s: %d' % (_("Total production"), realProd)) text.append(u' %s: %s' % (_("Raw research"), getattr(player.stats, "prodSci", "?"))) text.append(u' %s: %s' % (_("Total reseach"), player.effSciPoints)) text.append( u' %s: %s' % (_("Military power"), getattr(player.stats, "fleetPwr", "?"))) if hasattr(player, "pirateFame"): text.append(u' %s: %s (%+d %% %s)' % (_("Fame"), player.pirateFame, player.pirateFame, _("production eff."))) text.append(u' %s: %s fame' % ( _("New colony on planet with TL3 resouce cost"), int(Rules.pirateTL3StratResColonyCostMod * Rules.pirateColonyCostMod * len(player.planets)), )) text.append(u' %s: %s fame' % ( _("New colony cost multiplier"), int(Rules.pirateColonyCostMod * len(player.planets)), )) text.append( u' %s' % (_("(hover over system/planet to view actual cost)"), )) text.append("") # Production text.append(_("Production:")) text.append( u' %s: %s' % (_("Raw production"), getattr(player.stats, "prodProd", "?"))) if player.prodIncreasePool > 0: ratio = (Rules.unusedProdMod * player.prodIncreasePool) / player.stats.prodProd text.append(u' %s: %d (%+d %% %s)' % (_("Unused production"), player.prodIncreasePool, min(ratio * 100, math.sqrt(ratio) * 100), _("effectivity"))) # fleet support total = getattr(player.stats, 'fleetSupportProd', 0) + player.fleetUpgradePool * Rules.operProdRatio if total > player.stats.prodProd / 10: effectivity = -100 * (total - player.stats.prodProd / 10) / max( player.stats.prodProd, 1) else: effectivity = 0 text.append( u' %s: %+d (%s %d %s, %+d %% %s)' % (_("Fleet support"), -total, _("first"), player.stats.prodProd / 10, _("CP is free"), effectivity, _("effectivity"))) text.append(u" %s: %d %%" % (_("Empire effectivity"), int(100 * player.prodEff))) text.append(u' %s: %d' % (_("Total production"), realProd)) text.append("") # Research text.append(_("Research:")) text.append(u" %s: %d %%" % (_("Empire effectivity"), int(100 * player.sciEff))) if hasattr(player.stats, "prodSci"): text.append( u" %s: %s" % (_("Raw production"), getattr(player.stats, "prodSci", "?"))) text.append(u' %s: %s' % (_("Real production"), realSci)) if player.techLevel < 7: popSupp = int(player.stats.storPop * Rules.sciPtsPerCitizen[player.techLevel]) else: popSupp = 0 text.append(u' %s: %+d' % (_("Population support"), -popSupp)) text.append(u' %s: %+d' % (_("From pacts"), player.effSciPoints + popSupp - player.sciPoints)) text.append(u' %s: %d' % (_("Total research"), player.effSciPoints)) text.append("") # Fleet civ = [0, 0, 0, 0] mil = [0, 0, 0, 0] mp = [0, 0, 0, 0] for fleetID in player.fleets: fleet = client.get(fleetID) for designID, hp, shield, exp in fleet.ships: tech = player.shipDesigns[designID] if tech.isMilitary: mil[tech.combatClass] += 1 else: civ[tech.combatClass] += 1 mp[tech.combatClass] += int(tech.combatPwr * float(hp + shield) / (tech.maxHP + tech.shieldHP)) text.append(_("Fleet:")) text.append(u' %s: %d (%d %s)' % (_("Upgrade Pool"), player.fleetUpgradePool, -player.fleetUpgradePool * Rules.operProdRatio, _("CP to support"))) text.append(u' %s: %d %s + %d %s, %d %s' % (_("Small ships"), civ[0], _("civ"), mil[0], _("mil"), mp[0], _("MP"))) text.append(u' %s: %d %s + %d %s, %d %s' % (_("Medium ships"), civ[1], _("civ"), mil[1], _("mil"), mp[1], _("MP"))) text.append(u' %s: %d %s + %d %s, %d %s' % (_("Large ships"), civ[2], _("civ"), mil[2], _("mil"), mp[2], _("MP"))) # Planetary Weapons weapons = player.planetWeapons if weapons[0] or weapons[1] or weapons[2]: text.append("") text.append(u'Planetary Weapons:') if weapons[0] != None: if weapons[0] in player.techs.keys(): tech = client.getTechInfo(weapons[0]) sweapon = text.append(u' Anti-small: %s' % sweapon) if weapons[1] != None: if weapons[1] in player.techs.keys(): tech = client.getTechInfo(weapons[1]) mweapon = text.append(u' Anti-medium: %s' % mweapon) if weapons[2] != None: if weapons[2] in player.techs.keys(): tech = client.getTechInfo(weapons[2]) lweapon = text.append(u' Anti-large: %s' % lweapon) = text = 0 = 0 = len(text) def onClose(self, widget, action, data): self.hide() def onOK(self, widget, action, data): self.hide() def onPlanetsAnalysis(self, widget, action, data): self.planetsAnalysisDlg.display() def onFleetsAnalysis(self, widget, action, data): self.fleetsAnalysisDlg.display() def onMenu(self, widget, action, data): r = widget.rect ( + r.left, - 4 * r.height)) def createUI(self): screenWidth, screenHeight = gdata.scrnSize # size of dialog in layout metrics (for SimpleGridLM) cols = 23 rows = 27 # dialog width and height in pixels width = cols * 20 + 5 height = rows * 20 + 4 #creating dialog window = ui.Window(, modal=1, escKeyClose=1, movable=0, title=_("Empire Overview"), rect=ui.Rect((screenWidth - width) / 2, (screenHeight - height) / 2, width, height), layoutManager=ui.SimpleGridLM(), )'*', self) # first row is window title rows -= 1 s = ui.Scrollbar(, layout=(cols - 1, 0, 1, rows - 1)) t = ui.Text(, layout=(0, 0, cols - 1, rows - 1), id="vText", editable=0) self._textRows = rows - 1 t.attachVScrollbar(s) # dialog bottom line ui.Title(, layout=(0, rows - 1, cols - 10, 1)) ui.TitleButton(, layout=(cols - 10, rows - 1, 5, 1), text=_("Analysis"), action="onMenu") ui.TitleButton(, layout=(cols - 5, rows - 1, 5, 1), text=_("Close"), action="onClose") # analysis menu self.analysisMenu = ui.Menu(, title=_("Field of analysis"), width=5, items=[ ui.Item(_("Planets"), action="onPlanetsAnalysis"), ui.Item(_("Fleets"), action="onFleetsAnalysis"), ]) self.analysisMenu.subscribeAction("*", self)
class MainGameDlg: def __init__(self, app): = app self.starSystemDlg = StarSystemDlg( self.fleetDlg = FleetDlg( self.researchDlg = ResearchDlg( self.confirmDlg = ConfirmDlg( self.diplomacyDlg = DiplomacyDlg.DiplomacyDlg( self.constructionDlg = ConstructionDlg( self.messagesDlg = MessagesDlg( self.planetsOverviewDlg = PlanetsOverviewDlg( self.systemOverviewDlg = SystemOverviewDlg( self.fleetsOverviewDlg = FleetsOverviewDlg( self.optionsDlg = OptionsDlg( self.searchDlg = SearchDlg( self.problemsDlg = ProblemsDlg.ProblemsDlg( self.empireOverviewDlg = EmpireOverviewDlg.EmpireOverviewDlg( self.galaxyRestartDlg = GalaxyRestartDlg( self.planetsAnalysisDlg = PlanetsAnalysisDlg(app) self.fleetsAnalysisDlg = FleetsAnalysisDlg(app) self.mapWidget = None self.createUI() self.centered = 0 def display(self): gdata.showBackground = 0 gdata.mainGameDlg = self # register for updates gdata.updateDlgs.append(self) #self.refocus() def refocus(self): #log.debug("refocusing") def onCmdInProgress(self, inProgress): if inProgress: = (0xff, 0xff, 0x00) else: = None def hide(self): gdata.showBackground = 1 gdata.mainGameDlg = None # unregister updates if self in gdata.updateDlgs: gdata.updateDlgs.remove(self) def onQuit(self, widget, action, data):'Logging out and exitting...')) def onSelectMapObj(self, widget, action, data): = None obj = client.get(data, noUpdate = 1) if obj == None:'Cannot select object on map')) return if obj.type in (T_PLANET, T_SYSTEM, T_WORMHOLE): self.starSystemDlg.display(data) elif obj.type == T_FLEET: self.fleetDlg.display(data) def onResearch(self, widget, action, data): self.researchDlg.display() def onDiplomacy(self, widget, action, data): self.diplomacyDlg.display() def onMessages(self, widget, action, data): self.messagesDlg.display() def onConstruction(self, widget, action, data): self.constructionDlg.display() def onPlanetsMenu(self, widget, action, data):*20, 0)) def onPlanets(self, widget, action, data): self.planetsOverviewDlg.display() def onSystems(self, widget, action, data): self.systemOverviewDlg.display() def onPlanetAnalysis(self, widget, action, data): self.planetsAnalysisDlg.display() def onPlanetAnalysis(self, widget, action, data): self.planetsAnalysisDlg.display() def onFleetsMenu(self, widget, action, data):*20, 0)) def onFleets(self, widget, action, data): self.fleetsOverviewDlg.display() def onFleetAnalysis(self, widget, action, data): self.fleetsAnalysisDlg.display() def onOptions(self, widget, action, data): self.optionsDlg.display() def onProblems(self, widget, action, data): self.problemsDlg.display() def onOverview(self, widget, action, data): self.empireOverviewDlg.display() def onSearch(self, widget, action, data): self.searchDlg.display() def onStats(self, widget, action, data): for galaxyID in client.getPlayer().galaxies: url = 'http://%s/%s/galaxy%d.html' % (,, galaxyID, ), new = 1) def onResign(self, widget, action, data): # swap yes and no self.confirmDlg.display(_('Are you sure to resign current game?'), _('No'), _('Yes'), cancelAction = self.onResignConfirmed) def onSaveStarmap(self, widget, action, data): self.confirmDlg.display(_('Save the current starmap view as an image?'), _('Yes'), _('No'), confirmAction = self.onSaveStarmapConfirm) def onSaveStarmapConfirm(self): turn = client.getTurn() name = res.formatTime(turn,'_') savedas = self.confirmDlg.display(_('File saved as %s' % savedas), _('OK'), False) def onMenu(self, widget, action, data): w, h = gdata.scrnSize - self.systemMenu.width * 20 - 4, 0)) def onResignConfirmed(self): client.cmdProxy.resign(client.getPlayerID()) client.db.clear() def onRestartConfirmed(self, imperatorMsg):'Galaxy restart in progress...')) oldMsgHandler = client.cmdProxy.msgHandler client.cmdProxy.msgHandler = None client.cmdProxy.keepAliveTime = 60 * 60 # do not try to connect to server (one hour) client.cmdProxy.restartGalaxy(OID_UNIVERSE, client.getPlayer().galaxies[0], imperatorMsg) client.db.clear() client.cmdProxy.msgHandler = oldMsgHandler self.hide() def update(self,configUpdated=False): self.galaxyRestart(None, None, False) player = client.getPlayer() turn = client.getTurn() = res.formatTime(turn) if configUpdated: # center of 1st player star if not self.centered: player = client.getPlayer() if player.planets: planet = client.get(player.planets[0]), planet.y) elif player.fleets: fleet = client.get(player.fleets[0]), fleet.y) self.centered = 1 self.refocus() #only fire off when dialog first updated # enable/disable construction = Utils.enableConstruction(client) # enable/disable diplomacy #if player.diplomacyRels: = 1 #else: # = 0 # highlight messages button? self.messagesDlg.update() if self.messagesDlg.newMsgs > 0: = gdata.sevColors[gdata.MAJ] else: = None def galaxyRestart(self, widget, action, data): shownFromMenu = bool(data) if client.db != None: player = client.getPlayer() if player.imperator > 2: self.systemMenu.items[3].enabled = True lastGalaxyRestartShown = if lastGalaxyRestartShown != None: localTime = time.time() storedTime = float(lastGalaxyRestartShown) if localTime - storedTime > 60 * 60 * 24 or shownFromMenu == True: = str(localTime) self.galaxyRestartDlg.display(restartAction = self.onRestartConfirmed) else: = str(time.time()) self.galaxyRestartDlg.display(restartAction = self.onRestartConfirmed) else: self.systemMenu.items[3].enabled = False if shownFromMenu == True:"Only imperator elected three times and more can restart galaxy.")) def updateMsgButton(self): if self.messagesDlg.newMsgs > 0: = gdata.sevColors[gdata.MAJ] else: = None def processKeyUp(self, evt): return ui.NoEvent def processKeyDown(self, evt): # Alt+M - Messages if evt.unicode == u'\x6D' and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_ALT: self.messagesDlg.display() # Alt+R - Research elif evt.unicode == u'\x72' and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_ALT: self.researchDlg.display() # Alt+D - Diplomacy elif evt.unicode == u'\x64' and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_ALT: self.diplomacyDlg.display() # Alt+C - Constr elif evt.unicode == u'\x63' and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_ALT: self.constructionDlg.display() # Alt+P - Planets elif evt.unicode == u'\x70' and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_ALT: self.onPlanetsMenu(False,False,False) # use onPlanetsMenu rather than direct control # Alt+F - Fleets elif evt.unicode == u'\x66' and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_ALT: self.onFleetsMenu(False,False,False) # use onFleetsMenu rather than direct control # Alt+O - Overview elif evt.unicode == u'\x6F' and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_ALT: self.empireOverviewDlg.display() # Alt+B - Pro'b'lems elif evt.unicode == u'\x62' and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_ALT: self.problemsDlg.display() # Alt+N - Me'n'u elif evt.unicode == u'\x6E' and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_ALT: self.onMenu(False,False,False) # use onMenu rather than direct control def createUI(self): w, h = gdata.scrnSize lw, lh = w / 20, h / 20 = ui.Window(, modal = 1, decorated = 0, alwaysInBackground = 1, movable = 0, rect = ui.Rect(0, 0, w, h), layoutManager = ui.SimpleGridLM(), )'*', self) # map self.mapWidget = StarMapWidget(, id = 'vStarMap', action = 'onSelectMapObj', layout = (0, 1, lw, lh - 2) ) self.searchDlg.mapWidget = self.mapWidget = self.mapWidget self.mapWidget.callEventHandler = self # bottom ui.Label(, id = 'vStatus', align = ui.ALIGN_W, layout = (0, lh - 1, lw - 16, 1), ) ui.Label(, id = 'vTurn', align = ui.ALIGN_E, text = '????.??', font = 'normal-bold', layout = (lw - 4, lh - 1, 4, 1), ) # top ui.Button(, layout = (0, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Messages'), action = 'onMessages', id = "vMessages") ui.Button(, layout = (4, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Research'), action = 'onResearch') ui.Button(, layout = (8, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Diplomacy'), id = "vDiplomacy", action = 'onDiplomacy', enabled = 0) ui.Button(, layout = (12, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Constr'), id = "vConstruction", action = 'onConstruction', enabled = 0) ui.Button(, layout = (16, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Planets'), id = "vPlanetsMenu", action = 'onPlanetsMenu', enabled = 1) ui.Button(, layout = (20, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Fleets'), id = "vFleetsMenu", action = 'onFleetsMenu', enabled = 1) ui.Button(, layout = (24, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Overview'), id = "vOverview", action = 'onOverview', enabled = 1) ui.Title(, layout = (28, 0, lw - 37, 1)) ui.Button(, layout = (lw - 9, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Problems'), action = 'onProblems') ui.Button(, layout = (lw - 5, 0, 5, 1), text = _('Menu'), action = 'onMenu') ='Ready.')) # system menu self.systemMenu = ui.Menu(, title = _("Menu"), width = 5, items = [ ui.Item(_("Find system"), action = "onSearch", hotkey = u'\x66'), # F ui.Item(_("Statistics"), action = "onStats", hotkey = u'\x73'), # S ui.Item(_("Save Starmap"), action = "onSaveStarmap", hotkey = u'\x76'), # V ui.Item(_("Galaxy restart"), action = "galaxyRestart", enabled = False, data = True), # no hotkey; if this position moved, you need to update restartGalaxy's "self.systemMenu.items" lines to reference new index position ui.Item(_("Options"), action = "onOptions", hotkey = u'\x6F'), # O ui.Item(_("--------"), enabled = False), ui.Item(_("Resign"), action = "onResign"), # no hotkey ui.Item(_("--------"), enabled = False), ui.Item(_("Quit"), action = "onQuit", hotkey = u'\x71'), # Q ] ) self.systemMenu.subscribeAction("*", self) self.systemFleetMenu = ui.Menu(, title = _("Fleets"), width = 4, items = [ ui.Item(_("Fleet List"), action = "onFleets", hotkey = u'\x66'), # F ui.Item(_("Analysis"), action = "onFleetAnalysis", hotkey = u'\x61'), # A ] ) self.systemFleetMenu.subscribeAction("*", self) self.systemPlanetMenu = ui.Menu(, title = _("Planets"), width = 4, items = [ ui.Item(_("Planet List"), action = "onPlanets", hotkey = u'\x70'), # P ui.Item(_("System List"), action = "onSystems", hotkey = u'\x73'), # S ui.Item(_("Analysis"), action = "onPlanetAnalysis", hotkey = u'\x61'), #A ] ) self.systemPlanetMenu.subscribeAction("*", self)
class MainGameDlg: def __init__(self, app): = app self.starSystemDlg = StarSystemDlg( self.fleetDlg = FleetDlg( self.researchDlg = ResearchDlg( self.confirmDlg = ConfirmDlg( self.diplomacyDlg = DiplomacyDlg.DiplomacyDlg( self.constructionDlg = ConstructionDlg( self.messagesDlg = MessagesDlg( self.planetsOverviewDlg = PlanetsOverviewDlg( self.globalQueuesDlg = GlobalQueuesDlg( self.systemOverviewDlg = SystemOverviewDlg( self.fleetsOverviewDlg = FleetsOverviewDlg( self.optionsDlg = OptionsDlg( self.searchDlg = SearchDlg( self.problemsDlg = ProblemsDlg.ProblemsDlg( self.empireOverviewDlg = EmpireOverviewDlg.EmpireOverviewDlg( self.galaxyFinishDlg = GalaxyFinishDlg( self.planetsAnalysisDlg = PlanetsAnalysisDlg(app) self.fleetsAnalysisDlg = FleetsAnalysisDlg(app) self.mapWidget = None self.createUI() self.centered = 0 def display(self): = False gdata.mainGameDlg = self # register for updates gdata.updateDlgs.append(self) #self.refocus() def refocus(self): #log.debug("refocusing") def onCmdInProgress(self, inProgress): if inProgress: = (0xff, 0xff, 0x00) else: = None def hide(self): = True gdata.mainGameDlg = None # unregister updates if self in gdata.updateDlgs: gdata.updateDlgs.remove(self) def onExit(self, widget, action, data):'Exitting a session...')) self.hide() def onSelectMapObj(self, widget, action, data): = None obj = client.get(data, noUpdate = 1) if obj == None:'Cannot select object on map')) return if obj.type in (Const.T_PLANET, Const.T_SYSTEM, Const.T_WORMHOLE): self.starSystemDlg.onSelectMapObj(None, None, data) elif obj.type == Const.T_FLEET: self.fleetDlg.display(data) def onResearch(self, widget, action, data): self.researchDlg.display() def onDiplomacy(self, widget, action, data): self.diplomacyDlg.display() def onMessages(self, widget, action, data): self.messagesDlg.display() def onConstruction(self, widget, action, data): self.constructionDlg.display() def onPlanetsMenu(self, widget, action, data):*20, 0)) def onPlanets(self, widget, action, data): self.planetsOverviewDlg.display() def onSystems(self, widget, action, data): self.systemOverviewDlg.display() def onPlanetAnalysis(self, widget, action, data): self.planetsAnalysisDlg.display() def onGlobalQueues(self, widget, action, data): self.globalQueuesDlg.display() def onFleetsMenu(self, widget, action, data):*20, 0)) def onFleets(self, widget, action, data): self.fleetsOverviewDlg.display() def onFleetAnalysis(self, widget, action, data): self.fleetsAnalysisDlg.display() def onOptions(self, widget, action, data): self.optionsDlg.display() def onProblems(self, widget, action, data): self.problemsDlg.display() def onOverview(self, widget, action, data): self.empireOverviewDlg.display() def onSearch(self, widget, action, data): self.searchDlg.display() def onStats(self, widget, action, data): url = 'http://%s/%s/galaxy%d.html' % (,, client.getPlayer().galaxy, ), new = 1) def onResign(self, widget, action, data): # swap yes and no self.confirmDlg.display(_('Are you sure to resign current game?'), _('No'), _('Yes'), cancelAction = self.onResignConfirmed) def onSaveView(self, widget, action, data): self.confirmDlg.display(_('Save the current starmap view as an image?'), _('Yes'), _('No'), confirmAction = self.onSaveViewConfirm) def onSaveViewConfirm(self): turn = client.getTurn() name = 'view_' + res.formatTime(turn,'_') full_name = os.path.join(, name) savedas =, chronicle_shot=False) self.confirmDlg.display(_('File saved as %s' % savedas), _('OK'), False) def onSaveStarmap(self, widget, action, data): self.confirmDlg.display(_('Save whole galaxy starmap as an image?'), _('Yes'), _('No'), confirmAction = self.onSaveStarmapConfirm) def onSaveStarmapConfirm(self): turn = client.getTurn() name = 'starmap_' + res.formatTime(turn,'_') full_name = os.path.join(, name) savedas =, chronicle_shot=True) self.confirmDlg.display(_('File saved as %s' % savedas), _('OK'), False) def onMenu(self, widget, action, data): w, h = gdata.scrnSize - self.systemMenu.width * 20 - 4, 0)) def onResignConfirmed(self): client.cmdProxy.resign(client.getPlayerID()) client.db.clear() def onToggleTime(self, widget, action, data): galaxyID = client.getPlayer().galaxy galaxy = client.get(galaxyID) galaxy.timeEnabled = client.cmdProxy.toggleTime(galaxyID) self.alterMenu(None, None, False) def onFinishConfirmedSingle(self): self.onFinishConfirmed(None, Const.SCENARIO_SINGLE) def onFinishConfirmedOuterspace(self, imperatorMsg): self.onFinishConfirmed(imperatorMsg, Const.SCENARIO_OUTERSPACE) def onFinishConfirmed(self, imperatorMsg, scenario):'Galaxy finish in progress...')) oldMsgHandler = client.cmdProxy.msgHandler client.cmdProxy.msgHandler = None client.cmdProxy.keepAliveTime = 60 * 60 # do not try to connect to server (one hour) if scenario == Const.SCENARIO_SINGLE: client.cmdProxy.deleteSingle(client.getPlayer().galaxy) elif scenario == Const.SCENARIO_OUTERSPACE: client.cmdProxy.finishGalaxyImperator(Const.OID_UNIVERSE, client.getPlayer().galaxy, imperatorMsg) else: return client.db.clear() client.cmdProxy.msgHandler = oldMsgHandler self.hide() def update(self,configUpdated=False): self.galaxyFinishPopup(None, None, False) self.alterMenu(None, None, False) player = client.getPlayer() turn = client.getTurn() = res.formatTime(turn) if configUpdated: # center of 1st player star if not self.centered: player = client.getPlayer() if player.planets: planet = client.get(player.planets[0]), planet.y) elif player.fleets: fleet = client.get(player.fleets[0]), fleet.y) self.centered = 1 self.refocus() #only fire off when dialog first updated # enable/disable construction = Utils.enableConstruction(client) # enable/disable diplomacy #if player.diplomacyRels: = 1 #else: # = 0 # highlight messages button? self.messagesDlg.update() if self.messagesDlg.newMsgs > 0: = gdata.sevColors[gdata.MAJ] else: = None def alterMenu(self, widget, action, data): """ Update menu according to current situation, being different in singleplayer or when player is imperator of competitive galaxy, or player has no rights to finish galaxy at all. """ if client.db != None: player = client.getPlayer() galaxy = client.get(player.galaxy) # player can restart (finish) it's own singleplayer galaxy anytime if galaxy.scenario == Const.SCENARIO_SINGLE: # depends on state of galaxy if not galaxy.timeEnabled: self.systemMenu.items[7].text = _("Resume galaxy") else: self.systemMenu.items[7].text = _("Pause galaxy") self.systemMenu.items[7].action = "onToggleTime" self.systemMenu.items[6].enabled = True self.systemMenu.items[7].enabled = True elif galaxy.scenario == Const.SCENARIO_OUTERSPACE: # standard behavior if player.imperator > 2: # player is imperator for more than two weeks - has right to finish galaxy self.systemMenu.items[6].enabled = True else: # no right to finish galaxy self.systemMenu.items[6].enabled = False # you cannot resign when time is stopped if galaxy.timeEnabled: self.systemMenu.items[7].enabled = True else: self.systemMenu.items[7].enabled = False def galaxyFinishButton(self, widget, action, data): player = client.getPlayer() galaxy = client.get(player.galaxy) if galaxy.scenario == Const.SCENARIO_OUTERSPACE and player.imperator > 2: localTime = time.time() = str(localTime) self.galaxyFinishDlg.display(finishAction = self.onFinishConfirmedOuterspace) elif galaxy.scenario == Const.SCENARIO_SINGLE: self.confirmDlg.display(_('Are you really really sure you want to finish this single player galaxy of yours? You won\'t be able to get back.'), _('Finish'), _('No'), confirmAction = self.onFinishConfirmedSingle) def galaxyFinishPopup(self, widget, action, data): """ Pop up dialog to finish galaxy in case player is eligible imperator of competitive galaxy. Do this once per day. """ if client.db != None: player = client.getPlayer() galaxy = client.get(player.galaxy) if galaxy.scenario == Const.SCENARIO_OUTERSPACE and player.imperator > 2: lastGalaxyFinishShown = if lastGalaxyFinishShown != None: localTime = time.time() storedTime = float(lastGalaxyFinishShown) if localTime - storedTime > 60 * 60 * 24: = str(localTime) self.galaxyFinishDlg.display(finishAction = self.onFinishConfirmedOuterspace) else: = str(time.time()) self.galaxyFinishDlg.display(finishAction = self.onFinishConfirmedOuterspace) def updateMsgButton(self): if self.messagesDlg.newMsgs > 0: = gdata.sevColors[gdata.MAJ] else: = None def processKeyUp(self, evt): if evt.key == pygame.K_F12 and pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_CTRL: self.onExit(None, None, None) return ui.NoEvent def processKeyDown(self, evt): # Alt+M - Messages if evt.unicode == u'\x6D' and pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_ALT: self.messagesDlg.display() # Alt+R - Research elif evt.unicode == u'\x72' and pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_ALT: self.researchDlg.display() # Alt+D - Diplomacy elif evt.unicode == u'\x64' and pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_ALT: self.diplomacyDlg.display() # Alt+C - Constr elif evt.unicode == u'\x63' and pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_ALT: self.constructionDlg.display() # Alt+P - Planets elif evt.unicode == u'\x70' and pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_ALT: self.onPlanetsMenu(False,False,False) # use onPlanetsMenu rather than direct control # Alt+F - Fleets elif evt.unicode == u'\x66' and pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_ALT: self.onFleetsMenu(False,False,False) # use onFleetsMenu rather than direct control # Alt+O - Overview elif evt.unicode == u'\x6F' and pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_ALT: self.empireOverviewDlg.display() # Alt+B - Pro'b'lems elif evt.unicode == u'\x62' and pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_ALT: self.problemsDlg.display() # Alt+N - Me'n'u elif evt.unicode == u'\x6E' and pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_ALT: self.onMenu(False,False,False) # use onMenu rather than direct control def createUI(self): w, h = gdata.scrnSize lw, lh = w / 20, h / 20 = ui.Window(, modal = 1, decorated = 0, alwaysInBackground = 1, movable = 0, rect = ui.Rect(0, 0, w, h), layoutManager = ui.SimpleGridLM(), )'*', self) # map self.mapWidget = StarMapWidget(, id = 'vStarMap', action = 'onSelectMapObj', layout = (0, 1, lw, lh - 2) ) self.searchDlg.mapWidget = self.mapWidget = self.mapWidget self.mapWidget.callEventHandler = self # bottom ui.Label(, id = 'vStatus', align = ui.ALIGN_W, layout = (0, lh - 1, lw - 16, 1), ) ui.Label(, id = 'vTurn', align = ui.ALIGN_E, text = '????.??', font = 'normal-bold', layout = (lw - 4, lh - 1, 4, 1), ) # top ui.Button(, layout = (0, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Messages'), action = 'onMessages', id = "vMessages") ui.Button(, layout = (4, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Research'), action = 'onResearch') ui.Button(, layout = (8, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Diplomacy'), id = "vDiplomacy", action = 'onDiplomacy', enabled = 0) ui.Button(, layout = (12, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Constr'), id = "vConstruction", action = 'onConstruction', enabled = 0) ui.Button(, layout = (16, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Planets'), id = "vPlanetsMenu", action = 'onPlanetsMenu', enabled = 1) ui.Button(, layout = (20, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Fleets'), id = "vFleetsMenu", action = 'onFleetsMenu', enabled = 1) ui.Button(, layout = (24, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Overview'), id = "vOverview", action = 'onOverview', enabled = 1) ui.Title(, layout = (28, 0, lw - 37, 1)) ui.Button(, layout = (lw - 9, 0, 4, 1), text = _('Problems'), action = 'onProblems') ui.Button(, layout = (lw - 5, 0, 5, 1), text = _('Menu'), action = 'onMenu') ='Ready.')) # system menu self.systemMenu = ui.Menu(, title = _("Menu"), width = 5, items = [ ui.Item(_("Find system"), action = "onSearch", hotkey = u'\x66'), # F ui.Item(_("Statistics"), action = "onStats", hotkey = u'\x73'), # S ui.Item(_("Save View"), action = "onSaveView", hotkey = u'\x76'), # V ui.Item(_("Save Starmap"), action = "onSaveStarmap"), ui.Item(_("Options"), action = "onOptions", hotkey = u'\x6F'), # O ui.Item(_("--------"), enabled = False), ui.Item(_("Finish galaxy"), action = "galaxyFinishButton", enabled = False, data = True), # no hotkey; if this position moved, you need to update finishGalaxy's "self.systemMenu.items" lines to reference new index position ui.Item(_("Resign"), action = "onResign"), # no hotkey ui.Item(_("--------"), enabled = False), ui.Item(_("Exit"), action = "onExit", hotkey = u'\x71'), # Q (also directly CTRL+F12) ] ) self.systemMenu.subscribeAction("*", self) self.systemFleetMenu = ui.Menu(, title = _("Fleets"), width = 4, items = [ ui.Item(_("Fleet List"), action = "onFleets", hotkey = u'\x66'), # F ui.Item(_("Analysis"), action = "onFleetAnalysis", hotkey = u'\x61'), # A ] ) self.systemFleetMenu.subscribeAction("*", self) self.systemPlanetMenu = ui.Menu(, title = _("Planets"), width = 5, items = [ ui.Item(_("Planet List"), action = "onPlanets", hotkey = u'\x70'), # P ui.Item(_("System List"), action = "onSystems", hotkey = u'\x73'), # S ui.Item(_("Global queues"), action = "onGlobalQueues"), ui.Item(_("Analysis"), action = "onPlanetAnalysis", hotkey = u'\x61'), #A ] ) self.systemPlanetMenu.subscribeAction("*", self)