#Create again new axis
ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((33,9),(18,3), rowspan=15, colspan=3)
#Plot a countour plot on the axis, showing again the temp information at hour 1 on height 1000 meter
Plot.contourplotPlot(temp, ax3, 1000)

#Get wind datasets for each direction in 3D space
windx = DataSet("wind-x", 1)
windy = DataSet("wind-y", 1)
windz = DataSet("wind-z", 1)
#create again new figure at bottom right
ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((33,9),(18,6), rowspan=15, colspan=3)
#Plot UVW plot, so the plot with the vectorfield, on it
Plot.UVWPlot(windx, windy, windz, 1000, 22, ax4)

#get information about presure and wind for the scatterplot matrix
presure = DataSet("presure", 1)
wind = DataSet("wind-x", 1)
#define the entrie variables of the matrix
matrix = [temp, presure, wind]
#create n-squared many axis with n being the number of variables to present
ax5 = []
for i in range(len(matrix)):
    for j in range(len(matrix)):
        ax5[i].append(plt.subplot2grid((33,9),(i*5,6+j), rowspan=5, colspan=1))
#collect sample_number many points at random and create scatterplot matrix with given axis