def plotPressureMin(self): """ Plot a map of observed and synthetic minimum central pressure values. """ datarange = (900, 1000) figure = ArrayMapFigure() map_kwargs = dict(llcrnrlon=self.lon_range.min(), llcrnrlat=self.lat_range.min(), urcrnrlon=self.lon_range.max(), urcrnrlat=self.lat_range.max(), projection='merc', resolution='i') cbarlab = "Minimum central pressure (hPa)" xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(self.lon_range, self.lat_range) figure.add(np.transpose(self.histMin), xgrid, ygrid, "Historic", datarange, cbarlab, map_kwargs) figure.add(np.transpose(self.synMin), xgrid, ygrid, "Synthetic", datarange, cbarlab, map_kwargs) figure.plot() outputFile = pjoin(self.plotPath, 'minPressure.png') saveFigure(figure, outputFile)
def plotPressureMeanDiff(self): """ Plot a map of the difference between observed and synthetic mean pressure values. """ datarange = (-25, 25) figure = ArrayMapFigure() map_kwargs = dict(llcrnrlon=self.lon_range.min(), llcrnrlat=self.lat_range.min(), urcrnrlon=self.lon_range.max(), urcrnrlat=self.lat_range.max(), projection='merc', resolution='i') cbarlab = "Mean central pressure difference (hPa)" data = self.histMean - self.synMean xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(self.lon_range, self.lat_range) figure.add(np.transpose(data), xgrid, ygrid, "Historical - Synthetic", datarange, cbarlab, map_kwargs) figure.cmap = sns.blend_palette(sns.color_palette("coolwarm", 9), as_cmap=True) figure.plot() outputFile = pjoin(self.plotPath, 'meanPressureDiff.png') saveFigure(figure, outputFile)
def plotMinPressureQuantiles(self): """ Plot a quantile-quantile plot of observed vs synthetic (mean) minimum central pressure values """ x = self.histMinCP y = self.synMinCP lims = (850, 1000) fig = QuantileFigure() fig.add(x.compress(x > 0), y.compress(y > 0), lims, "Observed pressure (hPa)", "Simulated pressure (hPa)", "Q-Q plot of minimum central pressure") fig.plot() outputFile = pjoin(self.plotPath, 'minPressureQuantiles.png') saveFigure(fig, outputFile)
def plotMinPressureQuantiles(self): """ Plot a quantile-quantile plot of observed vs synthetic (mean) minimum central pressure values """ x = self.histMinCP y = self.synMinCP lims = (850, 1000) fig = QuantileFigure()"Length of quantiles: {0}".format(x.compress(x > 0)))"Length of quantiles: {0}".format(y.compress(y > 0))) fig.add(x.compress(x > 0), y.compress(y > 0), lims, "Observed pressure (hPa)", "Simulated pressure (hPa)", "Q-Q plot of minimum central pressure")"Number of subfigures: {0}".format(len(fig.subfigures))) fig.plot() outputFile = pjoin(self.plotPath, 'minPressureQuantiles.png') saveFigure(fig, outputFile)