def plotGauss1D(mu, sigma2, color='b', ax_handle=None, **kwargs): if ax_handle is not None: mu = np.squeeze(mu) sigma = np.sqrt(np.squeeze(sigma2)) assert mu.size == 1 and mu.ndim == 0 assert sigma.size == 1 and sigma.ndim == 0 xs = mu + sigma * np.arange(-4, 4, 0.01) ps = 1. / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * 1. / sigma * \ np.exp(-0.5 * (xs - mu)**2 / sigma**2) pylab.plot(xs, ps, '.', markerfacecolor=color, markeredgecolor=color)
def plotGauss2DContour( mu, Sigma, color='b', radiusLengths=[1.0, 3.0], markersize=3.0, ax_handle=None, ): ''' Plot elliptical contours for provided mean mu, covariance Sigma. Uses only the first 2 dimensions. Post Condition -------------- Plot created on current axes ''' if ax_handle is not None: mu = np.asarray(mu) Sigma = np.asarray(Sigma) mu = mu[:2] Sigma = Sigma[:2, :2] D, V = np.linalg.eig(Sigma) sqrtSigma =, np.sqrt(np.diag(D))) # Prep for plotting elliptical contours # by creating grid of (x,y) points along perfect circle ts = np.arange(-np.pi, np.pi, 0.03) x = np.sin(ts) y = np.cos(ts) Zcirc = np.vstack([x, y]) # Warp circle into ellipse defined by Sigma's eigenvectors Zellipse =, Zcirc) # plot contour lines across several radius lengths # TODO: instead, choose radius by percentage of prob mass contained within for r in radiusLengths: Z = r * Zellipse + mu[:, np.newaxis] pylab.plot(Z[0], Z[1], '.', markersize=markersize, markerfacecolor=color, markeredgecolor=color)
def plotGauss2DFromHModel(hmodel, compListToPlot=None, compsToHighlight=None, activeCompIDs=None, MaxKToDisplay=50, proba_thr=0.0001, ax_handle=None, dataset=None, Colors=Colors, samp_colors=None, **kwargs): ''' Plot 2D contours for components in hmodel in current pylab figure Args ---- hmodel : bnpy HModel object compListToPlot : array-like of integer IDs of components within hmodel compsToHighlight : int or array-like integer IDs to highlight if None, all components get unique colors if not None, only highlighted components get colors. proba_thr : float Minimum weight assigned to component in order to be plotted. All components with weight below proba_thr are ignored. ''' if ax_handle is not None: if compsToHighlight is not None: compsToHighlight = np.asarray(compsToHighlight) if compsToHighlight.ndim == 0: compsToHighlight = np.asarray([compsToHighlight]) else: compsToHighlight = list() if compListToPlot is None: compListToPlot = np.arange(0, hmodel.obsModel.K) if activeCompIDs is None: activeCompIDs = np.arange(0, hmodel.obsModel.K) # Load appearance probabilities as single vector if hmodel.allocModel.K == hmodel.obsModel.K: w = hmodel.allocModel.get_active_comp_probs() else: w = np.ones(hmodel.obsModel.K) if dataset is not None and hasattr(dataset, 'X'): if samp_colors: for (start, stop), value in samp_colors.items(): pylab.plot(dataset.X[start:stop, 0], dataset.X[start:stop, 1], '.', color=value, alpha=0.5) else: pylab.plot(dataset.X[:, 0], dataset.X[:, 1], '.', color=(0.3, 0.3, 0.3), alpha=0.5) nSkip = 0 nGood = 0 for ii, compID in enumerate(compListToPlot): if compID not in activeCompIDs: continue kk = np.flatnonzero(activeCompIDs == compID) assert kk.size == 1 kk = kk[0] if w[kk] < proba_thr and compID not in compsToHighlight: nSkip += 1 continue mu = hmodel.obsModel.get_mean_for_comp(kk) Sigma = hmodel.obsModel.get_covar_mat_for_comp(kk) if len(compsToHighlight) == 0 or compID in compsToHighlight: color = Colors[ii % len(Colors)] plotGauss2DContour(mu, Sigma, color=color) elif kk not in compsToHighlight: plotGauss2DContour(mu, Sigma, color='k') nGood += 1 if nGood >= MaxKToDisplay: print 'DISPLAY LIMIT EXCEEDED. Showing %d/%d components' \ % (nGood, len(activeCompIDs)) break if nSkip > 0: print 'SKIPPED %d comps with size below %.2f' % (nSkip, proba_thr)
def plotGauss1DFromHModel(hmodel, compListToPlot=None, compsToHighlight=None, activeCompIDs=None, MaxKToDisplay=50, proba_thr=0.0001, ax_handle=None, Colors=Colors, dataset=None, **kwargs): ''' Make line plot of pdf for each component (1D observations). ''' if ax_handle is not None: if compsToHighlight is not None: compsToHighlight = as1D(np.asarray(compsToHighlight)) else: compsToHighlight = list() if compListToPlot is None: compListToPlot = np.arange(0, hmodel.obsModel.K) if activeCompIDs is None: activeCompIDs = np.arange(0, hmodel.obsModel.K) # Load appearance probabilities as single vector if hmodel.allocModel.K == hmodel.obsModel.K: w = hmodel.allocModel.get_active_comp_probs() else: w = np.ones(hmodel.obsModel.K) if dataset is not None: if hasattr(dataset, 'X'): pylab.hist(dataset.X[:, 0], 50, normed=1) #Xtile = np.tile(Data.X[:, 0], (2, 1)) #ys = 0.1 * np.arange(2) #pylab.plot(Xtile, ys, 'k-') nSkip = 0 nGood = 0 for ii, compID in enumerate(compListToPlot): if compID not in activeCompIDs: continue kk = np.flatnonzero(activeCompIDs == compID) assert kk.size == 1 kk = kk[0] if w[kk] < proba_thr and compID not in compsToHighlight: nSkip += 1 continue mu = hmodel.obsModel.get_mean_for_comp(kk) sigma2 = hmodel.obsModel.get_covar_mat_for_comp(kk) if len(compsToHighlight) == 0 or compID in compsToHighlight: color = Colors[ii % len(Colors)] plotGauss1D(mu, sigma2, color=color) elif kk not in compsToHighlight: plotGauss1D(mu, sigma2, color='k') nGood += 1 if nGood >= MaxKToDisplay: print 'DISPLAY LIMIT EXCEEDED. Showing %d/%d components' \ % (nGood, len(activeCompIDs)) break if nSkip > 0: print 'SKIPPED %d comps with size below %.2f' % (nSkip, proba_thr)