Пример #1
def findMaxWithGFit(img, sigma=0.5, win=11):
    find sub-pixel peaks from input img using n-dimensional Guassian fitting

    sigma: scaler or [simgaZ,sigmaY..]
    window: a window where the Guassian fit is performed on

    return [v, zyx, sigma]
    vzyx = N.array(U.findMax(img))
    ndim = img.ndim
        ret, check = imgFit.fitGaussianND(img, vzyx[-ndim:], sigma, win)
    except IndexError:  # too close to the edge
        imgFit.fitFailedAppend("at %s" % str(vzyx[-ndim:]))
        sigma = imgFit._scalerToSeq(sigma, ndim)
        return vzyx[0:1], vzyx[-ndim:], list(sigma)

    if check == 5 or N.any(ret[2:2 + ndim] > (vzyx[-ndim:] + win)) or N.any(
            ret[2:2 + ndim] < (vzyx[-ndim:] - win)):
        imgFit.fitFailedAppend("at %s, %s, check=%i" %
                               (str(vzyx[-ndim:]), str(ret), check))
        sigma = imgFit._scalerToSeq(sigma, ndim)
        return [vzyx[0:1], vzyx[-ndim:], sigma]
    #x= (vzyx[0:1] + [vzyx[-ndim:]] + [sigma])
    #    print x
    #    return x
        v = ret[1]
        zyx = ret[2:2 + ndim]
        sigma = ret[2 + ndim:2 + ndim * 2]
        return [v, zyx, sigma]
Пример #2
def _doBilinear2D(a2d, tyx=(0,0), r=0, mag=1, anismag=1, dyx=(0,0), mr=0, b2d=None):
    if b2d is None:
        b2d = N.empty_like(a2d)
        b2d = N.ascontiguousarray(b2d)
    a2d = a2d.copy() # otherwise, the following code will mess up the input

    if N.any(dyx[-2:]) or mr:
        temp = b2d
        target = a2d
        U.trans2d(target, temp, (dyx[-1], dyx[-2], mr, 1, 0, 1))
        temp = a2d
        target = b2d

    # rot mag first to make consistent with affine
    magaxis = 1 # only this axis works
    if r or mag != 1 or anismag != 1:
        U.trans2d(temp, target, (0, 0, r, mag, magaxis, anismag))
        target[:] = temp[:]

    # then translate
    tyx2 = N.array(tyx) # copy
    tyx2[-2:] -= dyx[-2:]
    if N.any(tyx2[-2:]) or mr:
        U.trans2d(target, temp, (tyx2[-1], tyx2[-2], -mr, 1, 0, 1))
        temp[:] = target[:]
    #a[z] = temp[:]
    return temp
Пример #3
def findMaxWithGFit(img, sigma=0.5, win=11):
    find sub-pixel peaks from input img using n-dimensional Guassian fitting

    sigma: scaler or [simgaZ,sigmaY..]
    window: a window where the Guassian fit is performed on

    return [v, zyx, sigma]
    vzyx = N.array(U.findMax(img))
    ndim = img.ndim
        ret, check = imgFit.fitGaussianND(img, vzyx[-ndim:], sigma, win)
    except IndexError: # too close to the edge
        imgFit.fitFailedAppend("at %s" % str(vzyx[-ndim:]))
        sigma = imgFit._scalerToSeq(sigma, ndim)
        return vzyx[0:1], vzyx[-ndim:], list(sigma)

    if check == 5 or N.any(ret[2:2+ndim] > (vzyx[-ndim:] + win)) or  N.any(ret[2:2+ndim] < (vzyx[-ndim:] - win)):
        imgFit.fitFailedAppend("at %s, %s, check=%i" % (str(vzyx[-ndim:]), str(ret), check))
        sigma = imgFit._scalerToSeq(sigma, ndim)
        return [vzyx[0:1], vzyx[-ndim:], sigma]
    #x= (vzyx[0:1] + [vzyx[-ndim:]] + [sigma])
    #    print x
    #    return x
        v = ret[1]
        zyx = ret[2:2+ndim]
        sigma = ret[2+ndim:2+ndim*2]
        return [v,zyx,sigma]
Пример #4
def _doBilinear2D(a2d, tyx=(0,0), r=0, mag=1, anismag=1, dyx=(0,0), mr=0, b2d=None):
    if b2d is None:
        b2d = N.empty_like(a2d)
        b2d = N.ascontiguousarray(b2d)
    a2d = a2d.copy() # otherwise, the following code will mess up the input

    if N.any(dyx[-2:]) or mr:
        temp = b2d
        target = a2d
        U.trans2d(target, temp, (dyx[-1], dyx[-2], mr, 1, 0, 1))
        temp = a2d
        target = b2d

    # rot mag first to make consistent with affine
    magaxis = 1 # only this axis works
    if r or mag != 1 or anismag != 1:
        U.trans2d(temp, target, (0, 0, r, mag, magaxis, anismag))
        target[:] = temp[:]

    # then translate
    tyx2 = N.array(tyx) # copy
    tyx2[-2:] -= dyx[-2:]
    if N.any(tyx2[-2:]) or mr:
        U.trans2d(target, temp, (tyx2[-1], tyx2[-2], -mr, 1, 0, 1))
        temp[:] = target[:]
    #a[z] = temp[:]
    return temp
Пример #5
def _findMaxXcor(c, win, gFit=True, niter=2):
    if gFit:
        for i in range(niter):
            v, zyx, s = findMaxWithGFit(c, win=win + (i * 2))
            if v:
                if N.any(zyx > N.array(c.shape)) or N.any(zyx < 0):
                    vzyx = N.array(U.findMax(c))  #continue
                    v = vzyx[0]
                    zyx = vzyx[-c.ndim:] + 0.5  # pixel center
                    s = 2.5

        if not v:
            v = U.findMax(c)[0]
        vzyx = U.findMax(c)
        v = vzyx[0]
        zyx = N.array(vzyx[-c.ndim:]) + 0.5  # pixel center
        s = 2.5
    return v, zyx, s
Пример #6
def _findMaxXcor(c, win, gFit=True, niter=2):
    if gFit:
        for i in range(niter):
            v, zyx, s = findMaxWithGFit(c, win=win+(i*2))
            if v:
                if N.any(zyx > N.array(c.shape)) or N.any(zyx < 0):
                    vzyx = N.array(U.findMax(c))#continue
                    v = vzyx[0]
                    zyx = vzyx[-c.ndim:] + 0.5 # pixel center
                    s = 2.5

        if not v:
            v = U.findMax(c)[0]
        vzyx = U.findMax(c)
        v = vzyx[0]
        zyx = N.array(vzyx[-c.ndim:]) + 0.5 # pixel center
        s = 2.5
    return v, zyx, s
Пример #7
def findMaxWithGFitAll(img, thre=0, sigma_peak=0.5, win=11, mask_npxls=3):
    find peaks until either
    1. any pxls becomes below thre
    2. the same peak was found as the maximum

    mask_npxls: number of pixels to mask when Gaussian fitting failed

    return poslist
    img = img.copy()
    ndim = img.ndim
    sigma_peak = imgFit._scalerToSeq(sigma_peak, ndim)

    poses = []
    vzyx = U.findMax(img)
    while vzyx[0] > thre:
        prev = vzyx
            ret, check = imgFit.fitGaussianND(img, vzyx[-ndim:], sigma_peak, win)
        except IndexError: # too close to the edge
            imgFit.fitFailedAppend("at %s" % str(vzyx[-ndim:]))
            mask_value(img, vzyx[-ndim:], r=mask_npxls, value=img.min())
            poses.append(list(vzyx)[0:1] + [vzyx[-ndim:]] + [list(sigma_peak)])

        if check == 5:
            imgFit.fitFailedAppend("at %s, %s, check=%i" % (str(vzyx[-ndim:]), str(ret), check))
            mask_value(img, vzyx[-ndim:], r=mask_npxls, value=img.min())
            poses.append(list(vzyx)[0:1] + [vzyx[-ndim:]] + [sigma_peak])
            v = ret[1]
            zyx = ret[2:2+ndim]
            if N.any(N.abs(zyx - vzyx[1:]) > win/2.):#zyx < 0 or zyx > img.shape or ):
                mask_value(img, vzyx[-ndim:], r=mask_npxls, value=img.min())
                poses.append(list(vzyx)[0:1] + [vzyx[-ndim:]] + [sigma_peak])
                sigma = ret[2+ndim:2+ndim*2]
                mask_gaussianND(img, zyx, v, sigma)

        vzyx = U.findMax(img)
        if N.all(vzyx == prev):
    return poses#, img
Пример #8
def trans3D_affine(arr,
                   tzyx=(0, 0, 0),
                   dzyx=(0, 0, 0),
                   order=ORDER):  #**kwds):
    return array 
    dtype = arr.dtype.type
    arr = arr.astype(N.float32)

    ndim = arr.ndim
    if ndim == 2:
        arr = arr.reshape((1, ) + arr.shape)
    elif ndim == 3:
        if len(tzyx) < ndim:
            tzyx = (0, ) * (ndim - len(tzyx)) + tuple(tzyx)
        if len(dzyx) < ndim:
            dzyx = (0, ) * (ndim - len(dzyx)) + tuple(dzyx)

    dzyx = N.asarray(dzyx)

    magz = 1
        if len(mag) == 3:
            magz = mag[0]
            mag = mag[1:]
    except TypeError:

    if ndim == 3 and (magz != 1 or tzyx[-3] or rzy):
        #print magz, arr.shape
        # because, mergins introduced after 2D transformation may interfere the result of this vertical transform, vertical axis was processed first, since rzy is 0 usually.
        arrT = arr.T  # zyx -> xyz
        magzz = (1, magz)
        canvas = N.zeros_like(arrT)
        tzy = (0, tzyx[-3])
        dzy = (dzyx[-2], dzyx[-3])

        #if ncpu > 1 and mp:
        ret = ppro.pmap(_dothat, arrT, ncpu, tzy, rzy, magzz, dzy, order)
        for x, a in enumerate(ret):
            canvas[x] = a
        #    for x, a in enumerate(arrT):
        #        canvas[x] = _dothat(a, tzy, rzy, magzz, dzy, order)

        arr = canvas.T
        #del arrT

    if N.any(tzyx[-2:]) or r or N.any(mag):
        #print ndim, arr.shape
        canvas = N.zeros_like(arr)
        if ndim == 3:  # and ncpu > 1 and mp:
            # dividing XY into pieces did not work for rotation and magnification
            # here parallel processing is done section-wise since affine works only for 2D
            ret = ppro.pmap(_dothat, arr, ncpu, tzyx[-2:], r, mag, dzyx[-2:],
            for z, a in enumerate(ret):
                canvas[z] = a
            for z, a in enumerate(arr):
                canvas[z] = _dothat(a, tzyx[-2:], r, mag, dzyx[-2:], order)

        if ndim == 2:
            canvas = canvas[0]

        arr = canvas

    if dtype in (N.int, N.uint8, N.uint16, N.uint32):
        arr = N.where(arr < 0, 0, arr)

    return arr.astype(dtype)
Пример #9
def trans3D_spline(a,
                   tzyx=(0, 0, 0),
                   dzyx=(0, 0),
    mag: scalar_for_yx or [y,x] or [z,y,x]
    mr: rotational direction of yx-zoom in degrees
    ncpu: no usage
    splinekwds['prefilter'] = splinekwds.get('prefilter', True)
    splinekwds['order'] = splinekwds.get('order', 3)

    ndim = a.ndim
    shape = N.array(a.shape, N.float32)
    tzyx = N.asarray(tzyx, N.float32)

    # rotation axis
    if ndim == 3:
        axes = (1, 2)
        axes = (1, 0)

    # magnification
        if len(mag) == 1:  # same as scalar
            mag = [1] * (ndim - 2) + list(mag) * 2
            mag = [1] * (ndim - 2) * (3 - len(mag)) + list(mag)
    except:  # scalar -> convert to yx mag only
        mag = [1] * (ndim - 2) + ([mag] * ndim)[:2]
    mag = N.asarray(mag)

        dzyx = N.array([0] * (ndim - 2) * (3 - len(dzyx)) + list(dzyx))
    except:  # scalar

    if mr:
        a = U.nd.rotate(a, mr, axes=axes, reshape=reshape, **splinekwds)
        splinekwds['prefilter'] = False

    if N.any(dzyx):
        a = U.nd.shift(a, -dzyx, **splinekwds)
        splinekwds['prefilter'] = False

    if r:
        a = U.nd.rotate(a, -r, axes=axes, reshape=reshape, **splinekwds)
        splinekwds['prefilter'] = False

    if N.any(mag != 1):
        a = U.nd.zoom(a, zoom=mag, **splinekwds)
        splinekwds['prefilter'] = False

        if not reshape:
            dif = (shape - N.array(a.shape, N.float32)) / 2.
            mod = N.ceil(N.mod(dif, 1))
            tzyx[-ndim:] -= (mod / 2.)

    if rzy and ndim >= 3:  # is this correct?? havn't tried yet
        a = U.nd.rotate(a, -rzy, axes=(0, 1), reshape=reshape, **splinekwds)

    if N.any(dzyx):
        a = U.nd.shift(a, dzyx, **splinekwds)

    if mr:
        a = U.nd.rotate(a, -mr, axes=axes, reshape=reshape, **splinekwds)

    if reshape:
        a = U.nd.shift(a, tzyx[-ndim:], **splinekwds)
        tzyx0 = N.where(mag >= 1, tzyx[-ndim:], 0)
        if N.any(tzyx0[-ndim:]):
            a = U.nd.shift(a, tzyx0[-ndim:], **splinekwds)

    if N.any(mag != 1) and not reshape:
        a = keepShape(a, shape, (dif, mod))
        old = """
        canvas = N.zeros(shape, a.dtype.type)

        #dif = (shape - N.array(a.shape, N.float32)) / 2
        #mod = N.ceil(N.mod(dif, 1))
        dif = N.where(dif > 0, N.ceil(dif), N.floor(dif))

        # smaller
        aoff = N.where(dif < 0, 0, dif)
        aslc = [slice(dp, shape[i]-dp+mod[i]) for i, dp in enumerate(aoff)]

        # larger
        coff = N.where(dif > 0, 0, -dif)
        cslc = [slice(dp, a.shape[i]-dp+mod[i]) for i, dp in enumerate(coff)]

        canvas[aslc] = a[cslc]
        a = canvas"""

    if not reshape:
        tzyx0 = N.where(mag < 1, tzyx[-ndim:], 0)
        if N.any(mag != 1):
            tzyx0[-ndim:] -= (mod / 2.)
        if N.any(tzyx0[-ndim:]):
            a = U.nd.shift(a, tzyx0[-ndim:], **splinekwds)

    return a
Пример #10
def trans3D_bilinear(a,
                     tzyx=(0, 0, 0),
                     dzyx=(0, 0, 0),
    magyx: scalar or [y,x] or [y,x, direction in degrees]
    a = a.copy()
    ndim = a.ndim
    if ndim == 2:
        a = a.reshape((1, ) + a.shape)

        if len(magyx) == 3:
            mr = magyx[-1]
            magyx = magyx[:2]
            mr = 0
        mr = 0

    if b is None:
        b2d = N.empty_like(a[0])

    dzyx = N.asarray(dzyx)
    tzyx = N.asarray(tzyx)
    tzyx[-2:] += dzyx[-2:]

    magaxis = 1  # only this axis works
    magz = 1
        if len(mag) == 3:
            magz, magy, magx = mag
        elif len(mag) == 2:
            magy, magx = mag
            magy = magx = mag[0]
        magy = magx = mag
    mag = magy
    anismag = magx / magy

    for z, a2d in enumerate(a):
        if N.any(dzyx[-2:]) or mr:
            temp = N.ascontiguousarray(b2d)
            target = N.ascontiguousarray(a2d)
            #U.trans2d(target, temp, (-dyx[1], -dyx[0], -mr, 1, 0, 1))
            U.trans2d(target, temp, (-dzyx[-1], -dzyx[-2], -mr, 1, 0, 1))
            temp = N.ascontiguousarray(a2d)
            target = N.ascontiguousarray(b2d)

        if r or mag != 1 or anismag != 1:
            U.trans2d(temp, target, (0, 0, r, mag, magaxis, anismag))
            target[:] = temp[:]

        #if rzx: # is this correct?? havn't tried yet
        #    target = U.nd.rotate(target, rzx, axes=(0,2), order=1, prefilter=False)

        if N.any(tzyx[-2:]) or mr:  #N.any(dyx) or mr:
            #U.trans2d(target, temp, (dyx[1], dyx[0], mr, 1, 0, 1))
            U.trans2d(target, temp, (tzyx[-1], tzyx[-2], mr, 1, 0, 1))
            temp[:] = target[:]
        a[z] = temp[:]

    if ndim == 2:
        a = a[0]
    elif ndim == 3 and (magz != 1 or tzyx[-3]):
        at = a.T  # zyx -> xyz
        mag = 1  #magz
        anismag = magz  #magy / magz
        canvas = N.empty_like(at)
        target = b2d.T
        for x, a2d in enumerate(at):
            if dzyx[-3]:
                U.trans2d(a2d, target, (0, -dyzx[-3], 0, 1, 1, 1))
                target = a2d

            canvas[x] = U.trans2d(target, None,
                                  (tzyx[-3], 0, rzy, mag, magaxis, anismag))
        #canvas = canvas.T
        a = canvas.T

    return a
Пример #11
def trans3D_affine(arr, tzyx=(0,0,0), r=0, mag=1, dzyx=(0,0,0), rzy=0, ncpu=NCPU, order=ORDER):#**kwds):
    return array 
    dtype = arr.dtype.type
    arr = arr.astype(N.float32)
    ndim = arr.ndim
    if ndim == 2:
        arr = arr.reshape((1,)+arr.shape)
    elif ndim == 3:
        if len(tzyx) < ndim:
            tzyx = (0,)*(ndim-len(tzyx)) + tuple(tzyx)
        if len(dzyx) < ndim:
            dzyx = (0,)*(ndim-len(dzyx)) + tuple(dzyx)

    dzyx = N.asarray(dzyx)

    magz = 1
        if len(mag) == 3:
            magz = mag[0]
            mag = mag[1:]
    except TypeError:

    if ndim == 3 and (magz != 1 or tzyx[-3] or rzy):
        #print magz, arr.shape
        # because, mergins introduced after 2D transformation may interfere the result of this vertical transform, vertical axis was processed first, since rzy is 0 usually.
        arrT = arr.T # zyx -> xyz
        magzz = (1,magz)
        canvas = N.zeros_like(arrT)
        tzy = (0,tzyx[-3])
        dzy = (dzyx[-2], dzyx[-3])

        #if ncpu > 1 and mp:
        ret = ppro.pmap(_dothat, arrT, ncpu, tzy, rzy, magzz, dzy, order)
        for x, a in enumerate(ret):
            canvas[x] = a
        #    for x, a in enumerate(arrT):
        #        canvas[x] = _dothat(a, tzy, rzy, magzz, dzy, order)

        arr = canvas.T
        #del arrT

    if N.any(tzyx[-2:]) or r or N.any(mag):
        #print ndim, arr.shape
        canvas = N.zeros_like(arr)
        if ndim == 3:# and ncpu > 1 and mp:
            # dividing XY into pieces did not work for rotation and magnification
            # here parallel processing is done section-wise since affine works only for 2D
            ret = ppro.pmap(_dothat, arr, ncpu, tzyx[-2:], r, mag, dzyx[-2:], order)
            for z, a in enumerate(ret):
                canvas[z] = a
            for z, a in enumerate(arr):
                canvas[z] = _dothat(a, tzyx[-2:], r, mag, dzyx[-2:], order)

        if ndim == 2:
            canvas = canvas[0]

        arr = canvas

    if dtype in (N.int, N.uint8, N.uint16, N.uint32):
        arr = N.where(arr < 0, 0, arr)
    return arr.astype(dtype)
Пример #12
def trans3D_spline(a, tzyx=(0,0,0), r=0, mag=1, dzyx=(0,0), rzy=0, mr=0, reshape=False, ncpu=1, **splinekwds):
    mag: scalar_for_yx or [y,x] or [z,y,x]
    mr: rotational direction of yx-zoom in degrees
    ncpu: no usage
    splinekwds['prefilter'] = splinekwds.get('prefilter', True)
    splinekwds['order'] = splinekwds.get('order', 3)
    ndim = a.ndim
    shape = N.array(a.shape, N.float32)
    tzyx = N.asarray(tzyx, N.float32)
    # rotation axis
    if ndim == 3:
        axes = (1,2)
        axes = (1,0)

    # magnification
        if len(mag) == 1: # same as scalar
            mag = [1] * (ndim-2) + list(mag) * 2
            mag = [1] * (ndim-2) * (3-len(mag)) + list(mag)
    except: # scalar -> convert to yx mag only
        mag = [1] * (ndim-2) + ([mag] * ndim)[:2]
    mag = N.asarray(mag)

        dzyx = N.array([0] * (ndim-2) * (3-len(dzyx)) + list(dzyx))
    except: # scalar

    if mr:
        a = U.nd.rotate(a, mr, axes=axes, reshape=reshape, **splinekwds)
        splinekwds['prefilter'] = False
    if N.any(dzyx):
        a = U.nd.shift(a, -dzyx, **splinekwds)
        splinekwds['prefilter'] = False

    if r:
        a = U.nd.rotate(a, -r, axes=axes, reshape=reshape, **splinekwds)
        splinekwds['prefilter'] = False

    if N.any(mag != 1):
        a = U.nd.zoom(a, zoom=mag, **splinekwds)
        splinekwds['prefilter'] = False

        if not reshape:
            dif = (shape - N.array(a.shape, N.float32)) / 2.
            mod = N.ceil(N.mod(dif, 1))
            tzyx[-ndim:] -= (mod / 2.)
    if rzy and ndim >= 3: # is this correct?? havn't tried yet
        a = U.nd.rotate(a, -rzy, axes=(0,1), reshape=reshape, **splinekwds)

    if N.any(dzyx):
        a = U.nd.shift(a, dzyx, **splinekwds)

    if mr:
        a = U.nd.rotate(a, -mr, axes=axes, reshape=reshape, **splinekwds)

    if reshape:
        a = U.nd.shift(a, tzyx[-ndim:], **splinekwds)
        tzyx0 = N.where(mag >= 1, tzyx[-ndim:], 0)
        if N.any(tzyx0[-ndim:]):
            a = U.nd.shift(a, tzyx0[-ndim:], **splinekwds)

    if N.any(mag != 1) and not reshape:
        a = keepShape(a, shape, (dif, mod))
        canvas = N.zeros(shape, a.dtype.type)

        #dif = (shape - N.array(a.shape, N.float32)) / 2
        #mod = N.ceil(N.mod(dif, 1))
        dif = N.where(dif > 0, N.ceil(dif), N.floor(dif))

        # smaller
        aoff = N.where(dif < 0, 0, dif)
        aslc = [slice(dp, shape[i]-dp+mod[i]) for i, dp in enumerate(aoff)]

        # larger
        coff = N.where(dif > 0, 0, -dif)
        cslc = [slice(dp, a.shape[i]-dp+mod[i]) for i, dp in enumerate(coff)]

        canvas[aslc] = a[cslc]
        a = canvas"""

    if not reshape:
        tzyx0 = N.where(mag < 1, tzyx[-ndim:], 0)
        if N.any(mag != 1):
            tzyx0[-ndim:] -= (mod / 2.)
        if N.any(tzyx0[-ndim:]):
            a = U.nd.shift(a, tzyx0[-ndim:], **splinekwds)
    return a
Пример #13
def trans3D_bilinear(a, tzyx=(0,0,0), r=0, mag=1, dzyx=(0,0,0), b=None, rzy=0, **kwds):
    magyx: scalar or [y,x] or [y,x, direction in degrees]
    a = a.copy()
    ndim = a.ndim
    if ndim == 2:
        a = a.reshape((1,)+a.shape)
        if len(magyx) == 3:
            mr = magyx[-1]
            magyx = magyx[:2]
            mr = 0
        mr = 0

    if b is None:
        b2d = N.empty_like(a[0])

    dzyx = N.asarray(dzyx)
    tzyx = N.asarray(tzyx)
    tzyx[-2:] += dzyx[-2:]

    magaxis = 1 # only this axis works
    magz = 1
        if len(mag) == 3:
            magz, magy, magx = mag
        elif len(mag) == 2:
            magy, magx = mag
            magy = magx = mag[0]
        magy = magx = mag
    mag = magy
    anismag = magx / magy

    for z, a2d in enumerate(a):
        if N.any(dzyx[-2:]) or mr:
            temp = N.ascontiguousarray(b2d)
            target = N.ascontiguousarray(a2d)
            #U.trans2d(target, temp, (-dyx[1], -dyx[0], -mr, 1, 0, 1))
            U.trans2d(target, temp, (-dzyx[-1], -dzyx[-2], -mr, 1, 0, 1))
            temp = N.ascontiguousarray(a2d)
            target = N.ascontiguousarray(b2d)

        if r or mag != 1 or anismag != 1:
            U.trans2d(temp, target, (0, 0, r, mag, magaxis, anismag))
            target[:] = temp[:]

        #if rzx: # is this correct?? havn't tried yet
        #    target = U.nd.rotate(target, rzx, axes=(0,2), order=1, prefilter=False)

        if N.any(tzyx[-2:]) or mr:#N.any(dyx) or mr:
            #U.trans2d(target, temp, (dyx[1], dyx[0], mr, 1, 0, 1))
            U.trans2d(target, temp, (tzyx[-1], tzyx[-2], mr, 1, 0, 1))
            temp[:] = target[:]
        a[z] = temp[:]

    if ndim == 2:
        a = a[0]
    elif ndim == 3 and (magz != 1 or tzyx[-3]):
        at = a.T # zyx -> xyz
        mag = 1#magz
        anismag = magz #magy / magz
        canvas = N.empty_like(at)
        target = b2d.T
        for x, a2d in enumerate(at):
            if dzyx[-3]:
                U.trans2d(a2d, target, (0, -dyzx[-3], 0, 1, 1, 1))
                target = a2d

            canvas[x] = U.trans2d(target, None, (tzyx[-3], 0, rzy, mag, magaxis, anismag))
        #canvas = canvas.T
        a = canvas.T

    return a