def __init__(self, iNetwork,iType, iSuffix, iTag): #Debug Code #pdb.set_trace() self.mNetwork = iNetwork self.mType = iType self.mSuffix = iSuffix self.mPrintOutHandle = PrintOutFile(PrintOutGridNetwork.PATH_RES,iNetwork, iType, iSuffix) self.mXmlHead = PrintOutGridNetwork.XML_HEAD % (iTag, iNetwork, iNetwork, iType) self.mXmlEnd = PrintOutGridNetwork.XML_END % (iTag)
class PrintOutGridNetwork: PATH_CURRENT = os.getcwd() PATH_RES = PATH_CURRENT + "/Data/" TAG_NODES = "nodes" TAG_NODE = "node" TAG_EDGES = "edges" TAG_EDGE = "edge" TAG_ROUTES = "routes" TAG_VTYPE = "vType" #vehicle type TAG_ROUTE = "route" TAG_VEHICLE = "vehicle" TAG_CONNECTIONS = "connections" TAG_CONNECTION = "connection" TAG_ELDETECTOR = "elDetector" TAG_TYPES = "types" TAG_TYPE = "type" TAG_SHAPES = "shapes" TAG_POLY = "poly" FILE_TYPE_NOD = "nod" FILE_TYPE_EDG = "edg" FILE_TYPE_ROU = "rou" FILE_TYPE_CON = "con" FILE_TYPE_DET = "det" FILE_TYPE_TYP = "typ" FILE_TYPE_POLY = "poly" FILE_SUFFIX_XML = "xml" FILE_SUFFIX_NETCCFG = "netccfg" FILE_SUFFIX_SUMOCFG = "sumocfg" XML_HEAD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <%s xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Data/%s/%s.%s.xml"> """ XML_END = "</%s>" def __init__(self, iNetwork,iType, iSuffix, iTag): #Debug Code #pdb.set_trace() self.mNetwork = iNetwork self.mType = iType self.mSuffix = iSuffix self.mPrintOutHandle = PrintOutFile(PrintOutGridNetwork.PATH_RES,iNetwork, iType, iSuffix) self.mXmlHead = PrintOutGridNetwork.XML_HEAD % (iTag, iNetwork, iNetwork, iType) self.mXmlEnd = PrintOutGridNetwork.XML_END % (iTag) def printOutNodXml(self, iNodeList): self.mPrintOutHandle.printOut(self.mXmlHead) for nodeListRow in iNodeList: for n in nodeListRow: if n is not None: if(n.getId() is not None and n.getX() is not None and n.getY() is not None and n.getType is not None): outStr = ' <%s id="%s" x="%f" y="%f" type="%s" />' %(PrintOutGridNetwork.TAG_NODE, n.getId(), n.getX(), n.getY(), n.getType()) self.mPrintOutHandle.printOut(outStr) self.mPrintOutHandle.printOut(self.mXmlEnd) self.mPrintOutHandle.printOutEnd() def printOutEdgXml(self, iNodeList): self.mPrintOutHandle.printOut(self.mXmlHead) for nodeListRow in iNodeList: for n in nodeListRow: if n is not None: adjEdges = n.getAllAdjEdges() for i in adjEdges: edge = adjEdges.get(i) outStr = None if(edge.getId() is not None and edge.getFrom() is not None and edge.getTo() is not None): outStr = " <%s" %(PrintOutGridNetwork.TAG_EDGE) outStr += ' id="%s"' %(edge.getId()) outStr += ' from="%s"' %(edge.getFrom().getId()) outStr += ' to="%s"' %(edge.getTo().getId()) if(edge.getEdgeType() is not None): outStr += ' type="%s"' %(edge.getEdgeType().getId()) if(outStr is not None): outStr += " />" self.mPrintOutHandle.printOut(outStr) self.mPrintOutHandle.printOut(self.mXmlEnd) self.mPrintOutHandle.printOutEnd() def printOutTypXml(self, iEdgeTypeList): self.mPrintOutHandle.printOut(self.mXmlHead) for i in iEdgeTypeList: edgeType = iEdgeTypeList.get(i) outStr = None if (edgeType.getId() is not None and edgeType.getNumLanes() is not None and edgeType.getPriority() is not None and edgeType.getSpeed() is not None): outStr = ' <%s id="%s" numLanes="%i" width="%f" priority="%i" speed="%f"' %(PrintOutGridNetwork.TAG_TYPE, edgeType.getId(), edgeType.getWidth(), edgeType.getNumLanes(), edgeType.getPriority(), edgeType.getSpeed()) if (edgeType.getAllow() is not None): outStr += ' allow="%s"' %(edgeType.getAllow()) if (edgeType.getDisallow() is not None): outStr += ' disallow="%s"' %(edgeType.getDisallow()) if (edgeType.getDiscard() is not None): outStr += ' discard="%s"' %(edgeType.getDiscard()) if (edgeType.getOneway() is not None): outStr += ' oneway="%s"' %(edgeType.getOneway()) outStr += " />" self.mPrintOutHandle.printOut(outStr) self.mPrintOutHandle.printOut(self.mXmlEnd) self.mPrintOutHandle.printOutEnd() def printOutRouXml(self,iVehicleList, iVehicleType, iRouteList): self.mPrintOutHandle.printOut(self.mXmlHead) #Vehicle Type (with car-following model) for i in iVehicleType: vType = iVehicleType.get(i) if (vType.getId() is not None): outStr = ' <%s' %(PrintOutGridNetwork.TAG_VTYPE) outStr += ' id = "%s"' %(vType.getId()) if(vType.getCarFollow() is not None): if(vType.getColor() is not None and vType.getLength() is not None and vType.getMaxSpeed() is not None and vType.getGuiShape() is not None): outStr += ' color = "%s"' %(vType.getColor()) outStr += ' length = "%f"' %(vType.getLength()) outStr += ' maxSpeed = "%f"' %(vType.getMaxSpeed()) outStr += ' guiShape = "%s"' %(vType.getGuiShape()) outStr += " >" self.mPrintOutHandle.printOut(outStr) carFollow = vType.getCarFollow() outStr = ' <%s' %(carFollow.getId()) #car-following models if (carFollow.getAccel() is not None and carFollow.getDecel() is not None and carFollow.getMinGap is not None): outStr += ' accel = "%f"' %(carFollow.getAccel()) outStr += ' decel = "%f"' %(carFollow.getDecel()) outStr += ' minGap = "%f"' %(carFollow.getMinGap()) if (carFollow.getSigma() is not None): outStr += ' sigma = "%f"' %(carFollow.getSigma()) if (vType.getSpeedFactor() is not None): outStr += ' speedFactor = "%f"' %(vType.getSpeedFactor()) if (vType.getSpeedDev() is not None): outStr += ' speedDev = "%f"' %(vType.getSpeedDev()) if (carFollow.getTau() is not None): outStr += ' tau = "%f"' %(carFollow.getTau()) if (carFollow.getTimeHeadWay is not None): outStr += ' timeHeadWay = "%f"' %(carFollow.getTimeHeadWay()) if (carFollow.getK() is not None): outStr += ' k = "%f"' %(carFollow.getK()) if (carFollow.getPhl() is not None): outStr += ' phl = "%f"' %(carFollow.getPhl()) outStr += ' />' self.mPrintOutHandle.printOut(outStr) outStr = " </%s>" %(PrintOutGridNetwork.TAG_VTYPE) else: #No car-following models if (vType.getAccel() is not None and vType.getDecel() is not None and vType.getMinGap is not None): outStr += ' accel = "%f"' %(vType.getAccel()) outStr += ' decel = "%f"' %(vType.getDecel()) outStr += ' minGap = "%f"' %(vType.getMinGap()) if (vType.getSigma() is not None): outStr += ' sigma = "%f"' %(vType.getSigma()) if (vType.getTau() is not None): outStr += ' tau = "%f"' %(vType.getTau()) if (vType.getColor() is not None): outStr += ' color = "%s"' %(vType.getColor()) if (vType.getLength() is not None): outStr += ' length = "%f"' %(vType.getLength()) if (vType.getMaxSpeed() is not None): outStr += ' maxSpeed = "%f"' %(vType.getMaxSpeed()) if (vType.getSpeedFactor() is not None): outStr += ' speedFactor = "%f"' %(vType.getSpeedFactor()) if (vType.getSpeedDev() is not None): outStr += ' speedDev = "%f"' %(vType.getSpeedDev()) if (vType.getGuiShape() is not None): outStr += ' guiShape = "%s"' %(vType.getGuiShape()) outStr += " />" self.mPrintOutHandle.printOut(outStr) #Routes for r in iRouteList: outStr = None if(r.getId() is not None and r.getEdges() is not None): outStr = ' <%s' %(PrintOutGridNetwork.TAG_ROUTE) outStr += ' id = "%s"' %(r.getId()) outStr += ' edges ="' for edge in r.getEdges(): outStr += '%s ' %(edge.getId()) outStr += '"' if (r.getColor() is not None): outStr += ' color = "%s"' %(r.getColor()) outStr += ' />' self.mPrintOutHandle.printOut(outStr) #Vehicles for v in iVehicleList: outStr = None if (v.getId() is not None and v.getType() is not None and v.getRoute() is not None and v.getDepart() is not None): #Vehicle outStr = ' <%s' %(PrintOutGridNetwork.TAG_VEHICLE) outStr += ' id = "%s"' %(v.getId()) outStr += ' type = "%s"' %(v.getType().getId()) outStr += ' route = "%s"' %(v.getRoute()) outStr += ' depart = "%f"' %(v.getDepart()) #Debug Code #pdb.set_trace() if (v.getColor() is not None): outStr += ' color = "%s"' %(v.getColor()) if (v.getDepartLane() is not None): outStr += ' departLane = "%s"' %(v.getDepartLane()) if (v.getDepartPos() is not None): outStr += ' departPos = "%s"' %(v.getDepartPos()) if (v.getDepartSpeed() is not None): outStr += ' departSpeed = "%s"' %(v.getDepartSpeed()) if (v.getArrivalLane() is not None): outStr += ' arrivalLane = "%s"' %(v.getArrivalLane()) if (v.getArrivalPos() is not None): outStr += ' arrivalPos = "%s"' %(v.getArrivalPos()) if (v.getArrivalSpeed() is not None): outStr += ' arrivalSpeed = "%s"' %(v.getArrivalSpeed()) outStr += ' />' self.mPrintOutHandle.printOut(outStr) self.mPrintOutHandle.printOut(self.mXmlEnd) self.mPrintOutHandle.printOutEnd() def printOutPolyXml(self, iPolyList): self.mPrintOutHandle.printOut(self.mXmlHead) for poly in iPolyList: outStr = "" if (poly.getId() is not None and poly.getColor() is not None and len(poly.getShape()) > 0): outStr = ' <%s' %(PrintOutGridNetwork.TAG_POLY) outStr += ' id="%s"' %(poly.getId()) outStr += ' color="%s"' %(poly.getColor()) outStr += ' shape="' for p in poly.getShape(): outStr += "%f,%f " %(p.mX, p.mY) outStr = outStr[:len(outStr)-1] outStr += '" ' else: continue if(poly.getFill() is not None): outStr += ' fill="%d"' %(poly.getFill()) if(poly.getLayer() is not None): outStr += ' layer="%d"' %(poly.getLayer()) if(poly.getType() is not None): outStr += ' type="%s"' %(poly.getType()) if(poly.getImgFile() is not None): outStr += ' imgFile="%s"' %(poly.getImgFile()) outStr += ' />' self.mPrintOutHandle.printOut(outStr) self.mPrintOutHandle.printOut(self.mXmlEnd) self.mPrintOutHandle.printOutEnd()