def parse_args(self, args=None, values=None): """ parse_args(args : [string] = sys.argv[1:], values : Values = None) -> (values : Values, args : [string]) Parse the command-line options found in 'args' (default: sys.argv[1:]). Any errors result in a call to 'error()', which by default prints the usage message to stderr and calls sys.exit() with an error message. On success returns a pair (values, args) where 'values' is an Values instance (with all your option values) and 'args' is the list of arguments left over after parsing options. """ result = OptionParser.parse_args(self, args, values) if self.values.profile is None: self.exit(status=1, msg="You did not provide a profile, and the " "PROC_IMAP_PROFILE environment variable is not set.\n") else: try: self.values.profile = MailboxFactory(self.values.profile) except: raise return result
#!/usr/bin/env python """ This example shows how to restore a backup created by" """ from ProcImap.ImapMailbox import ImapMailbox from ProcImap.ImapMessage import ImapMessage from ProcImap.Utils.MailboxFactory import MailboxFactory from mailbox import mbox import sys # usage: backupmbox imapmailbox mailboxes = MailboxFactory('/home/goerz/.procimap/mailboxes.cfg') server = mailboxes.get_server('Gmail') mailbox = ImapMailbox((server, sys.argv[2])) backupsource = mbox(sys.argv[1], factory=ImapMessage) for message in backupsource: if message.has_key("X-ProcImap-Imapflags"): message.flags_from_string(message["X-ProcImap-Imapflags"]) del message["X-ProcImap-Imapflags"] if message.has_key("X-ProcImap-ImapInternalDate"): message. internaldate_from_string(message["X-ProcImap-ImapInternalDate"]) del message["X-ProcImap-ImapInternalDate"] mailbox.add(message) mailbox.close() backupsource.close() sys.exit(0)
#!/usr/bin/env python """ This example shows how to create a backup of an IMAP mailbox into an mbox folders. The IMAP attributes are stored in each message in special header fields" """ from ProcImap.ImapMailbox import ImapMailbox from ProcImap.Utils.MailboxFactory import MailboxFactory from mailbox import mbox import sys # usage: imapmailbox backupmbox mailboxes = MailboxFactory('/home/goerz/.procimap/mailboxes.cfg') server = mailboxes.get_server('Gmail') mailbox = ImapMailbox((server, sys.argv[1])) backuptarget = mbox(sys.argv[2]) backuptarget.lock() for message in mailbox: message.add_header("X-ProcImap-Imapflags", message.flagstring()) message.add_header("X-ProcImap-ImapInternalDate", message.internaldatestring()) backuptarget.add(message) mailbox.close() backuptarget.close() sys.exit(0)
#!/usr/bin/env python """ This example shows how to read mail on an imap server. """ import sys from ProcImap.Utils.MailboxFactory import MailboxFactory from ProcImap.Utils.Server import summary, display mailboxes = MailboxFactory('/home/goerz/.procimap/mailboxes.cfg') mailbox = mailboxes["Physik"] def help(): """ Print help message """ print "\nEnter message number to read the message" print "Enter 'd #', with # being a message number to delete a message" print "Press enter to quit\n" unseen = mailbox.get_unseen_uids() if len(unseen) == 0: print "No unread messages" sys.exit(0) else: if '--check' in sys.argv: sys.stdout.write("%s unread message" % len(unseen)) if len(unseen) > 1: sys.stdout.write("s\n") else: sys.stdout.write("\n")
from ProcImap.Utils.MailboxFactory import MailboxFactory from ProcImap.Utils.Processing import AddressListFile from time import time import sys import os import subprocess import re import email if sys.version_info > (3, 0): import pickle else: import cPickle as pickle try: inbox = MailboxFactory("/Users/goerz/.procimap/mailboxes.cfg")['Gmail'] prioritylist = AddressListFile("/Users/goerz/.procimap/priority.lst") notifylist = AddressListFile("/Users/goerz/.procimap/notify.lst") picklefile = "/Users/goerz/.procimap/notify.pickle" imageslist = "/Users/goerz/.procimap/pictures.txt" notifytimeout = 3600 unread_mails = {} unseen = inbox.get_unseen_uids() except: sys.exit(0) def get_icon(address):
from ProcImap.Utils.MailboxFactory import MailboxFactory from ProcImap.Utils.Processing import AddressListFile from time import time import sys import os import subprocess import re import email if sys.version_info > (3, 0): import pickle else: import cPickle as pickle try: inbox = MailboxFactory("/Users/goerz/.procimap/mailboxes.cfg")['Gmail'] prioritylist = AddressListFile("/Users/goerz/.procimap/priority.lst") notifylist = AddressListFile("/Users/goerz/.procimap/notify.lst") picklefile = "/Users/goerz/.procimap/notify.pickle" imageslist = "/Users/goerz/.procimap/pictures.txt" notifytimeout = 3600 unread_mails = {} unseen = inbox.get_unseen_uids() except: sys.exit(0) def get_icon(address): images_fh = open(imageslist)
def __init__(self, config = "/home/adam/.climap/conf", server = "Gmail"): factory = MailboxFactory(config) self.server = factory.get_server(server) self.labels = self.server.list() log.debug("ImapClient connected")