def filteredVocabulary(self):
        utility = getUtility(ICountriesStates)
        # Remeber that this widget must work for browsers without javascript
        # So, by default, there is no country selected, and all possible states
        # must be displayed.
        country = None

        # Try to get the country from the form.
        # We are replacing 'state' occurences on field name with 'country'
        country_field_id ='state', 'country')
        form_country = self.request.form.get(country_field_id, '')

        # If a country is known we can safely ignore any possible
        # setting of the state and just return the states for that
        # country: if the chosen country is The Netherlands there is
        # no sense in believing that the state is the Japanese
        # province of Hokkaido.
        if form_country == '':
            # No country is known.
            # Try to get the state from the form.
            state = self._getCurrentValue()
            if state and state not in utility.special_values:
                # A state has been chosen.  Take the first two letters of
                # the state value as the country.
                country = state[:2]
            country = form_country
        states = utility.states(country,
                                allow_no_values=not self.context.required)
        return TitledVocabulary.fromTitles(states)
Пример #2
def getAddressInfo(order,field):
    if not coreInterfaces.IShippableOrder.providedBy( order ):
        return "N/A"
    utility = zapi.getUtility(ICountriesStates)
    vocab_countries = TitledVocabulary.fromTitles(utility.countries)
    vocab_states = TitledVocabulary.fromTitles(utility.states())
    infos = order.shipping_address
    #Check if the shipping info is the same that the billing one and add the resulting one
    if infos.ship_same_billing:
        infos = order.billing_address
        order_info= {'name': infos.bill_name,
                'address': "%s %s" % (infos.bill_first_line or "" , infos.bill_second_line or ""),
                'city': infos.bill_city,
                'country': vocab_countries.getTerm(infos.bill_country).title,
                'state': infos.bill_state.split("-").pop(),
                'postal_code': infos.bill_postal_code}

        order_info= {'name': infos.ship_name,
                'address': "%s %s" % (infos.ship_first_line or "", infos.ship_second_line or ""),
                'city': infos.ship_city,
                'country': vocab_countries.getTerm(infos.ship_country).title,
                'state': infos.ship_state.split("-").pop(),
                'postal_code': infos.ship_postal_code}
    #Add the contact information
    contact = order.contact_information
    order_info['contact_name'] =
    order_info['email'] =
    order_info['phone'] = contact.phone_number
    #Finally the shipment info
    #Total Weight
    totalShipmentWeight = 0
    for eachProduct in order.shopping_cart.values():
        if coreInterfaces.IShippableLineItem.providedBy( eachProduct ):
            weightValue = eachProduct.weight * eachProduct.quantity
            totalShipmentWeight += weightValue
    order_info['weight'] = totalShipmentWeight
    #Service type
    service = component.queryUtility( coreInterfaces.IShippingRateService,
                                          order.shipping_service )
    order_info['service'] = service.getMethodName( order.shipping_method )

    return '%s' % order_info[field]
    def render( self ):

        # pull out the real order object from the traversable wrapper
        self.order = self.context._object

        pm = getToolByName(self.context, "portal_membership")

        # this check really shouldn't be hardcoded here.. -kapilt
        user = pm.getAuthenticatedMember()
        if not user.has_permission('PloneGetPaid: Manage Orders',self.context):
            user_id = user.getId()
            if 'Anonymous' in user.getRoles() or user_id != self.getUserId():
                raise Unauthorized, "Arbitrary Order Access Only for Managers"

        utility = component.getUtility(ICountriesStates)
        self.vocab_countries = TitledVocabulary.fromTitles(utility.countries)
        self.vocab_states = TitledVocabulary.fromTitles(utility.states())
        return self.__of__( self.__parent__ ).template()
Пример #4
    def render(self):

        # pull out the real order object from the traversable wrapper
        self.order = self.context._object

        pm = getToolByName(self.context, "portal_membership")

        # this check really shouldn't be hardcoded here.. -kapilt
        user = pm.getAuthenticatedMember()
        if not user.has_permission('PloneGetPaid: Manage Orders',
            user_id = user.getId()
            if 'Anonymous' in user.getRoles() or user_id != self.getUserId():
                raise Unauthorized, "Arbitrary Order Access Only for Managers"

        utility = component.getUtility(ICountriesStates)
        self.vocab_countries = TitledVocabulary.fromTitles(utility.countries)
        self.vocab_states = TitledVocabulary.fromTitles(utility.states())
        return self.__of__(self.__parent__).template()