Пример #1
class TrapTask(BaseTask, CaptureReplay):
    Listen for SNMP traps and turn them into events
    Connects to the TrapService service in zenhub.

    def __init__(self, taskName, configId,
                 scheduleIntervalSeconds=3600, taskConfig=None):
        BaseTask.__init__(self, taskName, configId,
                 scheduleIntervalSeconds, taskConfig)
        self.log = log

        # Needed for interface
        self.name = taskName
        self.configId = configId
        self.state = TaskStates.STATE_IDLE
        self.interval = scheduleIntervalSeconds
        self._daemon = zope.component.getUtility(ICollector)
        self._eventService = zope.component.queryUtility(IEventService)
        self._preferences = self._daemon
        self._statService = zope.component.queryUtility(IStatisticsService)
        # For compatibility with captureReplay
        self.options = self._daemon.options

        self.oidMap = self._daemon.oidMap
        self.stats = Stats()

        # Command-line argument sanity checking
        self._replayStarted = False
        if not self.options.replayFilePrefix:
            trapPort = self._preferences.options.trapport
            if not self._preferences.options.useFileDescriptor and trapPort < 1024:
                listen_ip = "ipv6" if ipv6_is_enabled() else ""
                # Makes call to zensocket here (does an exec* so it never returns)
                self._daemon.openPrivilegedPort('--listen', '--proto=udp', '--port=%s:%d' % (listen_ip, trapPort))
                self.log("Unexpected return from openPrivilegedPort. Exiting.")

            # Start listening for SNMP traps
            self.log.info("Starting to listen on SNMP trap port %s", trapPort)
            self.session = netsnmp.Session()
            listening_protocol = "udp6" if ipv6_is_enabled() else "udp"
            if self._preferences.options.useFileDescriptor is not None:
                # open port 1162, but then dup fileno onto it
                listening_address = listening_protocol + ':1162'
                fileno = int(self._preferences.options.useFileDescriptor)
                listening_address = '%s:%d' % (listening_protocol, trapPort)
                fileno = -1
            self._pre_parse_callback = _pre_parse_factory(self._pre_parse)
            debug = self.log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)
            self.session.awaitTraps(listening_address, fileno, self._pre_parse_callback, debug)
            self.session.callback = self.receiveTrap

    def doTask(self):
        This is a wait-around task since we really are called
        if self.options.replayFilePrefix and not self._replayStarted:
            log.debug("Replay starting...")
            log.debug("Replay done...")
        return defer.succeed("Waiting for SNMP traps...")

    def isReplaying(self):
        @returns True if we are replaying a packet instead of capturing one
        return len(self._preferences.options.replayFilePrefix) > 0

    def getEnterpriseString(self, pdu):
        Get the enterprise string from the PDU or replayed packet

        @param pdu: raw packet
        @type pdu: binary
        @return: enterprise string
        @rtype: string
        def lp2oid(ptr, length):
            "Convert a pointer to an array of longs to an OID"
            return '.'.join([str(ptr[i]) for i in range(length)])

        if hasattr(pdu, "fake"): # Replaying a packet
            enterprise = pdu.enterprise
            enterprise = lp2oid(pdu.enterprise, pdu.enterprise_length)
        return enterprise

    def getResult(self, pdu):
        Get the values from the PDU or replayed packet

        @param pdu: raw packet
        @type pdu: binary
        @return: variables from the PDU or Fake packet
        @rtype: dictionary
        if hasattr(pdu, "fake"): # Replaying a packet
            variables = pdu.variables
            variables = netsnmp.getResult(pdu)
        return variables

    def getCommunity(self, pdu):
        Get the community string from the PDU or replayed packet

        @param pdu: raw packet
        @type pdu: binary
        @return: SNMP community
        @rtype: string
        community = ''
        if hasattr(pdu, "fake"): # Replaying a packet
            community = pdu.community
        elif pdu.community_len:
                community = c.string_at(pdu.community, pdu.community_len)

        return community

    def convertPacketToPython(self, addr, pdu):
        Store the raw packet for later examination and troubleshooting.

        @param addr: packet-sending host's IP address and port
        @type addr: (string, number)
        @param pdu: raw packet
        @type pdu: binary
        @return: Python FakePacket object
        @rtype: Python FakePacket object
        packet = FakePacket()
        packet.version = pdu.version
        packet.host = addr[0]
        packet.port = addr[1]
        packet.variables = netsnmp.getResult(pdu)
        packet.community = ''
        packet.enterprise_length = pdu.enterprise_length

        # Here's where we start to encounter differences between packet types
        if pdu.version == SNMPv1:
            # SNMPv1 can't be received via IPv6
            packet.agent_addr =  [pdu.agent_addr[i] for i in range(4)]
            packet.trap_type = pdu.trap_type
            packet.specific_type = pdu.specific_type
            packet.enterprise = self.getEnterpriseString(pdu)
            packet.community = self.getCommunity(pdu)

        return packet

    def replay(self, pdu):
        Replay a captured packet

        @param pdu: raw packet
        @type pdu: binary
        ts = time.time()
        self.asyncHandleTrap([pdu.host, pdu.port], pdu, ts)

    def oid2name(self, oid, exactMatch=True, strip=False):
        Returns a MIB name based on an OID and special handling flags.

        @param oid: SNMP Object IDentifier
        @type oid: string
        @param exactMatch: find the full OID or don't match
        @type exactMatch: boolean
        @param strip: show what matched, or matched + numeric OID remainder
        @type strip: boolean
        @return: Twisted deferred object
        @rtype: Twisted deferred object
        if isinstance(oid, tuple):
            oid = '.'.join(map(str, oid))

        oid = oid.strip('.')
        if exactMatch:
            if oid in self.oidMap:
                return self.oidMap[oid]
                return oid

        oidlist = oid.split('.')
        for i in range(len(oidlist), 0, -1):
            name = self.oidMap.get('.'.join(oidlist[:i]), None)
            if name is None:

            oid_trail = oidlist[i:]
            if len(oid_trail) > 0 and not strip:
                return "%s.%s" % (name, '.'.join(oid_trail))
                return name

        return oid

    def _pre_parse(self, session, transport, transport_data, transport_data_length):
        """Called before the net-snmp library parses the PDU. In the case
        where a v3 trap comes in with unkwnown credentials, net-snmp silently
        discards the packet. This method gives zentrap a way to log that these
        packets were received to help with troubleshooting."""
        if self.log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            ipv6_socket_address = c.cast(transport_data, c.POINTER(sockaddr_in6)).contents
            if ipv6_socket_address.family == socket.AF_INET6:
                self.log.debug("pre_parse: IPv6 %s" % (socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, ipv6_socket_address.addr)))
            elif ipv6_socket_address.family == socket.AF_INET:
                ipv4_socket_address = c.cast(transport_data, c.POINTER(sockaddr_in)).contents
                self.log.debug("pre_parse: IPv4 %s" % socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, ipv4_socket_address.addr))
                self.log.debug("pre_parse: unexpected address family: %s" % ipv6_socket_address.family)
        return 1

    def receiveTrap(self, pdu):
        Accept a packet from the network and spin off a Twisted
        deferred to handle the packet.

        @param pdu: Net-SNMP object
        @type pdu: netsnmp_pdu object
        if pdu.version not in (SNMPv1, SNMPv2, SNMPv3):
            self.log.error("Unable to handle trap version %d", pdu.version)
        if pdu.transport_data is None:
            self.log.error("PDU does not contain transport data")

        ipv6_socket_address = c.cast(pdu.transport_data, c.POINTER(sockaddr_in6)).contents
        if ipv6_socket_address.family == socket.AF_INET6:
            if pdu.transport_data_length < c.sizeof(sockaddr_in6):
                self.log.error("PDU transport data is too small for sockaddr_in6 struct.")
            ip_address = self.getPacketIp(ipv6_socket_address.addr)
        elif ipv6_socket_address.family == socket.AF_INET:
            if pdu.transport_data_length < c.sizeof(sockaddr_in):
                self.log.error("PDU transport data is too small for sockaddr_in struct.")
            ipv4_socket_address = c.cast(pdu.transport_data, c.POINTER(sockaddr_in)).contents
            ip_address = '.'.join(str(i) for i in ipv4_socket_address.addr)
            self.log.error("Got a packet with unrecognized network family: %s", ipv6_socket_address.family)

        port = socket.ntohs(ipv6_socket_address.port)
        self.log.debug( "Received packet from %s at port %s" % (ip_address, port) )
        self.processPacket(ip_address, port, pdu, time.time())
        # update our total events stats
        totalTime, totalEvents, maxTime = self.stats.report()
        stat = self._statService.getStatistic("events")
        stat.value = totalEvents

    def getPacketIp(self, addr):
        For IPv4, convert a pointer to 4 bytes to a dotted-ip-address
        For IPv6, convert a pointer to 16 bytes to a canonical IPv6 address.

        def _gen_byte_pairs():
            for left, right in zip(addr[::2], addr[1::2]):
                yield "%.2x%.2x" % (left, right)

        v4_mapped_prefix = [0x00] * 10 + [0xff] * 2
        if addr[:len(v4_mapped_prefix)] == v4_mapped_prefix:
            ip_address = '.'.join(str(i) for i in addr[-4:])
                basic_v6_address = ':'.join(_gen_byte_pairs())
                ip_address = str(IPAddress(basic_v6_address, 6))
            except ValueError:
                self.log.warn("The IPv6 address is incorrect: %s", addr[:])
                ip_address = "::"
        return ip_address

    def processPacket(self, ip_address, port, pdu, ts):
        Wrapper around asyncHandleTrap to process the provided packet.

        @param pdu: Net-SNMP object
        @type pdu: netsnmp_pdu object
        @param ts: time stamp
        @type ts: datetime
        # At the end of this callback, pdu will be deleted, so copy it
        # for asynchronous processing
        dup = netsnmp.lib.snmp_clone_pdu(c.byref(pdu))
        if not dup:
            self.log.error("Could not clone PDU for asynchronous processing")

        def cleanup(result):
            Twisted callback to delete a previous memory allocation

            @param result: Net-SNMP object
            @type result: netsnmp_pdu object
            @return: the result parameter
            @rtype: binary
            return result

        d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.asyncHandleTrap, (ip_address, port), dup.contents, ts)

    def _value_from_dateandtime(self, value):
        Tries converting a DateAndTime value to a printable string.

        A date-time specification.
        field  octets  contents                  range
        -----  ------  --------                  -----
        1      1-2     year*                     0..65536
        2        3     month                     1..12
        3        4     day                       1..31
        4        5     hour                      0..23
        5        6     minutes                   0..59
        6        7     seconds                   0..60
                      (use 60 for leap-second)
        7        8     deci-seconds              0..9
        8        9     direction from UTC        '+' / '-'
        9       10     hours from UTC*           0..13
        10      11     minutes from UTC          0..59
        strval = None
        vallen = len(value)
        if vallen == 8 or (vallen == 11 and value[8] in ('+','-')):
            (year, mon, day, hour, mins, secs, dsecs) = unpack(">HBBBBBB", value[:8])
            # Ensure valid date representation
            if mon < 1 or mon > 12:
                return None
            if day < 1 or day > 31:
                return None
            if hour < 0 or hour > 23:
                return None
            if mins > 60:
                return None
            if secs > 60:
                return None
            if dsecs > 9:
                return None
            if vallen == 11:
                utc_dir = value[8]
                (utc_hours, utc_mins) = unpack(">BB", value[9:])
                tz_mins = time.timezone / 60
                if tz_mins < 0:
                    utc_dir = '-'
                    tz_mins = -tz_mins
                    utc_dir = '+'
                utc_hours = tz_mins / 60
                utc_mins = tz_mins % 60
            strval = "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%d00%s%02d:%02d" % (year,
                mon, day, hour, mins, secs, dsecs, utc_dir, utc_hours, utc_mins)

        return strval

    def _convert_value(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, basestring):
            return value
            return value
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            # Try converting to a date
            decoded = self._value_from_dateandtime(value)
            if not decoded:
                decoded = 'BASE64:' + base64.b64encode(value)
            return decoded

    def snmpInform(self, addr, pdu):
        A SNMP trap can request that the trap recipient return back a response.
        This is where we do that.
        reply = netsnmp.lib.snmp_clone_pdu(c.byref(pdu))
        if not reply:
            self.log.error("Could not clone PDU for INFORM response")
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot respond to INFORM PDU")
        reply.contents.command = netsnmp.SNMP_MSG_RESPONSE
        reply.contents.errstat = 0
        reply.contents.errindex = 0

        # FIXME: might need to add udp6 for IPv6 addresses
        sess = netsnmp.Session(peername='%s:%d' % tuple(addr),
        if not netsnmp.lib.snmp_send(sess.sess, reply):
            netsnmp.lib.snmp_sess_perror("Unable to send inform PDU",

    def decodeSnmpv1(self, addr, pdu):
        eventType = 'unknown'
        result = {}

        variables = self.getResult(pdu)

        # Sometimes the agent_addr is useless.
        # Use addr[0] unchanged in this case.
        # Note that SNMPv1 packets *cannot* come in via IPv6
        new_addr = '.'.join(map(str, [pdu.agent_addr[i] for i in range(4)]))
        result["device"] = addr[0] if new_addr == "" or new_addr.startswith('127') else new_addr

        enterprise = self.getEnterpriseString(pdu)
        eventType = self.oid2name(
                enterprise, exactMatch=False, strip=False)
        generic = pdu.trap_type
        specific = pdu.specific_type

        # Try an exact match with a .0. inserted between enterprise and
        # specific OID. It seems that MIBs frequently expect this .0.
        # to exist, but the device's don't send it in the trap.
        result["oid"] = "%s.0.%d" % (enterprise, specific)
        name = self.oid2name(result["oid"], exactMatch=True, strip=False)

        # If we didn't get a match with the .0. inserted we will try
        # resolving with the .0. inserted and allow partial matches.
        if name == result["oid"]:
            result["oid"] = "%s.%d" % (enterprise, specific)
            name = self.oid2name(result["oid"], exactMatch=False, strip=False)

        # Look for the standard trap types and decode them without
        # relying on any MIBs being loaded.
        eventType = {
            0: 'snmp_coldStart',
            1: 'snmp_warmStart',
            2: 'snmp_linkDown',
            3: 'snmp_linkUp',
            4: 'snmp_authenticationFailure',
            5: 'snmp_egpNeighorLoss',
            6: name,
        }.get(generic, name)

        # Decode all variable bindings. Allow partial matches and strip
        # off any index values.
        for vb_oid, vb_value in variables:
            vb_value = self._convert_value(vb_value)
            vb_oid = '.'.join(map(str, vb_oid))

            # Add a detail for the variable binding.
            r = self.oid2name(vb_oid, exactMatch=False, strip=False)
            result[r] = vb_value

            # Add a detail for the index-stripped variable binding.
            r = self.oid2name(vb_oid, exactMatch=False, strip=True)
            result[r] = vb_value
        return eventType, result

    def decodeSnmpv2(self, addr, pdu):
        eventType = 'unknown'
        result = {"oid": "", "device": addr[0]}

        variables = self.getResult(pdu)
        for vb_oid, vb_value in variables:
            vb_value = self._convert_value(vb_value)
            vb_oid = '.'.join(map(str, vb_oid))
            # SNMPv2-MIB/snmpTrapOID
            if vb_oid == '':
                result["oid"] = '.'.join(map(str, vb_value))
                eventType = self.oid2name(
                        vb_value, exactMatch=False, strip=False)
                # Add a detail for the variable binding.
                r = self.oid2name(vb_oid, exactMatch=False, strip=False)
                result[r] = vb_value
                # Add a detail for the index-stripped variable binding.
                r = self.oid2name(vb_oid, exactMatch=False, strip=True)
                result[r] = vb_value
        if eventType in ["linkUp", "linkDown"]:
            eventType = "snmp_" + eventType
        return eventType, result

    def asyncHandleTrap(self, addr, pdu, startProcessTime):
        Twisted callback to process a trap

        @param addr: packet-sending host's IP address, port info
        @type addr: ( host-ip, port)
        @param pdu: Net-SNMP object
        @type pdu: netsnmp_pdu object
        @param startProcessTime: time stamp
        @type startProcessTime: datetime
        @return: Twisted deferred object
        @rtype: Twisted deferred object
        self.capturePacket(addr[0], addr, pdu)

        # Some misbehaving agents will send SNMPv1 traps contained within
        # an SNMPv2c PDU. So we can't trust tpdu.version to determine what
        # version trap exists within the PDU. We need to assume that a
        # PDU contains an SNMPv1 trap if the enterprise_length is greater
        # than zero in addition to the PDU version being 0.
        if pdu.version == SNMPv1 or pdu.enterprise_length > 0:
            self.log.debug("SNMPv1 trap, Addr: %s PDU Agent Addr: %s", str(addr), str(pdu.agent_addr))
            eventType, result = self.decodeSnmpv1(addr, pdu)
        elif pdu.version in (SNMPv2, SNMPv3):
            self.log.debug("SNMPv2 or v3 trap, Addr: %s", str(addr))
            eventType, result = self.decodeSnmpv2(addr, pdu)
            self.log.error("Unable to handle trap version %d", pdu.version)

        community = self.getCommunity(pdu)
        self.sendTrapEvent(result, community, eventType,

        if self.isReplaying():
            self.replayed += 1
            # Don't attempt to respond back if we're replaying packets

        if pdu.command == netsnmp.SNMP_MSG_INFORM:
            self.snmpInform(addr, pdu)

    def sendTrapEvent(self, result, community, eventType, startProcessTime):
        summary = 'snmp trap %s' % eventType
        result.setdefault('component', '')
        result.setdefault('eventClassKey', eventType)
        result.setdefault('eventGroup', 'trap')
        result.setdefault('severity', SEVERITY_WARNING)
        result.setdefault('summary', summary)
        result.setdefault('community', community)
        result.setdefault('firstTime', startProcessTime)
        result.setdefault('lastTime', startProcessTime)
        result.setdefault('monitor', self.options.monitor)
        self.stats.add(time.time() - startProcessTime)

    def displayStatistics(self):
        totalTime, totalEvents, maxTime = self.stats.report()
        display = "%d events processed in %.2f seconds" % (
        if totalEvents > 0:
            display += """
%.5f average seconds per event
Maximum processing time for one event was %.5f""" % (
                       (totalTime / totalEvents), maxTime)
        return display

    def cleanup(self):
        if self.session:
        status = self.displayStatistics()
Пример #2
class TrapTask(BaseTask, CaptureReplay):
    Listen for SNMP traps and turn them into events
    Connects to the TrapService service in zenhub.

    def __init__(self,
        BaseTask.__init__(self, taskName, configId, scheduleIntervalSeconds,
        self.log = log

        # Needed for interface
        self.name = taskName
        self.configId = configId
        self.state = TaskStates.STATE_IDLE
        self.interval = scheduleIntervalSeconds
        self._daemon = zope.component.getUtility(ICollector)
        self._eventService = zope.component.queryUtility(IEventService)
        self._preferences = self._daemon
        self._statService = zope.component.queryUtility(IStatisticsService)
        # For compatibility with captureReplay
        self.options = self._daemon.options

        self.oidMap = self._daemon.oidMap
        self.stats = Stats()

        # Command-line argument sanity checking
        self.session = None
        self._replayStarted = False
        if not self.options.replayFilePrefix:
            trapPort = self._preferences.options.trapport
            if not self._preferences.options.useFileDescriptor and trapPort < 1024:
                listen_ip = "ipv6" if ipv6_is_enabled() else ""
                # Makes call to zensocket here (does an exec* so it never returns)
                    '--listen', '--proto=udp',
                    '--port=%s:%d' % (listen_ip, trapPort))
                self.log("Unexpected return from openPrivilegedPort. Exiting.")

            # Start listening for SNMP traps
            self.log.info("Starting to listen on SNMP trap port %s", trapPort)
            self.session = netsnmp.Session()
            listening_protocol = "udp6" if ipv6_is_enabled() else "udp"
            if self._preferences.options.useFileDescriptor is not None:
                # open port 1162, but then dup fileno onto it
                listening_address = listening_protocol + ':1162'
                fileno = int(self._preferences.options.useFileDescriptor)
                listening_address = '%s:%d' % (listening_protocol, trapPort)
                fileno = -1
            self._pre_parse_callback = _pre_parse_factory(self._pre_parse)
            debug = self.log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)
            self.session.awaitTraps(listening_address, fileno,
                                    self._pre_parse_callback, debug)
            self.session.callback = self.receiveTrap

    def doTask(self):
        This is a wait-around task since we really are called
        if self.options.replayFilePrefix and not self._replayStarted:
            log.debug("Replay starting...")
            self._replayStarted = True
            log.debug("Replay done...")
        return defer.succeed("Waiting for SNMP traps...")

    def isReplaying(self):
        @returns True if we are replaying a packet instead of capturing one
        return len(self._preferences.options.replayFilePrefix) > 0

    def getEnterpriseString(self, pdu):
        Get the enterprise string from the PDU or replayed packet

        @param pdu: raw packet
        @type pdu: binary
        @return: enterprise string
        @rtype: string
        def lp2oid(ptr, length):
            "Convert a pointer to an array of longs to an OID"
            return '.'.join([str(ptr[i]) for i in range(length)])

        if hasattr(pdu, "fake"):  # Replaying a packet
            enterprise = pdu.enterprise
            enterprise = lp2oid(pdu.enterprise, pdu.enterprise_length)
        return enterprise

    def getResult(self, pdu):
        Get the values from the PDU or replayed packet

        @param pdu: raw packet
        @type pdu: binary
        @return: variables from the PDU or Fake packet
        @rtype: dictionary
        if hasattr(pdu, "fake"):  # Replaying a packet
            variables = pdu.variables
            variables = netsnmp.getResult(pdu)
        return variables

    def getCommunity(self, pdu):
        Get the community string from the PDU or replayed packet

        @param pdu: raw packet
        @type pdu: binary
        @return: SNMP community
        @rtype: string
        community = ''
        if hasattr(pdu, "fake"):  # Replaying a packet
            community = pdu.community
        elif pdu.community_len:
            community = c.string_at(pdu.community, pdu.community_len)

        return community

    def convertPacketToPython(self, addr, pdu):
        Store the raw packet for later examination and troubleshooting.

        @param addr: packet-sending host's IP address and port
        @type addr: (string, number)
        @param pdu: raw packet
        @type pdu: binary
        @return: Python FakePacket object
        @rtype: Python FakePacket object
        packet = FakePacket()
        packet.version = pdu.version
        packet.host = addr[0]
        packet.port = addr[1]
        packet.variables = netsnmp.getResult(pdu)
        packet.community = ''
        packet.enterprise_length = pdu.enterprise_length

        # Here's where we start to encounter differences between packet types
        if pdu.version == SNMPv1:
            # SNMPv1 can't be received via IPv6
            packet.agent_addr = [pdu.agent_addr[i] for i in range(4)]
            packet.trap_type = pdu.trap_type
            packet.specific_type = pdu.specific_type
            packet.enterprise = self.getEnterpriseString(pdu)
            packet.community = self.getCommunity(pdu)

        return packet

    def replay(self, pdu):
        Replay a captured packet

        @param pdu: raw packet
        @type pdu: binary
        ts = time.time()
        self.asyncHandleTrap([pdu.host, pdu.port], pdu, ts)

    def oid2name(self, oid, exactMatch=True, strip=False):
        Returns a MIB name based on an OID and special handling flags.

        @param oid: SNMP Object IDentifier
        @type oid: string
        @param exactMatch: find the full OID or don't match
        @type exactMatch: boolean
        @param strip: show what matched, or matched + numeric OID remainder
        @type strip: boolean
        @return: Twisted deferred object
        @rtype: Twisted deferred object
        if isinstance(oid, tuple):
            oid = '.'.join(map(str, oid))

        oid = oid.strip('.')
        if exactMatch:
            if oid in self.oidMap:
                return self.oidMap[oid]
                return oid

        oidlist = oid.split('.')
        for i in range(len(oidlist), 0, -1):
            name = self.oidMap.get('.'.join(oidlist[:i]), None)
            if name is None:

            oid_trail = oidlist[i:]
            if len(oid_trail) > 0 and not strip:
                return "%s.%s" % (name, '.'.join(oid_trail))
                return name

        return oid

    def _pre_parse(self, session, transport, transport_data,
        """Called before the net-snmp library parses the PDU. In the case
        where a v3 trap comes in with unkwnown credentials, net-snmp silently
        discards the packet. This method gives zentrap a way to log that these
        packets were received to help with troubleshooting."""
        if self.log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            ipv6_socket_address = c.cast(transport_data,
            if ipv6_socket_address.family == socket.AF_INET6:
                self.log.debug("pre_parse: IPv6 %s" % (socket.inet_ntop(
                    socket.AF_INET6, ipv6_socket_address.addr)))
            elif ipv6_socket_address.family == socket.AF_INET:
                ipv4_socket_address = c.cast(transport_data,
                    "pre_parse: IPv4 %s" %
                    socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, ipv4_socket_address.addr))
                self.log.debug("pre_parse: unexpected address family: %s" %
        return 1

    def receiveTrap(self, pdu):
        Accept a packet from the network and spin off a Twisted
        deferred to handle the packet.

        @param pdu: Net-SNMP object
        @type pdu: netsnmp_pdu object
        if pdu.version not in (SNMPv1, SNMPv2, SNMPv3):
            self.log.error("Unable to handle trap version %d", pdu.version)
        if pdu.transport_data is None:
            self.log.error("PDU does not contain transport data")

        ipv6_socket_address = c.cast(pdu.transport_data,
        if ipv6_socket_address.family == socket.AF_INET6:
            if pdu.transport_data_length < c.sizeof(sockaddr_in6):
                    "PDU transport data is too small for sockaddr_in6 struct.")
            ip_address = self.getPacketIp(ipv6_socket_address.addr)
        elif ipv6_socket_address.family == socket.AF_INET:
            if pdu.transport_data_length < c.sizeof(sockaddr_in):
                    "PDU transport data is too small for sockaddr_in struct.")
            ipv4_socket_address = c.cast(pdu.transport_data,
            ip_address = '.'.join(str(i) for i in ipv4_socket_address.addr)
            self.log.error("Got a packet with unrecognized network family: %s",

        port = socket.ntohs(ipv6_socket_address.port)
        self.log.debug("Received packet from %s at port %s" %
                       (ip_address, port))
        self.processPacket(ip_address, port, pdu, time.time())
        # update our total events stats
        totalTime, totalEvents, maxTime = self.stats.report()
        stat = self._statService.getStatistic("events")
        stat.value = totalEvents

    def getPacketIp(self, addr):
        For IPv4, convert a pointer to 4 bytes to a dotted-ip-address
        For IPv6, convert a pointer to 16 bytes to a canonical IPv6 address.
        def _gen_byte_pairs():
            for left, right in zip(addr[::2], addr[1::2]):
                yield "%.2x%.2x" % (left, right)

        v4_mapped_prefix = [0x00] * 10 + [0xff] * 2
        if addr[:len(v4_mapped_prefix)] == v4_mapped_prefix:
            ip_address = '.'.join(str(i) for i in addr[-4:])
                basic_v6_address = ':'.join(_gen_byte_pairs())
                ip_address = str(IPAddress(basic_v6_address, 6))
            except ValueError:
                self.log.warn("The IPv6 address is incorrect: %s", addr[:])
                ip_address = "::"
        return ip_address

    def processPacket(self, ip_address, port, pdu, ts):
        Wrapper around asyncHandleTrap to process the provided packet.

        @param pdu: Net-SNMP object
        @type pdu: netsnmp_pdu object
        @param ts: time stamp
        @type ts: datetime
        # At the end of this callback, pdu will be deleted, so copy it
        # for asynchronous processing
        dup = netsnmp.lib.snmp_clone_pdu(c.byref(pdu))
        if not dup:
            self.log.error("Could not clone PDU for asynchronous processing")

        def cleanup(result):
            Twisted callback to delete a previous memory allocation

            @param result: Net-SNMP object
            @type result: netsnmp_pdu object
            @return: the result parameter
            @rtype: binary
            return result

        d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.asyncHandleTrap, (ip_address, port),
                                dup.contents, ts)

    def _value_from_dateandtime(self, value):
        Tries converting a DateAndTime value to a printable string.

        A date-time specification.
        field  octets  contents                  range
        -----  ------  --------                  -----
        1      1-2     year*                     0..65536
        2        3     month                     1..12
        3        4     day                       1..31
        4        5     hour                      0..23
        5        6     minutes                   0..59
        6        7     seconds                   0..60
                      (use 60 for leap-second)
        7        8     deci-seconds              0..9
        8        9     direction from UTC        '+' / '-'
        9       10     hours from UTC*           0..13
        10      11     minutes from UTC          0..59
        # Some traps send invalid UTC times (direction/hours/minutes all zeros)
        if value[8:] == '\x00\x00\x00':
            value = value[:8]
        vallen = len(value)
        if vallen == 8 or (vallen == 11 and value[8] in ('+', '-')):
            (year, mon, day, hour, mins, secs,
             dsecs) = unpack(">HBBBBBB", value[:8])
            # Ensure valid date representation
            if mon < 1 or mon > 12:
                return None
            if day < 1 or day > 31:
                return None
            if hour < 0 or hour > 23:
                return None
            if mins > 60:
                return None
            if secs > 60:
                return None
            if dsecs > 9:
                return None
            if vallen == 11:
                utc_dir = value[8]
                (utc_hours, utc_mins) = unpack(">BB", value[9:])
                tz_mins = time.timezone / 60
                if tz_mins < 0:
                    utc_dir = '-'
                    tz_mins = -tz_mins
                    utc_dir = '+'
                utc_hours = tz_mins / 60
                utc_mins = tz_mins % 60
            return "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%d00%s%02d:%02d" % (
                year, mon, day, hour, mins, secs, dsecs, utc_dir, utc_hours,

    def _convert_value(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, basestring):
            return value
            return value
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            # Try converting to a date
            decoded = self._value_from_dateandtime(value)
            if not decoded:
                decoded = 'BASE64:' + base64.b64encode(value)
            return decoded

    def snmpInform(self, addr, pdu):
        A SNMP trap can request that the trap recipient return back a response.
        This is where we do that.
        reply = netsnmp.lib.snmp_clone_pdu(c.byref(pdu))
        if not reply:
            self.log.error("Could not clone PDU for INFORM response")
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot respond to INFORM PDU")
        reply.contents.command = netsnmp.SNMP_MSG_RESPONSE
        reply.contents.errstat = 0
        reply.contents.errindex = 0

        # FIXME: might need to add udp6 for IPv6 addresses
        sess = netsnmp.Session(peername='%s:%d' % tuple(addr),
        if not netsnmp.lib.snmp_send(sess.sess, reply):
            netsnmp.lib.snmp_sess_perror("Unable to send inform PDU",

    def _add_varbind_detail(self, result, oid, value):
        # Add a detail for the variable binding.
        detail_name = self.oid2name(oid, exactMatch=False, strip=False)

        # Add a detail for the index-stripped variable binding.
        detail_name_stripped = self.oid2name(oid, exactMatch=False, strip=True)
        if detail_name_stripped != detail_name:

    def decodeSnmpv1(self, addr, pdu):
        result = {}

        variables = self.getResult(pdu)

        result["device"] = addr[0]

        enterprise = self.getEnterpriseString(pdu)
        generic = pdu.trap_type
        specific = pdu.specific_type

        # Try an exact match with a .0. inserted between enterprise and
        # specific OID. It seems that MIBs frequently expect this .0.
        # to exist, but the device's don't send it in the trap.
        result["oid"] = "%s.0.%d" % (enterprise, specific)
        name = self.oid2name(result["oid"], exactMatch=True, strip=False)

        # If we didn't get a match with the .0. inserted we will try
        # resolving with the .0. inserted and allow partial matches.
        if name == result["oid"]:
            result["oid"] = "%s.%d" % (enterprise, specific)
            name = self.oid2name(result["oid"], exactMatch=False, strip=False)

        # Look for the standard trap types and decode them without
        # relying on any MIBs being loaded.
        eventType = {
            0: 'snmp_coldStart',
            1: 'snmp_warmStart',
            2: 'snmp_linkDown',
            3: 'snmp_linkUp',
            4: 'snmp_authenticationFailure',
            5: 'snmp_egpNeighorLoss',
            6: name,
        }.get(generic, name)

        # Decode all variable bindings. Allow partial matches and strip
        # off any index values.
        vb_result = defaultdict(list)
        for vb_oid, vb_value in variables:
            vb_value = self._convert_value(vb_value)
            vb_oid = '.'.join(map(str, vb_oid))
            self._add_varbind_detail(vb_result, vb_oid, vb_value)

            {name: ','.join(vals)
             for name, vals in vb_result.iteritems()})
        return eventType, result

    def decodeSnmpv2(self, addr, pdu):
        eventType = 'unknown'
        result = {"oid": "", "device": addr[0]}
        variables = self.getResult(pdu)

        vb_result = defaultdict(list)
        for vb_oid, vb_value in variables:
            vb_value = self._convert_value(vb_value)
            vb_oid = '.'.join(map(str, vb_oid))
            # SNMPv2-MIB/snmpTrapOID
            if vb_oid == '':
                result["oid"] = '.'.join(map(str, vb_value))
                eventType = self.oid2name(vb_value,
                self._add_varbind_detail(vb_result, vb_oid, vb_value)
            {name: ','.join(vals)
             for name, vals in vb_result.iteritems()})

        if eventType in ["linkUp", "linkDown"]:
            eventType = "snmp_" + eventType
        return eventType, result

    def asyncHandleTrap(self, addr, pdu, startProcessTime):
        Twisted callback to process a trap

        @param addr: packet-sending host's IP address, port info
        @type addr: ( host-ip, port)
        @param pdu: Net-SNMP object
        @type pdu: netsnmp_pdu object
        @param startProcessTime: time stamp
        @type startProcessTime: datetime
        @return: Twisted deferred object
        @rtype: Twisted deferred object
        self.capturePacket(addr[0], addr, pdu)

        # Some misbehaving agents will send SNMPv1 traps contained within
        # an SNMPv2c PDU. So we can't trust tpdu.version to determine what
        # version trap exists within the PDU. We need to assume that a
        # PDU contains an SNMPv1 trap if the enterprise_length is greater
        # than zero in addition to the PDU version being 0.
        if pdu.version == SNMPv1 or pdu.enterprise_length > 0:
            self.log.debug("SNMPv1 trap, Addr: %s PDU Agent Addr: %s",
                           str(addr), str(pdu.agent_addr))
            eventType, result = self.decodeSnmpv1(addr, pdu)
        elif pdu.version in (SNMPv2, SNMPv3):
            self.log.debug("SNMPv2 or v3 trap, Addr: %s", str(addr))
            eventType, result = self.decodeSnmpv2(addr, pdu)
            self.log.error("Unable to handle trap version %d", pdu.version)

        community = self.getCommunity(pdu)
        self.sendTrapEvent(result, community, eventType, startProcessTime)

        if self.isReplaying():
            self.replayed += 1
            # Don't attempt to respond back if we're replaying packets

        if pdu.command == netsnmp.SNMP_MSG_INFORM:
            self.snmpInform(addr, pdu)

    def sendTrapEvent(self, result, community, eventType, startProcessTime):
        summary = 'snmp trap %s' % eventType
        result.setdefault('component', '')
        result.setdefault('eventClassKey', eventType)
        result.setdefault('eventGroup', 'trap')
        result.setdefault('severity', SEVERITY_WARNING)
        result.setdefault('summary', summary)
        result.setdefault('community', community)
        result.setdefault('firstTime', startProcessTime)
        result.setdefault('lastTime', startProcessTime)
        result.setdefault('monitor', self.options.monitor)
        self.stats.add(time.time() - startProcessTime)

    def displayStatistics(self):
        totalTime, totalEvents, maxTime = self.stats.report()
        display = "%d events processed in %.2f seconds" % (totalEvents,
        if totalEvents > 0:
            display += """
%.5f average seconds per event
Maximum processing time for one event was %.5f""" % (
                (totalTime / totalEvents), maxTime)
        return display

    def cleanup(self):
        if self.session:
        status = self.displayStatistics()
Пример #3
class TrapTask(BaseTask, CaptureReplay):
    Listen for SNMP traps and turn them into events
    Connects to the TrapService service in zenhub.
    _varbind_processors = {
        LEGACY_VARBIND_COPY_MODE: _LegacyVarbindProcessor,
        DIRECT_VARBIND_COPY_MODE: _DirectVarbindProcessor,
        MIXED_VARBIND_COPY_MODE: _MixedVarbindProcessor,

    def __init__(
            self, taskName, configId, scheduleIntervalSeconds=3600,
            self, taskName, configId, scheduleIntervalSeconds, taskConfig
        self.log = log

        # Needed for interface
        self.name = taskName
        self.configId = configId
        self.state = TaskStates.STATE_IDLE
        self.interval = scheduleIntervalSeconds
        self._daemon = getUtility(ICollector)
        self._eventService = queryUtility(IEventService)
        self._preferences = self._daemon
        self._statService = queryUtility(IStatisticsService)
        # For compatibility with captureReplay
        self.options = self._daemon.options
        self.oidMap = self._daemon.oidMap
        self.stats = Stats()

        # Command-line argument sanity checking
        self.session = None
        self._replayStarted = False
        self.varbindCopyMode = self.options.varbindCopyMode

        if self.varbindCopyMode not in [LEGACY_VARBIND_COPY_MODE, 
            self.varbindCopyMode = MIXED_VARBIND_COPY_MODE
                "Wrong 'varbindCopyMode' value. 'varbindCopyMode=%s' will be used", 

        processor_class = self._varbind_processors.get(self.varbindCopyMode)
        self._process_varbinds = processor_class(self.oid2name)

        if not self.options.replayFilePrefix:
            trapPort = self._preferences.options.trapport
            if not self.options.useFileDescriptor and trapPort < 1024:
                listen_ip = "ipv6" if ipv6_is_enabled() else ""
                # Makes call to zensocket here
                # does an exec* so it never returns
                    '--port=%s:%d' % (listen_ip, trapPort)
                self.log("Unexpected return from openPrivilegedPort. Exiting.")

            # Start listening for SNMP traps
            self.log.info("Starting to listen on SNMP trap port %s", trapPort)
            self.session = netsnmp.Session()
            listening_protocol = "udp6" if ipv6_is_enabled() else "udp"
            if self._preferences.options.useFileDescriptor is not None:
                # open port 1162, but then dup fileno onto it
                listening_address = listening_protocol + ':1162'
                fileno = int(self._preferences.options.useFileDescriptor)
                listening_address = '%s:%d' % (listening_protocol, trapPort)
                fileno = -1
            self._pre_parse_callback = _pre_parse_factory(self._pre_parse)
                listening_address, fileno, self._pre_parse_callback, debug=True
            self.session.callback = self.receiveTrap

    def doTask(self):
        This is a wait-around task since we really are called
        if self.options.replayFilePrefix and not self._replayStarted:
            log.debug("Replay starting...")
            self._replayStarted = True
            log.debug("Replay done...")
        return defer.succeed("Waiting for SNMP traps...")

    def isReplaying(self):
        @returns True if we are replaying a packet instead of capturing one
        return len(self._preferences.options.replayFilePrefix) > 0

    def getEnterpriseString(self, pdu):
        Get the enterprise string from the PDU or replayed packet

        @param pdu: raw packet
        @type pdu: binary
        @return: enterprise string
        @rtype: string
        if hasattr(pdu, "fake"):  # Replaying a packet
            return pdu.enterprise
        return '.'.join(
            str(pdu.enterprise[i]) for i in range(pdu.enterprise_length)

    def getResult(self, pdu):
        Get the values from the PDU or replayed packet

        @param pdu: raw packet
        @type pdu: binary
        @return: variables from the PDU or Fake packet
        @rtype: dictionary
        if hasattr(pdu, "fake"):  # Replaying a packet
            return pdu.variables
        return netsnmp.getResult(pdu, self.log)

    def getCommunity(self, pdu):
        Get the community string from the PDU or replayed packet

        @param pdu: raw packet
        @type pdu: binary
        @return: SNMP community
        @rtype: string
        if hasattr(pdu, "fake"):  # Replaying a packet
            return pdu.community
        elif pdu.community_len:
            return c.string_at(pdu.community, pdu.community_len)
        return ''

    def convertPacketToPython(self, addr, pdu):
        Store the raw packet for later examination and troubleshooting.

        @param addr: packet-sending host's IP address and port
        @type addr: (string, number)
        @param pdu: raw packet
        @type pdu: binary
        @return: Python FakePacket object
        @rtype: Python FakePacket object
        packet = FakePacket()
        packet.version = pdu.version
        packet.host = addr[0]
        packet.port = addr[1]
        packet.variables = netsnmp.getResult(pdu, self.log)
        packet.community = ''
        packet.enterprise_length = pdu.enterprise_length

        # Here's where we start to encounter differences between packet types
        if pdu.version == SNMPv1:
            # SNMPv1 can't be received via IPv6
            packet.agent_addr = [pdu.agent_addr[i] for i in range(4)]
            packet.trap_type = pdu.trap_type
            packet.specific_type = pdu.specific_type
            packet.enterprise = self.getEnterpriseString(pdu)
            packet.community = self.getCommunity(pdu)

        return packet

    def replay(self, pdu):
        Replay a captured packet

        @param pdu: raw packet
        @type pdu: binary
        ts = time.time()
        self.asyncHandleTrap([pdu.host, pdu.port], pdu, ts)

    def oid2name(self, oid, exactMatch=True, strip=False):
        Returns a MIB name based on an OID and special handling flags.

        @param oid: SNMP Object IDentifier
        @type oid: string
        @param exactMatch: find the full OID or don't match
        @type exactMatch: boolean
        @param strip: show what matched, or matched + numeric OID remainder
        @type strip: boolean
        @return: Twisted deferred object
        @rtype: Twisted deferred object
        if isinstance(oid, tuple):
            oid = '.'.join(map(str, oid))

        oid = oid.strip('.')
        if exactMatch:
            return self.oidMap.get(oid, oid)

        oidlist = oid.split('.')
        for i in range(len(oidlist), 0, -1):
            name = self.oidMap.get('.'.join(oidlist[:i]), None)
            if name is None:

            oid_trail = oidlist[i:]
            if len(oid_trail) > 0 and not strip:
                return "%s.%s" % (name, '.'.join(oid_trail))
            return name

        return oid

    def _pre_parse(
            self, session, transport, transport_data, transport_data_length):
        """Called before the net-snmp library parses the PDU. In the case
        where a v3 trap comes in with unkwnown credentials, net-snmp silently
        discards the packet. This method gives zentrap a way to log that these
        packets were received to help with troubleshooting.
        if self.log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            ipv6_socket_address = c.cast(
                transport_data, c.POINTER(sockaddr_in6)
            if ipv6_socket_address.family == socket.AF_INET6:
                    "pre_parse: IPv6 %s",
                        socket.AF_INET6, ipv6_socket_address.addr
            elif ipv6_socket_address.family == socket.AF_INET:
                ipv4_socket_address = c.cast(
                    transport_data, c.POINTER(sockaddr_in)
                    "pre_parse: IPv4 %s",
                    socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, ipv4_socket_address.addr)
                    "pre_parse: unexpected address family: %s",
        return 1

    def receiveTrap(self, pdu):
        Accept a packet from the network and spin off a Twisted
        deferred to handle the packet.

        @param pdu: Net-SNMP object
        @type pdu: netsnmp_pdu object
        if pdu.version not in (SNMPv1, SNMPv2, SNMPv3):
            self.log.error("Unable to handle trap version %d", pdu.version)
        if pdu.transport_data is None:
            self.log.error("PDU does not contain transport data")

        ipv6_socket_address = c.cast(
            pdu.transport_data, c.POINTER(sockaddr_in6)
        if ipv6_socket_address.family == socket.AF_INET6:
            if pdu.transport_data_length < c.sizeof(sockaddr_in6):
                    "PDU transport data is too small for sockaddr_in6 struct."
            ip_address = self.getPacketIp(ipv6_socket_address.addr)
        elif ipv6_socket_address.family == socket.AF_INET:
            if pdu.transport_data_length < c.sizeof(sockaddr_in):
                    "PDU transport data is too small for sockaddr_in struct."
            ipv4_socket_address = c.cast(
                pdu.transport_data, c.POINTER(sockaddr_in)
            ip_address = '.'.join(str(i) for i in ipv4_socket_address.addr)
                "Got a packet with unrecognized network family: %s",

        port = socket.ntohs(ipv6_socket_address.port)
        self.log.debug("Received packet from %s at port %s", ip_address, port)
        self.processPacket(ip_address, port, pdu, time.time())
        # update our total events stats
        totalTime, totalEvents, maxTime = self.stats.report()
        stat = self._statService.getStatistic("events")
        stat.value = totalEvents

    def getPacketIp(self, addr):
        For IPv4, convert a pointer to 4 bytes to a dotted-ip-address
        For IPv6, convert a pointer to 16 bytes to a canonical IPv6 address.

        def _gen_byte_pairs():
            for left, right in zip(addr[::2], addr[1::2]):
                yield "%.2x%.2x" % (left, right)

        v4_mapped_prefix = [0x00] * 10 + [0xff] * 2
        if addr[:len(v4_mapped_prefix)] == v4_mapped_prefix:
            ip_address = '.'.join(str(i) for i in addr[-4:])
                basic_v6_address = ':'.join(_gen_byte_pairs())
                ip_address = str(IPAddress(basic_v6_address, 6))
            except ValueError:
                self.log.warn("The IPv6 address is incorrect: %s", addr[:])
                ip_address = "::"
        return ip_address

    def processPacket(self, ip_address, port, pdu, ts):
        Wrapper around asyncHandleTrap to process the provided packet.

        @param pdu: Net-SNMP object
        @type pdu: netsnmp_pdu object
        @param ts: time stamp
        @type ts: datetime
        # At the end of this callback, pdu will be deleted, so copy it
        # for asynchronous processing
        dup = netsnmp.lib.snmp_clone_pdu(c.byref(pdu))
        if not dup:
            self.log.error("Could not clone PDU for asynchronous processing")

        def cleanup(result):
            Twisted callback to delete a previous memory allocation

            @param result: Net-SNMP object
            @type result: netsnmp_pdu object
            @return: the result parameter
            @rtype: binary
            return result

        d = defer.maybeDeferred(
            self.asyncHandleTrap, (ip_address, port), dup.contents, ts

    def snmpInform(self, addr, pdu):
        A SNMP trap can request that the trap recipient return back a response.
        This is where we do that.
        reply = netsnmp.lib.snmp_clone_pdu(c.byref(pdu))
        if not reply:
            self.log.error("Could not clone PDU for INFORM response")
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot respond to INFORM PDU")
        reply.contents.command = netsnmp.SNMP_MSG_RESPONSE
        reply.contents.errstat = 0
        reply.contents.errindex = 0

        # FIXME: might need to add udp6 for IPv6 addresses
        sess = netsnmp.Session(
            peername='%s:%d' % tuple(addr), version=pdu.version
        if not netsnmp.lib.snmp_send(sess.sess, reply):
                "Unable to send inform PDU", self.session.sess

    def decodeSnmpv1(self, addr, pdu):

        result = {"snmpVersion": "1"}
        result["device"] = addr[0]

        variables = self.getResult(pdu)

        self.log.debug("SNMPv1 pdu has agent_addr: %s",
                       str(hasattr(pdu, 'agent_addr')))

        if hasattr(pdu, 'agent_addr'):
            origin = '.'.join(str(i) for i in pdu.agent_addr)
            result["device"] = origin

        enterprise = self.getEnterpriseString(pdu)
        generic = pdu.trap_type
        specific = pdu.specific_type

        result["snmpV1Enterprise"] = enterprise
        result["snmpV1GenericTrapType"] = generic
        result["snmpV1SpecificTrap"] = specific

        # Try an exact match with a .0. inserted between enterprise and
        # specific OID. It seems that MIBs frequently expect this .0.
        # to exist, but the device's don't send it in the trap.
        result["oid"] = "%s.0.%d" % (enterprise, specific)
        name = self.oid2name(result["oid"], exactMatch=True, strip=False)

        # If we didn't get a match with the .0. inserted we will try
        # resolving with the .0. inserted and allow partial matches.
        if name == result["oid"]:
            result["oid"] = "%s.%d" % (enterprise, specific)
            name = self.oid2name(result["oid"], exactMatch=False, strip=False)

        # Look for the standard trap types and decode them without
        # relying on any MIBs being loaded.
        eventType = {
            0: 'coldStart',
            1: 'warmStart',
            2: 'snmp_linkDown',
            3: 'snmp_linkUp',
            4: 'authenticationFailure',
            5: 'egpNeighorLoss',
            6: name,
        }.get(generic, name)

        # Decode all variable bindings. Allow partial matches and strip
        # off any index values.
        varbinds = []
        for vb_oid, vb_value in variables:
            vb_value = decode_snmp_value(vb_value)
            vb_oid = '.'.join(map(str, vb_oid))
            if vb_value is None:
                    "[decodeSnmpv1] enterprise %s, varbind-oid %s, "
                    "varbind-value %s", enterprise, vb_oid, vb_value
            varbinds.append((vb_oid, vb_value))


        return eventType, result

    def decodeSnmpV2OrV3(self, addr, pdu):
        eventType = 'unknown'
        version = "2" if pdu.version == SNMPv2 else "3"
        result = {"snmpVersion": version, "oid": "", "device": addr[0]}
        variables = self.getResult(pdu)

        varbinds = []
        for vb_oid, vb_value in variables:
            vb_value = decode_snmp_value(vb_value)
            vb_oid = '.'.join(map(str, vb_oid))
            if vb_value is None:
                    "[decodeSnmpV2OrV3] varbind-oid %s, varbind-value %s",
                    vb_oid, vb_value

            # SNMPv2-MIB/snmpTrapOID
            if vb_oid == '':
                result["oid"] = vb_value
                eventType = self.oid2name(
                    vb_value, exactMatch=False, strip=False
            elif vb_oid.startswith(''):
                self.log.debug("found snmpTrapAddress OID: %s = %s",
                               vb_oid, vb_value)
                result['snmpTrapAddress'] = vb_value
                result['device'] = vb_value
                varbinds.append((vb_oid, vb_value))


        if eventType in ["linkUp", "linkDown"]:
            eventType = "snmp_" + eventType

        return eventType, result

    def asyncHandleTrap(self, addr, pdu, startProcessTime):
        Twisted callback to process a trap

        @param addr: packet-sending host's IP address, port info
        @type addr: ( host-ip, port)
        @param pdu: Net-SNMP object
        @type pdu: netsnmp_pdu object
        @param startProcessTime: time stamp
        @type startProcessTime: datetime
        @return: Twisted deferred object
        @rtype: Twisted deferred object
        self.capturePacket(addr[0], addr, pdu)

        # Some misbehaving agents will send SNMPv1 traps contained within
        # an SNMPv2c PDU. So we can't trust tpdu.version to determine what
        # version trap exists within the PDU. We need to assume that a
        # PDU contains an SNMPv1 trap if the enterprise_length is greater
        # than zero in addition to the PDU version being 0.
        if pdu.version == SNMPv1 or pdu.enterprise_length > 0:
            self.log.debug("SNMPv1 trap, Addr: %s PDU Agent Addr: %s",
                           str(addr), str(pdu.agent_addr))
            eventType, result = self.decodeSnmpv1(addr, pdu)
        elif pdu.version in (SNMPv2, SNMPv3):
            self.log.debug("SNMPv2 or v3 trap, Addr: %s", str(addr))
            eventType, result = self.decodeSnmpV2OrV3(addr, pdu)
            self.log.error("Unable to handle trap version %d", pdu.version)
        self.log.debug("asyncHandleTrap: eventType=%s oid=%s snmpVersion=%s",
                       eventType, result['oid'], result['snmpVersion'])

        community = self.getCommunity(pdu)
        result['zenoss.trap_source_ip'] = addr[0]
        self.sendTrapEvent(result, community, eventType,

        if self.isReplaying():
            self.replayed += 1
            # Don't attempt to respond back if we're replaying packets

        if pdu.command == netsnmp.SNMP_MSG_INFORM:
            self.snmpInform(addr, pdu)

    def sendTrapEvent(self, result, community, eventType, startProcessTime):
        summary = 'snmp trap %s' % eventType
        result.setdefault('component', '')
        result.setdefault('eventClassKey', eventType)
        result.setdefault('eventGroup', 'trap')
        result.setdefault('severity', SEVERITY_WARNING)
        result.setdefault('summary', summary)
        result.setdefault('community', community)
        result.setdefault('firstTime', startProcessTime)
        result.setdefault('lastTime', startProcessTime)
        result.setdefault('monitor', self.options.monitor)
        self.stats.add(time.time() - startProcessTime)

    def displayStatistics(self):
        totalTime, totalEvents, maxTime = self.stats.report()
        display = "%d events processed in %.2f seconds" % (totalEvents,
        if totalEvents > 0:
            display += """
%.5f average seconds per event
Maximum processing time for one event was %.5f""" % (
                       (totalTime / totalEvents), maxTime)
        return display

    def cleanup(self):
        if self.session:
        status = self.displayStatistics()