Пример #1
    def createWidgetContainer(self):
        root = __file__
        if os.path.islink(root):
            root = os.path.realpath(root)
        root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(root))

        widgetsDom = minidom.parse(root + PROPERTY_WIDGET_CONFIG_FILE
                                   )  #self.getDOM(PROPERTY_WIDGET_CONFIG_FILE)
        self.widgetContainer = WidgetContainer(widgetsDom)
Пример #2
    def createWidgetContainer(self):
        root = __file__
        if os.path.islink(root):
            root = os.path.realpath(root)
        root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(root))

        widgetsDom = minidom.parse(root + PROPERTY_WIDGET_CONFIG_FILE)  # self.getDOM(PROPERTY_WIDGET_CONFIG_FILE)
        self.widgetContainer = WidgetContainer(widgetsDom)
Пример #3
class Controller:
    def __init__(self, enableGUI=True):
        self.nodeBooterProcess = None
        self.nbUtils = NodeBooterUtils(self)

        self.enableGUI = enableGUI
        self.model = WavedashModel(self)
        self.views = []
        self.widgetContainer = None
        self.CORBAutils = utils.WaveAppCORBA()

    def buildModel(self):
        """ This functions walks through the system directories in /sdr/, construct a
        list of .sad.xml files and pass them to the model to build the waveforms. 
        Waveforms in turn build their components and each component in turn build their
        properties """
            mgr = self.CORBAutils.domMgr._get_fileMgr()
        #Find the list of SAD and DAS files for all waveforms in standard SDR root directory (/sdr/)
         sdrWformsDASList) = (self.getFileList(SDR_WAVEFORMS_DIR, SAD_XML),
                              self.getFileList(SDR_WAVEFORMS_DIR, DAS_XML))
        #Find the list of SAD and DAS files for component running as waveforms. Those waveforms are installed in /sdr/_tmp_alf_waveforms
         tmpWformsDASList) = (self.getFileList(COMP_WAVEFORMS_DIR,

        if (sdrWformsSADList is None or sdrWformsDASList is None):
            print "buildModel(): Error in reading SAD/DAS files for SDR waveforms in " + SDR_DIR

        if (tmpWformsSADList is None or tmpWformsDASList is None):
            #We need not exit if no temporary waveforms are not found in /sdr/_tmp_alf_waveforms
            tmpWformsSADList = []
            tmpWformsDASList = []

        sadFileList = sdrWformsSADList + tmpWformsSADList
        dasFileList = sdrWformsDASList + tmpWformsDASList

        self.model.buildWaveforms(sadFileList, dasFileList)

        #update the model with currently installed waveforms in framework
        installedWformDict = self.CORBAutils.getApplications()
        for wform in installedWformDict.keys():
            wformName = wform[wform.find("::") + 2:]
            for instance in installedWformDict[wform]:
                instanceName = instance[instance.find("::") + 2:]
                self.model.addInstanceWaveform(wformName, instanceName)

    def selectNS(self):
        isNewNS = self.CORBAutils.selectNamingService()
        #if new namign service is selected, refresh the model and views.
        if isNewNS:

    def refresh(self):
        #First, update the SDR waveforms installed
        #model.buildWaveforms(..) will build a new object for every waveform if it is not there already
        #in its list
        #Find the list of SAD and DAS files for all waveforms in standard SDR root directory (/sdr/)
         sdrWformsDASList) = (self.getFileList(SDR_WAVEFORMS_DIR, SAD_XML),
                              self.getFileList(SDR_WAVEFORMS_DIR, DAS_XML))
        #Find the list of SAD and DAS files for component running as waveforms. Those waveforms are installed in /sdr/_tmp_alf_waveforms
         tmpWformsDASList) = (self.getFileList(COMP_WAVEFORMS_DIR,

        if (sdrWformsSADList is None or sdrWformsDASList is None):
            print "buildModel(): Error in reading SAD/DAS files for SDR waveforms in " + SDR_DIR

        if (tmpWformsSADList is None or tmpWformsDASList is None):
            #We need not exit if no temporary waveforms are not found in /sdr/_tmp_alf_waveforms
            tmpWformsSADList = []
            tmpWformsDASList = []

        sadFileList = sdrWformsSADList + tmpWformsSADList
        dasFileList = sdrWformsDASList + tmpWformsDASList

        #sadFileList = self.getFileList(SDR_WAVEFORMS_DIR, SAD_XML) #list holding sad files of all the system waveforms
        #dasFileList = self.getFileList(SDR_WAVEFORMS_DIR, DAS_XML)
        self.model.buildWaveforms(sadFileList, dasFileList)

        #get the new list of installed applications
        installedWformDict = self.CORBAutils.getApplications()

    def createWidgetContainer(self):
        root = __file__
        if os.path.islink(root):
            root = os.path.realpath(root)
        root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(root))

        widgetsDom = minidom.parse(root + PROPERTY_WIDGET_CONFIG_FILE
                                   )  #self.getDOM(PROPERTY_WIDGET_CONFIG_FILE)
        self.widgetContainer = WidgetContainer(widgetsDom)

    def getFileList(self, dir, filetype, quiet=False):
        fileList = []

        fileList = self.CORBAutils.getFileList(dir, filetype)

        #If no file found?
        if fileList == None:
            if not quiet:  #Ignore the error for _tmp_alf_waveforms.
                    "Could not find " + filetype +
                    " files in this directory:\n " + dir, utils.FATAL,
            return None

        return fileList

    def getDOM(self, xmlfile):
        """ This method gets a file name as string and returns a DOM object built
        using minidom
        return self.CORBAutils.getDOM(xmlfile)

    def installWaveform(self, wformName, start):
        wform = self.model.getWaveform(wformName,
        if wform is None:
            utils.showMessage("Unable to install " + wformName, utils.FATAL,
            return False
            instance = self.CORBAutils.installWaveform(wform.sadFile,
                                                       wform.dasFile, start)
            if instance is not None:
                instanceName = instance[instance.find("::") + 2:]
                self.model.addInstanceWaveform(wformName, instanceName, start)
                return instanceName
                utils.showMessage("Unable to find applications",
                                  utils.NON_FATAL, self.enableGUI)
                return False

    def uninstallWaveform(self, wformName):
        status = self.CORBAutils.uninstallWaveform(wformName)
        return status

    def startWaveform(self, wformName):
        status = self.CORBAutils.startWaveform(wformName)
        return status

    def stopWaveform(self, wformName):
        status = self.CORBAutils.stopWaveform(wformName)
        return status

    def getDefaultWidget(self, property):
        return self.widgetContainer.getDefaultWidget(property)

    def getWidgetByType(self, type):
        return self.widgetContainer.getWidgetByType(type)

    def getOptionalWidgets(self, propertyType):
        return self.widgetContainer.getOptionalWidgets(propertyType)

    def getWidgetContainer(self):
        return self.widgetContainer

    def getUtilRef(self):
        return self.CORBAutils

    def setOSSIEProperty(self, sectionName, propertyName, propertyValue):
        configFile = os.getenv('HOME') + '/' + OSSIE_CONFIG_FILE
        configParser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
        #check to see if a config file already exists
        if os.path.exists(configFile):
            #if so, read in its properties so they don't get lost
        if not configParser.has_section(sectionName):
        configParser.set(sectionName, propertyName, propertyValue)
        f = open(configFile, 'w')

    def getOSSIEProperty(self, sectionName, propertyName):
        configFile = os.getenv('HOME') + '/' + OSSIE_CONFIG_FILE
        if os.path.exists(configFile):
            configParser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
            if configParser.has_option(sectionName, propertyName):
                return configParser.get(sectionName, propertyName)
        return None

    def OSSIEPropertyFileExists(self):
        configFile = os.getenv('HOME') + '/' + OSSIE_CONFIG_FILE
        return os.path.exists(configFile)

    def namingServiceIsRunning(self):
        return self.nbUtils.namingServiceIsRunning()

    def startNamingService(self):

    def nodeBooterIsRunning(self):
        return self.nbUtils.nodeBooterIsRunning()

    def startNodeBooter(self):
        self.nodeBooterProcess = self.nbUtils.startNodeBooter()
Пример #4
class Controller:
    def __init__(self, enableGUI=True):
        self.nodeBooterProcess = None
        self.nbUtils = NodeBooterUtils(self)

        self.enableGUI = enableGUI
        self.model = WavedashModel(self)
        self.views = []
        self.widgetContainer = None
        self.CORBAutils = utils.WaveAppCORBA()

    def buildModel(self):
        """ This functions walks through the system directories in /sdr/, construct a
        list of .sad.xml files and pass them to the model to build the waveforms. 
        Waveforms in turn build their components and each component in turn build their
        properties """
            mgr = self.CORBAutils.domMgr._get_fileMgr()
        # Find the list of SAD and DAS files for all waveforms in standard SDR root directory (/sdr/)
        (sdrWformsSADList, sdrWformsDASList) = (
            self.getFileList(SDR_WAVEFORMS_DIR, SAD_XML),
            self.getFileList(SDR_WAVEFORMS_DIR, DAS_XML),
        # Find the list of SAD and DAS files for component running as waveforms. Those waveforms are installed in /sdr/_tmp_alf_waveforms
        (tmpWformsSADList, tmpWformsDASList) = (
            self.getFileList(COMP_WAVEFORMS_DIR, SAD_XML, quiet=True),
            self.getFileList(COMP_WAVEFORMS_DIR, DAS_XML, quiet=True),

        if sdrWformsSADList is None or sdrWformsDASList is None:
            print "buildModel(): Error in reading SAD/DAS files for SDR waveforms in " + SDR_DIR

        if tmpWformsSADList is None or tmpWformsDASList is None:
            # We need not exit if no temporary waveforms are not found in /sdr/_tmp_alf_waveforms
            tmpWformsSADList = []
            tmpWformsDASList = []

        sadFileList = sdrWformsSADList + tmpWformsSADList
        dasFileList = sdrWformsDASList + tmpWformsDASList

        self.model.buildWaveforms(sadFileList, dasFileList)

        # update the model with currently installed waveforms in framework
        installedWformDict = self.CORBAutils.getApplications()
        for wform in installedWformDict.keys():
            wformName = wform[wform.find("::") + 2 :]
            for instance in installedWformDict[wform]:
                instanceName = instance[instance.find("::") + 2 :]
                self.model.addInstanceWaveform(wformName, instanceName)

    def selectNS(self):
        isNewNS = self.CORBAutils.selectNamingService()
        # if new namign service is selected, refresh the model and views.
        if isNewNS:

    def refresh(self):
        # First, update the SDR waveforms installed
        # model.buildWaveforms(..) will build a new object for every waveform if it is not there already
        # in its list
        # Find the list of SAD and DAS files for all waveforms in standard SDR root directory (/sdr/)
        (sdrWformsSADList, sdrWformsDASList) = (
            self.getFileList(SDR_WAVEFORMS_DIR, SAD_XML),
            self.getFileList(SDR_WAVEFORMS_DIR, DAS_XML),
        # Find the list of SAD and DAS files for component running as waveforms. Those waveforms are installed in /sdr/_tmp_alf_waveforms
        (tmpWformsSADList, tmpWformsDASList) = (
            self.getFileList(COMP_WAVEFORMS_DIR, SAD_XML, quiet=True),
            self.getFileList(COMP_WAVEFORMS_DIR, DAS_XML, quiet=True),

        if sdrWformsSADList is None or sdrWformsDASList is None:
            print "buildModel(): Error in reading SAD/DAS files for SDR waveforms in " + SDR_DIR

        if tmpWformsSADList is None or tmpWformsDASList is None:
            # We need not exit if no temporary waveforms are not found in /sdr/_tmp_alf_waveforms
            tmpWformsSADList = []
            tmpWformsDASList = []

        sadFileList = sdrWformsSADList + tmpWformsSADList
        dasFileList = sdrWformsDASList + tmpWformsDASList

        # sadFileList = self.getFileList(SDR_WAVEFORMS_DIR, SAD_XML) #list holding sad files of all the system waveforms
        # dasFileList = self.getFileList(SDR_WAVEFORMS_DIR, DAS_XML)
        self.model.buildWaveforms(sadFileList, dasFileList)

        # get the new list of installed applications
        installedWformDict = self.CORBAutils.getApplications()

    def createWidgetContainer(self):
        root = __file__
        if os.path.islink(root):
            root = os.path.realpath(root)
        root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(root))

        widgetsDom = minidom.parse(root + PROPERTY_WIDGET_CONFIG_FILE)  # self.getDOM(PROPERTY_WIDGET_CONFIG_FILE)
        self.widgetContainer = WidgetContainer(widgetsDom)

    def getFileList(self, dir, filetype, quiet=False):
        fileList = []

        fileList = self.CORBAutils.getFileList(dir, filetype)

        # If no file found?
        if fileList == None:
            if not quiet:  # Ignore the error for _tmp_alf_waveforms.
                    "Could not find " + filetype + " files in this directory:\n " + dir, utils.FATAL, self.enableGUI
            return None

        return fileList

    def getDOM(self, xmlfile):
        """ This method gets a file name as string and returns a DOM object built
        using minidom
        return self.CORBAutils.getDOM(xmlfile)

    def installWaveform(self, wformName, start):
        wform = self.model.getWaveform(wformName, WaveformModel.SYSTEM_WAVEFORM)
        if wform is None:
            utils.showMessage("Unable to install " + wformName, utils.FATAL, self.enableGUI)
            return False
            instance = self.CORBAutils.installWaveform(wform.sadFile, wform.dasFile, start)
            if instance is not None:
                instanceName = instance[instance.find("::") + 2 :]
                self.model.addInstanceWaveform(wformName, instanceName, start)
                return instanceName
                utils.showMessage("Unable to find applications", utils.NON_FATAL, self.enableGUI)
                return False

    def uninstallWaveform(self, wformName):
        status = self.CORBAutils.uninstallWaveform(wformName)
        return status

    def startWaveform(self, wformName):
        status = self.CORBAutils.startWaveform(wformName)
        return status

    def stopWaveform(self, wformName):
        status = self.CORBAutils.stopWaveform(wformName)
        return status

    def getDefaultWidget(self, property):
        return self.widgetContainer.getDefaultWidget(property)

    def getWidgetByType(self, type):
        return self.widgetContainer.getWidgetByType(type)

    def getOptionalWidgets(self, propertyType):
        return self.widgetContainer.getOptionalWidgets(propertyType)

    def getWidgetContainer(self):
        return self.widgetContainer

    def getUtilRef(self):
        return self.CORBAutils

    def setOSSIEProperty(self, sectionName, propertyName, propertyValue):
        configFile = os.getenv("HOME") + "/" + OSSIE_CONFIG_FILE
        configParser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
        # check to see if a config file already exists
        if os.path.exists(configFile):
            # if so, read in its properties so they don't get lost
        if not configParser.has_section(sectionName):
        configParser.set(sectionName, propertyName, propertyValue)
        f = open(configFile, "w")

    def getOSSIEProperty(self, sectionName, propertyName):
        configFile = os.getenv("HOME") + "/" + OSSIE_CONFIG_FILE
        if os.path.exists(configFile):
            configParser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
            if configParser.has_option(sectionName, propertyName):
                return configParser.get(sectionName, propertyName)
        return None

    def OSSIEPropertyFileExists(self):
        configFile = os.getenv("HOME") + "/" + OSSIE_CONFIG_FILE
        return os.path.exists(configFile)

    def namingServiceIsRunning(self):
        return self.nbUtils.namingServiceIsRunning()

    def startNamingService(self):

    def nodeBooterIsRunning(self):
        return self.nbUtils.nodeBooterIsRunning()

    def startNodeBooter(self):
        self.nodeBooterProcess = self.nbUtils.startNodeBooter()