Пример #1
    def open(self, bvhFilePath):


        jointMotion = yf.readBvhFile(bvhFilePath, 1.)
        tpose = jointMotion[0].getTPose()

        print(jointMotion.fps, 'fps')

            yr.JointMotionRenderer(jointMotion, (0, 127, 255),
                                   yr.LINK_SOLIDBOX), False)
            yr.JointMotionRenderer(jointMotion, (0, 127, 255), yr.LINK_LINE),
            yr.JointMotionRenderer(jointMotion, (0, 127, 255), yr.LINK_BONE),
        # self.doc.addRenderer('tpose', yr.JointMotionRenderer(ym.JointMotion([tpose]), (255,0,0), yr.LINK_BONE), True)
        self.doc.addObject('jointMotion', jointMotion)

        title = '%s - BvhViewer' % os.path.basename(bvhFilePath)

        # self.setTimeInterval(1./jointMotion.fps)
        self.startTimer(1. / jointMotion.fps)

Пример #2
    def test_blend_motion():
        # bvhFilePath = '../samples/wd2_WalkForwardVFast00.bvh'
        bvhFilePath = '../samples/wd2_WalkSameSame00.bvh'
        motion0 = yf.readBvhFile(bvhFilePath, 0.01)
        bvhFilePath = '../samples/wd2_WalkSukiko00.bvh'
        motion1 = yf.readBvhFile(bvhFilePath, 0.01)

        # VFast to Sukiko
        # align_motion(motion1, motion0[54], 121)
        # temp_motion = blend_motion(motion0, motion1, 54, 82, 121, 180)
        # SameSame to Sukiko
        # align_motion(motion1, motion0[76], 121)
        # temp_motion = blend_motion(motion0, motion1, 76, 116, 121, 180)

        # Sukiko to SameSame
        align_motion(motion0, motion1[121], 76)
        temp_motion = blend_motion(motion1, motion0, 121, 180, 76, 116)

        viewer = ysv.SimpleViewer(rect=(0, 0, 1280, 900))
            yr.JointMotionRenderer(motion0, (0, 0, 255), yr.LINK_LINE))
        viewer.doc.addObject('motion0', motion0)
        # viewer.doc.setRendererVisible('motion0', False)
            yr.JointMotionRenderer(motion1, (0, 255, 0), yr.LINK_LINE))
        viewer.doc.addObject('motion1', motion1)
        # viewer.doc.setRendererVisible('motion1', False)
            yr.JointMotionRenderer(temp_motion, (255, 255, 0), yr.LINK_LINE))
        viewer.doc.addObject('stitched_motion', temp_motion)

        # viewer.doc.setRendererVisible('stitched_motion', True)

        def pre_callback(frame):
            # VFast to Sukiko
            # motion0.goToFrame(54)
            # motion1.goToFrame(180)
            # SameSame to Sukiko
            # motion0.goToFrame(76)
            # motion1.goToFrame(180)

            # Sukiko to SameSame



        viewer.startTimer(1 / 30.)

Пример #3
    def test_motion():
        # bvhFilePath = '../samples/walk_left_90degree.bvh'
        # bvhFilePath = '../samples/wd2_cross_walk_0d_01.bvh'
        # bvhFilePath = '../samples/wd2_cross_walk_0d_fast_21.bvh'

        # bvhFilePath = '../samples/wd2_WalkAzuma01.bvh'
        # bvhFilePath = '../samples/wd2_WalkBackward00.bvh'
        # bvhFilePath = '../samples/wd2_WalkForwardNormal00.bvh'
        # bvhFilePath = '../samples/wd2_WalkForwardSlow01.bvh'
        # bvhFilePath = '../samples/wd2_WalkForwardVFast00.bvh'
        # bvhFilePath = '../samples/wd2_WalkHandWav00.bvh'
        bvhFilePath = '../samples/wd2_WalkSukiko00.bvh'
        # bvhFilePath = '../samples/wd2_WalkSameSame01.bvh'
        # bvhFilePath = '../samples/wd2_WalkSoldier00.bvh'
        motion0 = yf.readBvhFile(bvhFilePath)

        viewer = ysv.SimpleViewer(rect=(0, 0, 1280, 900))
            yr.JointMotionRenderer(motion0, (0, 0, 255), yr.LINK_LINE))
        viewer.doc.addObject('motion0', motion0)

        viewer.startTimer(1 / 30.)

Пример #4
    def test_blend_posture():
        bvhFilePath = '../samples/walk_left_90degree.bvh'
        motion0 = yf.readBvhFile(bvhFilePath)[104:]
        bvhFilePath = '../samples/walk_left_90degree.bvh'
        motion1 = yf.readBvhFile(bvhFilePath)[0:]

        align_motion(motion1, motion0[0], 0)
        temp_motion = deepcopy(motion1)
        for i in range(21):
            temp_motion[i] = blend_posture(
                motion0[0], motion1[0], .5 - .5 * math.cos(i / 20. * math.pi))
            # temp_motion[i] = blend_posture(motion0[0], motion1[0], i/20.)
        for i in range(21, len(temp_motion)):
            temp_motion[i] = temp_motion[20]

        viewer = ysv.SimpleViewer(rect=(0, 0, 1280, 900))
            yr.JointMotionRenderer(motion0, (0, 0, 255), yr.LINK_LINE))
        viewer.doc.addObject('motion0', motion0)
            yr.JointMotionRenderer(motion1, (0, 255, 0), yr.LINK_LINE))
        viewer.doc.addObject('motion1', motion1)
            yr.JointMotionRenderer(temp_motion, (255, 255, 0), yr.LINK_LINE))
        viewer.doc.addObject('stitched_motion', temp_motion)

        def pre_callback(frame):


        viewer.startTimer(1 / 30.)

Пример #5
def main(filenames):
    motion = []
    for filename in filenames:

    # viewer settings
    rd_contact_positions = [None]
    rd_contact_forces = [None]
    viewer = hsv.hpSimpleViewer(title='Bvh Viewer', rect=(0, 0, 1200, 800), viewForceWnd=False)
    # viewer.doc.addRenderer('MotionModel', yr.DartRenderer(ppo.env.ref_world, (150,150,255), yr.POLYGON_FILL))
    for motion_idx in range(len(motion)):
        viewer.doc.addRenderer('motion'+str(motion_idx), yr.JointMotionRenderer(motion[motion_idx], (randrange(256), randrange(256), randrange(256))))

    def preCallback(frame):
        for _motion in motion:
            _motion.frame = min(frame, len(_motion)-1)

    viewer.setMaxFrame(max([len(_motion)-1 for _motion in motion]))

Пример #6
def main():
    np.set_printoptions(precision=4, linewidth=200)
    # np.set_printoptions(precision=4, linewidth=1000, threshold=np.inf)

    #motion, mcfg, wcfg, stepsPerFrame, config = mit.create_vchain_5()
    motion, mcfg, wcfg, stepsPerFrame, config, frame_rate= mit.create_biped()
    #motion, mcfg, wcfg, stepsPerFrame, config = mit.create_jump_biped()

    frame_step_size = 1./frame_rate

    dartModel = cdm.DartModel(wcfg, motion[0], mcfg, DART_CONTACT_ON)
    dartMotionModel = cdm.DartModel(wcfg, motion[0], mcfg, DART_CONTACT_ON)

    # wcfg.lockingVel = 0.01
    # dartModel.initializeHybridDynamics()
    if not DART_CONTACT_ON:

    #controlToMotionOffset = (1.5, -0.02, 0)
    # controlToMotionOffset = (1.5, 0, 0)
    # dartModel.translateByOffset(controlToMotionOffset)

    totalDOF = dartModel.getTotalDOF()
    DOFs = dartModel.getDOFs()

    # parameter
    Kt = config['Kt']; Dt = config['Dt'] # tracking gain
    Kl = config['Kl']; Dl = config['Dl'] # linear balance gain
    Kh = config['Kh']; Dh = config['Dh'] # angular balance gain
    Ks = config['Ks']; Ds = config['Ds']  # penalty force spring gain

    Bt = config['Bt']
    Bl = config['Bl']
    Bh = config['Bh']

    w = mot.getTrackingWeight(DOFs, motion[0].skeleton, config['weightMap'])

    supL =  motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex(config['supLink1'])
    supR =  motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex(config['supLink2'])

    selectedBody = motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex(config['end'])
    constBody = motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex('RightFoot')

    # momentum matrix
    linkMasses = dartModel.getBodyMasses()
    totalMass = dartModel.getTotalMass()
    TO = ymt.make_TO(linkMasses)
    dTO = ymt.make_dTO(len(linkMasses))

    # optimization
    problem = yac.LSE(totalDOF, 12)
    #a_sup = (0,0,0, 0,0,0) #ori
    #a_sup = (0,0,0, 0,0,0) #L
    a_supL = (0,0,0, 0,0,0)
    a_supR = (0,0,0, 0,0,0)
    a_sup_2 = (0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0)
    CP_old = [mm.v3(0.,0.,0.)]
    CP_des = [None]
    dCP_des = [np.zeros(3)]

    # penalty method
    # bodyIDsToCheck = range(dartModel.getBodyNum())
    bodyIDsToCheck = [supL, supR]
    #mus = [1.]*len(bodyIDsToCheck)
    mus = [.5]*len(bodyIDsToCheck)

    # flat data structure
    # ddth_des_flat = ype.makeFlatList(totalDOF)
    # dth_flat = ype.makeFlatList(totalDOF)
    # ddth_sol = ype.makeNestedList(DOFs)

    # viewer
    rd_footCenter = [None]
    rd_footCenterL = [None]
    rd_footCenterR = [None]
    rd_CM_plane = [None]
    rd_CM = [None]
    rd_CP = [None]
    rd_CP_des = [None]
    rd_dL_des_plane = [None]
    rd_dH_des = [None]
    rd_grf_des = [None]

    rd_exf_des = [None]
    rd_exfen_des = [None]
    rd_root_des = [None]

    rd_CF = [None]
    rd_CF_pos = [None]

    rootPos = [None]
    selectedBodyId = [selectedBody]
    extraForce = [None]
    extraForcePos = [None]

    rightFootVectorX = [None]
    rightFootVectorY = [None]
    rightFootVectorZ = [None]
    rightFootPos = [None]

    rightVectorX = [None]
    rightVectorY = [None]
    rightVectorZ = [None]
    rightPos = [None]

    # viewer = ysv.SimpleViewer()
    viewer = hsv.hpSimpleViewer(viewForceWnd=False)
    viewer.doc.addRenderer('motion', yr.JointMotionRenderer(motion, (0,255,255), yr.LINK_BONE))
    viewer.doc.addObject('motion', motion)
    # viewer.doc.addRenderer('motionModel', cvr.VpModelRenderer(motionModel, (150,150,255), yr.POLYGON_FILL))
    # viewer.doc.addRenderer('controlModel', cvr.VpModelRenderer(controlModel, (255,240,255), yr.POLYGON_LINE))
    #viewer.doc.addRenderer('controlModel', cvr.VpModelRenderer(controlModel, (255,240,255), yr.POLYGON_FILL))

    # viewer.doc.addRenderer('motionModel', yr.DartModelRenderer(dartMotionModel, (150,150,255), yr.POLYGON_FILL))
    # viewer.doc.addRenderer('controlModel', yr.DartModelRenderer(dartModel, (255,240,255), yr.POLYGON_FILL))
    viewer.doc.addRenderer('controlModel', yr.DartRenderer(dartModel.world, (150,150,255), yr.POLYGON_FILL))
    viewer.doc.addRenderer('rd_footCenter', yr.PointsRenderer(rd_footCenter))
    viewer.doc.addRenderer('rd_CM_plane', yr.PointsRenderer(rd_CM_plane, (255,255,0)))
    viewer.doc.addRenderer('rd_CP', yr.PointsRenderer(rd_CP, (0,255,0)))
    viewer.doc.addRenderer('rd_CP_des', yr.PointsRenderer(rd_CP_des, (255,0,255)))
    viewer.doc.addRenderer('rd_dL_des_plane', yr.VectorsRenderer(rd_dL_des_plane, rd_CM, (255,255,0)))
    viewer.doc.addRenderer('rd_dH_des', yr.VectorsRenderer(rd_dH_des, rd_CM, (0,255,0)))
    #viewer.doc.addRenderer('rd_grf_des', yr.ForcesRenderer(rd_grf_des, rd_CP_des, (0,255,0), .001))
    viewer.doc.addRenderer('rd_CF', yr.VectorsRenderer(rd_CF, rd_CF_pos, (255,0,0)))

    viewer.doc.addRenderer('extraForce', yr.VectorsRenderer(rd_exf_des, extraForcePos, (0,255,0)))
    viewer.doc.addRenderer('extraForceEnable', yr.VectorsRenderer(rd_exfen_des, extraForcePos, (255,0,0)))

    #viewer.doc.addRenderer('right_foot_oriX', yr.VectorsRenderer(rightFootVectorX, rightFootPos, (255,0,0)))
    #viewer.doc.addRenderer('right_foot_oriY', yr.VectorsRenderer(rightFootVectorY, rightFootPos, (0,255,0)))
    #viewer.doc.addRenderer('right_foot_oriZ', yr.VectorsRenderer(rightFootVectorZ, rightFootPos, (0,0,255)))

    #viewer.doc.addRenderer('right_oriX', yr.VectorsRenderer(rightVectorX, rightPos, (255,0,0)))
    #viewer.doc.addRenderer('right_oriY', yr.VectorsRenderer(rightVectorY, rightPos, (0,255,0)))
    #viewer.doc.addRenderer('right_oriZ', yr.VectorsRenderer(rightVectorZ, rightPos, (0,0,255)))

    #initKt = 50
    #initKl = 10.1
    #initKh = 3.1

    #initBl = .1
    #initBh = .1
    #initSupKt = 21.6

    #initFm = 100.0

    #success!! -- 2015.2.12. double stance
    #initKt = 50
    #initKl = 37.1
    #initKh = 41.8

    #initBl = .1
    #initBh = .13
    #initSupKt = 21.6

    #initFm = 165.0

    #single stance
    #initKt = 25
    #initKl = 80.1
    #initKh = 10.8

    #initBl = .1
    #initBh = .13
    #initSupKt = 21.6

    #initFm = 50.0

    #single stance -> double stance
    #initKt = 25
    #initKl = 60.
    #initKh = 20.

    #initBl = .1
    #initBh = .13
    #initSupKt = 21.6

    #initFm = 50.0

    initKt = 25.
    # initKl = 11.
    # initKh = 22.
    initKl = 100.
    initKh = 100.

    initBl = .1
    initBh = .13
    initSupKt = 17.
    # initSupKt = 2.5

    initFm = 50.0

    initComX = 0.
    initComY = 0.
    initComZ = 0.

    viewer.objectInfoWnd.add1DSlider("Kt", 0., 300., 1., initKt)
    viewer.objectInfoWnd.add1DSlider("Kl", 0., 300., 1., initKl)
    viewer.objectInfoWnd.add1DSlider("Kh", 0., 300., 1., initKh)
    viewer.objectInfoWnd.add1DSlider("Bl", 0., 1., .001, initBl)
    viewer.objectInfoWnd.add1DSlider("Bh", 0., 1., .001, initBh)
    viewer.objectInfoWnd.add1DSlider("SupKt", 0., 100., 0.1, initSupKt)
    viewer.objectInfoWnd.add1DSlider("Fm", 0., 1000., 10., initFm)
    viewer.objectInfoWnd.add1DSlider("com X offset", -1., 1., 0.01, initComX)
    viewer.objectInfoWnd.add1DSlider("com Y offset", -1., 1., 0.01, initComY)
    viewer.objectInfoWnd.add1DSlider("com Z offset", -1., 1., 0.01, initComZ)

    viewer.force_on = False
    def viewer_SetForceState(object):
        viewer.force_on = True
    def viewer_GetForceState():
        return viewer.force_on
    def viewer_ResetForceState():
        viewer.force_on = False

    viewer.reset = False
    def viewer_reset(object):
        viewer.reset = True

    viewer.objectInfoWnd.addBtn('Force on', viewer_SetForceState)
    viewer.objectInfoWnd.addBtn('reset', viewer_reset)

    offset = 60

    viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceX = Fl_Value_Input(20, 30+offset*9, 40, 20, 'X')

    viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceY = Fl_Value_Input(80, 30+offset*9, 40, 20, 'Y')

    viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceZ = Fl_Value_Input(140, 30+offset*9, 40, 20, 'Z')

    viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceDur = Fl_Value_Input(220, 30+offset*9, 40, 20, 'Dur')


    #self.sliderFm = Fl_Hor_Nice_Slider(10, 42+offset*6, 250, 10)

    pdcontroller = PDController(dartModel, dartModel.skeleton, wcfg.timeStep, Kt, Dt, config['PDweightMap'])

    def getParamVal(paramname):
        return viewer.objectInfoWnd.getVal(paramname)
    def getParamVals(paramnames):
        return (getParamVal(name) for name in paramnames)

    ik_solver = hikd.numIkSolver(dartMotionModel)

    body_num = dartModel.getBodyNum()
    # dJsys = np.zeros((6*body_num, totalDOF))
    # dJsupL = np.zeros((6, totalDOF))
    # dJsupR = np.zeros((6, totalDOF))
    # Jpre = [np.zeros((6*body_num, totalDOF)), np.zeros((6, totalDOF)), np.zeros((6, totalDOF))]

    def simulateCallback(frame):
        # print()
        # print(dartModel.getJointVelocityGlobal(0))
        # print(dartModel.getDOFVelocities()[0])
        # print(dartModel.get_dq()[:6])

        global g_initFlag
        global forceShowTime

        global preFootCenter
        global maxContactChangeCount
        global contactChangeCount
        global contact
        global contactChangeType
        # print('contactstate:', contact, contactChangeCount)

        Kt, Kl, Kh, Bl, Bh, kt_sup = getParamVals(['Kt', 'Kl', 'Kh', 'Bl', 'Bh', 'SupKt'])
        # Dt = 2.*(Kt**.5)
        Dt = Kt/100.
        Dl = (Kl**.5)
        Dh = (Kh**.5)
        dt_sup = 2.*(kt_sup**.5)
        # Dt = .2*(Kt**.5)
        # Dl = .2*(Kl**.5)
        # Dh = .2*(Kh**.5)
        # dt_sup = .2*(kt_sup**.5)

        pdcontroller.setKpKd(Kt, Dt)

        footHeight = dartModel.getBody(supL).shapenodes[0].shape.size()[1]/2.

        doubleTosingleOffset = 0.15
        singleTodoubleOffset = 0.30
        #doubleTosingleOffset = 0.09
        doubleTosingleVelOffset = 0.0

        com_offset_x, com_offset_y, com_offset_z = getParamVals(['com X offset', 'com Y offset', 'com Z offset'])
        footOffset = np.array((com_offset_x, com_offset_y, com_offset_z))
        des_com = dartMotionModel.getCOM() + footOffset

        footCenterL = dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        footCenterR = dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        footBodyOriL = dartMotionModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supL)
        footBodyOriR = dartMotionModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supR)

        torso_pos = dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(4)
        torso_ori = dartMotionModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(4)

        # ik_solver.setInitPose(motion[frame])
        # ik_solver.addConstraints(supL, np.zeros(3), footCenterL, footBodyOriL, (True, True, True, True))
        # ik_solver.addConstraints(supR, np.zeros(3), footCenterR, footBodyOriR, (True, True, True, True))
        # ik_solver.addConstraints(4, np.zeros(3), torso_pos, torso_ori, (False, False, False, True))
        # ik_solver.solve(des_com)
        # ik_solver.clear()

        # tracking
        # th_r = motion.getDOFPositions(frame)
        th_r = dartMotionModel.getDOFPositions()
        th = dartModel.getDOFPositions()
        th_r_flat = dartMotionModel.get_q()
        # dth_r = motion.getDOFVelocities(frame)
        # dth = dartModel.getDOFVelocities()
        # ddth_r = motion.getDOFAccelerations(frame)
        # ddth_des = yct.getDesiredDOFAccelerations(th_r, th, dth_r, dth, ddth_r, Kt, Dt)
        dth_flat = dartModel.get_dq()
        # dth_flat = np.concatenate(dth)
        # ddth_des_flat = pdcontroller.compute(dartMotionModel.get_q())
        # ddth_des_flat = pdcontroller.compute(th_r)
        ddth_des_flat = pdcontroller.compute_flat(th_r_flat)

        # ype.flatten(ddth_des, ddth_des_flat)
        # ype.flatten(dth, dth_flat)

        # jacobian

        footOriL = dartModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(supL)
        footOriR = dartModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(supR)

        footCenterL = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        footCenterR = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        footBodyOriL = dartModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supL)
        footBodyOriR = dartModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supR)
        footBodyVelL = dartModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supL)
        footBodyVelR = dartModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supR)
        footBodyAngVelL = dartModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supL)
        footBodyAngVelR = dartModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supR)

        refFootL = dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        refFootR = dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        # refFootAngVelL = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supL, frame)
        # refFootAngVelR = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootAngVelL = np.zeros(3)
        refFootAngVelR = np.zeros(3)

        refFootJointVelR = motion.getJointVelocityGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootJointAngVelR = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootJointR = motion.getJointPositionGlobal(supR, frame)
        # refFootVelR = refFootJointVelR + np.cross(refFootJointAngVelR, (refFootR-refFootJointR))
        refFootVelR = np.zeros(3)

        refFootJointVelL = motion.getJointVelocityGlobal(supL, frame)
        refFootJointAngVelL = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supL, frame)
        refFootJointL = motion.getJointPositionGlobal(supL, frame)
        # refFootVelL = refFootJointVelL + np.cross(refFootJointAngVelL, (refFootL-refFootJointL))
        refFootVelL = np.zeros(3)

        contactR = 1
        contactL = 1
        if refFootVelR[1] < 0 and refFootVelR[1]*frame_step_size + refFootR[1] > singleTodoubleOffset:
            contactR = 0
        if refFootVelL[1] < 0 and refFootVelL[1]*frame_step_size + refFootL[1] > singleTodoubleOffset:
            contactL = 0
        if refFootVelR[1] > 0 and refFootVelR[1]*frame_step_size + refFootR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            contactR = 0
        if refFootVelL[1] > 0 and refFootVelL[1]*frame_step_size + refFootL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            contactL = 0
        # contactR = 0

        # contMotionOffset = th[0][0] - th_r[0][0]
        contMotionOffset = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(0) - dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(0)

        linkPositions = dartModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        linkVelocities = dartModel.getBodyVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkAngVelocities = dartModel.getBodyAngVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkInertias = dartModel.getBodyInertiasGlobal()

        CM = dartModel.skeleton.com()
        dCM = dartModel.skeleton.com_velocity()
        CM_plane = copy.copy(CM)
        dCM_plane = copy.copy(dCM)

        P = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrix(TO, linkMasses, linkPositions, CM, linkInertias)
        dP = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrixDerivative(dTO, linkMasses, linkVelocities, dCM, linkAngVelocities, linkInertias)

        #calculate contact state
        #if g_initFlag == 1 and contact == 1 and refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset and footCenterR[1] < 0.08:
        if g_initFlag == 1:
            #contact state
            # 0: flying 1: right only 2: left only 3: double
            #if contact == 2 and refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
            if contact == 2 and contactR==1:
                contact = 3
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'StoD'

            #elif contact == 3 and refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
            elif contact == 1 and contactL==1:
                contact = 3
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'StoD'

            #elif contact == 3 and refFootR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            elif contact == 3 and contactR == 0:
                contact = 2
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'DtoS'

            #elif contact == 3 and refFootL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            elif contact == 3 and contactL == 0:
                contact = 1
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'DtoS'

                contact = 0
                #if refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                if contactR == 1:
                    contact +=1
                #if refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                if contactL == 1:
                    contact +=2

        if g_initFlag == 0:
            softConstPoint = footCenterR.copy()

            footCenter = footCenterL + (footCenterR - footCenterL)/2.0
            footCenter[1] = 0.
            preFootCenter = footCenter.copy()
            #footToBodyFootRotL = np.dot(np.transpose(footOriL), footBodyOriL)
            #footToBodyFootRotR = np.dot(np.transpose(footOriR), footBodyOriR)

            # if refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
            #     contact +=1
            # if refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
            #     contact +=2
            if refFootR[1] < footHeight:
                contact +=1
            if refFootL[1] < footHeight:
                contact +=2

            g_initFlag = 1

        #calculate jacobian
        body_num = dartModel.getBodyNum()
        Jsys = np.zeros((6*body_num, totalDOF))
        dJsys = np.zeros((6*body_num, totalDOF))
        for i in range(dartModel.getBodyNum()):
            # body_i_jacobian = dartModel.getBody(i).world_jacobian()[range(-3, 3), :]
            # body_i_jacobian_deriv = dartModel.getBody(i).world_jacobian_classic_deriv()[range(-3, 3), :]
            # Jsys[6*i:6*i+6, :] = body_i_jacobian
            # dJsys[6*i:6*i+6, :] = body_i_jacobian_deriv
            Jsys[6*i:6*i+6, :] = dartModel.getBody(i).world_jacobian()[range(-3, 3), :]
            dJsys[6*i:6*i+6, :] = dartModel.getBody(i).world_jacobian_classic_deriv()[range(-3, 3), :]
        # dJsys = (Jsys - Jpre[0])/frame_step_size
        # Jpre[0] = Jsys.copy()

        JsupL = dartModel.getBody(supL).world_jacobian()[range(-3, 3), :]
        dJsupL = dartModel.getBody(supL).world_jacobian_classic_deriv()[range(-3, 3), :]
        # dJsupL = np.zeros_like(JsupL)
        # dJsupL =  (JsupL - Jpre[1])/frame_step_size
        # Jpre[1] = JsupL.copy()

        JsupR = dartModel.getBody(supR).world_jacobian()[range(-3, 3), :]
        dJsupR = dartModel.getBody(supR).world_jacobian_classic_deriv()[range(-3, 3), :]
        # dJsupR = np.zeros_like(JsupR)
        # dJsupR =  (JsupR - Jpre[2])/frame_step_size
        # Jpre[2] = JsupR.copy()

        #calculate footCenter
        footCenter = .5 * (footCenterL + footCenterR) + footOffset
        #if refFootR[1] >doubleTosingleOffset:
        #if refFootR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset or footCenterR[1] > 0.08:
        #if contact == 1 or footCenterR[1] > 0.08:
        #if contact == 2 or footCenterR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 2:
            footCenter = footCenterL.copy() + footOffset
        #elif contact == 1 or footCenterL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 1:
            footCenter = footCenterR.copy() + footOffset
        footCenter[1] = 0.

        if contactChangeCount > 0 and contactChangeType == 'StoD':
            #change footcenter gradually
            footCenter = preFootCenter + (maxContactChangeCount - contactChangeCount)*(footCenter-preFootCenter)/maxContactChangeCount

        preFootCenter = footCenter.copy()

        # linear momentum
        # We should consider dCM_ref, shouldn't we?
        # add getBodyPositionGlobal and getBodyPositionsGlobal in csVpModel!
        # todo that, set joint velocities to vpModel

        CM_ref_plane = footCenter
        dL_des_plane = Kl*totalMass*(CM_ref_plane - CM_plane) - Dl*totalMass*dCM_plane
        dL_des_plane[1] = 0.

        # CM_ref = footCenter.copy()
        # CM_ref[1] = dartMotionModel.getCOM()[1]
        # CM_ref += np.array((0., com_offset_y, 0.))
        # dL_des_plane = Kl*totalMass*(CM_ref - CM)  - Dl*totalMass*dCM

        # angular momentum
        CP_ref = footCenter

        bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = [], [], [], []
        if DART_CONTACT_ON:
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = dartModel.get_dart_contact_info()
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = dartModel.calcPenaltyForce(bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
        #bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces, contactVelocities = vpWorld.calcManyPenaltyForce(0, bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)

        CP = yrp.getCP(contactPositions, contactForces)
        if CP_old[0] is None or CP is None:
            dCP = None
            dCP = (CP - CP_old[0])/frame_step_size
        CP_old[0] = CP

        CP_des[0] = None
        # if CP_des[0] is None:
        #     CP_des[0] = footCenter

        if CP is not None and dCP is not None:
            ddCP_des = Kh*(CP_ref - CP) - Dh*(dCP)
            CP_des[0] = CP + dCP * frame_step_size + .5 * ddCP_des*(frame_step_size**2)
            # dCP_des[0] += ddCP_des * frame_step_size
            # CP_des[0] += dCP_des[0] * frame_step_size + .5 * ddCP_des*(frame_step_size ** 2)
            dH_des = np.cross(CP_des[0] - CM, dL_des_plane + totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity))
            if contactChangeCount > 0:# and contactChangeType == 'DtoS':
                #dH_des *= (maxContactChangeCount - contactChangeCount)/(maxContactChangeCount*10)
                dH_des *= (maxContactChangeCount - contactChangeCount)/(maxContactChangeCount)
                #dH_des *= (contactChangeCount)/(maxContactChangeCount)*.9+.1
            dH_des = None
        # H = np.dot(P, np.dot(Jsys, dth_flat))
        # dH_des = -Kh* H[3:]

        # soft point constraint
        #softConstPoint = refFootR.copy()
        ##softConstPoint[0] += 0.2
        #Ksc = 50
        #Dsc = 2*(Ksc**.5)
        #Bsc = 1.

        #P_des = softConstPoint
        #P_cur = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(constBody)
        #dP_des = [0, 0, 0]
        #dP_cur = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(constBody)
        #ddP_des1 = Ksc*(P_des - P_cur) + Dsc*(dP_des - dP_cur)

        #r = P_des - P_cur
        #I = np.vstack(([1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]))
        #Z = np.hstack((I, mm.getCrossMatrixForm(-r)))

        #yjc.computeJacobian2(Jconst, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [softConstPoint], constJointMasks)
        #dJconst = (Jconst - Jconst)/(1/30.)
        #JconstPre = Jconst.copy()
        ##yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJconst, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [softConstPoint], constJointMasks, False)

        #JL, JA = np.vsplit(Jconst, 2)
        #Q1 = np.dot(Z, Jconst)

        #q1 = np.dot(JA, dth_flat)
        #q2 = np.dot(mm.getCrossMatrixForm(q1), np.dot(mm.getCrossMatrixForm(q1), r))
        #q_bias1 = np.dot(np.dot(Z, dJconst), dth_flat) + q2

        #set up equality constraint
        a_oriL = mm.logSO3(mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0,1,0])), np.array([0,1,0])))
        a_oriR = mm.logSO3(mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(footBodyOriR, np.array([0,1,0])), np.array([0,1,0])))

        footErrorL = refFootL.copy()
        footErrorL[1] = dartModel.getBody(supL).shapenodes[0].shape.size()[1]/2.
        footErrorL += -footCenterL + contMotionOffset

        footErrorR = refFootR.copy()
        footErrorR[1] = dartModel.getBody(supR).shapenodes[0].shape.size()[1]/2.
        footErrorR += -footCenterR + contMotionOffset

        a_supL = np.append(kt_sup*footErrorL + dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), kt_sup*a_oriL+dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
        a_supR = np.append(kt_sup*footErrorR + dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), kt_sup*a_oriR+dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))

        if contactChangeCount > 0 and contactChangeType == 'DtoS':
            a_supL = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), 4*kt_sup*a_oriL+2*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
            a_supR = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), 4*kt_sup*a_oriR+2*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))
        elif contactChangeCount > 0 and contactChangeType == 'StoD':
            linkt = (13.*contactChangeCount)/(maxContactChangeCount)+1.
            lindt = 2*(linkt**.5)
            angkt = (13.*contactChangeCount)/(maxContactChangeCount)+1.
            angdt = 2*(angkt**.5)
            a_supL = np.append(linkt*kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + lindt*dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), angkt*kt_sup*a_oriL+angdt*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
            a_supR = np.append(linkt*kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + lindt*dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), angkt*kt_sup*a_oriR+angdt*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))

        # momentum matrix
        RS = np.dot(P, Jsys)
        R, S = np.vsplit(RS, 2)

        rs = np.dot((np.dot(dP, Jsys) + np.dot(P, dJsys)), dth_flat)
        r_bias, s_bias = np.hsplit(rs, 2)

        # optimization
        #if contact == 2 and footCenterR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 2:
            config['weightMap']['RightUpLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightFoot'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightUpLeg'] = .1
            config['weightMap']['RightLeg'] = .25
            config['weightMap']['RightFoot'] = .2

        #if contact == 1 and footCenterL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 1:
            config['weightMap']['LeftUpLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftFoot'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftUpLeg'] = .1
            config['weightMap']['LeftLeg'] = .25
            config['weightMap']['LeftFoot'] = .2

        w = mot.getTrackingWeight(DOFs, motion[0].skeleton, config['weightMap'])

        #if contact == 2:
            #mot.addSoftPointConstraintTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bsc, ddP_des1, Q1, q_bias1)
        mot.addTrackingTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bt, w, ddth_des_flat)
        mot.addLinearTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bl, dL_des_plane, R, r_bias)
        if dH_des is not None:
            mot.addAngularTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bh, dH_des, S, s_bias)

            #mot.setConstraint(problem, totalDOF, Jsup, dJsup, dth_flat, a_sup)
            #mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, Jsup, dJsup, dth_flat, a_sup)
            #if contact & 1 and contactChangeCount == 0:
            if contact & 1:
            #if refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, JsupR, dJsupR, dth_flat, a_supR)
            if contact & 2:
            #if refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, JsupL, dJsupL, dth_flat, a_supL)

        if contactChangeCount >0:
            contactChangeCount -= 1
            if contactChangeCount == 0:
                maxContactChangeCount = 30
                contactChangeType = 0

        r = problem.solve()
        # ype.nested(r['x'], ddth_sol)
        ddth_sol = np.asarray(r['x'])
        # ddth_sol[:6] = np.zeros(6)

        rootPos[0] = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
        localPos = [[0, 0, 0]]

        for i in range(stepsPerFrame):
            # apply penalty force
            if not DART_CONTACT_ON:
                bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = dartModel.calcPenaltyForce(bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
                dartModel.applyPenaltyForce(bodyIDs, contactPositionLocals, contactForces)
            #bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces, contactVelocities = vpWorld.calcManyPenaltyForce(0, bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)

            # dartModel.skeleton.set_accelerations(ddth_sol)
            # dartModel.skeleton.set_accelerations(ddth_des_flat)
            # dartModel.skeleton.set_forces(np.zeros(totalDOF))
            # ddth_des_flat[:6] = np.zeros(6)
            th_r_flat = dartMotionModel.get_q()
            ddth_des_flat = pdcontroller.compute_flat(th_r_flat)

            if forceShowTime > viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceDur.value():
                forceShowTime = 0

            forceforce = np.array([viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceX.value(), viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceY.value(), viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceZ.value()])
            extraForce[0] = getParamVal('Fm') * mm.normalize2(forceforce)
            if viewer_GetForceState():
                forceShowTime += wcfg.timeStep
                dartModel.applyPenaltyForce(selectedBodyId, localPos, extraForce)


        if DART_CONTACT_ON:
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = dartModel.get_dart_contact_info()
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = dartModel.calcPenaltyForce(bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
        if viewer.reset:
            viewer.reset = False

        # print(dartModel.getCOM())

        # rendering
        rightFootVectorX[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([.1, 0, 0]))
        rightFootVectorY[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([0, .1, 0]))
        rightFootVectorZ[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([0,  0,.1]))
        rightFootPos[0] = footCenterL

        rightVectorX[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([.1,0,0]))
        rightVectorY[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0,.1,0]))
        rightVectorZ[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0,0,.1]))
        rightPos[0] = footCenterL + np.array([.1,0,0])

        rd_footCenter[0] = footCenter
        rd_footCenterL[0] = footCenterL
        rd_footCenterR[0] = footCenterR

        rd_CM[0] = CM

        rd_CM_plane[0] = CM.copy()
        rd_CM_plane[0][1] = 0.

        if CP is not None and dCP is not None:
            rd_CP[0] = CP
            rd_CP_des[0] = CP_des[0]

            rd_dL_des_plane[0] = [dL_des_plane[0]/100, dL_des_plane[1]/100, dL_des_plane[2]/100]
            rd_dH_des[0] = dH_des

            rd_grf_des[0] = dL_des_plane - totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)

        rd_root_des[0] = rootPos[0]

        del rd_CF[:]
        del rd_CF_pos[:]
        for i in range(len(contactPositions)):
            rd_CF.append( contactForces[i]/100)

        if viewer_GetForceState():
            rd_exfen_des[0] = [extraForce[0][0]/100, extraForce[0][1]/100, extraForce[0][2]/100]
            rd_exf_des[0] = [0,0,0]
            rd_exf_des[0] = [extraForce[0][0]/100, extraForce[0][1]/100, extraForce[0][2]/100]
            rd_exfen_des[0] = [0,0,0]

        extraForcePos[0] = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)



Пример #7
    world = pydart.World(1. / 1200., "test.xml")
    # model = world.skeletons[1]

    posture = ym.JointPosture(motion[0].skeleton)
    posture.translateByOffset([0.02642508, 1.02154927, 1.09827205])

    viewer = SimpleViewer(rect=(0, 0, 1200, 800), viewForceWnd=False)

    rd_target_position = [None]

    points = [None]
    viewer.doc.addRenderer('motion', yr.JointMotionRenderer(motion))
        yr.DartRenderer(world, (150, 150, 255),
        'joints', yr.PointsRenderer(points, (0, 255, 0), save_state=True))

    def simulateCallback(frame):
        # del points[:]
        # for j in range(world.skeletons[1].num_joints()):
        #     points.append(world.skeletons[1].joint(j).get_world_frame_after_transform()[:3, 3])
        # for i in range(40):
        #     world.step()
Пример #8
def preprocess(SEGMENT_FOOT=False):
    tasks = []

    outputDir = './ppmotion/'

    dir = '../Data/woody2/Motion/Physics2/'
    config = None
        # segmented foot
        config = {
            'repeat': True,
            'footRot': mm.rotX(.07),
            'yOffset': 0.,
            'halfFootHeight': 0.0944444444444,
            'scale': .01,
            'type': 'woody2'
        # box foot
        config = {
            'repeat': True,
            'footRot': mm.rotX(-.4),
            'yOffset': 0.,
            'halfFootHeight': 0.0444444444444,
            'scale': .01,
            'type': 'woody2'

    paths = []
    paths.append(dir + 'wd2_WalkSameSame01.bvh')
    paths.append(dir + 'wd2_WalkForwardSlow01.bvh')
    paths.append(dir + 'wd2_WalkForwardNormal00.bvh')
    paths.append(dir + 'wd2_WalkHandWav00.bvh')
    paths.append(dir + 'wd2_WalkForwardFast00.bvh')
    paths.append(dir + 'wd2_WalkForwardVFast00.bvh')
    paths.append(dir + 'wd2_WalkLean00.bvh')
    paths.append(dir + 'wd2_WalkAzuma01.bvh')
    paths.append(dir + 'wd2_WalkSoldier00.bvh')
    paths.append(dir + 'wd2_WalkSukiko00.bvh')
    #     paths.append(dir+'wd2_WalkBackward00.bvh')
    paths.append(dir + 'wd2_WalkTongTong00.bvh')
    tasks.append({'config': config, 'paths': paths})
    #    dir = '../Data/woody2/Motion/Balancing/'
    #    config = {'footRot': mm.exp(mm.v3(1,-.5,0), -.6), 'yOffset': .0, 'halfFootHeight': 0.0444444444444, 'scale':.01, 'type':'woody2'}
    #    paths = []
    #    paths.append(dir+'wd2_2foot_walk_turn.bvh')
    #    paths.append(dir+'wd2_2foot_walk_turn2.bvh')
    #    paths.append(dir+'wd2_slow_2foot_hop.bvh')
    #    paths.append(dir+'wd2_short_broad_jump.bvh')
    #    paths.append(dir+'wd2_long_broad_jump.bvh')
    #    paths.append(dir+'wd2_ffast_cancan_run.bvh')
    #    paths.append(dir+'wd2_fast_cancan_run.bvh')
    #    paths.append(dir+'wd2_fast_2foot_hop.bvh')
    #    paths.append(dir+'wd2_1foot_contact_run.bvh')
    #    paths.append(dir+'wd2_1foot_contact_run2.bvh')
    ##    tasks.append({'config':config, 'paths':paths})
    ##    dir = '../Data/woody2/Motion/Samsung/'
    ##    config = {'footRot': mm.rotX(-.46), 'yOffset': .0, 'halfFootHeight': 0.0444444444444, 'scale':.01*2.54, 'type':'woody2amc'}
    ##    paths = []
    ##    paths.append(dir+'wd2_left_turn.bvh')
    ##    paths.append(dir+'wd2_right_turn.bvh')
    ##    paths.append(dir+'wd2_pose_inner1.bvh')
    ##    paths.append(dir+'wd2_pose_inner2.bvh')
    ##    tasks.append({'config':config, 'paths':paths})
    #    dir = '../Data/woody2/Motion/Picking/'
    #    config = {'footRot': mm.rotX(-.5), 'yOffset': .0, 'halfFootHeight': 0.0444444444444, 'scale':.01, 'type':'woody2'}
    #    paths = []
    #    paths.append(dir+'wd2_pick_walk_1.bvh')
    ##    tasks.append({'config':config, 'paths':paths})
    #    dir = '../Data/woody2/Motion/VideoMotion/'
    #    config = {'footRot': mm.rotX(-.48), 'yOffset': .0, 'halfFootHeight': 0.0444444444444, 'scale':.01*2.54, 'type':'woody2amc'}
    ##    paths = glob.glob(dir+'*.bvh')
    #    paths = []
    #    paths.append(dir+'wd2_cross_walk_90d_fast_27.bvh')
    ##    tasks.append({'config':config, 'paths':paths})
    #    dir = '../Data/woody2/Motion/Walking/'
    #    config = {'footRot': mm.rotX(-.40), 'yOffset': .0, 'halfFootHeight': 0.0444444444444, 'scale':.01*2.54, 'type':'woody2amc'}
    #    paths = glob.glob(dir+'*.bvh')
    ##    tasks.append({'config':config, 'paths':paths})
    ##    dir = '../Data/woody2/Motion/samsung_boxing/round/'
    ##    config = {'footRot': mm.rotX(-.65), 'yOffset': .0, 'halfFootHeight': 0.0444444444444, 'scale':.01*2.54, 'type':'woody2amc'}
    ##    paths = glob.glob(dir+'*.bvh')
    ##    tasks.append({'config':config, 'paths':paths})
    ##    dir = '../Data/woody2/Motion/samsung_boxing/boxman/'
    ##    config = {'footRot': mm.rotX(-.5), 'yOffset': .0, 'halfFootHeight': 0.0444444444444, 'scale':.01*2.54, 'type':'woody2amc'}
    ##    paths = glob.glob(dir+'*.bvh')
    ##    tasks.append({'config':config, 'paths':paths})
    #    dir = '../Data/woody2/Motion/motion_edit/'
    #    config = {'footRot': mm.rotX(-.5), 'yOffset': .0, 'halfFootHeight': 0.0444444444444, 'scale':.01*2.54, 'type':'woody2amc'}
    #    paths = glob.glob(dir+'*.bvh')
    ##    tasks.append({'config':config, 'paths':paths})
    ##    outputDir = './icmotion_test/'
    ##    dir = './rawmotion/'
    ##    config = {'footRot': mm.rotX(-.5), 'yOffset': .0, 'halfFootHeight': 0.0444444444444, 'scale':1., 'type':'woody2_new'}
    ##    paths = glob.glob(dir+'*.temp')
    ##    tasks.append({'config':config, 'paths':paths})
    #    outputDir = './icmotion_last/'
    #    dir = './lastmotion/add/'
    ##    config = {'rootRot':mm.rotZ(.05), 'footRot': mm.rotX(-.5), 'leftFootR':mm.rotZ(-.1), \
    #    config = {'rootRot':mm.rotZ(.0), 'footRot': np.dot(mm.rotX(-.5), mm.rotZ(.04)), 'leftFootR':mm.rotZ(-.2), \
    #              'halfFootHeight': 0.0444444444444, 'scale':1., 'type':'woody2_new'}
    #    paths = glob.glob(dir+'*.temp')
    #    tasks.append({'config':config, 'paths':paths})

    #    outputDir = './ppmotion_slope/'
    #    dir = './rawmotion_slope_extracted/'
    #    config = {'rootRot':mm.rotZ(.0), 'footRot': np.dot(mm.rotX(-.55), mm.rotZ(.04)), 'leftFootR':mm.rotZ(-.2), \
    #              'halfFootHeight': 0.0444444444444, 'scale':1., 'type':'woody2_new'}
    #    paths = glob.glob(dir+'*.bvh')
    #    tasks.append({'config':config, 'paths':paths})

    VISUALIZE = False

    for task in tasks:
        config = task['config']
        paths = task['paths']
        for path in paths:
            motion = yf.readBvhFile(path)
            normalizeSkeleton(motion, config)
            adjustHeight(motion, config['halfFootHeight'])
            additionalEdit(motion, path)

            outputPath = outputDir + os.path.basename(path)
            if SEGMENT_FOOT:
                outputPath = outputDir + "segfoot_" + os.path.basename(path)
            yf.writeBvhFile(outputPath, motion)
            print(outputPath, 'done')

            if 'repeat' in config and config['repeat']:
                hRef = .1
                vRef = .3
                lc = yma.getElementContactStates(motion, 'LeftFoot', hRef,
                interval = yba.getWalkingCycle2(motion, lc)

                transitionLength = 20 if 'wd2_WalkAzuma01.bvh' in path else 10
                motion = ymt.repeatCycle(motion, interval, 50,

                outputName = os.path.splitext(
                    os.path.basename(path))[0] + '_REPEATED.bvh'
                outputPath = outputDir + outputName
                if SEGMENT_FOOT:
                    outputPath = outputDir + 'segfoot_' + outputName
                yf.writeBvhFile(outputPath, motion)
                print(outputPath, 'done')

            if VISUALIZE:
                viewer = ysv.SimpleViewer()
                    yr.JointMotionRenderer(motion, (0, 100, 255),
                viewer.doc.addObject('motion', motion)

                viewer.startTimer(1 / 30.)

Пример #9
def main():
    np.set_printoptions(precision=4, linewidth=200)

    motion, mcfg, wcfg, stepsPerFrame, config, frame_rate = mit.create_biped(
    #motion, mcfg, wcfg, stepsPerFrame, config = mit.create_jump_biped()

    # motion_offset = np.array((0, 0.15, 0))
    # motion.translateByOffset(motion_offset, True)

    frame_step_size = 1. / frame_rate

    dartModel = cdm.DartModel(wcfg, motion[0], mcfg, DART_CONTACT_ON)
    dartMotionModel = cdm.DartModel(wcfg, motion[0], mcfg, DART_CONTACT_ON)

    # wcfg.lockingVel = 0.01

    # controlToMotionOffset = (1.5, -0.02, 0)
    # controlToMotionOffset = (1.5, 0.15, 0)
    controlToMotionOffset = (1.5, 0.03, 0)

    totalDOF = dartModel.getTotalDOF()
    DOFs = dartModel.getDOFs()

    foot_dofs = []
    left_foot_dofs = []
    right_foot_dofs = []

    foot_seg_dofs = []
    left_foot_seg_dofs = []
    right_foot_seg_dofs = []

    # for joint_idx in range(motion[0].skeleton.getJointNum()):
    for joint_idx in range(dartModel.getJointNum()):
        joint_name = dartModel.getJoint(joint_idx).name
        # joint_name = motion[0].skeleton.getJointName(joint_idx)
        if 'Foot' in joint_name:
            foot_dofs_temp = dartModel.getJointDOFIndexes(joint_idx)
            if 'Left' in joint_name:
            elif 'Right' in joint_name:

        if 'foot' in joint_name:
            foot_dofs_temp = dartModel.getJointDOFIndexes(joint_idx)
            if 'Left' in joint_name:
            elif 'Right' in joint_name:

    # for dart_foot_joint in (dartModel.getJoint(i) for i in foot_seg_dofs):
    #     dart_foot_joint.set_actuator_type(pydart.Joint.FORCE)

    # parameter
    # Kt = config['Kt']; Dt = config['Dt'] # tracking gain
    # Kl = config['Kl']; Dl = config['Dl'] # linear balance gain
    # Kh = config['Kh']; Dh = config['Dh'] # angular balance gain
    Ks = config['Ks']
    Ds = config['Ds']  # penalty force spring gain
    Bt = config['Bt']
    # Bl = config['Bl']
    # Bh = config['Bh']

    # w = mot.getTrackingWeight(DOFs, motion[0].skeleton, config['weightMap'])

    supL = motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex(config['supLink1'])
    supR = motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex(config['supLink2'])

    selectedBody = motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex(config['end'])
    constBody = motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex('RightFoot')

    # momentum matrix
    linkMasses = dartModel.getBodyMasses()
    print([body.name for body in dartModel.skeleton.bodynodes])
    totalMass = dartModel.getTotalMass()
    TO = ymt.make_TO(linkMasses)
    dTO = ymt.make_dTO(len(linkMasses))

    # optimization
    problem = yac.LSE(totalDOF, 12)
    #a_sup = (0,0,0, 0,0,0) #ori
    #a_sup = (0,0,0, 0,0,0) #L
    # a_supL = (0,0,0, 0,0,0)
    # a_supR = (0,0,0, 0,0,0)
    # a_sup_2 = (0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0)
    CP_old = [mm.v3(0., 0., 0.)]
    CP_des = [None]
    dCP_des = [np.zeros(3)]

    # penalty method
    bodyIDsToCheck = range(dartModel.getBodyNum())
    #mus = [1.]*len(bodyIDsToCheck)
    mus = [.5] * len(bodyIDsToCheck)

    # flat data structure
    # ddth_des_flat = ype.makeFlatList(totalDOF)
    # dth_flat = ype.makeFlatList(totalDOF)
    # ddth_sol = ype.makeNestedList(DOFs)

    # viewer
    rd_footCenter = [None]
    rd_footCenterL = [None]
    rd_footCenterR = [None]
    rd_CM_plane = [None]
    rd_CM = [None]
    rd_CP = [None]
    rd_CP_des = [None]
    rd_dL_des_plane = [None]
    rd_dH_des = [None]
    rd_grf_des = [None]

    rd_exf_des = [None]
    rd_exfen_des = [None]
    rd_root_des = [None]

    rd_CF = [None]
    rd_CF_pos = [None]

    rootPos = [None]
    selectedBodyId = [selectedBody]
    extraForce = [None]
    extraForcePos = [None]

    rightFootVectorX = [None]
    rightFootVectorY = [None]
    rightFootVectorZ = [None]
    rightFootPos = [None]

    rightVectorX = [None]
    rightVectorY = [None]
    rightVectorZ = [None]
    rightPos = [None]

    # viewer = ysv.SimpleViewer()
    viewer = hsv.hpSimpleViewer(viewForceWnd=False)
        'motion', yr.JointMotionRenderer(motion, (0, 255, 255), yr.LINK_BONE))
    viewer.doc.addObject('motion', motion)
    # viewer.doc.addRenderer('motionModel', cvr.VpModelRenderer(motionModel, (150,150,255), yr.POLYGON_FILL))
    # viewer.doc.addRenderer('controlModel', cvr.VpModelRenderer(controlModel, (255,240,255), yr.POLYGON_LINE))
    #viewer.doc.addRenderer('controlModel', cvr.VpModelRenderer(controlModel, (255,240,255), yr.POLYGON_FILL))

        yr.DartModelRenderer(dartMotionModel, (150, 150, 255),
        yr.DartModelRenderer(dartModel, (255, 240, 255), yr.POLYGON_FILL))
    viewer.doc.addRenderer('rd_footCenter', yr.PointsRenderer(rd_footCenter))
                           yr.PointsRenderer(rd_CM_plane, (255, 255, 0)))
    viewer.doc.addRenderer('rd_CP', yr.PointsRenderer(rd_CP, (0, 255, 0)))
                           yr.PointsRenderer(rd_CP_des, (255, 0, 255)))
        yr.VectorsRenderer(rd_dL_des_plane, rd_CM, (255, 255, 0)))
                           yr.VectorsRenderer(rd_dH_des, rd_CM, (0, 255, 0)))
    #viewer.doc.addRenderer('rd_grf_des', yr.ForcesRenderer(rd_grf_des, rd_CP_des, (0,255,0), .001))
                           yr.VectorsRenderer(rd_CF, rd_CF_pos, (255, 0, 0)))

        'extraForce', yr.VectorsRenderer(rd_exf_des, extraForcePos,
                                         (0, 255, 0)))
        yr.VectorsRenderer(rd_exfen_des, extraForcePos, (255, 0, 0)))

    #viewer.doc.addRenderer('right_foot_oriX', yr.VectorsRenderer(rightFootVectorX, rightFootPos, (255,0,0)))
    #viewer.doc.addRenderer('right_foot_oriY', yr.VectorsRenderer(rightFootVectorY, rightFootPos, (0,255,0)))
    #viewer.doc.addRenderer('right_foot_oriZ', yr.VectorsRenderer(rightFootVectorZ, rightFootPos, (0,0,255)))

    #viewer.doc.addRenderer('right_oriX', yr.VectorsRenderer(rightVectorX, rightPos, (255,0,0)))
    #viewer.doc.addRenderer('right_oriY', yr.VectorsRenderer(rightVectorY, rightPos, (0,255,0)))
    #viewer.doc.addRenderer('right_oriZ', yr.VectorsRenderer(rightVectorZ, rightPos, (0,0,255)))

    #initKt = 50
    #initKl = 10.1
    #initKh = 3.1

    #initBl = .1
    #initBh = .1
    #initSupKt = 21.6

    #initFm = 100.0

    #success!! -- 2015.2.12. double stance
    #initKt = 50
    #initKl = 37.1
    #initKh = 41.8

    #initBl = .1
    #initBh = .13
    #initSupKt = 21.6

    #initFm = 165.0

    #single stance
    #initKt = 25
    #initKl = 80.1
    #initKh = 10.8

    #initBl = .1
    #initBh = .13
    #initSupKt = 21.6

    #initFm = 50.0

    #single stance -> double stance
    #initKt = 25
    #initKl = 60.
    #initKh = 20.

    #initBl = .1
    #initBh = .13
    #initSupKt = 21.6

    #initFm = 50.0

    initKt = 25.
    initKl = 100.
    initKh = 100.

    initBl = .1
    initBh = .13
    initSupKt = 17.

    initFm = 50.0

    viewer.objectInfoWnd.add1DSlider("Kt", 0., 300., 1., initKt)
    viewer.objectInfoWnd.add1DSlider("Kl", 0., 300., 1., initKl)
    viewer.objectInfoWnd.add1DSlider("Kh", 0., 300., 1., initKh)
    viewer.objectInfoWnd.add1DSlider("Bl", 0., 1., .001, initBl)
    viewer.objectInfoWnd.add1DSlider("Bh", 0., 1., .001, initBh)
    viewer.objectInfoWnd.add1DSlider("SupKt", 0., 100., 0.1, initSupKt)
    viewer.objectInfoWnd.add1DSlider("Fm", 0., 1000., 10., initFm)

    # viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelKt.value(initKt)
    # viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelKl.value(initKl)
    # viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelKh.value(initKh)
    # viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelBl.value(initBl)
    # viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelBh.value(initBh)
    # viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelSupKt.value(initSupKt)
    # viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelFm.value(initFm)
    # viewer.objectInfoWnd.sliderKt.value(initKt*50)
    # viewer.objectInfoWnd.sliderKl.value(initKl*10)
    # viewer.objectInfoWnd.sliderKh.value(initKh*10)
    # viewer.objectInfoWnd.sliderBl.value(initBl*100)
    # viewer.objectInfoWnd.sliderBh.value(initBh*100)
    # viewer.objectInfoWnd.sliderSupKt.value(initSupKt*10)
    # viewer.objectInfoWnd.sliderFm.value(initFm)

    viewer.force_on = False

    def viewer_SetForceState(obj):
        viewer.force_on = True

    def viewer_GetForceState():
        return viewer.force_on

    def viewer_ResetForceState():
        viewer.force_on = False

    viewer.objectInfoWnd.addBtn('Force on', viewer_SetForceState)

    offset = 60

    viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceX = Fl_Value_Input(20, 30 + offset * 7, 40,
                                                      20, 'X')

    viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceY = Fl_Value_Input(80, 30 + offset * 7, 40,
                                                      20, 'Y')

    viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceZ = Fl_Value_Input(140, 30 + offset * 7, 40,
                                                      20, 'Z')

    viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceDur = Fl_Value_Input(
        220, 30 + offset * 7, 40, 20, 'Dur')


    #self.sliderFm = Fl_Hor_Nice_Slider(10, 42+offset*6, 250, 10)

    pdcontroller = PDController(dartModel, dartModel.skeleton, wcfg.timeStep,
                                16., 8.)

    def getParamVal(paramname):
        return viewer.objectInfoWnd.getVal(paramname)

    def getParamVals(paramnames):
        return (getParamVal(name) for name in paramnames)

    extendedFootName = [
        'Foot_foot_0_0', 'Foot_foot_0_1', 'Foot_foot_0_0_0', 'Foot_foot_0_1_0',
        'Foot_foot_1_0', 'Foot_foot_1_1', 'Foot_foot_1_2'
    lIDdic = {
        'Left' + name: motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex('Left' + name)
        for name in extendedFootName
    rIDdic = {
        'Right' + name: motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex('Right' + name)
        for name in extendedFootName
    footIdDic = lIDdic.copy()

    foot_left_idx = motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex('LeftFoot')
    foot_right_idx = motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex('RightFoot')

    def simulateCallback(frame):

        global g_initFlag
        global forceShowTime

        global preFootCenter
        global maxContactChangeCount
        global contactChangeCount
        global contact
        global contactChangeType

        Kt, Kl, Kh, Bl, Bh, kt_sup = getParamVals(
            ['Kt', 'Kl', 'Kh', 'Bl', 'Bh', 'SupKt'])
        Dt = 2. * (Kt**.5)
        Dl = 2. * (Kl**.5)
        Dh = 2. * (Kh**.5)
        dt_sup = 2. * (kt_sup**.5)
        # Dt = .2*(Kt**.5)
        # Dl = .2*(Kl**.5)
        # Dh = .2*(Kh**.5)
        # dt_sup = .2*(kt_sup**.5)

        pdcontroller.setKpKd(Kt, Dt)

        doubleTosingleOffset = 0.15
        singleTodoubleOffset = 0.30
        #doubleTosingleOffset = 0.09
        doubleTosingleVelOffset = 0.0

        # tracking
        # th_r = motion.getDOFPositions(frame)
        # th = dartModel.getDOFPositions()
        # dth_r = motion.getDOFVelocities(frame)
        # dth = dartModel.getDOFVelocities()
        # ddth_r = motion.getDOFAccelerations(frame)
        # ddth_des = yct.getDesiredDOFAccelerations(th_r, th, dth_r, dth, ddth_r, Kt, Dt)
        dth_flat = dartModel.get_dq()

        # ype.flatten(ddth_des, ddth_des_flat)
        # ype.flatten(dth, dth_flat)

        # jacobian

        #caution!! body orientation and joint orientation of foot are totally different!!
        footOriL = dartModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(supL)
        footOriR = dartModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(supR)

        #desire footCenter[1] = 0.041135
        #desire footCenter[1] = 0.0197
        footCenterL = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        footCenterR = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        footBodyOriL = dartModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supL)
        footBodyOriR = dartModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supR)
        footBodyVelL = dartModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supL)
        footBodyVelR = dartModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supR)
        footBodyAngVelL = dartModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supL)
        footBodyAngVelR = dartModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supR)

        refFootL = dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        refFootR = dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        refFootAngVelL = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supL, frame)
        refFootAngVelR = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supR, frame)

        refFootJointVelR = motion.getJointVelocityGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootJointAngVelR = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootJointR = motion.getJointPositionGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootVelR = refFootJointVelR + np.cross(refFootJointAngVelR,
                                                  (refFootR - refFootJointR))

        refFootJointVelL = motion.getJointVelocityGlobal(supL, frame)
        refFootJointAngVelL = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supL, frame)
        refFootJointL = motion.getJointPositionGlobal(supL, frame)
        refFootVelL = refFootJointVelL + np.cross(refFootJointAngVelL,
                                                  (refFootL - refFootJointL))

        contactR = 1
        contactL = 1
        if refFootVelR[1] < 0 and refFootVelR[1] * frame_step_size + refFootR[
                1] > singleTodoubleOffset:
            contactR = 0
        if refFootVelL[1] < 0 and refFootVelL[1] * frame_step_size + refFootL[
                1] > singleTodoubleOffset:
            contactL = 0
        if refFootVelR[1] > 0 and refFootVelR[1] * frame_step_size + refFootR[
                1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            contactR = 0
        if refFootVelL[1] > 0 and refFootVelL[1] * frame_step_size + refFootL[
                1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            contactL = 0
        # contactR = 0

        # contMotionOffset = th[0][0] - th_r[0][0]
        contMotionOffset = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(
            0) - dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(0)

        linkPositions = dartModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        linkVelocities = dartModel.getBodyVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkAngVelocities = dartModel.getBodyAngVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkInertias = dartModel.getBodyInertiasGlobal()

        CM = dartModel.skeleton.com()
        dCM = dartModel.skeleton.com_velocity()
        CM_plane = copy.copy(CM)
        CM_plane[1] = 0.
        dCM_plane = copy.copy(dCM)
        dCM_plane[1] = 0.

        P = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrix(TO, linkMasses, linkPositions, CM,
        dP = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrixDerivative(dTO, linkMasses,
                                                linkVelocities, dCM,

        #calculate contact state
        #if g_initFlag == 1 and contact == 1 and refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset and footCenterR[1] < 0.08:
        if g_initFlag == 1:
            #contact state
            # 0: flying 1: right only 2: left only 3: double
            #if contact == 2 and refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
            if contact == 2 and contactR == 1:
                contact = 3
                maxContactChangeCount += 30
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'StoD'

            #elif contact == 3 and refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
            elif contact == 1 and contactL == 1:
                contact = 3
                maxContactChangeCount += 30
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'StoD'

            #elif contact == 3 and refFootR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            elif contact == 3 and contactR == 0:
                contact = 2
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'DtoS'

            #elif contact == 3 and refFootL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            elif contact == 3 and contactL == 0:
                contact = 1
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'DtoS'

                contact = 0
                #if refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                if contactR == 1:
                    contact += 1
                #if refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                if contactL == 1:
                    contact += 2

        if g_initFlag == 0:
            softConstPoint = footCenterR.copy()

            footCenter = footCenterL + (footCenterR - footCenterL) / 2.0
            footCenter[1] = 0.
            preFootCenter = footCenter.copy()
            #footToBodyFootRotL = np.dot(np.transpose(footOriL), footBodyOriL)
            #footToBodyFootRotR = np.dot(np.transpose(footOriR), footBodyOriR)

            if refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                contact += 1
            if refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                contact += 2

            g_initFlag = 1

        #calculate jacobian
        body_num = dartModel.getBodyNum()
        Jsys = np.zeros((6 * body_num, totalDOF))
        dJsys = np.zeros((6 * body_num, totalDOF))
        for i in range(dartModel.getBodyNum()):
            body_i_jacobian = dartModel.getBody(i).world_jacobian()[
                range(-3, 3), :]
            body_i_jacobian_deriv = dartModel.getBody(
                i).world_jacobian_classic_deriv()[range(-3, 3), :]
            Jsys[6 * i:6 * i + 6, :] = body_i_jacobian
            dJsys[6 * i:6 * i + 6, :] = body_i_jacobian_deriv

        JsupL = dartModel.getBody(supL).world_jacobian()[range(-3, 3), :]
        dJsupL = dartModel.getBody(supL).world_jacobian_classic_deriv()[
            range(-3, 3), :]

        JsupR = dartModel.getBody(supR).world_jacobian()[range(-3, 3), :]
        dJsupR = dartModel.getBody(supR).world_jacobian_classic_deriv()[
            range(-3, 3), :]

        # ddth_des_flat = pdcontroller.compute(dartMotionModel.get_q())
        ddth_des_flat = pdcontroller.compute(motion.getDOFPositions(frame))

        #calculate footCenter
        footCenter = .5 * (footCenterL + footCenterR)
        #if refFootR[1] >doubleTosingleOffset:
        #if refFootR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset or footCenterR[1] > 0.08:
        #if contact == 1 or footCenterR[1] > 0.08:
        #if contact == 2 or footCenterR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 2:
            footCenter = footCenterL.copy()
        #elif contact == 1 or footCenterL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 1:
            footCenter = footCenterR.copy()
        footCenter[1] = 0.

        if contactChangeCount > 0 and contactChangeType == 'StoD':
            #change footcenter gradually
            footCenter = preFootCenter + (
                maxContactChangeCount - contactChangeCount) * (
                    footCenter - preFootCenter) / maxContactChangeCount

        preFootCenter = footCenter.copy()

        # foot adjustment

        foot_angle_weight = 1.
        foot_dCM_weight = 5.

        foot_center_diff = CM_plane + dCM_plane * frame_step_size * foot_dCM_weight - footCenter
        foot_center_diff_norm = np.linalg.norm(foot_center_diff)

        foot_left_height = dartModel.getJointPositionGlobal(foot_left_idx)[1]
        foot_right_height = dartModel.getJointPositionGlobal(foot_left_idx)[1]

        foot_left_angle = foot_angle_weight * math.atan2(
            foot_center_diff_norm, foot_left_height)
        foot_right_angle = foot_angle_weight * math.atan2(
            foot_center_diff_norm, foot_right_height)

        foot_axis = np.cross(np.array((0., 1., 0.)), foot_center_diff)

        foot_left_R = mm.exp(foot_axis, foot_left_angle)
        foot_right_R = mm.exp(foot_axis, foot_right_angle)
        # motion[frame].mulJointOrientationGlobal(foot_left_idx, foot_left_R)
        # motion[frame].mulJointOrientationGlobal(foot_right_idx, foot_right_R)

        # hfi.footAdjust(motion[frame], footIdDic, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, 0.)

        # linear momentum
        # We should consider dCM_ref, shouldn't we?
        # add getBodyPositionGlobal and getBodyPositionsGlobal in csVpModel!
        # to do that, set joint velocities to vpModel
        CM_ref_plane = footCenter
        dL_des_plane = Kl * totalMass * (CM_ref_plane -
                                         CM_plane) - Dl * totalMass * dCM_plane
        dL_des_plane[1] = 0.

        # angular momentum
        CP_ref = footCenter

        bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = [], [], [], []
        if DART_CONTACT_ON:
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = dartModel.get_dart_contact_info(
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = dartModel.calcPenaltyForce(
                bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
        #bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces, contactVelocities = vpWorld.calcManyPenaltyForce(0, bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)

        CP = yrp.getCP(contactPositions, contactForces)
        if CP_old[0] is None or CP is None:
            dCP = None
            dCP = (CP - CP_old[0]) / frame_step_size
        CP_old[0] = CP

        # CP_des = None
        if CP_des[0] is None:
            CP_des[0] = footCenter

        if CP is not None and dCP is not None:
            ddCP_des = Kh * (CP_ref - CP) - Dh * dCP
            CP_des[0] = CP + dCP * frame_step_size + .5 * ddCP_des * (
            # dCP_des[0] += ddCP_des * frame_step_size
            # CP_des[0] += dCP_des[0] * frame_step_size + .5 * ddCP_des*(frame_step_size ** 2)
            dH_des = np.cross(
                CP_des[0] - CM,
                (dL_des_plane + totalMass * mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)))
            if contactChangeCount > 0:  # and contactChangeType == 'DtoS':
                #dH_des *= (maxContactChangeCount - contactChangeCount)/(maxContactChangeCount*10)
                dH_des *= (maxContactChangeCount -
                           contactChangeCount) / maxContactChangeCount
                #dH_des *= (contactChangeCount)/(maxContactChangeCount)*.9+.1
            dH_des = None
        # H = np.dot(P, np.dot(Jsys, dth_flat))
        # dH_des = -Kh* H[3:]

        # soft point constraint
        #softConstPoint = refFootR.copy()
        ##softConstPoint[0] += 0.2
        #Ksc = 50
        #Dsc = 2*(Ksc**.5)
        #Bsc = 1.

        #P_des = softConstPoint
        #P_cur = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(constBody)
        #dP_des = [0, 0, 0]
        #dP_cur = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(constBody)
        #ddP_des1 = Ksc*(P_des - P_cur) + Dsc*(dP_des - dP_cur)

        #r = P_des - P_cur
        #I = np.vstack(([1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]))
        #Z = np.hstack((I, mm.getCrossMatrixForm(-r)))

        #yjc.computeJacobian2(Jconst, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [softConstPoint], constJointMasks)
        #dJconst = (Jconst - Jconst)/(1/30.)
        #JconstPre = Jconst.copy()
        ##yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJconst, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [softConstPoint], constJointMasks, False)

        #JL, JA = np.vsplit(Jconst, 2)
        #Q1 = np.dot(Z, Jconst)

        #q1 = np.dot(JA, dth_flat)
        #q2 = np.dot(mm.getCrossMatrixForm(q1), np.dot(mm.getCrossMatrixForm(q1), r))
        #q_bias1 = np.dot(np.dot(Z, dJconst), dth_flat) + q2

        #set up equality constraint
        # a_oriL = mm.logSO3(mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0,1,0])), np.array([0,1,0])))
        # a_oriR = mm.logSO3(mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(footBodyOriR, np.array([0,1,0])), np.array([0,1,0])))
        left_foot_up_vec, right_foot_up_vec = hfi.get_foot_up_vector(
            motion[frame], footIdDic, None)
        a_oriL = mm.logSO3(
            mm.getSO3FromVectors(left_foot_up_vec, np.array([0, 1, 0])))
        a_oriR = mm.logSO3(
            mm.getSO3FromVectors(right_foot_up_vec, np.array([0, 1, 0])))

        #if contact == 3 and contactChangeCount < maxContactChangeCount/4 and contactChangeCount >=1:
        #kt_sup = 30

        # a_supL = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), kt_sup*a_oriL+dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
        # a_supR = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), kt_sup*a_oriR+dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))
        a_supL = np.append(
            kt_sup * (refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup *
            (refFootVelL - footBodyVelL),
            kt_sup * a_oriL + dt_sup * (refFootAngVelL - footBodyAngVelL))
        a_supR = np.append(
            kt_sup * (refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup *
            (refFootVelR - footBodyVelR),
            kt_sup * a_oriR + dt_sup * (refFootAngVelR - footBodyAngVelR))
        # a_supL[3:] = 0.
        # a_supR[3:] = 0.

        if contactChangeCount > 0 and contactChangeType == 'DtoS':
            #refFootR += (footCenter-CM_plane)/2.
            #refFootR[1] = 0
            #pre contact value are needed
            #if contact == 2:
            ##refFootR[0] += 0.2
            ##refFootR[2] -= 0.05
            #offsetDropR = (footCenter-CM_plane)/2.
            #refFootR += offsetDropR
            #refFootR[1] = 0.
            ##refFootR[2] = footCenterR[2] - contMotionOffset[2]
            ##refFootR[0] = footCenterR[0] - contMotionOffset[0]
            #refFootL[0] += 0.05
            #refFootL[2] -= 0.05
            #elif contact == 1:
            #offsetDropL = (footCenter-CM_plane)/2.
            #refFootL += offsetDropL
            #refFootL[1] = 0.
            #a_supL = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), kt_sup*a_oriL+dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
            #a_supR = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), kt_sup*a_oriR+dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))
            #a_supL = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), 16*kt_sup*a_oriL+4*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
            #a_supR = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), 16*kt_sup*a_oriR+4*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))
            a_supL = np.append(
                kt_sup * (refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup *
                (refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), 4 * kt_sup * a_oriL +
                2 * dt_sup * (refFootAngVelL - footBodyAngVelL))
            a_supR = np.append(
                kt_sup * (refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup *
                (refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), 4 * kt_sup * a_oriR +
                2 * dt_sup * (refFootAngVelR - footBodyAngVelR))
        elif contactChangeCount > 0 and contactChangeType == 'StoD':
            #refFootR[0] +=0.05
            #refFootR[2] +=0.05
            linkt = (13. * contactChangeCount) / maxContactChangeCount + 1.
            lindt = 2 * (linkt**.5)
            angkt = (13. * contactChangeCount) / maxContactChangeCount + 1.
            angdt = 2 * (angkt**.5)
            #a_supL = np.append(4*kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + 2*dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), 16*kt_sup*a_oriL+4*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
            #a_supR = np.append(4*kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + 2*dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), 16*kt_sup*a_oriR+4*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))
            a_supL = np.append(
                linkt * kt_sup * (refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) +
                lindt * dt_sup * (refFootVelL - footBodyVelL),
                angkt * kt_sup * a_oriL + angdt * dt_sup *
                (refFootAngVelL - footBodyAngVelL))
            a_supR = np.append(
                linkt * kt_sup * (refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) +
                lindt * dt_sup * (refFootVelR - footBodyVelR),
                angkt * kt_sup * a_oriR + angdt * dt_sup *
                (refFootAngVelR - footBodyAngVelR))
            #a_supL = np.append(16*kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + 4*dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), 16*kt_sup*a_oriL+4*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
            #a_supR = np.append(16*kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + 4*dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), 16*kt_sup*a_oriR+4*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))
            #a_supL = np.append(4*kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + 2*dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), 32*kt_sup*a_oriL+5.6*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
            #a_supR = np.append(4*kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + 2*dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), 32*kt_sup*a_oriR+5.6*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))
            #a_supL[1] = kt_sup*(refFootL[1] - footCenterL[1] + contMotionOffset[1]) + dt_sup*(refFootVelL[1] - footBodyVelL[1])
            #a_supR[1] = kt_sup*(refFootR[1] - footCenterR[1] + contMotionOffset[1]) + dt_sup*(refFootVelR[1] - footBodyVelR[1])

        ##if contact == 2:
        #if refFootR[1] <doubleTosingleOffset :
        #Jsup = np.vstack((JsupL, JsupR))
        #dJsup = np.vstack((dJsupL, dJsupR))
        #a_sup = np.append(a_supL, a_supR)
        #Jsup = JsupL.copy()
        #dJsup = dJsupL.copy()
        #a_sup = a_supL.copy()

        # momentum matrix
        RS = np.dot(P, Jsys)
        R, S = np.vsplit(RS, 2)

        rs = np.dot((np.dot(dP, Jsys) + np.dot(P, dJsys)), dth_flat)
        r_bias, s_bias = np.hsplit(rs, 2)

        # optimization
        #if contact == 2 and footCenterR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 2:
            config['weightMap']['RightUpLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightFoot'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightUpLeg'] = .1
            config['weightMap']['RightLeg'] = .25
            config['weightMap']['RightFoot'] = .2

        #if contact == 1 and footCenterL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 1:
            config['weightMap']['LeftUpLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftFoot'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftUpLeg'] = .1
            config['weightMap']['LeftLeg'] = .25
            config['weightMap']['LeftFoot'] = .2

        w = mot.getTrackingWeight(DOFs, motion[0].skeleton,

        #if contact == 2:
        #mot.addSoftPointConstraintTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bsc, ddP_des1, Q1, q_bias1)
        mot.addTrackingTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bt, w, ddth_des_flat)
        if dH_des is not None:
            mot.addLinearTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bl, dL_des_plane, R, r_bias)
            mot.addAngularTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bh, dH_des, S, s_bias)

            #mot.setConstraint(problem, totalDOF, Jsup, dJsup, dth_flat, a_sup)
            #mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, Jsup, dJsup, dth_flat, a_sup)
            #if contact & 1 and contactChangeCount == 0:
            if contact & 1:
                #if refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, JsupR, dJsupR, dth_flat,
            if contact & 2:
                #if refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, JsupL, dJsupL, dth_flat,

        if contactChangeCount > 0:
            contactChangeCount -= 1
            if contactChangeCount == 0:
                maxContactChangeCount = 30
                contactChangeType = 0

        r = problem.solve()
        # ype.nested(r['x'], ddth_sol)
        ddth_sol = np.asarray(r['x'])

        # remove foot seg effect
        ddth_sol[foot_dofs] = ddth_des_flat[foot_dofs]
        # ddth_sol[:] = ddth_des_flat[:]

        rootPos[0] = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
        localPos = [[0, 0, 0]]

        for i in range(stepsPerFrame):
            # apply penalty force
            if not DART_CONTACT_ON:
                bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = dartModel.calcPenaltyForce(
                    bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
                dartModel.applyPenaltyForce(bodyIDs, contactPositionLocals,
            #bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces, contactVelocities = vpWorld.calcManyPenaltyForce(0, bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)


            if forceShowTime > viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceDur.value():
                forceShowTime = 0

            forceforce = np.array([
            extraForce[0] = getParamVal('Fm') * mm.normalize2(forceforce)
            if viewer_GetForceState():
                forceShowTime += wcfg.timeStep
                dartModel.applyPenaltyForce(selectedBodyId, localPos,


        if DART_CONTACT_ON:
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = dartModel.get_dart_contact_info(
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = dartModel.calcPenaltyForce(
                bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)

        # rendering
        rightFootVectorX[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([.1, 0, 0]))
        rightFootVectorY[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([0, .1, 0]))
        rightFootVectorZ[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([0, 0, .1]))
        rightFootPos[0] = footCenterL

        rightVectorX[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([.1, 0, 0]))
        rightVectorY[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0, .1, 0]))
        rightVectorZ[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0, 0, .1]))
        rightPos[0] = footCenterL + np.array([.1, 0, 0])

        rd_footCenter[0] = footCenter
        rd_footCenterL[0] = footCenterL
        rd_footCenterR[0] = footCenterR

        rd_CM[0] = CM

        rd_CM_plane[0] = CM.copy()
        rd_CM_plane[0][1] = 0.

        if CP is not None and dCP is not None:
            rd_CP[0] = CP
            rd_CP_des[0] = CP_des[0]

            rd_dL_des_plane[0] = [
                dL_des_plane[0] / 100, dL_des_plane[1] / 100,
                dL_des_plane[2] / 100
            rd_dH_des[0] = dH_des

            rd_grf_des[0] = dL_des_plane - totalMass * mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)

        rd_root_des[0] = rootPos[0]

        del rd_CF[:]
        del rd_CF_pos[:]
        for i in range(len(contactPositions)):
            rd_CF.append(contactForces[i] / 100)

        if viewer_GetForceState():
            rd_exfen_des[0] = [
                extraForce[0][0] / 100, extraForce[0][1] / 100,
                extraForce[0][2] / 100
            rd_exf_des[0] = [0, 0, 0]
            rd_exf_des[0] = [
                extraForce[0][0] / 100, extraForce[0][1] / 100,
                extraForce[0][2] / 100
            rd_exfen_des[0] = [0, 0, 0]

        extraForcePos[0] = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)


    viewer.startTimer(1 / 30.)

Пример #10
def main():
    MOTION_ONLY = False


    env_name = 'walk'

    ppo = PPO(env_name, 0, visualize_only=True)
    if not MOTION_ONLY:
        # ppo.LoadModel('walk_model_10240127/'+'181'+'.pt')

    # ppo.replace_motion_num = ppo.rnn_len
    # ppo.env.ref_skel.set_positions(ppo.env.ref_motion.get_q(ppo.env.phase_frame))

    # viewer settings
    rd_contact_positions = [None]
    rd_contact_forces = [None]
    rd_target_position = [None]
    rd_com = [None]

    dart_world = ppo.env.world
    viewer = hsv.hpSimpleViewer(rect=[0, 0, 1280 + 300, 720 + 1 + 55],
        yr.DartRenderer(ppo.env.ref_world, (150, 150, 255), yr.POLYGON_FILL))
                           yr.PointsRenderer(rd_target_position, (0, 255, 0)))
    if not MOTION_ONLY:
            yr.DartRenderer(dart_world, (255, 240, 255), yr.POLYGON_FILL))
            yr.VectorsRenderer(rd_contact_forces, rd_contact_positions,
                               (255, 0, 0)))
                               yr.PointsRenderer(rd_com, (0, 0, 255)))

    last_frame = [0]
    q = ppo.env.ref_skel.q

    def simulateCallback(frame):
        ppo.env.ref_motion.frame = frame - last_frame[0]
        del rd_target_position[:]
        del rd_com[:]
        com = ppo.env.skel.com()
        com[1] = 0.

        state = ppo.env.GetState(0)
        action_dist, _ = ppo.model(torch.tensor(state.reshape(1, -1)).float())
        action = action_dist.loc.detach().numpy()
        # res = ppo.env.Steps(np.zeros_like(action))
        res = ppo.env.Steps(action)
        # res = [False, False, False]
        # print(res[1])

        # res = ppo.env.Steps(np.zeros_like(action))
        # print(frame, ppo.env.ref_skel.current_frame, ppo.env.world.time()*ppo.env.ref_motion.fps)
        # print(frame, res[0][0])
        # if res[0][0] > 0.46:
        #     ppo.env.continue_from_now_by_phase(0.2)
        # print(ppo.env.goal)
        if res[2]:
            print(frame, 'Done')
            last_frame[0] = frame

        # contact rendering
        contacts = ppo.env.world.collision_result.contacts
        del rd_contact_forces[:]
        del rd_contact_positions[:]
        for contact in contacts:
            rd_contact_forces.append(contact.f / 1000.)

    # viewer.setPreFrameCallback_Always(preCallback)

    viewer.startTimer(1. / 30.)

Пример #11
def preprocess(SEGMENT_FOOT=False):
    tasks = []

    outputDir = './ppmotion/'
        outputDir = './ppmotion_segfoot/'

    dir = './ori_motion/'
    config = None
        # segmented foot
        # config = {'repeat':False, 'footRot': mm.rotX(.07), 'yOffset':0., 'halfFootHeight': 0.0944444444444, 'scale':.01, 'type':'woody2'}
        config = {
            'repeat': False,
            'footRot': mm.rotX(-.07),
            'yOffset': 0.,
            'halfFootHeight': 0.0944444444444,
            'scale': .01,
            'type': 'woody2'
        # box foot
        config = {
            'repeat': False,
            'footRot': mm.rotX(-.4),
            'yOffset': 0.,
            'halfFootHeight': 0.0444444444444,
            'scale': .01,
            'type': 'woody2'

    paths = []

    # rotX = -0.07
    paths.append(dir + 'wd2_1foot_contact_run2_edit.bvh')
    paths.append(dir + 'wd2_fast_2foot_hop_edit.bvh')
    paths.append(dir + 'wd2_long_broad_jump_edit.bvh')
    paths.append(dir + 'wd2_n_kick_edit.bvh')
    paths.append(dir + 'wd2_short_broad_jump_edit.bvh')
    paths.append(dir + 'wd2_slow_2foot_hop_edit.bvh')
    # rotX = 0.07
    # paths.append(dir+'wd2_boxing_round_round_girl1_edit.bvh')
    # paths.append(dir+'wd2_u-turn_edit.bvh')
    tasks.append({'config': config, 'paths': paths})

    VISUALIZE = False

    for task in tasks:
        config = task['config']
        paths = task['paths']
        for path in paths:
            motion = yf.readBvhFile(path)
            normalizeSkeleton(motion, config)
            adjustHeight(motion, config['halfFootHeight'])
            additionalEdit(motion, path)

            outputPath = outputDir + os.path.basename(path)
            if SEGMENT_FOOT:
                outputPath = outputDir + "segfoot_" + os.path.basename(path)
            yf.writeBvhFile(outputPath, motion)
            print(outputPath, 'done')

            if 'repeat' in config and config['repeat']:
                hRef = .1
                vRef = .3
                lc = yma.getElementContactStates(motion, 'LeftFoot', hRef,
                interval = yba.getWalkingCycle2(motion, lc)

                transitionLength = 20 if 'wd2_WalkAzuma01.bvh' in path else 10
                motion = ymt.repeatCycle(motion, interval, 50,

                outputName = os.path.splitext(
                    os.path.basename(path))[0] + '_REPEATED.bvh'
                outputPath = outputDir + outputName
                if SEGMENT_FOOT:
                    outputPath = outputDir + 'segfoot_' + outputName
                yf.writeBvhFile(outputPath, motion)
                print(outputPath, 'done')

            if VISUALIZE:
                viewer = ysv.SimpleViewer()
                    yr.JointMotionRenderer(motion, (0, 100, 255),
                viewer.doc.addObject('motion', motion)

                viewer.startTimer(1 / 30.)
