Пример #1
def compare_pert(model,
    """Show perturbed and un-perturbed trajectories starting at t0, with given perturbation function
    if not isinstance(model, Model.Model):
        # temporarily embed into a model object
        model = embed(model)
        all_pts = ref_traj_period.sample()
    except AttributeError:
        raise TypeError("Must pass a reference trajectory object")
        T = ref_traj_period.indepdomain[1] - ref_traj_period.indepdomain[0]
    ref_ts = all_pts.indepvararray

    assert t0 > ref_ts[0] and t0 < ref_ts[-1], "t0 out of range"
    ic = do_pert(model, ref_traj_period(t0), pertcoord, pertsize)
    model.set(ics=ic, tdata=[0, settle * T + t0])
    model.compute(trajname='compare_pert', force=True)
    evts = model.getTrajEventTimes('compare_pert', evname)
    PRC_val = -np.mod(evts[-1] + t0, T) / T
    if abs(PRC_val) > 0.5:
        PRC_val += 1
    print("t0 = %.6f, PRC value = %f" % (t0, PRC_val))

    if fignum is not None:
    plot(all_pts['t'], all_pts[pertcoord], 'g')
    while all_pts.indepvararray[-1] < settle * T + t0:
        # plot additional periodic cycles to compare with pert traj
        all_pts.indepvararray += T
        plot(all_pts['t'], all_pts[pertcoord], 'g')
    pert_pts = model.sample('compare_pert')
    pert_pts.indepvararray += t0
    plot(pert_pts['t'], pert_pts[pertcoord], 'r')
    return pert_pts
Пример #2
def compare_pert(model, ref_traj_period, evname, pertcoord, pertsize, t0, settle=5,
                 do_pert=_default_pert, fignum=None):
    """Show perturbed and un-perturbed trajectories starting at t0, with given perturbation function
    if not isinstance(model, Model.Model):
        # temporarily embed into a model object
        model = embed(model)
        all_pts = ref_traj_period.sample()
    except AttributeError:
        raise TypeError("Must pass a reference trajectory object")
        T = ref_traj_period.indepdomain[1]-ref_traj_period.indepdomain[0]
    ref_ts = all_pts.indepvararray

    assert t0 > ref_ts[0] and t0 < ref_ts[-1], "t0 out of range"
    ic = do_pert(model, ref_traj_period(t0), pertcoord, pertsize)
    model.set(ics=ic, tdata=[0,settle*T+t0])
    model.compute(trajname='compare_pert', force=True)
    evts = model.getTrajEventTimes('compare_pert', evname)
    PRC_val = -np.mod(evts[-1]+t0, T)/T
    if abs(PRC_val) > 0.5:
        PRC_val += 1
    print "t0 = %.6f, PRC value = %f" % (t0, PRC_val)

    if fignum is not None:
    plot(all_pts['t'], all_pts[pertcoord], 'g')
    while all_pts.indepvararray[-1] < settle*T+t0:
        # plot additional periodic cycles to compare with pert traj
        all_pts.indepvararray += T
        plot(all_pts['t'], all_pts[pertcoord], 'g')
    pert_pts = model.sample('compare_pert')
    pert_pts.indepvararray += t0
    plot(pert_pts['t'], pert_pts[pertcoord], 'r')
    return pert_pts
Пример #3
def one_period_traj(model, ev_name, ev_t_tol, ev_norm_tol, T_est,
                    verbose=False, initial_settle=6, restore_old_ics=False,
    Utility to extract a single period of a limit cycle of the model using forward
    integration, up to a tolerance given in terms of both the period and the norm of the
    vector of variables in the limit cycle at the period endpoints.

    Requires a non-terminal event in the model that is detected exactly once per period.
    Assumes model initial conditions are already in domain of attraction for limit cycle.

    T_est is an initial estimate of period.
    use_quadratic_interp option (default False) indicates whether to make the returned
    trajectory interpolated more accurately using quadratic functions rather than linear ones.
    This option takes a lot longer to complete!

    The model argument can be an instance of a Generator class or Model class.

    Returned trajectory will have name 'one_period'.
    if not isinstance(model, Model.Model):
        # temporarily embed into a model object
        model = embed(model)
    if use_quadratic_interp:
        old_interp_setting = model.query('algparams')['poly_interp']
        model.set(algparams={'poly_interp': True})
    trajname = '_test_period_'
    old_ics = model.query('ics')
    settle = initial_settle
    tries = 1
    success = False
    while not success and tries < 8:
        model.compute(trajname=trajname, tdata=[0,T_est*(settle+0.2)], force=True)
        evts = model.getTrajEventTimes(trajname, ev_name)
        all_evs = model.getTrajEventTimes(trajname)
        if len(evts) <= 2:
            raise RuntimeError("Not enough events found")
        ref_ic = model(trajname, evts[-1])
        t_check = 10000*np.ones((tries,),float)
        norm_check = 10000*np.ones((tries,),float)
        T = np.zeros((tries,),float)
        look_range = range(1, min((tries+1, len(evts))))
        if verbose:
            print "\n Tries: ", tries, "\n"
        for lookback in look_range:
                d_evts = [evts[i]-evts[i-lookback] for i in \
                                    range(lookback, len(evts))]
            except KeyError:
                # no more events left to look back at
                prev_val = model(trajname, evts[-(1+lookback)])
                t_check[lookback-1] = abs(d_evts[-1]-d_evts[-2])
                norm_check[lookback-1] = np.linalg.norm(ref_ic-prev_val)
                T[lookback-1] = d_evts[-1]
        T_est = T[0]
        t_ix = np.argmin(t_check)
        n_ix = np.argmin(norm_check)
        ix1 = min((t_ix, n_ix))
        ix2 = max((t_ix, n_ix))
        if verbose:
            print t_check, norm_check, T
            print ix1, ix2
        if t_check[ix1] < ev_t_tol and norm_check[ix1] < ev_norm_tol:
            success = True
            T_final = T[ix1]
        elif ix1 != ix2 and t_check[ix2] < ev_t_tol and norm_check[ix2] < ev_norm_tol:
            success = True
            T_final = T[ix2]
            tries += 1
            settle = tries*2
            model.set(ics = ref_ic)
    if success:
        model.set(ics=ref_ic, tdata=[0, T_final])
        model.compute(trajname='one_period', force=True)
        ref_traj = model['one_period']
        # insert the ON event at beginning of traj
        ref_traj.events[ev_name] = Pointset(indepvararray=[0],
        ref_pts = ref_traj.sample()
        # restore old ICs
        if restore_old_ics:
        if use_quadratic_interp:
            model.set(algparams={'poly_interp': old_interp_setting})
        return ref_traj, ref_pts, T_final
        print "norm check was", norm_check
        print "t check was", t_check
        raise RuntimeError("Failure to converge after 80 iterations")
Пример #4
def finitePRC(model, ref_traj_period, evname, pertcoord, pertsize=0.05,
              settle=5, verbose=False, skip=1, do_pert=_default_pert,
              keep_trajs=False, stop_at_t=np.inf, force_T=np.nan):
    """Return a Pointset with dependent variable 'D_phase', measured from 0 to 1,
    where D_phase > 0 is an advance.

    Pass a Generator or Model instance for model.
    Pass a Trajectory or Pointset for the ref_traj_period argument.
    Pass the event name in the model that indicates the periodicity.
    Use skip > 1 to sub-sample the points computed along the trajectory at
     the skip rate.
    Use a do_pert function to do any non-standard perturbation, e.g. if there
     are domain boundary conditions that need special treatment. This function
     takes four or five arguments (model, ic, pertcoord, pertsize, perttime=None)
     and returns the new point ic (not just ic[pertcoord]).
    Use settle=0 to perform no forward integration before the time window in
     which the perturbation will be applied, or a fraction < 1 to ensure an
     integration past the event point (e.g. for non-cycles).
    Use stop_at_t to calculate a partial PRC, from perturbation time 0 to this
    Use force_T to force the period to be whatever value you like.

    Note: Depending on your model, there may be regions of the PRC that are
    offset by a constant amount to the rest of the PRC. This is a "wart" that
    needs improvement.
    tag_pts = False
    if not isinstance(model, Model.Model):
        # temporarily embed into a model object
        model = embed(model)
        if keep_trajs:
            tag_pts = True
            print "Note: model object will be stored in PRC attribute _model"
        all_pts = ref_traj_period.sample()
        ref_pts = all_pts[::skip]
        if ref_pts[-1] != all_pts[-1]:
            # ensure last point at t=T is present
        if np.isnan(force_T):
            T = ref_traj_period.indepdomain[1]-ref_traj_period.indepdomain[0]
            T = force_T
    except AttributeError:
        # already passed points
        ref_pts = ref_traj_period[::skip]
        if ref_pts[-1] != ref_traj_period[-1]:
        if np.isnan(force_T):
            T = ref_traj_period.indepvararray[-1]-ref_traj_period.indepvararray[0]
            T = force_T
    ref_ts = ref_pts.indepvararray
    PRCvals = []
    t_off = 0
    if verbose:
        print "Period T =", T
    for i, t0 in enumerate(ref_ts):
        if t0 > stop_at_t:
        ic = do_pert(model, ref_pts[i], pertcoord, pertsize, t0)
        if verbose:
            print i, "of", len(ref_ts), ": t0 = ", t0, "of", T, "  t_end", settle*T+t0
            print "   ", ic
        model.set(ics=ic.copy(), tdata=[0, (settle+1)*T+t0])
        if keep_trajs:
            model.compute(trajname='pert_%i'%i, force=True)
            evts = model.getTrajEventTimes('pert_%i'%i, evname)
            model.compute(trajname='pert', force=True)
            evts = model.getTrajEventTimes('pert', evname)
        if verbose:
            print "    Last event:", evts[-1]
        if i == 0:
            # make sure to always use the same event number
            evnum = max(0,len(evts)-2)
        val = (T-np.mod(evts[evnum]+t0, T))/T
        ## assume continuity of PRC: hack-fix modulo wart by testing these vals
        # and using the closest to previous value
        if i > 0:
            test_vals = np.array([val-2, val-1, val-0.5, val, val+0.5, val+1, val+2])
            m = np.argmin(abs(PRCvals[-1] - test_vals))
            val = test_vals[m]
            if verbose and abs(PRCvals[-1] - val) > 0.05:
                print "\nCorrected value", i, PRCvals, val
            # i = 0. Check that value is adjusted to be closest to zero,
            # given that we assume the minimum will be at the beginning of the run.
            test_vals = np.array([val-1, val, val+1])
            m = np.argmin(abs(test_vals))
            val = test_vals[m]
    PRC = Pointset(coordarray=[PRCvals], coordnames=['D_phase'],
                    indepvararray=ref_ts[:len(PRCvals)], indepvarname='t')
    if tag_pts:
        PRC._model = model
        PRC._model = None
    return PRC
Пример #5
def one_period_traj(model, ev_name, ev_t_tol, ev_norm_tol, T_est,
                    verbose=False, initial_settle=6, restore_old_ics=False,
    Utility to extract a single period of a limit cycle of the model using forward
    integration, up to a tolerance given in terms of both the period and the norm of the
    vector of variables in the limit cycle at the period endpoints.

    Requires a non-terminal event in the model that is detected exactly once per period.
    Assumes model initial conditions are already in domain of attraction for limit cycle.

    T_est is an initial estimate of period.
    use_quadratic_interp option (default False) indicates whether to make the returned
    trajectory interpolated more accurately using quadratic functions rather than linear ones.
    This option takes a lot longer to complete!

    The model argument can be an instance of a Generator class or Model class.

    Returned trajectory will have name 'one_period'.
    if not isinstance(model, Model.Model):
        # temporarily embed into a model object
        model = embed(model)
    if use_quadratic_interp:
        old_interp_setting = model.query('algparams')['poly_interp']
        model.set(algparams={'poly_interp': True})
    trajname = '_test_period_'
    old_ics = model.query('ics')
    settle = initial_settle
    tries = 1
    success = False
    while not success and tries < 8:
        model.compute(trajname=trajname, tdata=[0,T_est*(settle+0.2)], force=True)
        evts = model.getTrajEventTimes(trajname, ev_name)
        all_evs = model.getTrajEventTimes(trajname)
        if len(evts) <= 2:
            raise RuntimeError("Not enough events found")
        ref_ic = model(trajname, evts[-1])
        t_check = 10000*np.ones((tries,),float)
        norm_check = 10000*np.ones((tries,),float)
        T = np.zeros((tries,),float)
        look_range = list(range(1, min((tries+1, len(evts)))))
        if verbose:
            print("\n Tries: ", tries, "\n")
        for lookback in look_range:
                d_evts = [evts[i]-evts[i-lookback] for i in \
                                    range(lookback, len(evts))]
            except KeyError:
                # no more events left to look back at
                prev_val = model(trajname, evts[-(1+lookback)])
                t_check[lookback-1] = abs(d_evts[-1]-d_evts[-2])
                norm_check[lookback-1] = np.linalg.norm(ref_ic-prev_val)
                T[lookback-1] = d_evts[-1]
        T_est = T[0]
        t_ix = np.argmin(t_check)
        n_ix = np.argmin(norm_check)
        ix1 = min((t_ix, n_ix))
        ix2 = max((t_ix, n_ix))
        if verbose:
            print(t_check, norm_check, T)
            print(ix1, ix2)
        if t_check[ix1] < ev_t_tol and norm_check[ix1] < ev_norm_tol:
            success = True
            T_final = T[ix1]
        elif ix1 != ix2 and t_check[ix2] < ev_t_tol and norm_check[ix2] < ev_norm_tol:
            success = True
            T_final = T[ix2]
            tries += 1
            settle = tries*2
            model.set(ics = ref_ic)
    if success:
        model.set(ics=ref_ic, tdata=[0, T_final])
        model.compute(trajname='one_period', force=True)
        ref_traj = model['one_period']
        # insert the ON event at beginning of traj
        ref_traj.events[ev_name] = Pointset(indepvararray=[0],
        ref_pts = ref_traj.sample()
        # restore old ICs
        if restore_old_ics:
        if use_quadratic_interp:
            model.set(algparams={'poly_interp': old_interp_setting})
        return ref_traj, ref_pts, T_final
        print("norm check was", norm_check)
        print("t check was", t_check)
        raise RuntimeError("Failure to converge after 80 iterations")
Пример #6
def finitePRC(model, ref_traj_period, evname, pertcoord, pertsize=0.05,
              settle=5, verbose=False, skip=1, do_pert=_default_pert,
              keep_trajs=False, stop_at_t=np.inf, force_T=np.nan):
    """Return a Pointset with dependent variable 'D_phase', measured from 0 to 1,
    where D_phase > 0 is an advance.

    Pass a Generator or Model instance for model.
    Pass a Trajectory or Pointset for the ref_traj_period argument.
    Pass the event name in the model that indicates the periodicity.
    Use skip > 1 to sub-sample the points computed along the trajectory at
     the skip rate.
    Use a do_pert function to do any non-standard perturbation, e.g. if there
     are domain boundary conditions that need special treatment. This function
     takes four or five arguments (model, ic, pertcoord, pertsize, perttime=None)
     and returns the new point ic (not just ic[pertcoord]).
    Use settle=0 to perform no forward integration before the time window in
     which the perturbation will be applied, or a fraction < 1 to ensure an
     integration past the event point (e.g. for non-cycles).
    Use stop_at_t to calculate a partial PRC, from perturbation time 0 to this
    Use force_T to force the period to be whatever value you like.

    Note: Depending on your model, there may be regions of the PRC that are
    offset by a constant amount to the rest of the PRC. This is a "wart" that
    needs improvement.
    tag_pts = False
    if not isinstance(model, Model.Model):
        # temporarily embed into a model object
        model = embed(model)
        if keep_trajs:
            tag_pts = True
            print("Note: model object will be stored in PRC attribute _model")
        all_pts = ref_traj_period.sample()
        ref_pts = all_pts[::skip]
        if ref_pts[-1] != all_pts[-1]:
            # ensure last point at t=T is present
        if np.isnan(force_T):
            T = ref_traj_period.indepdomain[1]-ref_traj_period.indepdomain[0]
            T = force_T
    except AttributeError:
        # already passed points
        ref_pts = ref_traj_period[::skip]
        if ref_pts[-1] != ref_traj_period[-1]:
        if np.isnan(force_T):
            T = ref_traj_period.indepvararray[-1]-ref_traj_period.indepvararray[0]
            T = force_T
    ref_ts = ref_pts.indepvararray
    PRCvals = []
    t_off = 0
    if verbose:
        print("Period T =", T)
    for i, t0 in enumerate(ref_ts):
        if t0 > stop_at_t:
        ic = do_pert(model, ref_pts[i], pertcoord, pertsize, t0)
        if verbose:
            print(i, "of", len(ref_ts), ": t0 = ", t0, "of", T, "  t_end", settle*T+t0)
            print("   ", ic)
        model.set(ics=ic.copy(), tdata=[0, (settle+1)*T+t0])
        if keep_trajs:
            model.compute(trajname='pert_%i'%i, force=True)
            evts = model.getTrajEventTimes('pert_%i'%i, evname)
            model.compute(trajname='pert', force=True)
            evts = model.getTrajEventTimes('pert', evname)
        if verbose:
            print("    Last event:", evts[-1])
        if i == 0:
            # make sure to always use the same event number
            evnum = max(0,len(evts)-2)
        val = (T-np.mod(evts[evnum]+t0, T))/T
        ## assume continuity of PRC: hack-fix modulo wart by testing these vals
        # and using the closest to previous value
        if i > 0:
            test_vals = np.array([val-2, val-1, val-0.5, val, val+0.5, val+1, val+2])
            m = np.argmin(abs(PRCvals[-1] - test_vals))
            val = test_vals[m]
            if verbose and abs(PRCvals[-1] - val) > 0.05:
                print("\nCorrected value", i, PRCvals, val)
            # i = 0. Check that value is adjusted to be closest to zero,
            # given that we assume the minimum will be at the beginning of the run.
            test_vals = np.array([val-1, val, val+1])
            m = np.argmin(abs(test_vals))
            val = test_vals[m]
    PRC = Pointset(coordarray=[PRCvals], coordnames=['D_phase'],
                    indepvararray=ref_ts[:len(PRCvals)], indepvarname='t')
    if tag_pts:
        PRC._model = model
        PRC._model = None
    return PRC