Пример #1
def listMissingResults(exp, runs=1):
    idx = 0
    for path in listResultsPaths(exp, runs):
        archive = getArchiveName(path)
        if not os.path.exists(path) and not inArchive(archive, path):
            yield idx
        idx += 1
Пример #2
def listMissingResults(exp: ExperimentDescription, runs: int = 1):
    idx = 0
    for path in listResultsPaths(exp, runs):
        archive = getArchiveName(path)
        if not os.path.exists(path) and not inArchive(archive, path):
            yield idx
        idx += 1
Пример #3
    def test_listResultsPaths(self):
        exp = RLExperiment({
            'agent': 'test_listResultsPaths',
            'environment': 'gridworld',
            'metaParameters': {
                'alpha': [0.01, 0.02],
                'lambda': [1.0, 0.99],

        got = list(listResultsPaths(exp, 2))
        expected = [

        self.assertListEqual(got, expected)
Пример #4

def count(gen):
    c = 0
    for _ in gen:
        c += 1

    return c

experiment_paths = sys.argv[2:]

total = 0
total_missing = 0
for path in experiment_paths:
    exp = Experiment.load(path)

    size = exp.numPermutations()

    paths = listResultsPaths(exp, 1)
    indices = generateMissing(paths)
    missing = count(indices)

    total_missing += missing
    total += size

    print(missing, size, missing / size)

print('total:', total_missing, total)
Пример #5
# Scheduling logic
# ----------------
for path in experiment_paths:
    # load the experiment json file
    exp = Experiment.load(path)
    # load the slurm config file
    slurm = Slurm.fromFile(slurm_path)

    if exp.agent in SLOW_ALGS:
        slurm.sequential = 1

    # figure out how many indices to use
    size = exp.numPermutations() * runs

    paths = listResultsPaths(exp, runs)
    res_path = first(paths)

    data = []
    data_path = f'{res_path}/returns.csv'
    if os.path.exists(data_path):
        f = open(data_path, 'r')
        data = f.readlines()

    indices = listIndices(exp, runs)
    # get all of the indices corresponding to missing results
    indices = generateMissing(exp, indices, data)
    indices = printProgress(size, indices)

    # compute how many "tasks" to clump into each job
Пример #6
def loadResults(exp: ExperimentDescription, result_file: str, ResultClass=Result) -> Generator[Result, Any, Any]:
    for i, path in enumerate(listResultsPaths(exp)):
        summary_path = path + '/' + result_file
        yield ResultClass(summary_path, exp, i)
Пример #7
    pool = Pool()

    runs = sys.argv[2]
    args = Args.ArgsModel({
        'experiment_paths': sys.argv[4:],
        'base_path': sys.argv[3],
        'runs': int(runs),
        'executable': "python " + sys.argv[1],

    cmds = []
    for path in args.experiment_paths:
        exp = Experiment.load(path)

        paths = listResultsPaths(exp, args.runs)
        res_path = first(paths)

        data = []

        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Make sure to change the expected result file!!')
        data_path = f'{res_path}/TODO-CHANGE-ME.csv'
        if os.path.exists(data_path):
            f = open(data_path, 'r')
            data = f.readlines()

        indices = listIndices(exp, args.runs)
        # get all of the indices corresponding to missing results
        indices = generateMissing(exp, indices, data)
Пример #8
def processResultPath(new_base, resultAndPath):
    result, path = resultAndPath
    mean, stderr, count = result

    # sampled_mean = windowAverage(mean)
    # sampled_stderr = windowAverage(stderr)

    sampled_mean = everyN(mean, EVERY)
    sampled_stderr = everyN(stderr, EVERY)

    sampled = [sampled_mean, sampled_stderr, count]

    new_path = new_base + '/' + rest(path)
    os.makedirs(up(new_path), exist_ok=True)

    np.save(new_path, sampled)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pool = Pool()

    new_base = sys.argv[1]
    exp_paths = sys.argv[2:]
    for exp_path in exp_paths:
        exp = loadExperiment(exp_path)

        result_paths = listResultsPaths(exp)
        results = map(loadResults, result_paths)

        pool.map(partial(processResultPath, new_base), results)
Пример #9
def loadResults(exp, result_file):
    for i, path in enumerate(listResultsPaths(exp)):
        summary_path = path + '/' + result_file
        yield Result(summary_path, exp, i)