Пример #1
 def test_multiplication(self):
     # should divide with another scalarfield if coherent axis system
     tmp_SF = self.SF.copy()
     tmp_SF.values *= 3
     res_SF = tmp_SF * self.SF
     assert np.allclose(res_SF.values, self.SF.values*3*self.SF.values)
     assert np.allclose(res_SF.mask, self.SF.mask)
     assert Field.__eq__(res_SF, self.SF)
     # should divide with another array if coherent size
     values = self.SF.values.copy()
     values *= 3
     res_SF = self.SF * values
     assert np.allclose(res_SF.values, self.SF.values**2*3)
     assert np.allclose(res_SF.mask, self.SF.mask)
     assert Field.__eq__(res_SF, self.SF)
     values = self.SF.values.copy()
     values *= 3
     res_SF = self.SF.__rmul__(values)
     assert np.allclose(res_SF.values, self.SF.values**2*3)
     assert np.allclose(res_SF.mask, self.SF.mask)
     assert Field.__eq__(res_SF, self.SF)
     # # should add with cropped scalarfield if coherent axis system
     # tmp_SF = self.SF.copy().crop(intervx=[10, 50], ind=True)
     # tmp_SF.values *= 3
     # res_SF = tmp_SF / self.SF
     # assert res_SF.shape == tmp_SF.shape
     # assert res_SF.shape[0] == 41
     # assert np.allclose(res_SF.values, 3)
     # assert np.allclose(res_SF.mask, self.SF.mask)
     # assert not Field.__eq__(res_SF, self.SF)
     # should add with numbers
     tmp_SF = self.SF * 5
     assert np.allclose(tmp_SF.values, self.SF.values*5)
     assert np.allclose(tmp_SF.mask, self.SF.mask)
     assert Field.__eq__(tmp_SF, self.SF)
     # should add with units if coherent
     tmp_SF = self.SF * 5.2*units.m
     assert np.allclose(tmp_SF.values, self.SF.values*5.2)
     assert tmp_SF.unit_values.strUnit() == '[m2/s]'
     assert np.allclose(tmp_SF.mask, self.SF.mask)
     assert Field.__eq__(tmp_SF, self.SF)
     # shoudl raise error if incoherent axis
     tmp_SF = self.SF.copy()
     tmp_SF.axis_x += 1
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         tmp_SF * self.SF
     tmp_SF = self.SF.copy()
     tmp_SF.axis_y += 3.4
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         tmp_SF * self.SF
     # should raise an error if incoherent units
     tmp_SF = self.SF.copy()
     tmp_SF.unit_x = 'Hz'
     with pytest.raises(unum.IncompatibleUnitsError):
         tmp_SF * self.SF
Пример #2
 def test_init(self):
     # normal init
     F = Field(self.x, self.y, 'm', 'mm')
     assert np.all(F.axis_x == self.x)
     assert np.all(F.axis_y == self.y)
     assert F.unit_x.strUnit() == '[m]'
     assert F.unit_y.strUnit() == '[mm]'
     assert F.dx == self.x[1] - self.x[0]
     assert F.dy == self.y[1] - self.y[0]
     assert F.shape[0] == len(self.x)
     assert F.shape[1] == len(self.y)
     assert F._Field__is_axis_x_regular
     assert F._Field__is_axis_y_regular
     # init without units
     F = Field(self.x, self.y)
     assert np.all(F.axis_x == self.x)
     assert np.all(F.axis_y == self.y)
     assert F.unit_x.strUnit() == '[]'
     assert F.unit_y.strUnit() == '[]'
     assert F.dx == self.x[1] - self.x[0]
     assert F.dy == self.y[1] - self.y[0]
     assert F.shape[0] == len(self.x)
     assert F.shape[1] == len(self.y)
     assert F._Field__is_axis_x_regular
     assert F._Field__is_axis_y_regular
     # init with reversed axis
     F = Field(self.x[::-1], self.y[::-1])
     assert np.all(F.axis_x == self.x)
     assert np.all(F.axis_y == self.y)
     assert F.unit_x.strUnit() == '[]'
     assert F.unit_y.strUnit() == '[]'
     assert F.dx == self.x[1] - self.x[0]
     assert F.dy == self.y[1] - self.y[0]
     assert F.shape[0] == len(self.x)
     assert F.shape[1] == len(self.y)
     assert F._Field__is_axis_x_regular
     assert F._Field__is_axis_y_regular
     # init with irregular axis
     F = Field(self.x_irreg, self.y_irreg, 's', 'us')
     assert np.all(F.axis_x == self.x_irreg)
     assert np.all(F.axis_y == self.y_irreg)
     assert F.unit_x.strUnit() == '[s]'
     assert F.unit_y.strUnit() == '[us]'
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
     assert F.shape[0] == len(self.x)
     assert F.shape[1] == len(self.y)
     assert not F._Field__is_axis_x_regular
     assert not F._Field__is_axis_y_regular
Пример #3
 def test_scale(self):
     # should scale
     SF = self.SF
     tmp_SF = SF.scale(scalex=2.2)
     assert tmp_SF.dx == 2.2*SF.dx
     assert np.all(tmp_SF.axis_x == 2.2*SF.axis_x)
     tmp_SF = SF.scale(scaley=1.43)
     assert tmp_SF.dy == 1.43*SF.dy
     assert np.all(tmp_SF.axis_y == 1.43*SF.axis_y)
     tmp_SF = SF.scale(scalex=10, scaley=1.43)
     assert tmp_SF.dx == 10*SF.dx
     assert np.all(tmp_SF.axis_x == 10*SF.axis_x)
     assert tmp_SF.dy == 1.43*SF.dy
     assert np.all(tmp_SF.axis_y == 1.43*SF.axis_y)
     tmp_SF = self.SF.scale(scalev=5.4)
     assert np.allclose(SF.values*5.4, tmp_SF.values)
     assert Field.__eq__(tmp_SF, SF)
     # should scale inplace
     SF = self.SF
     tmp_SF = SF.copy()
     tmp_SF = SF.scale(scalex=10, scaley=1.43, scalev=5.4)
     assert tmp_SF.dx == 10*SF.dx
     assert np.all(tmp_SF.axis_x == 10*SF.axis_x)
     assert tmp_SF.dy == 1.43*SF.dy
     assert np.all(tmp_SF.axis_y == 1.43*SF.axis_y)
     assert np.allclose(SF.values*5.4, tmp_SF.values)
     # should scale with units
     SF = self.SF
     sx = -2.2*units.m
     sy = -1.43*units.Hz
     sv = -5.4*1/(units.m/units.s)
     tmp_SF = SF.scale(scalex=sx)
     assert np.isclose(tmp_SF.dx, 2.2*SF.dx)
     assert np.allclose(tmp_SF.axis_x, -2.2*SF.axis_x[::-1])
     assert tmp_SF.unit_x.strUnit() == '[m2]'
     tmp_SF = SF.scale(scaley=sy)
     assert np.isclose(tmp_SF.dy, 1.43*SF.dy)
     assert np.all(tmp_SF.axis_y == -1.43*SF.axis_y[::-1])
     assert tmp_SF.unit_y.strUnit() == '[Hz.mm]'
     tmp_SF = SF.scale(scalex=sx, scaley=sy)
     assert np.isclose(tmp_SF.dx, 2.2*SF.dx)
     assert np.all(tmp_SF.axis_x == -2.2*SF.axis_x[::-1])
     assert np.isclose(tmp_SF.dy, 1.43*SF.dy)
     assert tmp_SF.unit_y.strUnit() == '[Hz.mm]'
     assert tmp_SF.unit_x.strUnit() == '[m2]'
     assert np.allclose(tmp_SF.axis_y, -1.43*SF.axis_y[::-1])
     tmp_SF = self.SF.scale(scalev=sv)
     assert np.allclose(SF.values*-5.4, tmp_SF.values)
     assert tmp_SF.unit_values.strUnit() == '[]'
     assert Field.__eq__(tmp_SF, SF)
Пример #4
 def test_substitutaion(self):
     # should add other scalarfield if coherent axis system
     tmp_SF = self.SF.copy()
     tmp_SF.values *= 3
     res_SF = tmp_SF - self.SF
     assert np.allclose(res_SF.values, 2*self.SF.values)
     assert np.all(res_SF.mask == 2*self.SF.mask)
     assert Field.__eq__(res_SF, self.SF)
Пример #5
 def test_substitutaion(self):
     # should add other vectorfield if coherent axis system
     tmp_VF = self.VF.copy()
     tmp_VF.comp_x *= 3
     res_VF = tmp_VF - self.VF
     assert np.allclose(res_VF.comp_x, 2 * self.VF.comp_x)
     assert np.all(res_VF.mask == 2 * self.VF.mask)
     assert Field.__eq__(res_VF, self.VF)
Пример #6
 def setup(self):
     self.x = np.linspace(0, 13.5, 98)
     self.y = np.linspace(0, 8.19892, 125)
     self.F = Field(axis_x=self.x, axis_y=self.y, unit_x='m', unit_y='s')
     self.F_nounits = Field(axis_x=self.x, axis_y=self.y,
                            unit_x='', unit_y='')
     self.F_reversed_axis = Field(axis_x=self.x[::-1],
                                  unit_x='m', unit_y='s')
     self.x_irreg = [xi**2 for xi in self.x]
     self.y_irreg = [yi**2 for yi in self.y]
     self.F_irregular_axis = Field(axis_x=self.x_irreg,
                                   unit_x='m', unit_y='s')
     self.Fs = [self.F, self.F_nounits, self.F_reversed_axis,
     self.Fs_reg = [self.F, self.F_nounits, self.F_reversed_axis]
Пример #7
 def test_addition(self):
     # should add other scalarfield if coherent axis system
     tmp_SF = self.SF.copy()
     tmp_SF.values *= 3
     res_SF = tmp_SF + self.SF
     assert np.all(res_SF.values == 4*self.SF.values)
     assert np.all(res_SF.mask == self.SF.mask)
     assert Field.__eq__(res_SF, self.SF)
     # should add with cropped scalarfield if coherent axis system
     tmp_SF = self.SF.copy().crop(intervx=[10, 50], ind=True)
     tmp_SF.values *= 3
     res_SF = tmp_SF + self.SF
     assert res_SF.shape == tmp_SF.shape
     assert res_SF.shape[0] == 41
     assert np.all(res_SF.values == 4*self.SF.values[10:51])
     assert np.all(res_SF.mask == self.SF.mask[10:51])
     assert not Field.__eq__(res_SF, self.SF)
     # should add with numbers
     tmp_SF = self.SF + 5
     assert np.all(tmp_SF.values == 5 + self.SF.values)
     assert np.all(tmp_SF.mask == self.SF.mask)
     assert Field.__eq__(tmp_SF, self.SF)
     # should add with units if coherent
     tmp_SF = self.SF + 5.2*units.m/units.s
     assert np.all(tmp_SF.values == 5.2 + self.SF.values)
     assert np.all(tmp_SF.mask == self.SF.mask)
     assert Field.__eq__(tmp_SF, self.SF)
     # shoudl raise error if incoherent axis
     tmp_SF = self.SF.copy()
     tmp_SF.axis_x += 1
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         tmp_SF + self.SF
     tmp_SF = self.SF.copy()
     tmp_SF.axis_y += 3.4
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         tmp_SF + self.SF
     # should raise an error if incoherent units
     tmp_SF = self.SF.copy()
     tmp_SF.unit_x = 'Hz'
     with pytest.raises(unum.IncompatibleUnitsError):
         tmp_SF + self.SF
Пример #8
 def test_power(self):
     # should raise to the power
     tmp_SF = self.SF**3.14
     values = tmp_SF.values
     values[~tmp_SF.mask] = values[~tmp_SF.mask]**3.14
     tmp_SF.values = values
     assert np.allclose(tmp_SF.values[~tmp_SF.mask],
     assert Field.__eq__(tmp_SF, self.SF)
     # should rais error if not numbers
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         a = 'test'
Пример #9
 def test_power(self):
     # should raise to the power
     tmp_VF = self.VF**3.14
     comp_x = tmp_VF.comp_x
     comp_x[~tmp_VF.mask] = comp_x[~tmp_VF.mask]**3.14
     tmp_VF.comp_x = comp_x
     assert np.allclose(tmp_VF.comp_x[~tmp_VF.mask],
     assert Field.__eq__(tmp_VF, self.VF)
     # should rais error if not numbers
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         a = 'test'
Пример #10
class TestField(object):
    """ Done """

    def setup(self):
        self.x = np.linspace(0, 13.5, 98)
        self.y = np.linspace(0, 8.19892, 125)
        self.F = Field(axis_x=self.x, axis_y=self.y, unit_x='m', unit_y='s')
        self.F_nounits = Field(axis_x=self.x, axis_y=self.y,
                               unit_x='', unit_y='')
        self.F_reversed_axis = Field(axis_x=self.x[::-1],
                                     unit_x='m', unit_y='s')
        self.x_irreg = [xi**2 for xi in self.x]
        self.y_irreg = [yi**2 for yi in self.y]
        self.F_irregular_axis = Field(axis_x=self.x_irreg,
                                      unit_x='m', unit_y='s')
        self.Fs = [self.F, self.F_nounits, self.F_reversed_axis,
        self.Fs_reg = [self.F, self.F_nounits, self.F_reversed_axis]

    def test_init(self):
        # normal init
        F = Field(self.x, self.y, 'm', 'mm')
        assert np.all(F.axis_x == self.x)
        assert np.all(F.axis_y == self.y)
        assert F.unit_x.strUnit() == '[m]'
        assert F.unit_y.strUnit() == '[mm]'
        assert F.dx == self.x[1] - self.x[0]
        assert F.dy == self.y[1] - self.y[0]
        assert F.shape[0] == len(self.x)
        assert F.shape[1] == len(self.y)
        assert F._Field__is_axis_x_regular
        assert F._Field__is_axis_y_regular
        # init without units
        F = Field(self.x, self.y)
        assert np.all(F.axis_x == self.x)
        assert np.all(F.axis_y == self.y)
        assert F.unit_x.strUnit() == '[]'
        assert F.unit_y.strUnit() == '[]'
        assert F.dx == self.x[1] - self.x[0]
        assert F.dy == self.y[1] - self.y[0]
        assert F.shape[0] == len(self.x)
        assert F.shape[1] == len(self.y)
        assert F._Field__is_axis_x_regular
        assert F._Field__is_axis_y_regular
        # init with reversed axis
        F = Field(self.x[::-1], self.y[::-1])
        assert np.all(F.axis_x == self.x)
        assert np.all(F.axis_y == self.y)
        assert F.unit_x.strUnit() == '[]'
        assert F.unit_y.strUnit() == '[]'
        assert F.dx == self.x[1] - self.x[0]
        assert F.dy == self.y[1] - self.y[0]
        assert F.shape[0] == len(self.x)
        assert F.shape[1] == len(self.y)
        assert F._Field__is_axis_x_regular
        assert F._Field__is_axis_y_regular
        # init with irregular axis
        F = Field(self.x_irreg, self.y_irreg, 's', 'us')
        assert np.all(F.axis_x == self.x_irreg)
        assert np.all(F.axis_y == self.y_irreg)
        assert F.unit_x.strUnit() == '[s]'
        assert F.unit_y.strUnit() == '[us]'
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
        assert F.shape[0] == len(self.x)
        assert F.shape[1] == len(self.y)
        assert not F._Field__is_axis_x_regular
        assert not F._Field__is_axis_y_regular

    def test_axis(self):
        for F in self.Fs:
            # axis should raise error if set with different size
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                F.axis_x = [1, 2, 3]
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                F.axis_y = [1, 2, 3]
            # axis should raise error if set with something else than an array
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                F.axis_x = 'not an array'
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                F.axis_y = 'not an array'
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                F.axis_x = F
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                F.axis_y = F
        for F in [self.F, self.F_nounits, self.F_reversed_axis]:
            # axis should update dx and dy
            dx = F.dx
            F.axis_x = self.x/10
            assert dx/10 == F.dx
            dy = F.dy
            F.axis_y = self.y/10
            assert dy/10 == F.dy

    def test_units(self):
        for F in self.Fs:
            # units should be settable by string or unum
            F.unit_x = 'Hz'
            assert F.unit_x.strUnit() == '[Hz]'
            F.unit_y = 'kg'
            assert F.unit_y.strUnit() == '[kg]'
            F.unit_x = units.Hz
            assert F.unit_x.strUnit() == '[Hz]'
            F.unit_y = 1*units.kg
            assert F.unit_y.strUnit() == '[kg]'
            # units should not be settable by someting else
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                F.unit_x = 45
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                F.unit_y = 35.12
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                F.unit_x = F
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                F.unit_y = F
            # units should be normalized
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                F.unit_x = 10*units.m
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                F.unit_y = 8.3*units.s/units.kg

    def test_iter(self):
        # should iterate on axis
        xs = []
        ys = []
        for (i, j), (x, y) in self.F:
            assert self.F.axis_x[i] == x
            assert self.F.axis_y[j] == y

    def test_eq(self):
        # should test equality
        assert not self.F == self.F_nounits
        assert self.F == self.F_reversed_axis
        assert not self.F == self.F_irregular_axis
        tmp_F = self.F.copy()
        tmp_F.scale(10, inplace=True)
        assert not self.F == tmp_F
        tmp_F = self.F.copy()
        tmp_F.scale(scaley=10, inplace=True)
        assert not self.F == tmp_F

    def test_get_indice_on_axis(self):
        # Should return bounds indice on axis
        bds = self.F.get_indice_on_axis('x', 7.4, kind='bounds')
        assert self.F.axis_x[bds[0]] < 7.4
        assert self.F.axis_x[bds[1]] > 7.4
        assert bds[1] == bds[0] + 1
        bds = self.F.get_indice_on_axis('y', 4.45, kind='bounds')
        assert self.F.axis_y[bds[0]] < 4.45
        assert self.F.axis_y[bds[1]] > 4.45
        assert bds[1] == bds[0] + 1
        # Should return nearest indice
        nst = self.F.get_indice_on_axis('x', 3.78, kind='nearest')
        val = self.F.axis_x[nst]
        valp = self.F.axis_x[nst + 1]
        valm = self.F.axis_x[nst - 1]
        assert abs(val - 3.78) < abs(valp - 3.78)
        assert abs(val - 3.78) < abs(valm - 3.78)
        nst = self.F.get_indice_on_axis('y', 5.78, kind='nearest')
        val = self.F.axis_y[nst]
        valp = self.F.axis_y[nst + 1]
        valm = self.F.axis_y[nst - 1]
        assert abs(val - 5.78) < abs(valp - 5.78)
        assert abs(val - 5.78) < abs(valm - 5.78)
        val = self.F.axis_y[20]
        nst = self.F.get_indice_on_axis('y', val, kind='nearest')
        val = self.F.axis_y[nst]
        valp = self.F.axis_y[nst + 1]
        valm = self.F.axis_y[nst - 1]
        assert abs(val - val) < abs(valp - val)
        assert abs(val - val) < abs(valm - val)
        # Should return decimal indice
        dec = self.F.get_indice_on_axis('x', 11.91, kind='decimal')
        assert dec == 85.57555555555555
        dec = self.F.get_indice_on_axis('y', 1.91, kind='decimal')
        assert dec == 28.886731423163056
        # should raise an error for wrong direction
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            self.F.get_indice_on_axis('truc', 8.18)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            self.F.get_indice_on_axis(9.1, 8.18)
        # should raise an error for out of bound value
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            self.F.get_indice_on_axis('x', -7)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            self.F.get_indice_on_axis('x', 89)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            self.F.get_indice_on_axis('y', -4)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            self.F.get_indice_on_axis('y', 14)
        # should raise an error for wrong kind
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            self.F.get_indice_on_axis('x', 4, 'something_else')
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            self.F.get_indice_on_axis('y', 4, 'something_else')

    def test_scale(self):
        # should be scalable by numbers
        for F in self.Fs_reg:
            tmp_F = F.scale(scalex=10)
            assert tmp_F.dx == 10*F.dx
            assert np.all(tmp_F.axis_x == 10*F.axis_x)
            tmp_F = F.scale(scaley=1.43)
            assert tmp_F.dy == 1.43*F.dy
            assert np.all(tmp_F.axis_y == 1.43*F.axis_y)
            tmp_F = F.scale(scalex=10, scaley=1.43)
            assert tmp_F.dx == 10*F.dx
            assert np.all(tmp_F.axis_x == 10*F.axis_x)
            assert tmp_F.dy == 1.43*F.dy
            assert np.all(tmp_F.axis_y == 1.43*F.axis_y)
            # neg
            tmp_F = F.scale(scalex=-10)
            assert np.isclose(tmp_F.dx, 10*F.dx)
            assert np.allclose(tmp_F.axis_x, np.sort(-10*F.axis_x))
            tmp_F = F.scale(scaley=-1.43)
            assert np.isclose(tmp_F.dy, 1.43*F.dy)
            assert np.all(tmp_F.axis_y == np.sort(-1.43*F.axis_y))
            tmp_F = F.scale(scalex=-10, scaley=-1.43)
            assert np.isclose(tmp_F.dx, 10*F.dx)
            assert np.allclose(tmp_F.axis_x, np.sort(-10*F.axis_x))
            assert np.isclose(tmp_F.dy, 1.43*F.dy)
            assert np.all(tmp_F.axis_y == np.sort(-1.43*F.axis_y))
        # should be scalable by units
        u1 = 10*units.m/units.s
        tmp_F = self.F.scale(scalex=u1)
        assert tmp_F.unit_x.strUnit() == '[m2/s]'
        assert tmp_F.dx == 10*self.F.dx
        assert np.all(tmp_F.axis_x == 10*self.F.axis_x)
        u2 = units.ms
        tmp_F = self.F.scale(scaley=u2)
        assert tmp_F.unit_y.strUnit() == '[ms.s]'
        assert tmp_F.dy == self.F.dy/1000
        assert np.allclose(tmp_F.axis_y, self.F.axis_y/1000)
        # Should not modified the source
        save_F = self.F.copy()
        self.F.scale(10, 2)
        assert np.all(save_F.axis_x == self.F.axis_x)
        assert np.all(save_F.unit_x == self.F.unit_x)
        assert np.all(save_F.axis_y == self.F.axis_y)
        assert np.all(save_F.unit_y == self.F.unit_y)
        # should modify in place when inplace is true
        save_F = self.F.copy()
        tmp_F = self.F.copy()
        tmp_F.scale(scalex=10, scaley=1.43, inplace=True)
        assert 10*save_F.dx == tmp_F.dx
        assert np.all(10*save_F.axis_x == tmp_F.axis_x)
        assert 1.43*save_F.dy == tmp_F.dy
        assert np.all(1.43*save_F.axis_y == tmp_F.axis_y)
        # should raise an error when scale is inadequate
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):

    def test_rotate(self):
        # should rotate
        tmp_F = self.F.rotate(90)
        assert np.all(tmp_F.axis_x == -self.F.axis_y[::-1])
        assert np.all(tmp_F.axis_y == self.F.axis_x)
        tmp_F = self.F.rotate(-90)
        assert np.all(tmp_F.axis_x == self.F.axis_y)
        assert np.all(tmp_F.axis_y == -self.F.axis_x[::-1])
        tmp_F = self.F.rotate(-180)
        assert np.all(tmp_F.axis_x == -self.F.axis_x[::-1])
        assert np.all(tmp_F.axis_y == -self.F.axis_y[::-1])
        # should not modify source
        save_F = self.F.copy()
        assert save_F == self.F
        # should rotate inplace whan asked
        tmp_F = self.F.copy()
        tmp_F.rotate(270, inplace=True)
        assert np.all(tmp_F.axis_x == self.F.axis_y)
        assert np.all(tmp_F.axis_y == -self.F.axis_x[::-1])
        # should raise an error if angle is not a multiple of 90
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            self.F.rotate(90, 4)

    def test_change_unit(self):
        # should change unit
        tmp_F = self.F.copy()
        tmp_F.change_unit('x', 'mm')
        assert tmp_F.unit_x.strUnit() == '[mm]'
        assert np.allclose(tmp_F.axis_x, self.F.axis_x*1000)
        tmp_F = self.F.copy()
        tmp_F.change_unit('y', 'us')
        assert tmp_F.unit_y.strUnit() == '[us]'
        assert np.allclose(tmp_F.axis_y, self.F.axis_y*1e6)
        # should not change if unit is not coherent
        with pytest.raises(unum.IncompatibleUnitsError):
            self.F.change_unit('x', 'Hz')
        # should raise an error if the arg are not strings
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            self.F.change_unit(45, 'Hz')
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            self.F.change_unit('x', 43)

    def test_change_origin(self):
        # should change origin
        tmp_F = self.F.copy()
        tmp_F.set_origin(x=4, y=3)
        assert np.allclose(tmp_F.axis_x + 4, self.F.axis_x)
        assert np.allclose(tmp_F.axis_y + 3, self.F.axis_y)
        # should raise an error if args are not numbers
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            tmp_F.set_origin('test', 4)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            tmp_F.set_origin(3, 'test')

    def test_crop(self):
        # should crop
        tmp_F = self.F.crop(intervx=[3, 10],
                            intervy=[2, 6])
        assert tmp_F.axis_x[0] == 3.061855670103093
        assert tmp_F.axis_x[-1] == 9.881443298969073
        assert len(tmp_F.axis_x) == 50
        assert tmp_F.shape[0] == 50
        #  should crop with indice
        tmp_F = self.F.crop(intervx=[3, 30],
                            intervy=[2, 60], ind=True)
        assert len(tmp_F.axis_x) == 28
        assert len(tmp_F.axis_y) == 59
        assert np.allclose(tmp_F.axis_x, self.F.axis_x[3:31])
        assert np.allclose(tmp_F.axis_y, self.F.axis_y[2:61])
        tmp_F = self.F.crop(intervx=[3, 30], ind=True)
        assert len(tmp_F.axis_x) == 28
        assert len(tmp_F.axis_y) == 125
        assert np.allclose(tmp_F.axis_x, self.F.axis_x[3:31])
        assert np.allclose(tmp_F.axis_y, self.F.axis_y)
        tmp_F = self.F.crop(intervy=[2, 60], ind=True)
        assert len(tmp_F.axis_x) == 98
        assert len(tmp_F.axis_y) == 59
        assert np.allclose(tmp_F.axis_x, self.F.axis_x)
        assert np.allclose(tmp_F.axis_y, self.F.axis_y[2:61])
        # should modify inplace if asked
        tmp_F = self.F.copy()
        tmp_F.crop(intervx=[3, 10], intervy=[2, 6], inplace=True)
        assert tmp_F.axis_x[0] == 3.061855670103093
        assert tmp_F.axis_x[-1] == 9.881443298969073
        assert len(tmp_F.axis_x) == 50
        assert tmp_F.shape[0] == 50
        # should return indices when asked
        r, l, u, d, tmp_F = self.F.crop(intervx=[3, 10],
                                        intervy=[2, 6],
        assert r == 22
        assert l == 71
        assert u == 31
        assert d == 90
        # should raise error when wrong types are provided
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            self.F.crop(intervx=[110, 24])
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            self.F.crop(intervy=[50, 1])
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            self.F.crop(intervx=[10000, 20000])
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            self.F.crop(intervy=[10000, 20000])

    def test_extend(self):
        # should extend
        tmp_F = self.F.extend(5, 8, 1, 3)
        assert len(self.F.axis_x) + 13 == len(tmp_F.axis_x)
        assert len(self.F.axis_y) + 4 == len(tmp_F.axis_y)
        assert np.allclose(self.F.axis_x, tmp_F.axis_x[5:-8])
        assert np.allclose(self.F.axis_y, tmp_F.axis_y[3:-1])
        # should extend in place if asked
        tmp_F = self.F.copy()
        tmp_F.extend(5, 8, 1, 3, inplace=True)
        assert len(self.F.axis_x) + 13 == len(tmp_F.axis_x)
        assert len(self.F.axis_y) + 4 == len(tmp_F.axis_y)
        assert np.allclose(self.F.axis_x, tmp_F.axis_x[5:-8])
        assert np.allclose(self.F.axis_y, tmp_F.axis_y[3:-1])
Пример #11
 def test_abs(self):
     # should return absolute
     tmp_SF = abs(self.SF)
     assert np.allclose(tmp_SF.values, abs(self.SF.values))
     assert np.allclose(tmp_SF.mask, self.SF.mask)
     assert Field.__eq__(tmp_SF, self.SF)
Пример #12
 def test_abs(self):
     # should return absolute
     tmp_VF = abs(self.VF)
     assert np.allclose(tmp_VF.comp_x, abs(self.VF.comp_x))
     assert np.allclose(tmp_VF.mask, self.VF.mask)
     assert Field.__eq__(tmp_VF, self.VF)
Пример #13
 def test_division(self):
     # should divide with another vectorfield if coherent axis system
     tmp_VF = self.VF.copy()
     tmp_VF.comp_x *= 3
     res_VF = tmp_VF / self.VF
     assert np.allclose(res_VF.comp_x, 3)
     assert np.allclose(res_VF.mask, self.VF.mask)
     assert Field.__eq__(res_VF, self.VF)
     # should divide with another array if coherent size
     comp_x = self.VF.comp_x.copy()
     comp_x *= 3
     res_VF = self.VF / comp_x
     assert np.allclose(res_VF.comp_x, 1 / 3)
     assert np.allclose(res_VF.mask, self.VF.mask)
     assert Field.__eq__(res_VF, self.VF)
     comp_x = self.VF.comp_x.copy()
     comp_x *= 3
     res_VF = self.VF.__rtruediv__(comp_x)
     assert np.allclose(res_VF.comp_x, 3)
     assert np.allclose(res_VF.mask, self.VF.mask)
     assert Field.__eq__(res_VF, self.VF)
     # # should add with cropped vectorfield if coherent axis system
     # tmp_VF = self.VF.copy().crop(intervx=[10, 50], ind=True)
     # tmp_VF.comp_x *= 3
     # res_VF = tmp_VF / self.VF
     # assert res_VF.shape == tmp_VF.shape
     # assert res_VF.shape[0] == 41
     # assert np.allclose(res_VF.comp_x, 3)
     # assert np.allclose(res_VF.mask, self.VF.mask)
     # assert not Field.__eq__(res_VF, self.VF)
     # should add with numbers
     tmp_VF = self.VF / 5
     assert np.allclose(tmp_VF.comp_x, self.VF.comp_x / 5)
     assert np.allclose(tmp_VF.mask, self.VF.mask)
     assert Field.__eq__(tmp_VF, self.VF)
     tmp_VF = 5 / self.VF
     assert np.allclose(tmp_VF.comp_x, 5 / self.VF.comp_x)
     assert np.allclose(tmp_VF.mask, self.VF.mask)
     assert Field.__eq__(tmp_VF, self.VF)
     # should add with units if coherent
     tmp_VF = self.VF / (5.2 * units.m / units.s)
     assert np.allclose(tmp_VF.comp_x, self.VF.comp_x / 5.2)
     assert tmp_VF.unit_values.strUnit() == '[]'
     assert np.allclose(tmp_VF.mask, self.VF.mask)
     assert Field.__eq__(tmp_VF, self.VF)
     tmp_VF = self.VF.__rtruediv__(5.2 * units.m / units.s)
     assert np.allclose(tmp_VF.comp_x, 5.2 / self.VF.comp_x)
     assert tmp_VF.unit_values.strUnit() == '[]'
     assert np.allclose(tmp_VF.mask, self.VF.mask)
     assert Field.__eq__(tmp_VF, self.VF)
     # shoudl raise error if incoherent axis
     tmp_VF = self.VF.copy()
     tmp_VF.axis_x += 1
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         tmp_VF / self.VF
     tmp_VF = self.VF.copy()
     tmp_VF.axis_y += 3.4
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         tmp_VF / self.VF
     # should raise an error if incoherent units
     tmp_VF = self.VF.copy()
     tmp_VF.unit_x = 'Hz'
     with pytest.raises(unum.IncompatibleUnitsError):
         tmp_VF / self.VF