def buildMPIrun(self, argv, expandApplication=True): """Builds a list with a working mpirun command (for that MPI-Implementation) @param argv: the original arguments that are to be wrapped @param expandApplication: Expand the @return: list with the correct mpirun-command""" mpirun = ["mpprun"] progname = argv[0] if expandApplication: stat, progname = commands.getstatusoutput('which '+progname) if stat: progname = argv[0] warning( "which can not find a match for", progname, ". Hoping for the best" ) mpirun += [progname] + argv[1:3] + ["-parallel"] + argv[3:] if config().getdebug("ParallelExecution"): debug("MPI:", foamMPI()) debug("Arguments:", mpirun) system("which mpirun") system("which rsh") debug("Environment", environ) for a in mpirun: if a in environ: debug("Transfering variable", a, "with value", environ[a]) return mpirun
def buildMPIrun(self, argv, expandApplication=True): """Builds a list with a working mpirun command (for that MPI-Implementation) @param argv: the original arguments that are to be wrapped @param expandApplication: Expand the @return: list with the correct mpirun-command""" nr = str(self.cpuNr()) mpirun = [config().get("MPI", "run_" + foamMPI(), default="mpirun")] mpiRunPath = self.which(" ".join(mpirun)) if not mpiRunPath: error("Could not find a path for", mpirun, "Check configuration variable", "run_" + foamMPI(), "in section 'MPI'") mpirun += eval(config().get("MPI", "options_" + foamMPI() + "_pre", default="[]")) if (foamMPI() == "LAM"): mpirun += ["-np", nr] elif foamMPI().find("OPENMPI") >= 0: nr = [] if "MPI_ARCH_PATH" in environ and config().getboolean( "MPI", "OpenMPI_add_prefix"): nr += ["--prefix", environ["MPI_ARCH_PATH"]] if self.procNr != None: nr += ["--n", str(self.procNr)] machine = [] if self.mFile != None: machine = ["--machinefile", self.mFile] if config().getdebug("ParallelExecution"): debug("Start of", self.mFile) debug("\n" + open(self.mFile).read()) debug("End of", self.mFile) mpirun += machine + nr else: error(" Unknown or missing MPI-Implementation for mpirun: " + foamMPI()) mpirun += eval(config().get("MPI", "options_" + foamMPI() + "_post", default="[]")) progname = argv[0] if expandApplication: # old implementation: stat,progname=commands.getstatusoutput('which '+progname) progname = self.which(progname) if progname: progname = argv[0] warning("which can not find a match for", progname, ". Hoping for the best") if oldAppConvention(): mpirun += [progname] + argv[1:3] + ["-parallel"] + argv[3:] else: mpirun += [progname] + argv[1:] + ["-parallel"] if config().getdebug("ParallelExecution"): debug("MPI:", foamMPI()) debug("Arguments:", mpirun) system("which mpirun") system("which rsh") debug("Environment", environ) for a in mpirun: if a in environ: debug("Transfering variable", a, "with value", environ[a]) return mpirun
def __init__(self, argv=None, silent=False, logname=None, compressLog=False, lam=None, server=False, restart=False, noLog=False, logTail=None, remark=None, jobId=None, parameters=None, writeState=True, echoCommandLine=None): """:param argv: list with the tokens that are the command line if not set the standard command line is used :param silent: if True no output is sent to stdout :param logname: name of the logfile :param compressLog: Compress the logfile into a gzip :param lam: Information about a parallel run :param server: Whether or not to start the network-server :type lam: PyFoam.Execution.ParallelExecution.LAMMachine :param noLog: Don't output a log file :param logTail: only the last lines of the log should be written :param remark: User defined remark about the job :param parameters: User defined dictionary with parameters for documentation purposes :param jobId: Job ID of the controlling system (Queueing system) :param writeState: Write the state to some files in the case :param echoCommandLine: Prefix that is printed with the command line. If unset nothing is printed """ if sys.version_info < (2, 3): # Python 2.2 does not have the capabilities for the Server-Thread if server: warning( "Can not start server-process because Python-Version is too old" ) server = False if argv == None: self.argv = sys.argv[1:] else: self.argv = argv if oldApp(): self.dir = path.join(self.argv[1], self.argv[2]) if self.argv[2][-1] == path.sep: self.argv[2] = self.argv[2][:-1] else: self.dir = path.curdir if "-case" in self.argv: self.dir = self.argv[self.argv.index("-case") + 1] logname = calcLogname(logname, argv) try: sol = self.getSolutionDirectory() except OSError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] # compatible with 2.x and 3.x error("Solution directory", self.dir, "does not exist. No use running. Problem:", e) self.echoCommandLine = echoCommandLine self.silent = silent self.lam = lam self.origArgv = self.argv self.writeState = writeState self.__lastLastSeenWrite = 0 self.__lastNowTimeWrite = 0 if self.lam != None: self.argv = lam.buildMPIrun(self.argv) if config().getdebug("ParallelExecution"): debug("Command line:", " ".join(self.argv)) self.cmd = " ".join(self.argv) foamLogger().info("Starting: " + self.cmd + " in " + path.abspath(path.curdir)) self.logFile = path.join(self.dir, logname + ".logfile") isRestart, restartnr, restartName, lastlog = findRestartFiles( self.logFile, sol) if restartName: self.logFile = restartName if not isRestart: from os import unlink from glob import glob for g in glob(self.logFile + ".restart*"): if path.isdir(g): rmtree(g) else: unlink(g) self.noLog = noLog self.logTail = logTail if self.logTail: if self.noLog: warning("Log tail", self.logTail, "and no-log specified. Using logTail") self.noLog = True self.lastLines = [] self.compressLog = compressLog if self.compressLog: self.logFile += ".gz" self.fatalError = False self.fatalFPE = False self.fatalStackdump = False self.endSeen = False self.warnings = 0 self.started = False self.isRestarted = False if restart: self.controlDict = ParameterFile(path.join(self.dir, "system", "controlDict"), backup=True) self.controlDict.replaceParameter("startFrom", "latestTime") self.isRestarted = True else: self.controlDict = None = FoamThread(self.cmd, self) self.server = None if server: self.server = FoamServer(, master=self) self.server.setDaemon(True) self.server.start() try: IP, PID, Port = f = open(path.join(self.dir, ""), "w") print_(IP, PID, Port, file=f) f.close() except AttributeError: warning( "There seems to be a problem with starting the server:", self.server, "with attributes", dir(self.server)) self.server = None self.createTime = None self.nowTime = None self.startTimestamp = time() self.stopMe = False self.writeRequested = False self.endTriggers = [] self.lastLogLineSeen = None self.lastTimeStepSeen = None self.remark = remark self.jobId = jobId = {"lines": 0} #{"lines":0L}["logfile"] = self.logFile["casefullname"] = path.abspath(self.dir)["casename"] = path.basename(path.abspath(self.dir))["solver"] = path.basename(self.argv[0])["solverFull"] = self.argv[0]["commandLine"] = self.cmd["hostname"] = uname()[1] if remark:["remark"] = remark else:["remark"] = "No remark given" if jobId:["jobId"] = jobId parameterFile = sol.getParametersFromFile() if len(parameterFile):["parameters"] = {} for k, v in parameterFile.items():["parameters"][k] = makePrimitiveString(v) if parameters: if "parameters" not in["parameters"] = {}["parameters"].update(parameters)["starttime"] = asctime()
def __init__(self, argv=None, silent=False, logname=None, compressLog=False, lam=None, server=False, restart=False, noLog=False, logTail=None, remark=None, jobId=None, parameters=None, writeState=True, echoCommandLine=None): """@param argv: list with the tokens that are the command line if not set the standard command line is used @param silent: if True no output is sent to stdout @param logname: name of the logfile @param compressLog: Compress the logfile into a gzip @param lam: Information about a parallel run @param server: Whether or not to start the network-server @type lam: PyFoam.Execution.ParallelExecution.LAMMachine @param noLog: Don't output a log file @param logTail: only the last lines of the log should be written @param remark: User defined remark about the job @param parameters: User defined dictionary with parameters for documentation purposes @param jobId: Job ID of the controlling system (Queueing system) @param writeState: Write the state to some files in the case @param echoCommandLine: Prefix that is printed with the command line. If unset nothing is printed """ if sys.version_info < (2,3): # Python 2.2 does not have the capabilities for the Server-Thread if server: warning("Can not start server-process because Python-Version is too old") server=False if argv==None: self.argv=sys.argv[1:] else: self.argv=argv if oldApp(): self.dir=path.join(self.argv[1],self.argv[2]) if self.argv[2][-1]==path.sep: self.argv[2]=self.argv[2][:-1] else: self.dir=path.curdir if "-case" in self.argv: self.dir=self.argv[self.argv.index("-case")+1] if logname==None: logname="PyFoam."+path.basename(argv[0]) try: sol=self.getSolutionDirectory() except OSError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] # compatible with 2.x and 3.x error("Solution directory",self.dir,"does not exist. No use running. Problem:",e) self.echoCommandLine=echoCommandLine self.silent=silent self.lam=lam self.origArgv=self.argv self.writeState=writeState self.__lastLastSeenWrite=0 self.__lastNowTimeWrite=0 if self.lam!=None: self.argv=lam.buildMPIrun(self.argv) if config().getdebug("ParallelExecution"): debug("Command line:"," ".join(self.argv)) self.cmd=" ".join(self.argv) foamLogger().info("Starting: "+self.cmd+" in "+path.abspath(path.curdir)) self.logFile=path.join(self.dir,logname+".logfile") self.noLog=noLog self.logTail=logTail if self.logTail: if self.noLog: warning("Log tail",self.logTail,"and no-log specified. Using logTail") self.noLog=True self.lastLines=[] self.compressLog=compressLog if self.compressLog: self.logFile+=".gz" self.fatalError=False self.fatalFPE=False self.fatalStackdump=False self.warnings=0 self.started=False self.isRestarted=False if restart: self.controlDict=ParameterFile(path.join(self.dir,"system","controlDict"),backup=True) self.controlDict.replaceParameter("startFrom","latestTime") self.isRestarted=True else: self.controlDict=None,self) self.server=None if server: self.server=FoamServer(,master=self) self.server.setDaemon(True) self.server.start() try: IP,PID, f=open(path.join(self.dir,""),"w") print_(IP,PID,Port,file=f) f.close() except AttributeError: warning("There seems to be a problem with starting the server:",self.server,"with attributes",dir(self.server)) self.server=None self.createTime=None self.nowTime=None self.startTimestamp=time() self.stopMe=False self.writeRequested=False self.endTriggers=[] self.lastLogLineSeen=None self.lastTimeStepSeen=None self.remark=remark self.jobId=jobId{"lines":0} #{"lines":0L}["logfile"]=self.logFile["casefullname"]=path.abspath(self.dir)["casename"]=path.basename(path.abspath(self.dir))["solver"]=path.basename(self.argv[0])["solverFull"]=self.argv[0]["commandLine"]=self.cmd["hostname"]=uname()[1] if remark:["remark"]=remark else:["remark"]="No remark given" if jobId:["jobId"]=jobId parameterFile=sol.getParametersFromFile() if len(parameterFile):["parameters"]={} for k,v in parameterFile.items():["parameters"][k]=makePrimitiveString(v) if parameters: if "parameters" not in["parameters"]={}["parameters"].update(parameters)["starttime"]=asctime()
def buildMPIrun(self,argv,expandApplication=True): """Builds a list with a working mpirun command (for that MPI-Implementation) @param argv: the original arguments that are to be wrapped @param expandApplication: Expand the @return: list with the correct mpirun-command""" nr=str(self.cpuNr()) mpirun=[config().get("MPI","run_"+foamMPI(),default="mpirun")] mpiRunPath=self.which(" ".join(mpirun)) if not mpiRunPath: error("Could not find a path for",mpirun, "Check configuration variable","run_"+foamMPI(), "in section 'MPI'") mpirun+=eval(config().get("MPI","options_"+foamMPI()+"_pre",default="[]")) if(foamMPI()=="LAM"): mpirun+=["-np",nr] elif foamMPI().find("OPENMPI")>=0: nr=[] if "MPI_ARCH_PATH" in environ and config().getboolean("MPI","OpenMPI_add_prefix"): nr+=["--prefix",environ["MPI_ARCH_PATH"]] if self.procNr!=None: nr+=["--n",str(self.procNr)] machine=[] if self.mFile!=None: machine=["--machinefile",self.mFile] if config().getdebug("ParallelExecution"): debug("Start of",self.mFile) debug("\n"+open(self.mFile).read()) debug("End of",self.mFile) mpirun+=machine+nr else: error(" Unknown or missing MPI-Implementation for mpirun: "+foamMPI()) mpirun+=eval(config().get("MPI","options_"+foamMPI()+"_post",default="[]")) progname=argv[0] if expandApplication: # old implementation: stat,progname=commands.getstatusoutput('which '+progname) progname=self.which(progname) if progname: progname=argv[0] warning("which can not find a match for",progname,". Hoping for the best") if oldAppConvention(): mpirun+=[progname]+argv[1:3]+["-parallel"]+argv[3:] else: mpirun+=[progname]+argv[1:]+["-parallel"] if config().getdebug("ParallelExecution"): debug("MPI:",foamMPI()) debug("Arguments:",mpirun) system("which mpirun") system("which rsh") debug("Environment",environ) for a in mpirun: if a in environ: debug("Transfering variable",a,"with value",environ[a]) return mpirun