Пример #1
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

pythonnet requires both clr.pyd and Python.Runtime.dll, 
but the latter isn't found by PyInstaller.

import ctypes.util
from PyInstaller.compat import is_win, getsitepackages
from os.path import join, exists

# pythonnet is available for all platforms using .NET and Mono,
# but tested only on Windows using .NET.

if is_win:
    pyruntime = 'Python.Runtime'
    library = ctypes.util.find_library(pyruntime)
    datas = []
    if library:
        datas = [(library, '.')]
    	# find Python.Runtime.dll in pip-installed pythonnet package
    	for sitepack in getsitepackages():
    		library = join(sitepack, pyruntime + '.dll')
    		if exists(library):
    			datas = [(library, '.')]
    	if not datas:
    		raise Exception(pyruntime + ' not found')
# Copyright (c) 2013, PyInstaller Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License with exception
# for distributing bootloader.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.

import os

from PyInstaller.compat import getsitepackages, is_darwin, is_win
from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import qt4_menu_nib_dir

# On Windows system PATH has to be extended to point to the PySide directory.
# The PySide directory contains Qt dlls. We need to avoid including different
# version of Qt libraries when there is installed another application (e.g. QtCreator)
if is_win:
    from PyInstaller.utils.win32.winutils import extend_system_path
    extend_system_path([os.path.join(x, 'PySide') for x in getsitepackages()])

# For Qt to work on Mac OS X it is necessary to include directory qt_menu.nib.
# This directory contains some resource files necessary to run PyQt or PySide
# app.
if is_darwin:
    datas = [
        (qt4_menu_nib_dir(), ''),
Пример #3

import os

from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import (
    get_module_attribute, is_module_satisfies, qt5_menu_nib_dir)
from PyInstaller.compat import getsitepackages, is_darwin, is_win

# On Windows system PATH has to be extended to point to the PyQt5 directory.
# The PySide directory contains Qt dlls. We need to avoid including different
# version of Qt libraries when there is installed another application (e.g. QtCreator)
if is_win:
    from PyInstaller.utils.win32.winutils import extend_system_path
    extend_system_path([os.path.join(x, 'PyQt5') for x in getsitepackages()])

# In the new consolidated mode any PyQt depends on _qt
hiddenimports = ['sip', 'PyQt5.Qt']

# For Qt<5.4 to work on Mac OS X it is necessary to include `qt_menu.nib`.
# This directory contains some resource files necessary to run PyQt or PySide
# app.
if is_darwin:
    # Version of the currently installed Qt 5.x shared library.
    qt_version = get_module_attribute('PyQt5.QtCore', 'QT_VERSION_STR')
    if is_module_satisfies('Qt < 5.4', qt_version):
        datas = [(qt5_menu_nib_dir(), '')]
Пример #4

pythonnet requires both clr.pyd and Python.Runtime.dll, 
but the latter isn't found by PyInstaller.

import ctypes.util
from PyInstaller.compat import is_win, getsitepackages
from os.path import join, exists

# pythonnet is available for all platforms using .NET and Mono,
# but tested only on Windows using .NET.

if is_win:
    pyruntime = 'Python.Runtime'
    library = ctypes.util.find_library(pyruntime)
    datas = []
    if library:
        datas = [(library, '.')]
    	# find Python.Runtime.dll in pip-installed pythonnet package
    	for sitepack in getsitepackages():
    		library = join(sitepack, pyruntime + '.dll')
    		if exists(library):
    			datas = [(library, '.')]
    	if not datas:
    		raise Exception(pyruntime + ' not found')
Пример #5
def import_pywin32_module(module_name):
    Import and return the PyWin32 module with the passed name.

    When imported, the `pywintypes` and `pythoncom` modules both internally import dynamic libraries
    (e.g., `pywintypes.py` imports `pywintypes34.dll` under Python 3.4). The Anaconda Python distribution for Windows
    installs these libraries to non-standard directories, resulting in
    `"ImportError: No system module 'pywintypes' (pywintypes34.dll)"`
    exceptions. This function catches these exceptions, searches for these libraries, adds their directories to
    `sys.path`, and retries.

    module_name : str
        Fully-qualified name of this module.

        The desired module.
    module = None

        module = __import__(module_name, globals={}, locals={}, fromlist=[''])
    except ImportError as exc:
        if str(exc).startswith('No system module'):
            # True if "sys.frozen" is currently set.
            is_sys_frozen = hasattr(sys, 'frozen')

            # Current value of "sys.frozen" if any.
            sys_frozen = getattr(sys, 'frozen', None)

            # Force PyWin32 to search "sys.path" for DLLs. By default, PyWin32 only searches "site-packages\win32\lib",
            # "sys.prefix", and Windows system directories (e.g., "C:\Windows\System32"). This is an ugly hack, but
            # there is no other way.
            sys.frozen = '|_|GLYH@CK'

            # If isolated to a venv, the preferred site.getsitepackages() function is unreliable. Fall back to searching
            # "sys.path" instead.
            if compat.is_venv:
                sys_paths = sys.path
                sys_paths = compat.getsitepackages()

            for sys_path in sys_paths:
                # Absolute path of the directory containing PyWin32 DLLs.
                pywin32_dll_dir = os.path.join(sys_path, 'pywin32_system32')
                if os.path.isdir(pywin32_dll_dir):
                        module = __import__(name=module_name,
                    except ImportError:

            # If "sys.frozen" was previously set, restore its prior value.
            if is_sys_frozen:
                sys.frozen = sys_frozen
            # Else, undo this hack entirely.
                del sys.frozen

        # If this module remains unimportable, PyWin32 is not installed. Fail.
        if module is None:

    return module