Пример #1
def addMyArgs(parser):
    # Use arggroup to get these arguments in their own sub-section (of --help)
    parser.defineArgGroup('RAWMerge_tf', 'RAWMerge specific options')
                        help='Input BS file(s)',
        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBSFile, io='output'),
        'Output merged BS file (best if this file ends in ._0001.data, but see allowRename option below)',
        'If true then empty BS files are not included in the merge (default True)',
        'If true merged BS file will be forcibly renamed to the value of "outputBSFile" (default True)',
Пример #2
    def execute(self):
        if 'maxFilesPerSubjob' in self.conf.argdict:
            self._hasExecuted = True
            msg.info('Activating job splitting with {0} files per subjob'.format(self.conf.argdict['maxFilesPerSubjob'].value))

            tmpFiles = self.conf.argdict['inputZeroBiasBSFile'].value
            self._subJobInputs = []
            while len(tmpFiles) > 0:
                del tmpFiles[0:self.conf.argdict['maxFilesPerSubjob'].value-1]

            #### TESTING TESTING!
            # self._subJobInputs = self._subJobInputs[0:2]

            msg.info('Job will be split into {0} pieces: {1}'.format(len(self._subJobInputs), self._subJobInputs))

            # Now loop over each subjob
            from PyJobTransforms.trfExe import athenaExecutor, executorConfig, bsMergeExecutor
            jobCounter = 0
            outputBSFileList = []
            for sjInputs in self._subJobInputs:
                sjobArgdict = {'triggerBit': self.conf.argdict['triggerBit'],
                              'InputLbnMapFile': self.conf.argdict['InputLbnMapFile'],
                              'checkEventCount': trfArgClasses.argSubstepBool('False', runarg=False)}

                sjOutput = self.conf.argdict['outputBS_SKIMFile'].value[0] + '_sub{0:03d}.tmp'.format(jobCounter)
                sjDataDictionary = {'BS': trfArgClasses.argBSFile(sjInputs, io='input', type='BS', subtype='BS'),
                                    'BS_SKIM':  trfArgClasses.argBSFile(sjOutput, io='output', type='BS', subtype='BS_SKIM')}

                sjconf = executorConfig(sjobArgdict, sjDataDictionary)
                sjexe = athenaExecutor(name='BSOverlayFilter_{0:03d}'.format(jobCounter), skeletonFile = 'EventOverlayJobTransforms/skeleton.BSOverlayFilter_tf.py',
                                       conf=sjconf, inData=set(['BS']), outData=set(['BS_SKIM']))
                sjexe.doAll(input=set(['BS']), output=set(['BS_SKIM']))
                jobCounter += 1

            # Now do the merging
            mrgArgdict = {'maskEmptyInputs': trfArgClasses.argBool(True, runarg=False),
                          'allowRename': trfArgClasses.argBool(True, runarg=False)}
            mrgDataDictionary = {'BS': trfArgClasses.argBSFile(outputBSFileList, io='input', type='BS', subtype='BS_SKIM'),
                                 'BS_MRG': self.conf.argdict['outputBS_SKIMFile']}
            mrgConf = executorConfig(mrgArgdict, mrgDataDictionary)
            mrgExe = bsMergeExecutor(name = 'RAWFileMerge', exe = 'file_merging', conf=mrgConf,
                                     inData = set(['BS']), outData = set(['BS_MRG']))
            mrgExe.doAll(input=set(['BS']), output=set(['BS_MRG']))

            # If we got here then all must be well, so we have executed successfully
            self._rc = 0

            # Ordinary run
            super(BSJobSplitterExecutor, self).execute()
Пример #3
    def preExecute(self, input=set(), output=set()):

        """ Execute runInfo, set environment and check inputtype"""
        # Execute runInfo.py

        for i in range(0,len(dsDict['input'])):
        self.conf.addToArgdict('inputNames', trfArgClasses.argList(namelist))


        if not 'doRunInfo' in runArgs:
            self.conf.addToArgdict('doRunInfo', trfArgClasses.argBool(False))
            if runArgs['doRunInfo']._value:
                import SCT_CalibAlgs.runInfo as runInfo

                print "RunNumber for the runInfo = " + str(RunNumber) + " " + Stream
                runInfo.main(RunNumber, projectName)

        if not 'splitNoisyStrip' in runArgs:
            self.conf.addToArgdict('splitNoisyStrip', trfArgClasses.argInt(0))
        if not 'doRunSelector' in runArgs:
            self.conf.addToArgdict('doRunSelector', trfArgClasses.argBool(False))

        # Set STAGE_SVCCLASS
        if not SvcClass is '' and not SvcClass is None:

        # Check input type
        print "Input type = " + inputtype
        self.conf.addToArgdict('InputType', trfArgClasses.argString(inputtype))

        # check which parts to be run
        if not 'part' in runArgs:
            self.conf.addToArgdict('part', trfArgClasses.argString('doNoisyStrip'))



        for ipart in part:
            if not ipart in ['doNoisyStrip','doNoiseOccupancy','doDeadChip','doDeadStrip','doHV','doBSErrorDB','doRawOccupancy','doEfficiency','doLorentzAngle','doNoisyLB']:
                self._errMsg = 'Argument part=%s does not match any of the possible candidates' % ipart
                raise trfExceptions.TransformValidationException(trfExit.nameToCode('TRF_ARG_ERRO'), self._errMsg)

        # get prefix
        if not 'prefix' in runArgs:
            self.conf.addToArgdict('prefix', trfArgClasses.argString(''))


        # set job number
        # find seperator for jobnumber
        if prefix is not '' : 
            if ( sep != -1 ) :
            elif ( prefix.rfind('#_') != -1 ):
            # find seperator for prefix
            if (sep != -1) :
            elif (prefix.find('._') != -1):

            # set prefix and jobnumber
            runArgs['prefix']._value = prefix

        # When ATLAS is NOT in standby the SCT is, the hitmap root files have 0 events,
        # even though the calibration_SCTNoise streams has 10k+ events.
        # If the noisy strips task is generated, the jobs will fail. A.N has implemented
        # a condition a t0 level so they won't be defined. However,
        # when runSelector uses AtlRunQuery to look for the runs that have 10k+ events
        # in the calibration_SCTNoise stream, those runs that failed or were skipped
        # will appear as waiting to be uploaded, making the rest keep on hold.

        # We include a protection against those cases: if the summed number of events
        # of hitmap files is <10k, we don't execute the noisy strips. Rather, we exit
        # with 'success' status, so the job won't fail at t0, and update the value
        # of the last run uploaded as if this run had been uploaded, to avoid the
        # next run being indefinitely on hold
        # print 'Number of events: ', NumberOfEvents
        if 'doNoisyStrip' in part and runArgs['splitNoisyStrip']._value==2 and NumberOfEvents<10000:
            self._isValidated = True
            self._trf._exitCode = 0
            self._trf._exitMsg = 'Noisy strips trying to read root files with 0 events. Gracefully exit and update lastRun counter to %s' %(RunNumber)

            emptyDic = {}
            self._trf._dataDictionary = emptyDic


#                raise trfExceptions.TransformValidationException(trfExit.nameToCode('TRF_EXEC_SETUP_FAIL'), self._errMsg)

        if jobnb is not '':
            self.conf.addToArgdict('JobNumber', trfArgClasses.argString(jobnb))

        # get RunNumber from datasetName
        if not RunNumber == -1:
            self.conf.addToArgdict('RunNumber', trfArgClasses.argInt(RunNumber))
        if not Stream == '':
            self.conf.addToArgdict('Stream', trfArgClasses.argString(Stream))

        # Do other prerun actions
        super(SCTCalibExecutor, self).preExecute(input,output)
Пример #4
def addMyArgs(parser):
    # Use arggroup to get these arguments in their own sub-section (of --help)
    parser.defineArgGroup('ESDMerge_tf', 'ESD merge job specific options')
    parser.add_argument('--inputESDFile', nargs='+',
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argPOOLFile, io='input'),
                        help='Input ESD file', group='ESDMerge_tf')
    parser.add_argument('--outputESD_MRGFile', '--outputESDFile', 
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argPOOLFile, io='output'),
                        help='Output merged ESD file', group='ESDMerge_tf')

    parser.defineArgGroup('AODMerge_tf', 'AOD merge job specific options')
    parser.add_argument('--inputAODFile', nargs='+',
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argPOOLFile, io='input', type='aod'),
                        help='Input AOD file', group='AODMerge_tf')
    parser.add_argument('--inputAOD_MRGFile', nargs='+',
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argPOOLFile, io='input', type='aod'),
                        help='Input (premarged) AOD file', group='AODMerge_tf')
    parser.add_argument('--outputAOD_MRGFile', '--outputAODFile', 
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argPOOLFile, io='output', type='aod'),
                        help='Output merged AOD file', group='AODMerge_tf')
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argTAGFile, io='output', type='tag'), 
                        help='Output TAG file', group='AODMerge_tf')

    parser.defineArgGroup('TAGMerge_tf', 'TAG merging specific options')
    parser.add_argument('--inputTAGFile', nargs='+', 
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argTAGFile, io='input'),
                        help='Input TAG file(s)', group='TAGMerge_tf')
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argTAGFile, io='output'),
                        help='Output merged TAG file', group='TAGMerge_tf')

    parser.defineArgGroup('DQHistMerge_tf', 'DQ merge specific options')
    parser.add_argument('--inputHISTFile', nargs='+', 
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argHISTFile, io='input', runarg=True, type='hist'), 
                        help='Input DQ HIST file', group='DQHistMerge_tf')
    parser.add_argument('--inputHIST_AODFile', nargs='+', 
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argHISTFile, io='input', runarg=True, type='hist_aod',
                        help='Input DQ AOD step monitoring file', group='DQHistMerge_tf')
    parser.add_argument('--inputHIST_ESDFile', nargs='+', 
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argHISTFile, io='input', runarg=True, type='hist_esd',
                        help='Input DQ AOD step monitoring file', group='DQHistMerge_tf')
    parser.add_argument('--outputHIST_MRGFile', '--outputHISTFile', nargs='+', 
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argHISTFile, io='output', runarg=True, type='hist'), 
                        help='Output DQ monitoring file', group='DQHistMerge_tf')

    parser.defineArgGroup('RDOMerge_tf', 'RDO merge job specific options')
    parser.add_argument('--inputRDOFile', nargs='+',
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argRDOFile, io='input'),
                        help='Input RDO file', group='RDOMerge_tf')
    parser.add_argument('--outputRDO_MRGFile', '--outputRDOFile', 
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argRDOFile, io='output'),
                        help='Output merged RDO file', group='RDOMerge_tf')

    parser.defineArgGroup('RAWMerge_tf', 'RAWMerge specific options')
    parser.add_argument('--inputBSFile', nargs='+', 
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBSFile, io='input'),
                        help='Input BS file(s)', group='RAWMerge_tf')
    parser.add_argument('--outputBS_MRGFile', '--outputBSFile', 
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBSFile, io='output'),
                        help='Output merged BS file (best if this file ends in ._0001.data, but see allowRename option below)', 
    parser.add_argument('--maskEmptyInputs', type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBool), group='RAWMerge_tf',
                        help='If true then empty BS files are not included in the merge (default True)', 
    parser.add_argument('--allowRename', type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBool), group='RAWMerge_tf',
                        help='If true merged BS file will be forcibly renamed to the value of "outputBSFile" (default True)', 

    parser.defineArgGroup('EVNTMerge_tf', 'EVNT merge job specific options')
    parser.add_argument('--inputEVNTFile', nargs='+',
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argEVNTFile, io='input', runarg=True, type='evnt'),
                        help='Input EVNT file', group='EVNTMerge_tf')
    parser.add_argument('--outputEVNT_MRGFile', '--outputEVNTFile', 
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argEVNTFile, io='output', runarg=True, type='evnt'),
                        help='Output merged EVNT file', group='EVNTMerge_tf')
    parser.add_argument('--eventService', type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBool), metavar = "BOOL",
                        help='Switch AthenaMP to the Event Service configuration', group='EVNTMerge_tf')

    parser.add_argument('--fastPoolMerge', type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBool),
                        help='Hybrid POOL merging switch (default True)')
Пример #5
def addTriggerArgs(parser):
    # Use arggroup to get these arguments in their own sub-section (of --help)
    parser.defineArgGroup('Trigger', 'Specific options related to the trigger configuration used for reprocessing')
    #arguments specific for trigger transform
    #writeBS used in literal arguments when running HLT step in athena (not athenaHLT)
    parser.add_argument('--writeBS', type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBool, runarg=True),
                          help='Needed if running BSRDO to BS step in athena (default: True)', group='Trigger', default=trfArgClasses.argBool(True, runarg=True))
    #input BS file for the HLT step (name just to be unique identifier)
    parser.add_argument('--inputBS_RDOFile', nargs='+', 
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBSFile, io='input', runarg=True, type='bs'),
                        help='Input bytestream file', group='Trigger')
    #without an outputBSFile name specified then any further steps will know to use tmp.BS
    parser.add_argument('--outputBSFile', nargs='+', 
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBSFile, io='output', runarg=True, type='bs'),
                        help='Output bytestream file', group='Trigger')
    #select output stream in  BS file
    #athenaHLT writes All streams into one file, but this can't be proceesed by standard reco if it contains events in only PEB streams
    #by defualt selects the Main stream, as likely the most needed option, but can ber reverted to All or any other stream chosen
    parser.add_argument('--streamSelection', type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argString, runarg=True),
                        help='select output stream in  BS file (default: \"Main\"). Specify \"All\" to disable splitting (standard reco will fail on any events with only PEB data)', group='Trigger', default=trfArgClasses.argString("Main", runarg=True))
    #HLT out histogram file, if defined renames expert-monitoring file that is produced automatically
    parser.add_argument('--outputHIST_HLTMONFile', nargs='+', 
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argHISTFile, io='output', runarg=True, countable=False),
                        help='Output HLTMON file', group='Trigger')    
    #Trigger Configuration String as used in reco Steps
    parser.add_argument('--triggerConfig', nargs='+', metavar='substep=TRIGGERCONFIG',
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argSubstep, runarg=True, separator='='),
                        help='Trigger Configuration String. '
			'N.B. This argument uses EQUALS (=) to separate the substep name from the value.', group='Trigger')
    #precommand for athenaHLT aka -c
    parser.add_argument('--precommand', nargs='+', type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argList, runarg=True),
                        help='precommand for athenaHLT aka -c', group='Trigger')
    #postcommand for athenaHLT aka -C
    parser.add_argument('--postcommand', nargs='+', type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argList, runarg=True),
                        help='postcommand for athenaHLT aka -C', group='Trigger')
    #For prodsys to make sure uses inputBS_RDOFile rather than inputBSFile when running the b2r step
    parser.add_argument('--prodSysBSRDO', type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBool, runarg=True),
                        help='For prodsys to make sure uses inputBS_RDOFile rather than inputBSFile when running the b2r step', group='Trigger')
Пример #6
def addTriggerArgs(parser):
    # Use arggroup to get these arguments in their own sub-section (of --help)
    parser.defineArgGroup('Trigger', 'Specific options related to the trigger configuration used for reprocessing')
    #new for trigger transform
    #now setup to run athenaHLT, so TODO is to remove:testPhysicsV4 and writeBS
    #TODO: testPhysicsV4 needs deleting as causes double menu loading but left in for now to not add conflicts to the panda tag page
    parser.add_argument('--testPhysicsV4', type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBool, runarg=True),
                          help='Please do not use this command, to be deleted', group='Trigger')
    parser.add_argument('--writeBS', type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBool, runarg=True),
                          help='Needed if running BSRDO to BS step in athena (default: True)', group='Trigger', default=trfArgClasses.argBool(True, runarg=True))
    parser.add_argument('--inputBS_RDOFile', nargs='+', 
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBSFile, io='input', runarg=True, type='bs'),
                        help='Input bytestream file', group='Trigger')
    #without an outputBSFile name specified then any further steps will know to use tmp.BS
    parser.add_argument('--outputBSFile', nargs='+', 
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBSFile, io='output', runarg=True, type='bs'),
                        help='Output bytestream file', group='Trigger')
    parser.add_argument('--outputHIST_HLTMONFile', nargs='+', 
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argHISTFile, io='output', runarg=True, countable=False),
                        help='Output HLTMON file', group='Trigger')    
    #NTUP_TRIG is added as is not available in ATLASP1HLT, but is available in the reco release
    #hence can be used later in a ATLASP1HLT job if switch releases
    parser.add_argument('--outputNTUP_TRIGFile', nargs='+', 
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argHISTFile, io='output', runarg=True, countable=False), 
                        help='D3PD output NTUP_TRIG file (can be made in substeps e2d,a2d)', group='Trigger')
    #NTUP_COST is added as is not available in ATLASP1HLT, but is available in the reco release
    #hence can be used later in a ATLASP1HLT job if switch releases
    parser.add_argument('--outputNTUP_TRIGCOSTFile', nargs='+', 
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argHISTFile, io='output', runarg=True, countable=False), 
                        help='D3PD output NTUP_TRIGCOST file', group='Trigger')
    #NTUP_RATE is added as is not available in ATLASP1HLT, but is available in the reco release
    #hence can be used later in a ATLASP1HLT job if switch releases
    parser.add_argument('--outputNTUP_TRIGRATEFile', nargs='+', 
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argHISTFile, io='output', runarg=True, countable=False), 
                        help='D3PD output NTUP_TRIGRATE file', group='Trigger')
    #NTUP_TRIGEBWGHT is added as is not available in ATLASP1HLT, but is available in the reco release
    #hence can be used later in a ATLASP1HLT job if switch releases
    parser.add_argument('--outputNTUP_TRIGEBWGHTFile', nargs='+', 
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argHISTFile, io='output', runarg=True, countable=False), 
                        help='D3PD output NTUP_TRIGEBWGHT file', group='Trigger')
    parser.add_argument('--triggerConfig', nargs='+', metavar='substep=TRIGGERCONFIG',
                        type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argSubstep, runarg=True, separator='='),
                        help='Trigger Configuration String. '
			'N.B. This argument uses EQUALS (=) to separate the substep name from the value.', group='Trigger')
    parser.add_argument('--dumpOptions', type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBool, runarg=True),
                        help='Only for testing: '
                        'dump to stdout the options athenaHLT has received. '
                        'N.B. option consistency is not checked.', group='Trigger')
    parser.add_argument('--precommand', nargs='+', type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argList, runarg=True),
                        help='precommand for athenaHLT aka -c', group='Trigger')
    parser.add_argument('--postcommand', nargs='+', type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argList, runarg=True),
                        help='postcommand for athenaHLT aka -C', group='Trigger')
    parser.add_argument('--eventmodifier', nargs='+', type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argList, runarg=True),
                        help='event-modifier for athenaHLT aka -Z', group='Trigger')
    parser.add_argument('--prodSysBSRDO', type=trfArgClasses.argFactory(trfArgClasses.argBool, runarg=True),
                        help='For prodsys to make sure uses inputBS_RDOFile rather than inputBSFile when running the b2r step', group='Trigger')