Пример #1
    def test_transform(self):
        from PyJobTransforms.transform import transform
        from PyJobTransforms.trfArgClasses import argFactory, argString
        from PyJobTransforms.trfDefaultFiles import getInputFileName

        tf = transform()
        tf.parser.add_argument('--inputBSFile', type=argFactory(argString))
        tf.parser.add_argument('--outputBSFile', type=argFactory(argString))
        tf.parser.add_argument('--extraArg', type=argFactory(argString))

            '--AMIConfig=p1346 --extraArg=special --outputBSFile=myOutput'.

        # not part of tag
        self.assertEqual(tf.argdict['extraArg'].value, 'special')
        #  part of tag
        #  part of tag but overwritten at command line
        self.assertEqual(tf.argdict['outputBSFile'].value, 'myOutput')
Пример #2
def getTrfConfigFromPANDA(tag):

    msg.debug('Using PANDA to get info about tag %s' % tag)

        pandaclient = getPANDAClient()
            "select trf,trfv,lparams,vparams,formats,cache from t_trf_config where tag='%s' and cid=%d"
            % (tag[:1], int(tag[1:])))
        result = pandaclient.fetchone()
        msg.info('An exception occurred: %s' % traceback.format_exc())
        raise TransformAMIException(AMIerrorCode,
                                    'Getting tag info from PANDA failed.')

    if result is None:
        raise TransformAMIException(AMIerrorCode,
                                    'Tag %s not found in PANDA database' % tag)

    msg.debug('Raw data returned from panda DB is:' + os.linesep + str(result))

    trfn = result[0].split(',')
    msg.debug('List of transforms: %s' % trfn)
    trfv = result[1].split(',')
    msg.debug('List of releases: %s' % trfv)
    lparams = result[2].split(';')
    msg.debug('List of arguments: %s' % lparams)
    vparams = result[3].split(';')
    msg.debug('List of argument values: %s' % vparams)
    formats = result[4].split('.')
    msg.debug('List of formats: %s' % formats)
    cache = result[5].split(',')
    msg.debug('List of caches: %s' % formats)

    if not (len(trfn) == len(trfv) == len(lparams) == len(vparams)):
        raise TransformAMIException(AMIerrorCode,
                                    'Inconsistency in number of trfs.')

    # Cache can be a single value, in which case it needs replicated for other
    # transform steps, or it can be multivalued - great schema design guys :-(
    if len(cache) != len(trfv):
        if len(cache) == 1:
            cache = cache * len(trfv)
            raise TransformAMIException(
                'Inconsistency in number of caches entries vs. release numbers ({0}; {1}).'
                .format(cache, trfv))

    listOfTrfs = []

    for iTrf in range(len(trfn)):

        trf = TrfConfig()
        trf.name = trfn[iTrf]
        if '_tf.py' in trf.name:
            trf.newTransform = True
            trf.newTransform = False
        trf.release = trfv[iTrf] + "," + cache[iTrf]

        keys = lparams[iTrf].split(',')
        values = vparams[iTrf].split(',')

        if (len(keys) != len(values)):
            raise TransformAMIException(
                AMIerrorCode, 'Inconsistency in number of arguments.')

        physics = dict((k, ReadablePANDA(v)) for (k, v) in zip(keys, values))
        # Hack to correct trigger keys being stored with spaces in panda
        for k, v in physics.iteritems():
            if 'triggerConfig' in k or 'triggerConfigByRun' in k:
                if ' ' in v:
                    physics[k] = v.replace(' ', ',')
                        'Attempted to correct illegal trigger configuration string: {0} -> {1}'
                        .format(v, physics[k]))
            if 'Exec' in k:
                # Mash up to a list, where %8C is used as the quote delimitation character
                physics[k] = [
                    execElement.replace("%8C", "")
                    for execElement in v.split("%8C %8C")

        msg.debug("Checking for pseudo-argument internal to ProdSys...")
        if 'extraParameter' in physics:
            val = physics.pop('extraParameter')
            msg.debug("Removed extraParamater=%s from arguments." % val)

        msg.debug("Checking for input/output file arguments...")
        for arg in physics.keys():
            if arg.lstrip('-').startswith('input') and arg.endswith('File'):
                value = physics.pop(arg)
                msg.debug("Found input file argument %s=%s." % (arg, value))
                fmt = arg.lstrip('-').replace('input', '').replace('File', '')
                trf.inFiles[arg] = getInputFileName(arg)
            elif arg.lstrip('-').startswith('output') and arg.endswith('File'):
                value = physics.pop(arg)
                msg.debug("Found output file argument %s=%s." % (arg, value))
                fmt = arg.lstrip('-').replace('output', '').replace('File', '')
                trf.outFiles[arg] = getOutputFileName(fmt)

        msg.debug("Checking for not set arguments...")
        for arg, value in physics.items():
            if value == "NONE" or value == "none" or value == ["NONE"]:
                val = physics.pop(arg)
                msg.debug("Removed %s=%s from arguments." % (arg, val))

        trf.physics = physics


    listOfTrfs[0].inDS = None  # not yet implemented
    listOfTrfs[-1].outfmts = formats

    return listOfTrfs
Пример #3
            msg.debug("Checking for pseudo-argument internal to ProdSys...")
            if 'extraParameter' in physics:
                val = physics.pop('extraParameter')
                msg.debug("Removed extraParamater=%s from arguments." % val)

            msg.debug("Checking for input/output file arguments...")
            for arg in physics.keys():
                if arg.lstrip('-').startswith('input') and arg.endswith(
                    value = physics.pop(arg)
                    msg.debug("Found input file argument %s=%s." %
                              (arg, value))
                    fmt = arg.lstrip('-').replace('input',
                                                  '').replace('File', '')
                    trf.inFiles[arg] = getInputFileName(arg)
                elif arg.lstrip('-').startswith('output') and arg.endswith(
                    value = physics.pop(arg)
                    msg.debug("Found output file argument %s=%s." %
                              (arg, value))
                    fmt = arg.lstrip('-').replace('output',
                                                  '').replace('File', '')
                    trf.outFiles[arg] = getOutputFileName(fmt)

            msg.debug("Checking for not set arguments...")
            for arg, value in physics.items():
                if value == "NONE" or value == "none" or value == ["NONE"]:
                    val = physics.pop(arg)
                    msg.debug("Removed %s=%s from arguments." % (arg, val))
Пример #4
def getTrfConfigFromAMI(tag, suppressNonJobOptions = True):
    msg.debug('Using AMI to get info about tag %s', tag)

#        import pyAMI.atlas.api
        import pyAMI.exception
    except ImportError as e:
        raise TransformAMIException(AMIerrorCode, 'Import of pyAMI modules failed ({0})'.format(e))
#        result = pyAMI.atlas.api.get_ami_tag(amiclient, tag)
        result = get_ami_tag(amiclient, tag, suppressNonJobOptions)
    except pyAMI.exception.Error as e:
        msg.warning('An exception occured when connecting to primary AMI: {0}'.format(e))
        msg.debug('Exception: {0}'.format(e))
        if 'please login' in e.message or 'certificate expired' in e.message:
            raise TransformAMIException(AMIerrorCode, 'Getting tag info from AMI failed with credential problem. '
                                        'Please check your AMI account status.')
        if 'Invalid amiTag' in e.message:
            raise TransformAMIException(AMIerrorCode, 'Invalid AMI tag ({0}).'.format(tag))
        msg.debug("Error may not be fatal - will try AMI replica catalog")

        trf = TrfConfig()
        trf.name = result[0]['transformation']
        trf.inputs=result[0].get('inputs', {})
        trf.outputs=result[0].get('outputs', {})
        trf.release = result[0]['SWReleaseCache'].replace('_', ',')

        if 'phconfig' in result[0]:
            physics = {}
            for k, v in iteritems(result[0]):
                if 'Exec' in k:
                    execStrList = [execStr for execStr in convertToStr(v).replace('" "', '"" ""').split('" "')]
                    physics[convertToStr(k)] = [remove_enclosing_quotes(execStr).replace('\\"', '"') for execStr in execStrList]
                elif '" "' in v:
                    msg.info('found a quoted space (" ") in parameter value for %s, converting to list', k)
                    subStrList = [subStr for subStr in convertToStr(v).replace('" "', '"" ""').split('" "')]
                    physics[convertToStr(k)] = [remove_enclosing_quotes(subStr).replace('\\"', '"') for subStr in subStrList]
                    physics[convertToStr(k)] = convertToStr(remove_enclosing_quotes(v))

            msg.debug('Result from AMI after string cleaning:')
            msg.debug('%s', dumps(physics, indent = 4))

            if suppressNonJobOptions:
                for k in list(physics):
                    if k in ['productionStep', 'transformation', 'SWReleaseCache']:

            for k, v in iteritems(physics):
                if 'triggerConfig' in k or 'triggerConfigByRun' in k:
                    if ' ' in v:
                        physics[k] = v.replace(' ', ',')
                        msg.warning('Attempted to correct illegal trigger configuration string: {0} -> {1}'.format(v, physics[k]))

            msg.debug("Checking for pseudo-argument internal to ProdSys...")
            if 'extraParameter' in physics:
                val = physics.pop('extraParameter')
                msg.debug("Removed extraParamater=%s from arguments.", val)

            msg.debug("Checking for input/output file arguments...")
            for arg in list(physics):
                if arg.lstrip('-').startswith('input') and arg.endswith('File'):
                    value = physics.pop(arg)
                    msg.debug("Found input file argument %s=%s.", arg, value)
                    fmt = arg.lstrip('-').replace('input', '').replace('File', '')
                    trf.inFiles[arg] = getInputFileName(arg)
                elif arg.lstrip('-').startswith('output') and arg.endswith('File'):
                    value = physics.pop(arg)
                    msg.debug("Found output file argument %s=%s.", arg, value)
                    fmt = arg.lstrip('-').replace('output', '').replace('File', '')
                    trf.outFiles[arg] = getOutputFileName(fmt)

            msg.debug("Checking for not set arguments...")
            for arg, value in listitems(physics):
                if value == "NONE" or value == "none" or value == ["NONE"]:
                    val = physics.pop(arg)
                    msg.debug("Removed %s=%s from arguments.", arg, val)

            trf.physics = physics

        if not isinstance(trf.physics, dict):
            raise TransformAMIException(AMIerrorCode, "Bad result for tag's phconfig: {0}".format(trf.physics))

        if trf.inFiles == {}:
            if 'inputs' in result[0]:
                for inFileType, inFileName in iteritems(trf.inFiles):
                    # Not all AMI tags actually have a working filename, so fallback to trfDefaultFiles
                    # if necessary
                    if inFileName == '' or inFileName =={} or inFileName == [] or inFileName == '{}':
                        trf.inFiles[inFileType] = getInputFileName(inFileType, tag)

        if 'outputs' in result[0]:
            trf.outFiles=dict( (k, getOutputFileName(k.lstrip('output').rstrip('File')) ) for k in outputs )
            trf.outfmts=[ outputs[k]['dstype'] for k in outputs ]
    except KeyError as e:
        raise TransformAMIException(AMIerrorCode, "Missing key in AMI data: {0}".format(e))
    except Exception as e:
        raise TransformAMIException(AMIerrorCode, "Got a very unexpected exception while parsing AMI outputs!"
                                    " Please report.\nParsing:\n{0}\nRaised:\n{1}".format(result, e))

    # Now fix up for command line in the case of a new transform:
    if '_tf.py' in trf.name:
    return [ trf ]