def main (): appName = "KMainWindow" catalog = "" programName = ki18n ("KMainWindow") version = "1.0" description = ki18n ("Tutorial - Second Program") license = KAboutData.License_GPL copyright = ki18n ("(c) 2007 Jim Bublitz") text = ki18n ("none") homePage = "" bugEmail = "*****@*****.**" aboutData = KAboutData (appName, catalog, programName, version, description, license, copyright, text, homePage, bugEmail) KCmdLineArgs.init (sys.argv, aboutData) app = KApplication () #------- new stuff added here ---------- mainWindow = MainWindow () () app.exec_ ()
def createApp (args=sys.argv): ######################################### # all the bureaucratic init of a KDE App # the appName must not contain any chars besides a-zA-Z0-9_ # because KMainWindowPrivate::polish() calls QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject() # see QDBusUtil::isValidCharacterNoDash() appName = "satyr" catalog = "" programName = ki18n ("satyr") #ki18n required here version = "0.5.0" description = ki18n ("I need a media player that thinks about music the way I think about it. This is such a program.") #ki18n required here license = KAboutData.License_GPL copyright = ki18n ("(c) 2009, 2010 Marcos Dione") #ki18n required here text = ki18n ("none") #ki18n required here homePage = "" bugEmail = "*****@*****.**" aboutData = KAboutData (appName, catalog, programName, version, description, license, copyright, text, homePage, bugEmail) # ki18n required for first two addAuthor () arguments aboutData.addAuthor (ki18n ("Marcos Dione"), ki18n ("design and implementation")) aboutData.addAuthor (ki18n ("Sebastián Álvarez"), ki18n ("features, bugfixes and testing")) KCmdLineArgs.init (args, aboutData) options= KCmdLineOptions () options.add ("s").add ("skin <skin-name>", ki18n ("skin"), "") options.add ("+path", ki18n ("paths to your music collections")) KCmdLineArgs.addCmdLineOptions (options) app= App () args= KCmdLineArgs.parsedArgs () return app, args
def main(): about = KAboutData( b'synaptiks', '', ki18n('synaptiks'), str(synaptiks.__version__), ki18n('touchpad management and configuration application'), KAboutData.License_BSD, ki18n('Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Sebastian Wiesner')) about.addAuthor(ki18n('Sebastian Wiesner'), ki18n('Maintainer'), '*****@*****.**') about.addCredit(ki18n('Valentyn Pavliuchenko'), ki18n('Debian packaging, russian translation, ' 'bug reporting and testing'), '*****@*****.**') about.setHomepage('') about.setOrganizationDomain('') KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, about) app = KApplication() window = KMainWindow() touchpad = Touchpad.find_first(Display.from_qt()) config = TouchpadConfiguration(touchpad) config_widget = TouchpadConfigurationWidget(config) config_widget.configurationChanged.connect( partial(print, 'config changed?')) window.setCentralWidget(config_widget) app.exec_()
def main(): app_name = "vlc_snapper" catalog = "danbooru_client" program_name = ki18n("KDE VLC Snapper") version = "0.1" description = ki18n("A screenshot taker for video clips.") license = KAboutData.License_GPL copyright = ki18n("(C) 2011 Luca Beltrame") text = ki18n("") home_page = "" bug_email = "*****@*****.**" about_data = KAboutData( app_name, catalog, program_name, version, description, license, copyright, text, home_page, bug_email ) about_data.setProgramIconName("internet-web-browser") KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, about_data) app = KApplication() dialog = capturewidget.CaptureDialog() app.lastWindowClosed.connect(dialog.deleteLater) app.exec_()
def __init__(self, argv, opts): """ Constructor @param argv command line arguments @param opts acceptable command line options """ loc = _localeString() os.environ["KDE_LANG"] = loc aboutData = KAboutData( Program, "kdelibs", ki18n(Program), Version, ki18n(""), KAboutData.License_GPL, ki18n(Copyright), ki18n ("none"), Homepage, BugAddress) sysargv = argv[:] KCmdLineArgs.init(sysargv, aboutData) if opts: options = KCmdLineOptions() for opt in opts: if len(opt) == 2: options.add(opt[0], ki18n(opt[1])) else: options.add(opt[0], ki18n(opt[1]), opt[2]) KCmdLineArgs.addCmdLineOptions(options) KApplication.__init__(self, True) KQApplicationMixin.__init__(self)
def main(): about = KAboutData( b'synaptiks', '', ki18n('synaptiks'), str(synaptiks.__version__), ki18n('touchpad management and configuration application'), KAboutData.License_BSD, ki18n('Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Sebastian Wiesner')) about.addAuthor(ki18n('Sebastian Wiesner'), ki18n('Maintainer'), '*****@*****.**') about.addCredit( ki18n('Valentyn Pavliuchenko'), ki18n('Debian packaging, russian translation, ' 'bug reporting and testing'), '*****@*****.**') about.setHomepage('') about.setOrganizationDomain('') KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, about) app = KApplication() window = KMainWindow() touchpad = Touchpad.find_first(Display.from_qt()) config = TouchpadConfiguration(touchpad) config_widget = TouchpadConfigurationWidget(config) config_widget.configurationChanged.connect( partial(print, 'config changed?')) window.setCentralWidget(config_widget) app.exec_()
def __init__( self ): bus = dbus.SessionBus() try: app_proxy = bus.get_object( 'org.kde.amarok', '/' ) = dbus.Interface( app_proxy, 'org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer' ) player_proxy = bus.get_object( 'org.kde.amarok', '/Player' ) self.player = dbus.Interface( player_proxy, 'org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer' ) tList_proxy = bus.get_object( 'org.kde.amarok', '/TrackList') self.trackList = dbus.Interface( tList_proxy, 'org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer' ) except dbus.exceptions.DBusException: import sys from PyKDE4.kdecore import ki18n, KAboutData, KCmdLineArgs from PyKDE4.kdeui import KMainWindow, KMessageBox, KApplication about = KAboutData("msgbox", "msgbox", ki18n ("TAmarok"), "0.1", ki18n(""), KAboutData.License_GPL, ki18n ( "(c) 2009 Thomas Eichinger" ), ki18n(""), "", "") KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, about) app = KApplication() win = KMainWindow() if KMessageBox.warningYesNo(win, "Oops, found no Amarok instance.\n Start Amarok now?" ) == 3 : import subprocess self.out = "" subprocess.Popen("amarok") import time time.sleep(3) app_proxy = bus.get_object( 'org.kde.amarok', '/' ) = dbus.Interface( app_proxy, 'org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer' ) player_proxy = bus.get_object( 'org.kde.amarok', '/Player' ) self.player = dbus.Interface( player_proxy, 'org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer' ) tList_proxy = bus.get_object( 'org.kde.amarok', '/TrackList') self.trackList = dbus.Interface( tList_proxy, 'org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer' ) else: print "*E* Sorry no Amarok running" quit()
def main(): app_name = "danbooru_client" catalog = "danbooru_client" program_name = ki18n("Danbooru Client") version = "1.0.0" description = ki18n("A client for Danbooru sites.") license = KAboutData.License_GPL copyright = ki18n("(C) 2009 Luca Beltrame") text = ki18n("Danbooru Client is a program to" " access Danbooru image boards.") home_page = u"" bug_email = "*****@*****.**" about_data = KAboutData(app_name, catalog, program_name, version, description, license, copyright, text, home_page, bug_email) about_data.setProgramIconName("internet-web-browser") component_data = KComponentData(about_data) component_data.setAboutData(about_data) KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, about_data) app = KApplication() window = mainwindow.MainWindow() app.exec_()
def __init__(self): aboutData = KAboutData(APP_NAME, CATALOG, PROGRAM_NAME, VERSION, DESCRIPTION, LICENSE, COPYRIGHT, TEXT, HOMEPAGE, BUG_EMAIL) aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("GuoCi"), ki18n("Python 3 port maintainer"), "*****@*****.**", "") aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Chris Dekter"), ki18n("Developer"), "*****@*****.**", "") aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Sam Peterson"), ki18n("Original developer"), "*****@*****.**", "") aboutData.setProgramIconName(common.ICON_FILE) self.aboutData = aboutData KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, aboutData) options = KCmdLineOptions() options.add("l").add("verbose", ki18n("Enable verbose logging")) options.add("c").add("configure", ki18n("Show the configuration window on startup")) KCmdLineArgs.addCmdLineOptions(options) args = KCmdLineArgs.parsedArgs() = KApplication() try: # Create configuration directory if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_DIR): os.makedirs(CONFIG_DIR) # Create data directory (for log file) if not os.path.exists(DATA_DIR): os.makedirs(DATA_DIR) # Create run directory (for lock file) if not os.path.exists(RUN_DIR): os.makedirs(RUN_DIR) # Initialise logger rootLogger = logging.getLogger() rootLogger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if args.isSet("verbose"): handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) else: handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( LOG_FILE, maxBytes=MAX_LOG_SIZE, backupCount=MAX_LOG_COUNT) handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(LOG_FORMAT)) rootLogger.addHandler(handler) if self.__verifyNotRunning(): self.__createLockFile() self.initialise(args.isSet("configure")) except Exception as e: self.show_error_dialog( i18n("Fatal error starting AutoKey.\n") + str(e)) logging.exception("Fatal error starting AutoKey: " + str(e)) sys.exit(1)
def main(): app_name="danbooru_client" catalog = "danbooru_client" program_name = ki18n("Danbooru Client") version = "1.0.0" description = ki18n("A client for Danbooru sites.") license = KAboutData.License_GPL copyright = ki18n("(C) 2009 Luca Beltrame") text = ki18n("Danbooru Client is a program to" " access Danbooru image boards.") home_page = u"" bug_email = "*****@*****.**" about_data = KAboutData(app_name, catalog, program_name, version, description, license, copyright, text, home_page, bug_email) about_data.setProgramIconName("internet-web-browser") component_data = KComponentData(about_data) component_data.setAboutData(about_data) KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, about_data) app = KApplication() window = mainwindow.MainWindow() app.exec_()
def start(): appName = Config.appname catalog = Config.catalog programName = ki18n(Config.readable_appname) version = Config.version description = ki18n("A tablet annotation and journaling application.") license = KAboutData.License_BSD copyright = ki18n("(C) 2009 Dominik Schacht") text = ki18n("Whee, greetings.") homepage = Config.homepage bugemail = "*****@*****.**" aboutData = KAboutData(appName, catalog, programName, version, description, license, copyright, text, homepage, bugemail) KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, aboutData) KCmdLineArgs.addCmdLineOptions(Config.get_param_options()) app = KApplication() Config.init_config() # Init after the KApplication has been created. mw = MainWindow() result = app.exec_() return result
def main(): app_name = "vlc_snapper" catalog = "danbooru_client" program_name = ki18n("KDE VLC Snapper") version = "0.1" description = ki18n("A screenshot taker for video clips.") license = KAboutData.License_GPL copyright = ki18n("(C) 2011 Luca Beltrame") text = ki18n("") home_page = "" bug_email = "*****@*****.**" about_data = KAboutData(app_name, catalog, program_name, version, description, license, copyright, text, home_page, bug_email) about_data.setProgramIconName("internet-web-browser") KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, about_data) app = KApplication() dialog = capturewidget.CaptureDialog() app.lastWindowClosed.connect(dialog.deleteLater) app.exec_()
def main(): global app, aboutData import setproctitle setproctitle.setproctitle("iosshy") from PyQt4.QtCore import QCoreApplication, QTranslator, QLocale, QSettings from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication, QSystemTrayIcon, QImage from tunneldialog import TunnelDialog try: from PyKDE4.kdecore import ki18n, KAboutData, KCmdLineArgs from PyKDE4.kdeui import KApplication, KIcon aboutData = KAboutData( name, #appName name, #catalogName ki18n(name), #programName version, ki18n(description), #shortDescription KAboutData.License_BSD, #licenseKey ki18n("© 2010 Massimiliano Torromeo"), #copyrightStatement ki18n(""), #text url #homePageAddress ) aboutData.setBugAddress("") aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n("Massimiliano Torromeo"), #name ki18n("Main developer"), #task "*****@*****.**" #email ) aboutData.setProgramLogo(QImage(":icons/network-server.png")) KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, aboutData) app = KApplication() app.setWindowIcon(KIcon("network-server")) if app.isSessionRestored(): sys.exit(0) except ImportError: app = QApplication(sys.argv) app.setOrganizationName("MTSoft") app.setApplicationName(name) if QSystemTrayIcon.isSystemTrayAvailable(): translator = QTranslator() qmFile = "tunneller_%s.qm" % QLocale.system().name() if os.path.isfile(qmFile): translator.load(qmFile) app.installTranslator(translator) dialog = TunnelDialog() sys.exit(app.exec_()) else: print "System tray not available. Exiting." sys.exit(1)
def __init__(self): aboutData = KAboutData(APP_NAME, CATALOG, PROGRAM_NAME, VERSION, DESCRIPTION, LICENSE, COPYRIGHT, TEXT, HOMEPAGE, BUG_EMAIL) aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Chris Dekter"), ki18n("Developer"), "*****@*****.**", "") aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Sam Peterson"), ki18n("Original developer"), "*****@*****.**", "") aboutData.setProgramIconName(common.ICON_FILE) self.aboutData = aboutData aboutData_py3 = KAboutData(APP_NAME, CATALOG, PROGRAM_NAME_PY3, VERSION, DESCRIPTION_PY3, LICENSE, COPYRIGHT_PY3, TEXT, HOMEPAGE_PY3, BUG_EMAIL_PY3) aboutData_py3.addAuthor(ki18n("GuoCi"), ki18n("Python 3 port maintainer"), "*****@*****.**", "") aboutData_py3.addAuthor(ki18n("Chris Dekter"), ki18n("Developer"), "*****@*****.**", "") aboutData_py3.addAuthor(ki18n("Sam Peterson"), ki18n("Original developer"), "*****@*****.**", "") aboutData_py3.setProgramIconName(common.ICON_FILE) self.aboutData_py3 = aboutData_py3 KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, aboutData) options = KCmdLineOptions() options.add("l").add("verbose", ki18n("Enable verbose logging")) options.add("c").add("configure", ki18n("Show the configuration window on startup")) KCmdLineArgs.addCmdLineOptions(options) args = KCmdLineArgs.parsedArgs() = KApplication() try: # Create configuration directory if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_DIR): os.makedirs(CONFIG_DIR) # Initialise logger rootLogger = logging.getLogger() rootLogger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if args.isSet("verbose"): handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) else: handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(LOG_FILE, maxBytes=MAX_LOG_SIZE, backupCount=MAX_LOG_COUNT) handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(LOG_FORMAT)) rootLogger.addHandler(handler) if self.__verifyNotRunning(): self.__createLockFile() self.initialise(args.isSet("configure")) except Exception as e: self.show_error_dialog(i18n("Fatal error starting AutoKey.\n") + str(e)) logging.exception("Fatal error starting AutoKey: " + str(e)) sys.exit(1)
def __init__(self): app_name = "magneto" catalog = "" prog_name = ki18n("Magneto") version = "1.0" description = ki18n("System Update Status") lic = KAboutData.License_GPL cright = ki18n("(c) 2013 Fabio Erculiani") text = ki18n("none") home_page = "" bug_mail = "*****@*****.**" self._kabout = KAboutData(app_name, catalog, prog_name, version, description, lic, cright, text, home_page, bug_mail) argv = [sys.argv[0]] KCmdLineArgs.init(argv, self._kabout) self._app = KApplication() from dbus.mainloop.qt import DBusQtMainLoop super(Magneto, self).__init__(main_loop_class=DBusQtMainLoop) self._window = KStatusNotifierItem() # do not show "Quit" and use quitSelected() signal self._window.setStandardActionsEnabled(False) icon_name = self.icons.get("okay") self._window.setIconByName(icon_name) self._window.setStatus(KStatusNotifierItem.Passive) self._window.connect(self._window, SIGNAL("activateRequested(bool,QPoint)"), self.applet_activated) self._menu = KMenu(_("Magneto Entropy Updates Applet")) self._window.setContextMenu(self._menu) self._menu_items = {} for item in self._menu_item_list: if item is None: self._menu.addSeparator() continue myid, _unused, mytxt, myslot_func = item name = self.get_menu_image(myid) action_icon = KIcon(name) w = KAction(action_icon, mytxt, self._menu) self._menu_items[myid] = w self._window.connect(w, SIGNAL("triggered()"), myslot_func) self._menu.addAction(w) self._menu.hide()
def __init__(self): app_name = "magneto" catalog = "" prog_name = ki18n("Magneto") version = "1.0" description = ki18n("System Update Status") lic = KAboutData.License_GPL cright = ki18n("(c) 2013 Fabio Erculiani") text = ki18n("none") home_page = "" bug_mail = "*****@*****.**" self._kabout = KAboutData (app_name, catalog, prog_name, version, description, lic, cright, text, home_page, bug_mail) argv = [sys.argv[0]] KCmdLineArgs.init(argv, self._kabout) self._app = KApplication() from dbus.mainloop.qt import DBusQtMainLoop super(Magneto, self).__init__(main_loop_class = DBusQtMainLoop) self._window = KStatusNotifierItem() # do not show "Quit" and use quitSelected() signal self._window.setStandardActionsEnabled(False) icon_name = self.icons.get("okay") self._window.setIconByName(icon_name) self._window.setStatus(KStatusNotifierItem.Passive) self._window.connect(self._window, SIGNAL("activateRequested(bool,QPoint)"), self.applet_activated) self._menu = KMenu(_("Magneto Entropy Updates Applet")) self._window.setContextMenu(self._menu) self._menu_items = {} for item in self._menu_item_list: if item is None: self._menu.addSeparator() continue myid, _unused, mytxt, myslot_func = item name = self.get_menu_image(myid) action_icon = KIcon(name) w = KAction(action_icon, mytxt, self._menu) self._menu_items[myid] = w self._window.connect(w, SIGNAL("triggered()"), myslot_func) self._menu.addAction(w) self._menu.hide()
def main(): about = make_about_data(ki18nc('tray application description', 'touchpad management application')) KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, about) KUniqueApplication.addCmdLineOptions() if not KUniqueApplication.start(): return app = SynaptiksApplication() app.exec_()
def main(): """Creates an application from the cmd line args and starts a editor window""" KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, ABOUT) opts = KCmdLineOptions() opts.add('+[file]', ki18n('File to open')) KCmdLineArgs.addCmdLineOptions(opts) args = KCmdLineArgs.parsedArgs() urls = [args.url(i) for i in range(args.count())] #wurgs app = KApplication() #KGlobal.locale().setLanguage(['de']) TODO win = Markdowner(urls) sys.exit(app.exec_())
def main(argv=None): appName = "Kuad" catalog = "" programName = ki18n ("Kuad") version = "1.0" description = ki18n ("Tiled Multi-Konsole") license = KAboutData.License_GPL copyright = ki18n ("(c) 2010 Stuart Zilm") text = ki18n ("none") homePage = "" bugEmail = "*****@*****.**" aboutData = KAboutData (appName, catalog, programName, version, description, license, copyright, text, homePage, bugEmail) KCmdLineArgs.init (sys.argv, aboutData) app = KuadApplication () return exit(app.exec_())
def __init__(self, args): self.getLogin() self.providerPluginManager = PluginManager("providerplugins","providerplugins", providerplugins.Provider.Provider) aboutData = KAboutData ( "Wrapper", "blubb", ki18n("Wrapper for kontact"), "sdaf", ki18n("Displays a KMessageBox popup"), KAboutData.License_GPL, ki18n("(c) 2010"), ki18n("This is a wrapper for kontact to access the multimobileservice"), "", "*****@*****.**" ) KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, aboutData) cmdoptions = KCmdLineOptions() cmdoptions.add("nr <speed>", ki18n("The phone nr")) cmdoptions.add("smsfile <file>", ki18n("The smsfile")) cmdoptions.add("smstext <text>", ki18n("The smstext")) cmdoptions.add("plugin <string>", ki18n("The pluginname")) KCmdLineArgs.addCmdLineOptions(cmdoptions) app = KApplication() lineargs = KCmdLineArgs.parsedArgs() plugin = self.getRightPlugin(lineargs.getOption("plugin")) plugin.addNr(lineargs.getOption("nr")) if lineargs.getOption("smsfile") != "": plugin.setText(self.file2String(lineargs.getOption("smsfile"))) elif lineargs.getOption("smstext") != "": plugin.setText(lineargs.getOption("smstext")) else: KMessageBox.error(None, i18n("No text defined.."), i18n("Text undefined")) raise RuntimeError("No text defined!") plugin.setConfig(self.config) try: plugin.execute() KMessageBox.information(None, i18n("Your SMS was sendet successfull to "+lineargs.getOption("nr")+" with Plugin "+plugin.getObjectname()), i18n("Success")) except Exception, e: KMessageBox.error(None, i18n(e), i18n("Error"))
def main(): appName = "KMainWindow" catalog = "" programName = ki18n("KMainWindow") version = "1.0" description = ki18n("Tutorial - Second Program") license = KAboutData.License_GPL copyright = ki18n("(c) 2007 Jim Bublitz") text = ki18n("none") homePage = "" bugEmail = "*****@*****.**" aboutData = KAboutData(appName, catalog, programName, version, description, license, copyright, text, homePage, bugEmail) KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, aboutData) app = KApplication() #------- new stuff added here ---------- mainWindow = MainWindow() app.exec_()
def newInstance(self): args = KCmdLineArgs.parsedArgs() component = None if args.isSet("select-component"): component = str(args.getOption("select-component")) # Check if show-mainwindow used in sys.args to show mainWindow if args.isSet("show-mainwindow"): # If system tray disabled show mainwindow at first if not config.PMConfig().systemTray(): return super(PmApp, self).newInstance()
def start(self): """ Called when the window has been set up and is ready to receive commands. E.g. opening documents. This can be extended to auto-reopen documents that were open when pynal was closed the last time. """ args = KCmdLineArgs.parsedArgs() errors = "" for i in range(args.count()): filename = os.path.basename(str(args.arg(i))) if os.path.isfile(args.arg(i)): self.open_document(PynalDocument(args.arg(i)), filename) else: errors += args.arg(i) + "\n" if errors is not "": self.errorDialog.showMessage("Could not open file(s):\n" + errors)
def setup_actions(self): self.touchpad_on_action = KToggleAction( i18nc('@action:inmenu', 'Touchpad on'), self.actionCollection()) self.actionCollection().addAction( 'touchpadOn', self.touchpad_on_action) self.touchpad_on_action.setGlobalShortcut( KShortcut(i18nc('Touchpad toggle shortcut', 'Ctrl+Alt+T'))) self.contextMenu().addAction(self.touchpad_on_action) self.contextMenu().addSeparator() shortcuts = self.actionCollection().addAction( KStandardAction.KeyBindings, 'shortcuts') shortcuts.triggered.connect(self.show_shortcuts_dialog) self.contextMenu().addAction(shortcuts) self.preferences_action = self.actionCollection().addAction( KStandardAction.Preferences, 'preferences') self.preferences_action.triggered.connect( self.show_configuration_dialog) self.contextMenu().addAction(self.preferences_action) help_menu = KHelpMenu(self.contextMenu(), KCmdLineArgs.aboutData()) self.contextMenu().addMenu(
KMainWindow.__init__ (self) self.resize (640, 480) label = QLabel ("This is a simple PyKDE4 program", self) label.setGeometry (10, 10, 200, 20) #--------------- main ------------------ if __name__ == '__main__': appName = "KApplication" catalog = "" programName = ki18n ("KApplication") version = "1.0" description = ki18n ("KApplication/KMainWindow/KAboutData example") license = KAboutData.License_GPL copyright = ki18n ("(c) 2007 Jim Bublitz") text = ki18n ("none") homePage = "" bugEmail = "*****@*****.**" aboutData = KAboutData (appName, catalog, programName, version, description, license, copyright, text, homePage, bugEmail) KCmdLineArgs.init (sys.argv, aboutData) app = KApplication() mainWindow = MainWindow() sys.exit(app.exec_())
def main(): " Main Loop " from getopt import getopt OPAQUE = True BORDER = True try: opts, args = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvob", ["version", "help", "opaque", "borderless"]) pass except: pass for o, v in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): print( """ Usage: -h, --help Show help informations and exit. -v, --version Show version information and exit. -o, --opaque Use Opaque GUI. -b, --borderless No WM Borders. Run without parameters and arguments to use the GUI. """ ) return sys.exit(1) elif o in ("-v", "--version"): print(__version__) return sys.exit(1) elif o in ("-o", "--opaque"): OPAQUE = False elif o in ("-b", "--borderless"): BORDER = False # define our App try: app = QApplication(sys.argv) app.setApplicationName(__doc__) app.setOrganizationName(__author__) app.setOrganizationDomain(__author__) app.setStyle("Plastique") app.setStyle("Oxygen") except TypeError: aboutData = KAboutData( __doc__, "", ki18n(__doc__), __version__, ki18n(__doc__), KAboutData.License_GPL, ki18n(__author__), ki18n("none"), __url__, __email__, ) KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, aboutData) app = QApplication() app.lastWindowClosed.connect(app.quit) # w is gonna be the mymainwindow class w = MyMainWindow() # set the class with the attribute of translucent background as true if OPAQUE is True: w.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground, True) # WM Borders if BORDER is False: w.setWindowFlags(w.windowFlags() | Qt.FramelessWindowHint) # run the class # if exiting the loop take down the app sys.exit(app.exec_())
""" logger.error("".join(traceback.format_exception(exception, value, tb))) # Package Manager Main App if __name__ == '__main__': # Catch signals signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) # Create a dbus mainloop if its not exists if not dbus.get_default_main_loop(): from dbus.mainloop.qt import DBusQtMainLoop DBusQtMainLoop(set_as_default = True) # Initialize Command Line arguments from sys.argv KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, aboutData) # Add Command Line options options = KCmdLineOptions() options.add("show-mainwindow", ki18n("Show main window")) KCmdLineArgs.addCmdLineOptions(options) # Create a unique KDE Application app = KUniqueApplication(True, True) # Set system Locale, we may not need it anymore # It should set just before MainWindow call setSystemLocale() # Create MainWindow manager = MainWindow()
def __init__(self): BaseFrontend.__init__(self) self.previous_excepthook = sys.excepthook sys.excepthook = self.excepthook self.debconf_callbacks = {} self.language_questions = ('oem_config', 'language_label', 'language_heading_label', 'timezone_heading_label', 'keyboard_heading_label', 'user_heading_label', 'back', 'next') self.current_step = None # Set default language. dbfilter = language.Language(self, self.debconf_communicator()) dbfilter.cleanup() dbfilter.db.shutdown() self.allowed_change_step = True self.allowed_go_forward = True self.mainLoopRunning = False self.apply_changes = False appName = "oem-config" catalog = "" programName = ki18n("OEM Config") version = "1.0" description = ki18n("Sets up the system") license = KAboutData.License_GPL copyright = ki18n("2006, 2007 Anirudh Ramesh. 2008 Canonical Ltd.") text = ki18n("none") homePage = "" bugEmail = "" aboutData = KAboutData(appName, catalog, programName, version, description, license, copyright, text, homePage, bugEmail) KCmdLineArgs.init(['oem-config', '-style=oxygen'], aboutData) = KApplication() # We want to hide the minimise button if running in the ubiquity-only mode (no desktop) # To achieve this we need to set window flags to Dialog but we also need a parent widget which is showing # else Qt tried to be clever and puts the minimise button back self.parentWidget = QWidget() # The parent for our actual user interface window, this is needed only because Oxygen widget # style refuses to draw our background on a top level widget self.parent2 = QWidget(self.parentWidget) self.parent2.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.parent2.setWindowState(Qt.WindowFullScreen) self.parent2.setWindowFlags(Qt.Dialog) layout = QVBoxLayout(self.parent2) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.userinterface = OEMConfUI(self.parent2) self.userinterface.setFrontend(self) layout.addWidget(self.userinterface)"go-next")) self.userinterface.back.setIcon(KIcon("go-previous")) self.translate_widgets() self.customize_installer() self.tzmap = TimezoneMap(self) map_vbox = QVBoxLayout(self.userinterface.map_frame) map_vbox.setMargin(0) map_vbox.addWidget(self.tzmap)
# Package Manager Main App if __name__ == '__main__': # Catch signals signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) # Create a dbus mainloop if its not exists if not dbus.get_default_main_loop(): from dbus.mainloop.qt import DBusQtMainLoop DBusQtMainLoop(set_as_default = True) # Use raster to make it faster QApplication.setGraphicsSystem('raster') # Initialize Command Line arguments from sys.argv KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, aboutData) # Add Command Line options options = KCmdLineOptions() options.add("show-mainwindow", ki18n("Show main window")) options.add("select-component <component>", ki18n("Show main window")) KCmdLineArgs.addCmdLineOptions(options) app = PmApp() # Set exception handler sys.excepthook = handleException # Run the Package Manager app.exec_()
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) if not dbus.get_default_main_loop(): from dbus.mainloop.qt import DBusQtMainLoop DBusQtMainLoop(set_as_default = True) from optparse import OptionParser usage = ctx.Pds.i18n("%prog packages_to_install") parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) args = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith('-'), sys.argv[1:]) if len(sys.argv) > 1: from mainwindow import MainWindow if ctx.Pds.session == ctx.pds.Kde4: KCmdLineArgs.init([], aboutData) app = KApplication() else: app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) font = ctx.Pds.settings('font','Dejavu Sans,10').split(',') app.setFont(QtGui.QFont(font[0], int(font[1]))) setSystemLocale() manager = MainWindow(app, silence = True) manager.centralWidget().state._selected_packages = args manager.centralWidget().state.operationAction(args, silence = True) manager.centralWidget() sys.excepthook = handleException ctx._time()
from PyQt4 import QtGui from PyQt4 import QtCore from PyKDE4.kdeui import KUniqueApplication from PyKDE4.kdecore import KCmdLineArgs from maindialog import MainDialog from about import aboutData from dumlogging import logger def handleException(exception, value, tb): logger.error("".join(traceback.format_exception(exception, value, tb))) if __name__ == '__main__': KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, aboutData) app = KUniqueApplication(True, True) args = KCmdLineArgs.parsedArgs() if not dbus.get_default_main_loop(): from dbus.mainloop.qt import DBusQtMainLoop DBusQtMainLoop(set_as_default = True) manager = MainDialog() sys.excepthook = handleException app.exec_()
optlist = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[0:], 'h', ['help','help-all', 'm','appname']) except getopt.GetoptError, err: print "ERROR:", str(err) usage() sys.exit(2) if not sys.argv[1:]: sysarg = sys.argv else: sysarg = sys.argv[1:] for opt in optlist[1:]: if "-m" in opt: sysarg = sys.argv[1:] else: sysarg = sys.argv KCmdLineArgs.init(sysarg, aboutData) app = kdeui.KApplication() if not dbus.get_default_main_loop(): from dbus.mainloop.qt import DBusQtMainLoop DBusQtMainLoop(set_as_default = True) profiler = Profiler() rect = QtGui.QDesktopWidget().screenGeometry() profiler.move(rect.width()/2 - profiler.width()/2, rect.height()/2 - profiler.height()/2) app.exec_()
appName = "Koo" catalog = "" programName = ki18n("Koo") version = "1.0" description = ki18n("KDE OpenObject Client") license = KAboutData.License_GPL copyright = ki18n("(c) 2009 Albert Cervera i Areny") text = ki18n("none") homePage = "" bugEmail = "*****@*****.**" aboutData = KAboutData(appName, catalog, programName, version, description, license, copyright, text, homePage, bugEmail) KCmdLineArgs.init(arguments, aboutData) app = KApplication() else: app = QApplication(arguments) app.setApplicationName('Koo') app.setOrganizationDomain('') app.setOrganizationName('NaN') try: f = open(Settings.value('koo.stylesheet'), 'r') try: app.setStyleSheet( finally: f.close()
def run(): appName = "eclectus" catalog = "eclectusqt" programName = ki18n("Eclectus") version = eclectusqt.__version__ description = ki18n("Han character dictionary") license = KAboutData.License_GPL_V3 copyright = ki18n("(c) 2008-2009 Christoph Burgmer") text = ki18n( "Eclectus is a small Han character dictionary for learners.") homePage = eclectusqt.__url__ bugEmail = "*****@*****.**" bugAddress = "" aboutData = KAboutData(appName, catalog, programName, version, description, license, copyright, text, homePage, bugEmail) aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Christoph Burgmer"), ki18n("Developer"), "*****@*****.**", "") aboutData.setCustomAuthorText(ki18n("Please use %1 to report bugs.")\ .subs(bugAddress), ki18n('Please use %1 to report bugs.')\ .subs('<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (bugAddress, bugAddress))) aboutData.addCredit(KLocalizedString(), ki18n("Arrr, Eclectus sits on the shoulders of some fine pirates:")) aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Jim Breen and contributors"), ki18n("EDICT"), '', '') aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Paul Denisowski and current contributors"), ki18n("CEDICT"), '', '') aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("HanDeDict team"), ki18n("HanDeDict"), '', '') aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Tomoe developers"), ki18n("Tomoe handwriting recognition"), '*****@*****.**', '') aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Mathieu Blondel and the Tegaki contributors"), ki18n("Tegaki handwriting recognition"), u'mathieu ÂT mblondel DÔT org'.encode('utf8'), '') aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Unicode Consortium and contributors"), ki18n("Unihan database"), '', '') aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Commons Stroke Order Project"), ki18n("Stroke order pictures"), '', '') aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Tim Eyre, Ulrich Apel and the Wadoku Project"), ki18n("Kanji stroke order font"), '', '') aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Yue Tan, Wei Gao, Vion Nicolas and the Shtooka Project"), ki18n("Pronunciation examples for Mandarin"), '', '') # find logo file, don't directly use util.getData(), KApplication not # created yet aboutLogoFile = u'/usr/share/kde4/apps/eclectus/eclectus_about.png' if not os.path.exists(aboutLogoFile): modulePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) aboutLogoFile = os.path.join(modulePath, 'data', 'eclectus_about.png') if not os.path.exists(aboutLogoFile): aboutLogoFile = util.getData('eclectus_about.png') if aboutLogoFile: aboutData.setProgramLogo(QVariant(QImage(aboutLogoFile))) KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, aboutData) # create applicaton global g_app g_app = KApplication() # TODO how to access local .mo file? #base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) #localeDir = os.path.join(base, "locale") #print localeDir #if os.path.exists(localeDir): #print KGlobal.dirs().addResourceDir('locale', localeDir + '/', True) #print KGlobal.dirs().findResource('locale', 'de/LC_MESSAGES/') # read config file and make global global GeneralConfig global DictionaryConfig global PluginConfig config = KConfig() GeneralConfig = KConfigGroup(config, "General") DictionaryConfig = KConfigGroup(config, "Dictionary") PluginConfig = KConfigGroup(config, "Plugin") # create main window MainWindow().show() # react to CTRL+C on the command line signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) g_app.exec_()
from optparse import OptionParser usage = unicode(i18n("%prog packages_to_install")) parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) packages = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith('-'), sys.argv[1:]) argv = list(set(sys.argv[1:]) - set(packages)) argv.append('--nofork') argv.insert(0, sys.argv[0]) if len(sys.argv) > 1: aboutData.setAppName("pm-install") KCmdLineArgs.init(argv, aboutData) # Add Command Line options options = KCmdLineOptions() options.add("hide-summary", ki18n("Hide summary screen")) KCmdLineArgs.addCmdLineOptions(options) app = KUniqueApplication(True, True) setSystemLocale() args = KCmdLineArgs.parsedArgs() window = PmWindow(app, packages, hide_summary=args.isSet("hide-summary"))
self.resize(640, 480) self.setCentralWidget(MainFrame(self)) #-------------------- main ------------------------------------------------ appName = "default" catalog = "" programName = ki18n("default") #ki18n required here version = "1.0" description = ki18n("Default Example") #ki18n required here license = KAboutData.License_GPL copyright = ki18n("(c) 2007 Jim Bublitz") #ki18n required here text = ki18n("none") #ki18n required here homePage = "" bugEmail = "*****@*****.**" aboutData = KAboutData(appName, catalog, programName, version, description, license, copyright, text, homePage, bugEmail) # ki18n required for first two addAuthor () arguments aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Troy Melhase"), ki18n("original concept")) aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Jim Bublitz"), ki18n("pykdedocs")) KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, aboutData) app = KApplication() mainWindow = MainWin(None, "main window") app.connect(app, SIGNAL("lastWindowClosed ()"), app.quit) app.exec_()
self.assertTrue('Uname' in r) self.assertEqual(r['MachineType'], 'Laptop') # No URL in this mode self.assertEqual(, 0) def test_administrator_disabled_reporting(self): QTimer.singleShot(0, QCoreApplication.quit) self.assertFalse( self.assertFalse( appName = 'apport-kde' catalog = 'apport' programName = ki18n(b'Apport KDE') version = '1.0' description = ki18n(b'KDE 4 frontend tests for the apport') license = KAboutData.License_GPL copyright = ki18n(b'2012 Canonical Ltd.') text = KLocalizedString() homePage = '' bugEmail = '*****@*****.**' aboutData = KAboutData(appName, catalog, programName, version, description, license, copyright, text, homePage, bugEmail) KCmdLineArgs.init([''], aboutData) app = KApplication() unittest.main()
def main(): from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawTextHelpFormatter parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + __version__) parser.add_argument('file', nargs='?', help='PDF file to open') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='where to save the cropped PDF') parser.add_argument('--rotate', type=int, choices=[0,90,180,270], help='how much to rotate the cropped pdf clockwise (default: 0)') parser.add_argument('--whichpages', help='which pages (e.g. "1-5" or "1,3-") to include in cropped PDF (default: all)') parser.add_argument('--initialpage', help='which page to open initially (default: 1)') parser.add_argument('--autotrim', action='store_true', help='create a selection for the entire initial page minus blank margins') parser.add_argument('--autotrim-padding', help='how much padding to include when auto trimming (default: previous value)') parser.add_argument('--go', action='store_true', help='output PDF without opening the krop GUI (using the choices from --autotrim, --rotate and --whichpages); if used in a script without X server access, you can run krop using xvfb-run') parser.add_argument('--selections', type=str, choices=['all','evenodd','individual'], help='to which pages should selections apply') parser.add_argument('--no-kde', action='store_true', help='do not use KDE libraries (default: use if available)') parser.add_argument('--no-qt5', action='store_true', help='do not use PyQt5 instead of PyQt4 (default: use PyQt5 if available)') parser.add_argument('--no-PyPDF2', action='store_true', help='do not use PyPDF2 instead of pyPdf (default: use PyPDF2 if available)') args = parser.parse_args() # start the GUI if KDE: #TODO also use PyKDE5 once more easily available from PyKDE4.kdecore import ki18n, KCmdLineArgs, KAboutData from PyKDE4.kdeui import KApplication appName = "krop" catalog = "" programName = ki18n("krop") aboutData = KAboutData(appName, catalog, programName, __version__) KCmdLineArgs.init(aboutData) app = KApplication() else: from krop.qt import QApplication app = QApplication(sys.argv) app.setApplicationName("krop") app.setOrganizationName("") app.setOrganizationDomain("") from krop.mainwindow import MainWindow window=MainWindow() if args.file is not None: fileName = args.file try: fileName = fileName.decode(sys.stdin.encoding or sys.getdefaultencoding()) except AttributeError: # not necessary (or possible) in python3, which uses unicode pass window.openFile(fileName) if args.output is not None: window.ui.editFile.setText(args.output) if args.whichpages is not None: window.ui.editWhichPages.setText(args.whichpages) if args.rotate is not None: window.ui.comboRotation.setCurrentIndex({0:0,90:2,180:3,270:1}[args.rotate]) if args.selections is not None: if args.selections == 'all': window.ui.radioSelAll.setChecked(True) elif args.selections == 'evenodd': window.ui.radioSelEvenOdd.setChecked(True) elif args.selections == 'individual': window.ui.radioSelIndividual.setChecked(True) if args.initialpage is not None: window.ui.editCurrentPage.setText(args.initialpage) window.slotCurrentPageEdited(args.initialpage) if args.autotrim_padding is not None: window.ui.editPadding.setText(args.autotrim_padding) if args.autotrim: window.slotTrimMarginsAll() # shut down on ctrl+c when pressed in terminal (not gracefully, though) # import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) if args.go: # sys.stdout.write('kropping...\n') from krop.qt import QTimer QTimer.singleShot(0, window.slotKrop) QTimer.singleShot(0, window.close) else: # using exec_ because exec is a reserved keyword before python 3 sys.exit(app.exec_())
# Package Manager Main App if __name__ == '__main__': # Catch signals signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) # Create a dbus mainloop if its not exists if not dbus.get_default_main_loop(): from dbus.mainloop.qt import DBusQtMainLoop DBusQtMainLoop(set_as_default=True) # Use raster to make it faster QApplication.setGraphicsSystem('raster') # Initialize Command Line arguments from sys.argv KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, aboutData) # Add Command Line options options = KCmdLineOptions() options.add("show-mainwindow", ki18n("Show main window")) options.add("select-component <component>", ki18n("Show main window")) KCmdLineArgs.addCmdLineOptions(options) app = PmApp() # Set exception handler sys.excepthook = handleException # Run the Package Manager app.exec_()