def __init__(self, configFile=str(cwd) + '/config.ini'): ''' Init the PyKI easyly, using ini config file. :param configFile: Ini config file containing pki parameters. :type configFile: String. :returns: Informational result dict {'error': Boolean, 'message': String} :rtype: PyKI class object. ''' # calling signal handler signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigint_handler) self.__config = configFile self.__pki = False # Creating default setup if it does not exists if not os.path.exists(self.__config): print(self.__config) createRes = self.__createConf() if createRes['error']: print(createRes['message']) exit(1) print("INFO: Default configuration done! Please edit " + self.__config + " before launching init again") exit(0) # Get param from config file .ini config = configparser.ConfigParser() try: except ConfigParser.ParsingError as e: print(e) exit(1) except ConfigParser.Error as e: print(e) exit(1) config.sections() if 'pki auth' not in config: print( 'ERROR: Missing "pki auth" section in your configuration file: ' + self.__config) exit(1) if 'pki params' not in config: print( 'ERROR: Missing "pki params" section in your configuration file: ' + self.__config) exit(1) if 'DEFAULT' not in config: print( 'ERROR: Missing "DEFAULT" section in your configuration file: ' + self.__config) exit(1) intVal = [1024, 2048, 4096, 8192] certAlgo = ['sha1', 'sha256', 'sha512'] keyCipher = [ 'des', 'des3', 'seed', 'aes128', 'aes192', 'aes256', 'camellia128', 'camellia192', 'camellia256' ] crlAlgo = [ 'md2', 'md5', 'mdc2', 'rmd160', 'sha', 'sha1', 'sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512' ] # get verbosity level # check if in, ignoring case mainVerbosity = config.getboolean('DEFAULT', 'verbose') pkiAuthpK = config['pki auth']['private key'] pkiAuthKlen = config.getint('pki auth', 'key length') if pkiAuthKlen not in intVal: print('ERROR: Please choose a value in range ' + str(intVal) + ' for the pki auth key length item') exit(1) try: AuthPkPass = config.get('pki auth', 'passphrase') except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: AuthPkPass = getpass.getpass( 'Give the PKI Authentication private key password: '******'' or AuthPkPass == ' ': AuthPkPass = getpass.getpass( 'Give the PKI Authentication private key password: '******'' or AuthPkPass == ' ' or AuthPkPass is None or not AuthPkPass: print('ERROR: You must give the pki authentication password') exit(1) issuer = config['pki params']['issuer'].strip().replace(" ", "_") C = config['pki params']['c'].strip() ST = config['pki params']['st'].strip() L = config['pki params']['l'].strip() O = config['pki params']['o'].strip() OU = config['pki params']['ou'].strip() email_param = config['pki params']['email'] if '@' not in email.utils.parseaddr( email_param)[1] or email.utils.parseaddr(email_param)[1] == '': print('ERROR: Invalid e-mail address format') exit(1) default_pkeySize = config.getint('pki params', 'private key size') if default_pkeySize not in intVal: print('ERROR: Please choose a value in range ' + str(intVal) + ' for the pki params private key size item') exit(1) default_certEncrypt = config['pki params'][ 'certificate encryption'].lower() if default_certEncrypt not in certAlgo: print('ERROR: Please choose a value in range ' + str(certAlgo) + ' for the pki params certificate encryption item') exit(1) default_pkeyCipher = config['pki params']['private key cipher'].lower() if default_pkeyCipher not in keyCipher: print('ERROR: Please choose a value in range ' + str(keyCipher) + ' for the pki params private key cipher item') exit(1) crlEncrypt = config['pki params']['crl encryption'].lower() if crlEncrypt not in crlAlgo: print('ERROR: Please choose a value in range ' + str(crlAlgo) + ' for the pki params crl encryption item') exit(1) # first init, creating private key if not os.path.exists(pkiAuthpK): print("\n!!!!! INFO: The auth private key will be saved in " + pkiAuthpK + " !!!!!\n") self.__pki = PyKIcore.PyKI(issuerName=issuer, authKeypass=AuthPkPass, C=C, ST=ST, L=L, O=O, OU=OU, adminEmail=email_param, verbose=mainVerbosity, KEY_SIZE=default_pkeySize, SIGN_ALGO=default_certEncrypt, KEY_CIPHER=default_pkeyCipher, CRL_ALGO=crlEncrypt, authKeylen=pkiAuthKlen) # get private key for authentication after first init authprivkey = self.__pki.initPkey print(authprivkey) # writing key to file wfile = None self.__pki.create_dir(os.path.dirname(pkiAuthpK), 0o750) try: wfile = open(pkiAuthpK, "wt") except FileNotFoundError: print("File %s is missing .. WTH !!!" % pkiAuthpK) exit(1) except IOError: print('ERROR: unable to open file %s' % pkiAuthpK) exit(1) else: try: wfile.write(authprivkey) except IOError: print('ERROR: Unable to write to file ' + pkiAuthpK) exit(1) else: if mainVerbosity: print('INFO: File ' + pkiAuthpK + ' written') finally: if wfile: wfile.close() authprivkey = None # Init with privkey loaded from file pkey = open(pkiAuthpK, 'rt') pkeyStr = pkey.close() self.__pki = PyKIcore.PyKI(issuerName=issuer, authKeypass=AuthPkPass, C=C, ST=ST, L=L, O=O, OU=OU, adminEmail=email_param, verbose=mainVerbosity, KEY_SIZE=default_pkeySize, SIGN_ALGO=default_certEncrypt, KEY_CIPHER=default_pkeyCipher, CRL_ALGO=crlEncrypt, authKeylen=pkiAuthKlen, privkeyStr=pkeyStr)
mainVerbosity = True # passphrase of the private key requested for pki authentication #privateKeyPassphrase = getpass('PKI Auth key password: '******'a' # pki authentication private key path pkeyPath = "./pki_auth_cert.pem" # first init, creating private key if not ospath.exists(pkeyPath): print( "\n!!!!! INFO: The auth private key will be saved in " + pkeyPath + " !!!!!\n") pki = PyKIcore.PyKI( verbose=False, authKeypass=privateKeyPassphrase, authKeylen=1024, KEY_SIZE=1024, SIGN_ALGO='SHA1') #pki = PyKIcore.PyKI(verbose = False, authKeypass=privateKeyPassphrase) # get private key for authentication after first init authprivkey = pki.initPkey # writing key to file try: wfile = open(pkeyPath, "wt") except IOError: print('ERROR: unable to open file ' + pkeyPath) exit(1) else: try: wfile.write(authprivkey)
#pki = PyKIcore.PyKI(C = "US", ST = "NewYork", L = "Washington", O = "test", OU = "IT ops", adminEmail = '*****@*****.**') # Init pki with verbosity #pki = PyKIcore.PyKI(verbose = mainVerbosity) # Basic pki init #pki = PyKIcore.PyKI(authKeypass=privateKeyPassphrase) # first init, creating private key if not ospath.exists(pkeyPath): print("\n!!!!! INFO: The private key will be saved in " + pkeyPath + " !!!!!\n") pki = PyKIcore.PyKI( issuerName='PyKI_auto-tester', verbose=True, KEY_SIZE=1024, SIGN_ALGO='SHA1', authKeypass=privateKeyPassphrase, authKeylen=1024, ) # get private key for authentication after first init authprivkey = pki.initPkey # writing key to file try: wfile = open(pkeyPath, "wt") except IOError: print('ERROR: unable to open file ' + pkeyPath) exit(1) else: try: wfile.write(authprivkey)