Пример #1
info_dist_rev = joint_coding_distortion(sig_occ1, app_2, max_rate, search_width)

print "%1.5f  - %1.5f"%(info_dist/target_srr, info_dist_rev/target_srr)

# building the similarity matrix
# Now load the long version
from PyMP.signals import LongSignal
seg_size = 5*8192
long_signal = LongSignal(op.join(os.environ['PYMP_PATH'],'data/Bach_prelude_40s.wav'),
                         mono=True, Noverlap=0.5)

# decomposing the long signal
apps, decays = mp.mp_long(long_signal,
               target_srr, max_atom_num)

dists = np.zeros((long_signal.n_seg, len(apps)))    
mp._initialize_fftw(apps[0].dico, max_thread_num=1)
for idx in range(long_signal.n_seg):
    for jdx in range(idx):
        # test all preceeding segments only
        target_sig = long_signal.get_sub_signal(idx, 1, mono=True, pad=dico.get_pad(),fast_create=True)                                                                        
        dists[idx,jdx] = joint_coding_distortion(target_sig, apps[jdx],max_rate,1024, initfftw=False)  
Пример #2
def main(argv):

        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hk:apt:bf:wo:m:s:d:l:", [
            "help", "debug=", "pad", "plot", "type=", "pipe"])
    except getopt.GetoptError:

    # initialize default values
    global _debug
    _debug = 0
    file_path = ''
    write = False
    plot = False
    out_path = 'output.xml'
    max_it_num = 100
    target_srr = 10
    pad = True
    dec_algo = 'mp'
    scales = [2 ** j for j in range(7, 15)]
    matpipe = False
    seg_length = 10
    # argument parsing

        for opt, arg in opts:
    #        print opt, arg
            if opt in ("-h", "--help"):

            elif opt in ("-b", "--pipe"):
                matpipe = True

            # set debug level
            elif opt == "--debug":
                _debug = int(arg)

            elif opt == '-f':
                file_path = arg

            elif opt == '-w':
                write = True

            elif opt in ("-p", "--plot"):
                plot = True

            elif opt == '-o':
                out_path = arg

            elif opt == '-m':
                max_it_num = int(arg)

            elif opt == '-s':
                target_srr = int(arg)

            elif opt == '-l':
                seg_length = float(arg)

            # tricky dictionary sizes reading
            elif opt == '-d':
                scales = []
#                print arg
                for size in arg.split(','):
#                    print size

            elif opt in ('-a', '--pad'):
                pad = True

            elif opt in ('-t , --type'):
                dec_algo = arg
        print "sorry wrong syntax "

    # end of argument parsing : print some info if debug level is above 0
    if _debug > 0:
        print "Starting ", dec_algo, " on ", file_path, " target_srr: ", target_srr, " max_it_num: ", max_it_num, " on ", len(scales), "xMDCT dico"
        print "debug=", _debug, "- Write ", prtBool(
            write), " - Plot : ", prtBool(plot)

    ####### Load audio signal - TODO more options ##########"""
# originalSignal = py_pursuit_Signal.InitFromFile(file_path, forceMono=True,
# doNormalize=True)
    longSignal = signals.LongSignal(
        file_path, frameDuration=seg_length)

    # now crop the signal to an adequate length
# originalSignal.crop(0 , math.floor(originalSignal.length/max(scales)) *
# max(scales))
#    if _debug > 0:
#        print "Cropping signal to ", originalSignal.length

    ####### Build dictionary - TODO more options and more dictionaries ########
    if dec_algo == 'mp':
        dictionary = Dico(scales)
    elif dec_algo == 'LOMP':
        dictionary = LODico(scales)
    elif dec_algo == 'RSSMP':
        dictionary = SequenceDico(scales)
        print "unrecognized dictionary type for now, availables are mp and LOMP"

    # main Decomposition algorithm
    if _debug > 0:
        print target_srr, max_it_num

    # additional parameter: segment length analysis and overlapping
    #segmentOverlap = 0.25 # in per one
# segPad = math.floor(seg_length * originalSignal.samplingFrequency
# /max(scales)) * max(scales); # increment in samples
#    # calcul of the number of segment needed
#    n_seg = int(math.floor(originalSignal.length / segPad))
    segmentNumber = longSignal.n_seg

    if _debug > 0:
        print segmentNumber, " segments"

    # the max_it_num is fixed in all segments

    # initialize approx
# approx = py_pursuit_Approx.py_pursuit_Approx(dictionary, [], None,
# originalSignal.length + dictionary.getN(), originalSignal.samplingFrequency)

    approxs = mp.mp_long(longSignal, dictionary, target_srr, max_it_num,
                               debug=_debug - 1, pad=pad, output_dir='', write=False)[0]

#    for segidx in range(n_seg):
#        if _debug >0:
#            print "Starting work on segment " , segidx;
#        subSignal = longSignal.getSubSignal(segidx, 1,)
##        if segidx == 8:
##            _debug =2;
##        else:
##            _debug=1;
#        subApprox = mp.mp(subSignal,dictionary,target_srr, max_it_num,
# debug=_debug-1,pad=pad, silentFail=True)[0]
#        # add all atoms to overall approx
#        for atom in subApprox.atoms:
#            atom.timePosition += segPad*segidx
#            # BUGFIX on the approx length due to padding
##            approx.addAtom(atom)
# approx.atoms.append(atom) # no need to add it to the recomposed signal if no
# synthesis

    # Fusion the sub approximants
    approx = approx.fusion_approxs(approxs, unPad=pad)

    if write:
        if _debug > 0:
            print "Writing to output file :", out_path
        approx.original_signal = longSignal
#        approx.writeToXml(out_path)

    if plot:

    # end of program
    if _debug > 0:
        print "Exiting"

    # addon for matlab interface: outputs all the coeff
    if matpipe:
        for atom in approx.atoms:
            print atom.length, atom.freq_bin, atom.time_position