def switchoff(self): ''' use the Energenie smart powerbar to switch off the power to the modulator ''' # open Energenie device with hostname and password if self.energenie is None: self.energenie = PMSDevice('energenie', '1') # switch on self.energenie.set_socket_states({0:False}) return
class modulator: ''' class to send commands to the HP3312A signal generator ''' def __init__(self,port='/dev/rs232_1'): self.energenie = None self.default_settings = {} self.default_settings['frequency'] = 0.333 self.default_settings['shape'] = 'SQU' self.default_settings['amplitude'] = 5.0 self.default_settings['offset'] = 2.5 self.default_settings['duty'] = 33.0 self.s = None self.port = port return None def is_connected(self): ''' check if the signal generator is connected ''' if self.s is None: # try to connect self.init_hp33120a() if self.s is None: return False self.s.write('*IDN?\n'.encode()) id = self.s.readline() if id=='': return False return True def switchon(self): ''' use the Energenie smart powerbar to switch on the power to the modulator ''' # open Energenie device with hostname and password if self.energenie is None: self.energenie = PMSDevice('energenie', '1') # switch on self.energenie.set_socket_states({0:True}) return def switchoff(self): ''' use the Energenie smart powerbar to switch off the power to the modulator ''' # open Energenie device with hostname and password if self.energenie is None: self.energenie = PMSDevice('energenie', '1') # switch on self.energenie.set_socket_states({0:False}) return def init_hp33120a(self,port=None): ''' establish connection to the HP33120A waveform generator It should be connected by RS232 cable (serial port, usually /dev/ttyS0) We can use port=/dev/hp33120a put the following in /etc/udev/rules.d/hp33120a.rules SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="067b", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2303", OWNER="qubic", GROUP="users", MODE="0666", SYMLINK+="hp33120a" or the cable rs232/usb SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001", OWNER="qubic", GROUP="users", MODE="0664", SYMLINK+="rs232" ''' if port is None: port = self.port if port is None: port = '/dev/rs232' # check of the requested device exists if not os.path.exists(port): print('Cannot connect to device. Device does not exist: %s' % port) return None s=serial.Serial(port=port, baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=0.5, xonxoff=True, rtscts=False) print('Establishing communication with the HP33120A wave generator on port %s' % port) s.write('*IDN?\n'.encode()) id=s.readline() if id=='': print('ERROR! unable to communicate!') return None print('The device says: %s' % id) s.write('\n*CLS\n'.encode()) time.sleep(0.5) s.write('SYST:REM\n'.encode()) time.sleep(0.5) self.s=s return s def configure(self,frequency=None,shape=None,amplitude=None,offset=None,duty=None,port=None): ''' configure the HP33120A waveform generator Frequency is given in Hz The wave form can be: SIN, SQU, TRI, ''' if self.s is None: s=self.init_hp33120a(port=port) if s is None:return False # set default values if *no* options given if frequency is None\ and shape is None\ and amplitude is None\ and offset is None\ and duty is None: settings = self.default_settings else: # read the current values for the default values if necessary settings = self.read_settings(show=False) # if something went wrong with reading, use the default values if settings is None: settings = self.default_settings if frequency is None: frequency=settings['frequency'] if shape is None: shape=settings['shape'] if amplitude is None: amplitude=settings['amplitude'] if offset is None: offset=settings['offset'] if duty is None: duty=settings['duty'] # fix a common error in the shape. I sometimes write "sqr" instead of "squ" if shape.upper().find('SQ') >= 0: shape='SQU' cmd='APPL:%s %.5E, %.2f, %.2f\n' % (shape.upper(),frequency,amplitude,offset) self.s.write(cmd.encode()) time.sleep(0.5) cmd='PULS:DCYC %.2f\n' % duty self.s.write(cmd.encode()) time.sleep(0.5) return True def set_default_settings(self): ''' configure with default settings ''' return self.configure() def read_settings(self,show=True): ''' read the current settings of the HP33120a waveform generator ''' if self.s is None: s=self.init_hp33120a() if s is None:return None self.s.write('APPL?\n'.encode()) ans=self.s.readline().strip() if not ans: print('signal generator appears to be off') return None vals=ans.replace('"','').split() settings={} try: settings['shape']=vals[0] except: print("what is wrong here? received ans=%s" % vals) return None try: val=vals[1].split(',') settings['frequency']=eval(val[0]) settings['amplitude']=eval(val[1]) settings['offset'] =eval(val[2]) except: print("Could not read signal generator settings: %s" % vals) return None self.s.write('PULS:DCYC?\n'.encode()) ans=self.s.readline() val=ans.strip() try: settings['duty']=eval(val) except: print('Could not read the signal generator duty cycle: %s' % val) return None if show: print('SHAPE: %s\nFREQUENCY: %.6f Hz\nAMPLITUDE: %.6f V\nOFFSET: %.6f V\nDUTY CYCLE: %.1f%%' % \ (settings['shape'],settings['frequency'],settings['amplitude'],settings['offset'],settings['duty'])) return settings def read_frequency(self): ''' read the current frequency setting of the HP33120A waveform generator ''' if self.s is None: s=self.init_hp33120a() if s is None:return False self.s.write('FREQ?\n'.encode()) freq_str=self.s.readline() freq=eval(freq_str.strip()) print('HP33120A is set to %.6f Hz' % freq) return freq def read_shape(self): ''' read the current modulation shape setting of the HP33120A waveform generator ''' if self.s is None: s=self.init_hp33120a() if s is None:return False self.s.write('FUNC:SHAPE?\n'.encode()) shape=self.s.readline().strip() print('HP33120A is running a %s modulation' % shape) return shape def read_duty(self): ''' read the duty cycle ''' if self.s is None: s=self.init_hp33120a() if s is None:return False self.s.write('PULS:DCYC?\n'.encode()) ans=self.s.readline() val=ans.strip() duty=eval(val) print('HP33120A is running a %.1f%% duty cycle' % duty) return duty def run_commands(self,parms): ''' run a list of commands given by the dictionary "parms" parms.keys() should have all the keywords used in self.configure() ''' # some debug text #print("here are the commands I've received:\n") #for key in parms.keys(): # print(' %s: %s\n' % (key,parms[key])) if parms['help']: return if parms['onoff'] == 'on': self.switchon() return if parms['onoff'] == 'off': self.switchoff() return if parms['default']: self.configure() return if parms['status'] == 'show': self.read_settings(show=True) return self.configure(frequency=parms['frequency'], shape=parms['shape'], amplitude=parms['amplitude'], offset=parms['offset'], duty=parms['duty']) time.sleep(0.2) self.read_settings(show=True) return def parseargs(self,argslist): ''' interpret a list of commands and return a dictionary of commands to use in run_commands() ''' # initialize parms = {} numerical_keys = ['frequency','freq','f','amplitude','a','offset','o','duty','d'] str_keys = ['shape','sh','status','onoff','quit','default','help'] keys = numerical_keys + str_keys for key in keys: parms[key]=None # if no arguments, just show status if not argslist: parms['status'] = 'show' # parse argslist for arg in argslist: arg = arg.lower() for key in numerical_keys: findstr = '%s=' % key if arg.find(findstr)==0: if key=='freq' or key=='f': key='frequency' if key=='a': key='amplitude' if key=='o': key='offset' if key=='d': key='duty' if key=='s': key='status' if key=='sh': key='shape' vals = arg.split('=') try: val = eval(vals[1]) parms[key] = val except: print('invalid %s' % key) for key in str_keys: findstr = '%s=' % key if arg.find(findstr)==0: vals = arg.split('=') val = vals[1].upper() parms[key] = val # toggle type keywords if arg=='status': parms['status'] = 'show' continue if arg=='default' or arg=='init': parms['default'] = True continue if arg=='on': parms['onoff'] = 'on' continue if arg=='off': parms['onoff'] = 'off' continue if arg=='q' or arg=='quit' or arg=='exit': parms['quit'] = True continue if arg=='help' or arg=='h': parms['help'] = True continue return parms def help(self): ''' print some help about valid commands ''' helptxt = '\ncommands:\n' helptxt += '\nfrequency=<N> : frequency is given in Hz (default 1Hz)' helptxt += '\namplitude=<N> : amplitude in V (default 5V)' helptxt += '\noffset=<N> : offset in V (default 2.5V)' helptxt += '\nduty=<N> : duty cycle in percent (default 50%)' helptxt += '\nshape=<S> : shape is one of "SQU, SIN, TRI (default SQU)' helptxt += '\ndefault : setup default values for the signal generator' helptxt += '\nstatus : print out the current settings' helptxt += '\non : switch on the signal generator' helptxt += '\noff : switch off the signal generator' helptxt += '\nquit : quit the program' print(helptxt) return def command_loop(self,argstr=None): ''' a command line interface to the modulator ''' # initially, use command line arguments at invocation if argstr is None: argslist = sys.argv else: argslist = argstr.strip().split() parms = self.parseargs(argslist) while not parms['quit']: self.run_commands(parms) ans = input('Enter command ("help" for list): ') argslist = ans.strip().split() parms = self.parseargs(argslist) return
#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' $Id: $auth: Steve Torchinsky <*****@*****.**> $created: Sun 24 Nov 2019 17:52:31 CET $license: GPLv3 or later, see This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. switch on the lamp ''' # the Energenie powerbar from PyMS import PMSDevice e = PMSDevice('energenie', '1') e.set_socket_states({2: True})
duration_seconds = eval(arg) except: pass if duration_seconds is None: helptxt() quit() # qubichw tools for commanding various hardware from qubichw.modulator_tg5012a import tg5012 as modulator from qubichw.arduino import arduino from qubichw.calibration_source import calibration_source # this is for the Energenie smart powerbar to switch on/off the devices from PyMS import PMSDevice energenie = PMSDevice('energenie', '1') energenie_socket = {} energenie_socket['modulator'] = 0 energenie_socket['calibration source'] = 1 energenie_socket['lamp'] = 2 energenie_socket['amplifier'] = 3 ''' THIS IS NOT WORKING. IT HANGS AFTER THE FIRST SWITCH-ON # switch on devices for dev in ['amplifier','modulator','calibration source']: print('switching on %s' % dev) energenie.set_socket_states({energenie_socket[dev]:True}) print('pause for 1 second') time.sleep(1) '''
import sys from PyMS import PMSDevice def print_usage_and_exit(): print "Usage: ./ <hostname> <password> [socket:state]..." print " [socketN] - a pair X:Y where X - socket number (1-4), Y - state (0 - off, 1 - on)" sys.exit(1) if __name__ != '__main__': raise Exception('This is a CLI script') if len(sys.argv) < 4: print_usage_and_exit() states = None try: params = map(lambda p: map(int, p.split(':')), sys.argv[3:]) states = dict( (p[0] - 1, bool(p[1])) for p in params if p[0] in range(1, 5)) except ValueError: print_usage_and_exit() if len(states) < 1: print_usage_and_exit() dev = PMSDevice(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) dev.set_socket_states(states)
__author__ = 'zdazzy' import sys from PyMS import PMSDevice def print_usage_and_exit(): print "Usage: ./ <hostname> <password> [socket:state]..." print " [socketN] - a pair X:Y where X - socket number (1-4), Y - state (0 - off, 1 - on)" sys.exit(1) if __name__ != '__main__': raise Exception('This is a CLI script') if len(sys.argv) < 4: print_usage_and_exit() states = None try: params = map(lambda p: map(int, p.split(':')), sys.argv[3:]) states = dict((p[0] - 1, bool(p[1])) for p in params if p[0] in range(1, 5)) except ValueError: print_usage_and_exit() if len(states) < 1: print_usage_and_exit() dev = PMSDevice(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) dev.set_socket_states(states)