Пример #1
 def __ipow__(self, other):
     # If one wants to perfor power n of a PyCtxt where n is not an int, we throw an error.
     if not isinstance(other, int):
         raise TypeError(
             "PyCtxt '**=' error: lhs must be of type int instead of type "
             + str(type(other)))
     # If we want to perform our PyCtxt to power 0, we return an encrypted vector of 1.
     if (other == 0):
         constCtxt = self.__pyfhel.encrypt(
             PyPtxt([1 for _ in range(self.__length)], self.__pyfhel)
         )  # Create new PyCtxt of encrypted vector of 1.
         self = constCtxt
     # If we want to perform our PyCtxt to power 1, we return our PyCtxt.
     elif (other == 1):
         #Do nothing.
         self = self
     # If we want to perform our PyCtxt to power 2, we return our PyCtxt square.
     elif (other == 2):
     # If we want to perform our PyCtxt to power 3, we return our PyCtxt cube.
     elif (other == 3):
     # If we want to perform our PyCtxt to power n with n!=[0,1,2,3], we return our product(PyCtxt, n).
         # Create a copy of self.
         copySelf = self.copy(self)
         # Multiply the PyCtxt with himself to obtain PyCtxt*n.
         for i in range(other - 1):
             self *= copySelf
     return self
Пример #2
 def __imod__(self, other):
     if not isinstance(other, (PyCtxt, int)):
         raise TypeError("PyCtxt '%=' error: lhs must be of type PyCtxt "
                         "or int instead of type " + str(type(other)))
     if isinstance(other, PyCtxt):
         self.__pyfhel.scalarProd(self, other)
         constCtxt = self.__pyfhel.encrypt(
             PyPtxt([other for _ in range(self.__length)],
         self.__pyfhel.scalarProd(self, constCtxt)
         del constCtxt
     return self
Пример #3
 def __iadd__(self, other):
     if not isinstance(other, (PyCtxt, int)):
         raise TypeError("PyCtxt ADD error: lhs must be of type PyCtxt "
                         "or int instead of type " + str(type(other)))
     if isinstance(other, PyCtxt):
         self.__pyfhel.add(self, other, False)       # Add directly if other is PyCtxt
         constCtxt = self.__pyfhel.encrypt(          # Create new PyCtxt from other if int
             PyPtxt([other for _ in range(self.__length)],
         self.__pyfhel.add(self, constCtxt, False)   # Perform addition from Afhel::add
         del constCtxt
     return self
Пример #4
 def __add__(self, other):
     if not isinstance(other, (PyCtxt, int)):
         raise TypeError("PyCtxt '+' error: lhs must be of type PyCtxt or "
                         "int instead of " + str(type(other)))
     newCtxt = self.__pyfhel.set(self)               # Create new Ctxt for result
     if isinstance(other, PyCtxt):                   # Add directly if other is PyCtxt
         newCtxt += other
         constCtxt = self.__pyfhel.encrypt(          # Create new PyCtxt from other if int
             PyPtxt([other for _ in range(self.__length)],self.__pyfhel))
         newCtxt += constCtxt                        # Perform addition like in '+=' operator
         del constCtxt
     return newCtxt
Пример #5
 def __mod__(self, other):
     if not isinstance(other, (PyCtxt, int)):
         raise TypeError("PyCtxt '%' error: lhs must be of type PyCtxt or "
                         "int instead of " + str(type(other)))
     newCtxt = self.__pyfhel.set(self)
     if isinstance(other, PyCtxt):
         newCtxt %= other
         constCtxt = self.__pyfhel.encrypt(
             PyPtxt([other for _ in range(self.__length)],
         newCtxt %= constCtxt
         del constCtxt
     return newCtxt
Пример #6
 def __sub__(self, other):
     if not isinstance(other, PyCtxt):
         if not isinstance(other, (PyCtxt, int)):
             raise TypeError("PyCtxt '-' error: lhs must be of type PyCtxt or "
                         "int instead of " + str(type(other)))
     newCtxt = self.__pyfhel.set(self)
     if isinstance(other, PyCtxt):
         newCtxt -= other                            # Substract directly if other is PyCtxt
         constCtxt = self.__pyfhel.encrypt(          # Crete new PyCtxt from other if int
             PyPtxt([other for _ in range(self.__length)],
         newCtxt -= constCtxt                        # Perform substraction from Afhel::add
         del constCtxt
     return newCtxt
Пример #7
    def __imul__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, (PyCtxt, int)):
            raise TypeError("PyCtxt '*=' error: lhs must be of type PyCtxt "
                            "or int instead of type " + str(type(other)))

        if isinstance(other, PyCtxt):
            self.__pyHE.multiplyBy(self, other)
            constCtxt = self.__pyHE.encrypt(
                PyPtxt([other for _ in range(self.__length)], self.__pyHE))

            self.__pyHE.multiplyBy(self, constCtxt)

            del constCtxt

        return self
Пример #8
 def __imod__(self, other):
     # If one wants to perform scalar product on a PyCtxt with an object that is not either a PyCtxt or an int, we throw an error.
     if not isinstance(other, (PyCtxt, int)):
         raise TypeError(
             "PyCtxt '%=' error: lhs must be of type PyCtxt or int instead of type "
             + str(type(other)))
     # Perform the scalar product directly if other is PyCtxt.
     if isinstance(other, PyCtxt):
         self.__pyfhel.scalarProd(self, other)
     #Otherwise, if one wants to perform scalar product on a PyCtxt with an int, we have to create a vector of that int and then encrypted to transform it in PyCtxt.
         # Create new PyCtxt from other if int.
         constCtxt = self.__pyfhel.encrypt(
             PyPtxt([other for _ in range(self.__length)], self.__pyfhel))
         # Perform scalar product.
         self.__pyfhel.scalarProd(self, constCtxt)
         del constCtxt
     return self
Пример #9
 def __imul__(self, other):
     # If one wants to multiply a PyCtxt with an object that is not either a PyCtxt or an int, we throw an error.
     if not isinstance(other, (PyCtxt, int)):
         raise TypeError(
             "PyCtxt '*=' error: lhs must be of type PyCtxt or int instead of type "
             + str(type(other)))
     # Multiply directly if other is PyCtxt.
     if isinstance(other, PyCtxt):
         self.__pyfhel.mult(self, other)
     #Otherwise, if one wants to multiply a PyCtxt with an int, we have to create a vector of that int and then encrypted to transform it in PyCtxt.
         # Create new PyCtxt from other if int.
         constCtxt = self.__pyfhel.encrypt(
             PyPtxt([other for _ in range(self.__length)], self.__pyfhel))
         # Perform multiplication from Afhel::mult
         self.__pyfhel.mult(self, constCtxt)
         del constCtxt
     return self
Пример #10
 def __mul__(self, other):
     # If one wants to multiply a PyCtxt with an object that is not either a PyCtxt or an int, we throw an error.
     if not isinstance(other, (PyCtxt, int)):
         raise TypeError(
             "PyCtxt '*' error: lhs must be of type PyCtxt or int instead of "
             + str(type(other)))
     # Create new Ctxt for result.
     newCtxt = self.copy(self)
     # Multiply directly if other is PyCtxt.
     if isinstance(other, PyCtxt):
         newCtxt *= other
     #Otherwise, if one wants to multiply a PyCtxt with an int, we have to create a vector of that int and then encrypted to transform it in PyCtxt.
         # Create new PyCtxt from other if int.
         constCtxt = self.__pyfhel.encrypt(
             PyPtxt([other for _ in range(self.__length)], self.__pyfhel))
         newCtxt *= constCtxt
         del constCtxt
     return newCtxt
Пример #11

# We will first transform these two vectors in plaintext that could be
# encrypted, then we'll tranform the plain text of these two vectors in
# homeomorphic encrypted vector. Then we will add and multiply these two
# encrypted vectors in an homeomorphic way. Finally, we will decrypted the
# result of the addition and multiplication of the two encrypted vectors
# and we verify the result is the same that the addition or multiplication
# of the two vectors without encryption.

    "******Homeomorphic encryption of the two vectors used during the tests******"
# Tranform the vectors (use to test the operation **n) in plaintext that
# are objects that could be encrypted.
ptxt_powern2 = PyPtxt(v_powern2, HE)

# Tranform the vectors (use to test the operation polynomial) in plaintext
# that are objects that could be encrypted.
ptxt_poly = PyPtxt(v_poly, HE)

# Encrypted the plaintexts to have Cypher texts that are encrypted in an
# homeomorphic way with the key that have been generated before. These
# Cypher txt will be use for the tests on the homeomorphic operations
# (**n)
ctxt_powern2 = HE.encrypt(ptxt_powern2)

# Encrypted the plaintexts to have Cypher texts that are encrypted in an
# homeomorphic way with the key that have been generated before. These
# Cypher txt will be use for the tests on the homeomorphic operations
# (polynomial)
Пример #12
    "w": 64,
    "L": 32,
    "m": -1,
    "R": 3,
    "s": 0,
    "gens": [],
    "ords": []

print("Pyfhel DEMO")
print("  Running KeyGen with params:")
print("  KeyGen completed")
v1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
v2 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

p1 = PyPtxt(v1, HE)
p2 = PyPtxt(v2, HE)

print("Encryting v1: ", v1)
c1 = HE.encrypt(p1)
print("Encryting v2: ", v2)
c2 = HE.encrypt(p2)

c1 %= c2

r1 = HE.decrypt(c1)

print("Encrypted sum v1 .* v2: ", r1)
Пример #13
    "ords": []

print("Pyfhel DEMO")
print("  Running KeyGen with params:")
print("  KeyGen completed")
v1 = [range(8), range(3)]
v2 = [range(1, 9), range(1, 4)]
v3 = [range(8), range(3)]
v4 = [range(8), range(3)]
v5 = [0]
v6 = [1]

p1 = PyPtxt(v1, HE)
p2 = PyPtxt(v2, HE)
p3 = PyPtxt(v3, HE)
p4 = PyPtxt(v4, HE)
p5 = PyPtxt(v5, HE)
p6 = PyPtxt(v6, HE)

print("Encrypting v1: ", v1)
c1 = HE.encrypt(p1)
print("Encrypting v2: ", v2)
c2 = HE.encrypt(p2)
print("Encrypting v3: ", v3)
c3 = HE.encrypt(p3)
print("Encrypting v4: ", v4)
c4 = HE.encrypt(p4)
print("Encrypting v5: ", v5)
Пример #14
    "s": 0,
    "gens": [],
    "ords": []

print("Pyfhel DEMO for binary operations")
print("   Running KeyGen with params:")
print("  KeyGen completed")

v1 = [0, 0, 1, 1]
v2 = [0, 1, 0, 1]
ones = [1]

ptxt1 = PyPtxt(v1, HE)
ptxt2 = PyPtxt(v2, HE)
pones = PyPtxt(ones, HE)

ctxt1 = HE.encrypt(ptxt1)
ctxt2 = HE.encrypt(ptxt2)
cones = HE.encrypt(pones, fill=1)

print("Encrypted v1: ", v1)
print("Encrypted v2: ", v2)
#XOR operation
ctxt1 += ctxt2  # `ctxt1 = ctxt1 + ctxt2` would also be valid
v3 = HE.decrypt(ctxt1)
print("v1 XOR v2 -> ", v3)

print("v3: ", v3)
Пример #15
                "sec":128,    "w":64,
                "L":30,       "m":-1,
                "R":3,        "s":0,
                "gens":[],    "ords":[]}

print("Pyfhel DEMO")
print("  Running KeyGen with params:")
print("  KeyGen completed")
v1 = [range(8), range(3)]
v2 = [range(1,9), range(1,4)]
v3 = [range(8), range(3)]
v4 = [range(8), range(3)]

p1 = PyPtxt(v1, HE)
p2 = PyPtxt(v2, HE)
p3 = PyPtxt(v3, HE)
p4 = PyPtxt(v4, HE)

print("Encryting v1: ", v1)
c1 = HE.encrypt(p1)
print("Encryting v2: ", v2)
c2 = HE.encrypt(p2)
print("Encryting v3: ", v3)
c3 = HE.encrypt(p3)
print("Encryting v4: ", v4)
c4 = HE.encrypt(p4)

Пример #16
"""Print the Key Generator parameters to let the user knows how his vectors will be encrypted."""
print("  Running KeyGen with params:")
"""Generate the keys that will be use to encrypted the vectors. The generation of the keys uses the Key Generator parameters. Then print a message to inform the user that the key generation has been completed."""
print("  KeyGen completed")
"""Skip a line."""
"""We will first transform these two vectors in plaintext that could be encrypted, then we'll tranform the plain text of these two vectors in homeomorphic encrypted vector. Then we will add and multiply these two encrypted vectors in an homeomorphic way. Finally, we will decrypted the result of the addition and multiplication of the two encrypted vectors and we verify the result is the same that the addition or multiplication of the two vectors without encryption."""

    "******Homeomorphic encryption of the two vectors used during the tests******"
"""Tranform the two vectors (use to test the operation +=, -=, *=, ...) in plaintext that are objects that could be encrypted."""
ptxt1 = PyPtxt(v1, HE)
ptxt2 = PyPtxt(v2, HE)
"""Tranform the vectors (use to test the operation **=2, **=3) in plaintext that are objects that could be encrypted."""
ptxt_powerSquare = PyPtxt(v_powerSquare, HE)
ptxt_powerCube = PyPtxt(v_powerCube, HE)
"""Tranform the vectors (use to test the operation **=n) in plaintext that are objects that could be encrypted."""
ptxt_powern = PyPtxt(v_powern, HE)
"""Tranform the two vectors (use to test the operation +, -, *, ...) in plaintext that are objects that could be encrypted."""
ptxt12 = PyPtxt(v12, HE)
ptxt22 = PyPtxt(v22, HE)
ptxt1_minus = PyPtxt(v1_minus, HE)
ptxt2_minus = PyPtxt(v2_minus, HE)
ptxt1_mult = PyPtxt(v1_mult, HE)
ptxt2_mult = PyPtxt(v2_mult, HE)
ptxt1_scalProd = PyPtxt(v1_scalProd, HE)
ptxt2_scalProd = PyPtxt(v2_scalProd, HE)
Пример #17
"""Generate the keys that will be use to encrypted the vectors. The generation of the keys uses the Key Generator parameters. Then print a message to inform the user that the key generation has been completed."""
print("  KeyGen completed")

"""Skip a line."""

"""We will first transform these two vectors in plaintext that could be encrypted, then we'll tranform the plain text of these two vectors in homeomorphic encrypted vector. Then we will add and multiply these two encrypted vectors in an homeomorphic way. Finally, we will decrypted the result of the addition and multiplication of the two encrypted vectors and we verify the result is the same that the addition or multiplication of the two vectors without encryption."""

print("******Homeomorphic encryption of the two vectors used during the tests******")

"""Tranform the vectors (use to test the operation **n) in plaintext that are objects that could be encrypted."""
ptxt_powern2 = PyPtxt(v_powern2, HE)
# v_powern2 = [1,2,3,4,4]

"""Tranform the vectors (use to test the operation polynomial) in plaintext that are objects that could be encrypted."""
ptxt_poly = PyPtxt(v_poly, HE)
#v_poly= [1,2,3,4,5]

"""Encrypted the plaintexts to have Cypher texts that are encrypted in an homeomorphic way with the key that have been generated before. These Cypher txt will be use for the tests on the homeomorphic operations (**n)"""
ctxt_powern2 = HE.encrypt(ptxt_powern2)

"""Encrypted the plaintexts to have Cypher texts that are encrypted in an homeomorphic way with the key that have been generated before. These Cypher txt will be use for the tests on the homeomorphic operations (polynomial)"""
ctxt_poly = HE.encrypt(ptxt_poly)

print("Encryption of v1...")
print("Encryption of v2...")
Пример #18
def runTest(fileName,

        "p": 257,
        "r": 1,
        "d": 1,
        "c": 2,
        "sec": 80,
        "w": 64,
        "L": 10,
        "m": -1,
        "R": 3,
        "s": 0,
        "gens": [],
        "ords": []

    KEYGEN_PARAMS['p'] = p
    KEYGEN_PARAMS['r'] = r
    KEYGEN_PARAMS['d'] = d
    KEYGEN_PARAMS['c'] = c
    KEYGEN_PARAMS['sec'] = sec
    KEYGEN_PARAMS['w'] = w
    KEYGEN_PARAMS['m'] = m
    KEYGEN_PARAMS['s'] = s
    KEYGEN_PARAMS['gens'] = gens
    KEYGEN_PARAMS['ords'] = ords

    print("Pyfhel TEST %d" % (testID))
    print(" File: " + fileName)

    # KEYGEN
    print(" KEYGEN")
    print("  Running KeyGen with params:")
    tic_keyGen = time.time()
    toc_keyGen = time.time()
    print("  KeyGen completed")
    print("  nSlots = %d" % (HE.numSlots()))

    v1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
    v2 = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
    v3 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    p1 = PyPtxt(v1, HE)
    p2 = PyPtxt(v2, HE)
    p3 = PyPtxt(v3, HE)

    print(" ENCRYPTION")
    print("  Encrypting p1, p2, p3 into c1, c2, c3")
    tic_Encr = time.time()
    c1 = HE.encrypt(p1)
    c2 = HE.encrypt(p2)
    c3 = HE.encrypt(p3)
    toc_Encr = time.time()
    t_e = toc_Encr - tic_Encr
    print("  Encryption completed")

    print(" OPERATIONS")
    print("  c1 += c2")
    tic_Sum = time.time()
    c1 += c2
    e1 = list(np.mod(np.array(v1) + np.array(v2), math.pow(p, r)))
    toc_Sum = time.time()
    tic_Decr_Sum = time.time()
    res1 = HE.decrypt(c1)
    toc_Decr_Sum = time.time()
    t_sum = toc_Sum - tic_Sum
    t_d_sum = toc_Decr_Sum - tic_Decr_Sum
    f_sum = res1[0] == e1
    print("    Result: " + str(res1[0]))
    print("    Debug: " + str(e1))

    print("  c1 *= c2")
    c1 = HE.encrypt(p1)
    tic_Prod = time.time()
    c1 *= c2
    e2 = list(np.mod(np.array(v1) * np.array(v2), math.pow(p, r)))
    toc_Prod = time.time()
    tic_Decr_Prod = time.time()
    res2 = HE.decrypt(c1)
    toc_Decr_Prod = time.time()
    t_prod = toc_Prod - tic_Prod
    t_d_prod = toc_Decr_Prod - tic_Decr_Prod
    f_prod = res2[0] == e2
    print("    Result: " + str(res2[0]))
    print("    Debug: " + str(e2))

    print("  c1 %= c2")
    c1 = HE.encrypt(p1)
    tic_scpr = time.time()
    c1 %= c2
    e3 = np.mod(sum(np.mod((np.array(v1) * np.array(v2)), math.pow(p, r))),
                math.pow(p, r))
    toc_scpr = time.time()
    tic_Decr_scpr = time.time()
    res3 = HE.decrypt(c1)
    toc_Decr_scpr = time.time()
    t_scpr = toc_scpr - tic_scpr
    t_d_scpr = toc_Decr_scpr - tic_Decr_scpr
    f_scpr = res3[0][0] == e3
    print("    Result: " + str(res3[0][0]))
    print("    Debug: " + str(e3))

    print("  Maximum number of Sums")
    t_maxSum = 0
    t_maxSd = 0
    n_maxSum = 0
    resCorrect = 1
    a = np.array(v2)
    b = np.array(v3)
    while (resCorrect):
        tic_aux = time.time()
        c2 += c3
        toc_aux = time.time()
        a = list(a + b)
        tic_ad = time.time()
        res_aux = HE.decrypt(c2)
        toc_ad = time.time()
        resCorrect = (a == res_aux[0])
        n_maxSum += 1
        t_maxSum += (toc_aux - tic_aux)
        t_maxSd += (toc_ad - tic_ad)
    n_maxSum -= 1

    print("  Maximum number of Mults")
    t_maxMult = 0
    t_maxMd = 0
    n_maxMult = 0
    resCorrect = 1
    v2 = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
    p2 = PyPtxt(v2, HE)
    c2 = HE.encrypt(p2)
    a = np.array(v2)
    while (resCorrect):
        tic_aux = time.time()
        c2 *= c3
        toc_aux = time.time()
        ab = list(a * b)
        tic_ad = time.time()
        res_aux = HE.decrypt(c2)
        toc_ad = time.time()
        resCorrect = (ab == res_aux[0])
        n_maxMult += 1
        t_maxMult += (toc_aux - tic_aux)
        t_maxMd += (toc_ad - tic_ad)
    n_maxMult -= 1

    f = open(fileName, 'a')
    f.write("----------------- TESTCASE %d ----------------\n" % (testID))
    f.write(" KeyGen: " + str(KEYGEN_PARAMS) + "\n")
    f.write(" -  nslots = %d\n" % (HE.numSlots()))
    f.write(" Encryption: t = %f\n" % (t_e))
    f.write(" SUM(%d): t = %f\n" % (f_sum, t_sum))
    f.write(" PROD(%d): t = %f\n" % (f_prod, t_prod))
    f.write(" SC.PROD(%d): t = %f\n" % (f_scpr, t_scpr))
    f.write(" LIMITS:\n")
        "   - SUM: n = %d, t = %f t_avg = %f, td = %f, td_avg=%f\n" %
        (n_maxSum, t_maxSum, t_maxSum / n_maxSum, t_maxSd, t_maxSd / n_maxSum))
    f.write("   - PROD: n = %d, t = %f t_avg = %f, td = %f, td_avg=%f\n" %
            (n_maxMult, t_maxMult, t_maxMult / n_maxMult, t_maxMd,
             t_maxMd / n_maxMult))

Пример #19
    "R": 3,
    "s": 0,
    "gens": [],
    "ords": []

print("Pyfhel DEMO")
print("   Running KeyGen with params:")
print("  KeyGen completed")

v1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
v2 = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]

ptxt1 = PyPtxt(v1, HE)
ptxt2 = PyPtxt(v2, HE)

ctxt1 = HE.encrypt(ptxt1, fill=1)
ctxt2 = HE.encrypt(ptxt2, fill=1)

print("Encrypted v1: ", v1)
print("Encrypted v2: ", v2)

ctxt1 += ctxt2  # `ctxt1 = ctxt1 + ctxt2` would also be valid
v3 = HE.decrypt(ctxt1)
print("add: v1 + v2 -> ", v3)

print("v3: ", v3)
print("v2: ", v2)