Пример #1
def isWritable(layer):
    if isInvalid(layer) or len(layer.vectorJoins()) > 0:
        return False
    if layer.storageType() == 'ESRI Shapefile':
        sourceList = layer.source().split('|')
        shpFile = QFileInfo(sourceList[0])
        baseFilePath = shpFile.canonicalPath() + '/' + shpFile.completeBaseName()
        shxFile = QFileInfo(baseFilePath + '.shx')
        dbfFile = QFileInfo(baseFilePath + '.dbf')
        return (shpFile.exists() and shpFile.isWritable()
                and shxFile.exists() and shxFile.isWritable()
                and dbfFile.exists() and dbfFile.isWritable())
    return True
Пример #2
def isWritable(layer):
    if isInvalid(layer) or len(layer.vectorJoins()) > 0:
        return False
    if layer.storageType() == 'ESRI Shapefile':
        sourceList = layer.source().split('|')
        shpFile = QFileInfo(sourceList[0])
        baseFilePath = shpFile.canonicalPath(
        ) + '/' + shpFile.completeBaseName()
        shxFile = QFileInfo(baseFilePath + '.shx')
        dbfFile = QFileInfo(baseFilePath + '.dbf')
        return (shpFile.exists() and shpFile.isWritable() and shxFile.exists()
                and shxFile.isWritable() and dbfFile.exists()
                and dbfFile.isWritable())
    return True
QGIS Processing script
(c) 2017 Andreas Plesch
serve html file and show in browser
##server_port=number 8000
##open_in_browser=boolean False
##html_file_name=output string

import shutil
import webbrowser
from PyQt4.QtCore import QUrl, QFileInfo

port = int(server_port)
html = QFileInfo(input_html)
html_file_name = html.fileName()

if open_in_browser:
    root_folder = html.canonicalPath()
    # kills running web server if necessary
    processing.runalg('script:launchwebserver', root_folder, port)
    #url = QUrl.fromLocalFile(output_file).toString()
    #deal with spaces and such
    url = QUrl(u'http://localhost:%s/%s' % (port, html_file_name))
    #perhaps warn if not ending in html