Пример #1
allAttrs = provider.attributeIndexes()

# start data retreival: fetch geometry and all attributes for each feature

caps = provider.capabilities()

# retreive every feature with its geometry and attributes
while provider.nextFeature(feat):

    # fetch map of attributes
    attrs = feat.attributeMap()

    # attrs is a dictionary: key = field index, value = QgsFeatureAttribute
    # show all attributes and their values
    for (k, attr) in attrs.iteritems():
        if k == fieldIndex:
            #if attr.toString() == "":
            if caps & QgsVectorDataProvider.ChangeAttributeValues:
                identifier = QUuid().createUuid().toString()
                # Remove the unwanted brackets
                identifier.remove(QChar('{'), Qt.CaseInsensitive)
                identifier.remove(QChar('}'), Qt.CaseInsensitive)
                print "Newly create UUID: %s" % identifier
                attrs = { fieldIndex : QVariant(identifier)}
                success = provider.changeAttributeValues({ feat.id() : attrs })
                #print success
