Пример #1
	def __init__(self, world):

		### Build graph

		graph = pydot.Dot()
		graph.set_node_defaults(color = 'red', fontcolor = 'red', label = '\<orphan\>')
		graph.set('overlap', 'prism')
		# build adjacency graph from world
		for area in world.areas:
			# create node for each room
			node = pydot.Node(area.id)
			node.set( 'label', area.name )
			if area == world.player.currentArea:
				node.set( 'color', 'blue' )
				node.set( 'fontcolor', 'blue' )
				node.set( 'color', 'black' )
				node.set( 'fontcolor', 'black' )


			# link to adjacent rooms
			for feature in area.features:
				for action in feature.actions:
					finalEvent = None
					for event in action.events:
						if type(event) == events.PlayerMoveEvent:
							finalEvent = pydot.Edge( src=area.id, dst=event.properties['destination'] )

					if finalEvent is not None:
						graph.add_edge( finalEvent )
		### Generate SVG from graph

		ps = graph.create_svg(prog='neato')

		### Build graphics items from SVG

		# build xml tree
		ns = {'svg': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'}
		doc = ET.fromstring(ps)

		# grab the root node properties
		rootNode = doc.xpath('/svg:svg/svg:g[1]', namespaces=ns)[0]
		polygon = rootNode.xpath('./svg:polygon', namespaces=ns)[0]
		pointStr = polygon.xpath('./@points', namespaces=ns)[0]
		penColor = QString(polygon.xpath('./@stroke', namespaces=ns)[0])
		fillColor = QString(polygon.xpath('./@fill', namespaces=ns)[0])

		# parse root polygon path
		path = QPolygonF()
		for pair in pointStr.split(' '):
			dims = pair.split(',')
			point = QPointF( float(dims[0]), float(dims[1]) )

		# fill in root node colors
		if QColor.isValidColor(penColor):
			self.setPen( QColor(penColor) )
		if QColor.isValidColor(fillColor):
			self.setBrush( QColor(fillColor) )

		# build each graph node
		for xmlNode in rootNode.xpath('./svg:g', namespaces=ns):

			group = QGraphicsRectItem(self)
			group.setPen( Qt.transparent )
			group.setBrush( Qt.transparent )

			if xmlNode.attrib['class'] == 'node':

				# find the area object
				name = xmlNode.xpath('./svg:title', namespaces=ns)[0].text
				group.setData( 0, QString(world.areas[world.areaLookup[name]].id) )
				# get the ellipse info
				ellipseNode = xmlNode.xpath('./svg:ellipse', namespaces=ns)[0]
				elProps = { k: float(ellipseNode.attrib[k]) for k in ['cx', 'cy', 'rx', 'ry']}
				rect = QRectF( elProps['cx']-elProps['rx'], elProps['cy']-elProps['ry'], 2*elProps['rx'], 2*elProps['ry'])
				penColor = QString(ellipseNode.attrib['stroke'])
				ellipseItem = QGraphicsEllipseItem(rect, group)
				if QColor.isValidColor(penColor):
					ellipseItem.setPen( QColor(penColor) )

				# get the text info
				textNode = xmlNode.xpath('./svg:text', namespaces=ns)[0]
				text = textNode.text
				textItem = QGraphicsTextItem(text, group)
				penColor = textNode.attrib.get('fill', 'black')
				nodePoint = QPointF(float(textNode.attrib['x']), float(textNode.attrib['y']))
				textItem.setPos( nodePoint - textItem.boundingRect().center() + QPointF(0.0,-4.0))
				if QColor.isValidColor(penColor):
					textItem.setDefaultTextColor( QColor(penColor) )

				group.setRect( ellipseItem.boundingRect() )
				group.setFlags( QGraphicsRectItem.ItemIsSelectable )

			elif xmlNode.attrib['class'] == 'edge':

 				# parse the line portion of the arrow
 				line = xmlNode.xpath('./svg:path', namespaces=ns)[0]
				path = QPainterPath()

				# pull info from xml file
				linePath = line.attrib['d']
				lineColor = line.attrib['stroke']
				# parse path coords
				points = re.findall( '(-?\d+\.\d+),(-?\d+\.\d+)', linePath )
				if len(points) != 4:
				startPoint = QPointF( float(points[0][0]), float(points[0][1]) )
				curvePoints = []
				for pointCoord in points[1:]:
					curvePoints.append( QPointF(float(pointCoord[0]), float(pointCoord[1])) )
				path.cubicTo( curvePoints[0], curvePoints[1], curvePoints[2] )

				# construct path item
				pathItem = QGraphicsPathItem(path, group)
				if QColor.isValidColor(lineColor):
					pathItem.setPen( QColor(lineColor) )

				polyNode = xmlNode.xpath('./svg:polygon', namespaces=ns)[0]

				# pull info from xml file
				pointStr = polyNode.xpath('./@points', namespaces=ns)[0]
				penColor = QString(polyNode.xpath('./@stroke', namespaces=ns)[0])
				fillColor = QString(polyNode.xpath('./@fill', namespaces=ns)[0])

				# parse polygon path
				path = QPolygonF()
				for pair in pointStr.split(' '):
					dims = pair.split(',')
					point = QPointF( float(dims[0]), float(dims[1]) )

				# construct polygon item
				polygonItem = QGraphicsPolygonItem(path, group)
				if QColor.isValidColor(penColor):
					polygonItem.setPen( QColor(penColor) )
				if QColor.isValidColor(fillColor):
					polygonItem.setBrush( QColor(fillColor) )

				group.setRect( pathItem.boundingRect() and polygonItem.boundingRect() )