def showTempPasswordDialog(self): """ Sets overridePassword for a server. Using this one doesn't actually have to enter the password in the ServerDialog (and by extension save to disk). """ serverList = ServerList() # Create a stringlist to be used by the qinputdialog stringList = [] for server in serverList.getTable(): stringList.append( # Display list of servers (serverString, ok) = QInputDialog.getItem( self, QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Select server"), QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Server:"), stringList, editable=False ) if ok: server = serverList.getServerObjectByName(serverString) if server != None: # Ask for password (value, ok) = QInputDialog.getText( self, QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Temporary password"), QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Enter password:"), QLineEdit.Password ) if ok: # Use value as the overridePassword for the server. LumaConnection(server).overridePassword(value)
def insert_item(self): """Insert item""" index = self.currentIndex() if not index.isValid(): row = self.model.rowCount() else: row = index.row() data = self.model.get_data() if isinstance(data, list): key = row data.insert(row, '') elif isinstance(data, dict): key, valid = QInputDialog.getText(self, translate("DictEditor", 'Insert'), translate("DictEditor", 'Key:'), QLineEdit.Normal) if valid and not key.isEmpty(): key = try_to_eval(unicode(key)) else: return else: return value, valid = QInputDialog.getText(self, translate("DictEditor", 'Insert'), translate("DictEditor", 'Value:'), QLineEdit.Normal) if valid and not value.isEmpty(): self.new_value(key, try_to_eval(unicode(value)))
def edit_layer_label(layer): """ Interactively edit a layer's label """ dialog = QInputDialog() label, isok = dialog.getText(None, 'New Label:', 'New Label:', text=layer.label) if isok and str(label) != layer.label: layer.label = str(label)
def callback_MocapRowEntry(self): # global item global description global SuffixCount global rowCountIndex sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name('Project 1') sheet['A'+str(rowCountIndex)].value = str(SuffixCount) sheet['B'+str(rowCountIndex)].value = 'MVN_Take_'+ str(SuffixCount) sheet['C'+str(rowCountIndex)].value = 'FBX_'+str(SuffixCount)+'.fbx' # for selecting which level the mocap was captured on # items = ('No-Level', 'Single-Level', 'Multi-Level') item, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Select Which Level", "Capture-Type", items, 0, False) if ok and item: sheet['D'+str(rowCountIndex)].value = str(item) # for entering the description for the mocap take # description, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Take Description", "Enter a Description for this Take:") if ok and description: sheet['E'+str(rowCountIndex)].value = str(description) self.le_outputfield.setText('Entry '+ str(SuffixCount)+' Entered!') print('|| Entry: ' + str(SuffixCount) + ' | Level-Type: ' + str(item) + ' | Description: ' + str(description) + ' ||') SaveFile('template.xlsx') SuffixCount += 1 rowCountIndex += 1
def _getValue(self, title, label, valueType=QVariant.String, defaultValue='', minValue=0, maxValue=0, decimals=0): if valueType == QVariant.Double: return QInputDialog.getDouble(None, title, label, defaultValue, minValue, maxValue, decimals) elif valueType == QVariant.Int: return QInputDialog.getInt(None, title, label, defaultValue, minValue, maxValue) else: return QInputDialog.getText(None, title, label, text=defaultValue)
def make_jss(self, html): ' make js ' indnt = ' ' * int(QInputDialog.getInteger(None, __doc__, " JS Indentation Spaces: ", 4, 0, 8, 2)[0]) scrpt = QInputDialog.getItem(None, __doc__, "Enclosing script Tags ?", ['Use script html tags', 'No script tags'], 0, False)[0] p = True if 'Use script html tags' in scrpt else False self.soup = self.get_soup(html) jss = '<script>{}'.format(linesep) if p is True else '' jss += '//{} by {}{}'.format('.')[0], getuser(), linesep) jss += '$(document).ready(function(){' + linesep previously_styled = [] previously_styled.append(tag_2_ignore) jss += '{}//{}{}'.format(linesep, '-' * 76, linesep) for part in self.get_ids(): if part not in previously_styled: jss += '{}//{}{}'.format(indnt, '#'.join(part).lower(), linesep) jss += js_template.format(indnt, 'var ', re.sub('[^a-z]', '', part[1].lower() if len(part[1]) < 11 else re.sub('[aeiou]', '', part[1].lower())), ' = ', '$("#{}").lenght'.format(part[1]), ';', linesep, linesep, '') previously_styled.append(part) jss += '//{}{}'.format('-' * 76, linesep) for part in self.get_classes(): if part not in previously_styled: jss += '{}//{}{}'.format(indnt, '.'.join(part).lower(), linesep) jss += js_template.format(indnt, 'var ', re.sub('[^a-z]', '', part[1].lower() if len(part[1]) < 11 else re.sub('[aeiou]', '', part[1].lower())), ' = ', '$(".{}").lenght'.format(part[1]), ';', linesep, linesep, '') previously_styled.append(part) jss += '});' jss += '{}</script>'.format(linesep) if p is True else '' return jss.strip()
def showTempPasswordDialog(self): """ Sets overridePassword for a server. Using this one doesn't actually have to enter the password in the ServerDialog (and by extension save to disk). """ serverList = ServerList() # Create a stringlist to be used by the qinputdialog stringList = [] for server in serverList.getTable(): stringList.append( # Display list of servers (serverString, ok) = QInputDialog.getItem( self, QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Select server"), QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Server:"), stringList, editable=False) if ok: server = serverList.getServerObjectByName(serverString) if server != None: # Ask for password (value, ok) = QInputDialog.getText( self, QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Temporary password"), QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Enter password:"), QLineEdit.Password) if ok: # Use value as the overridePassword for the server. LumaConnection(server).overridePassword(value)
def __new_graph(self): if self.project is None: return graph, ok = QInputDialog.getText( self.__iface.mainWindow(), "Graph", "Graph name:", QLineEdit.Normal, "test_graph", ) if not ok: return parent, ok = QInputDialog.getText( self.__iface.mainWindow(), "Parent Graph", "Parent Graph name:", QLineEdit.Normal, "", ) if not ok: return self.project.new_graph(graph, parent) self.__current_graph.addItem(graph) self.__current_graph.setCurrentIndex( self.__current_graph.findText(graph))
def add_display(self): analog_ports = self.home_module.client_core.get_analog_ports() (name, ok) = QInputDialog.getText( self, QCA.translate("AdminHomeMap", "Agregar Display"), QCA.translate("AdminHomeMap", "Ingresar el nombre del display:"), ) if ok: if len(name) > 32 or len(name) < 3: QMessageBox.critical( self, QCA.translate("AdminHomeHeating", "Agregar Display"), QCA.translate("AdminHomeHeating", "El nombre del display debe tener entre 3 y 32 caracteres"), ) else: (port, ok) = QInputDialog.getItem( self, QCA.translate("AdminHomeHeating", "Seleccionar puerto"), QCA.translate("AdminHomeHeating", "Seleccionar el puerto del display"), analog_ports.keys(), 0, False, ) self.abort_operation_mode() self.start_operation_mode("add_display", {"position": None, "name": name, "port": port})
def _specify_hdd(self): """ Specify which HDD to unmount. Arguments: None Return: HDD text """ text, result = QInputDialog().getText( self, 'Specify hdd', 'choose hdd to unmount,\n"all" will unmount all mounted hdd\'s', QLineEdit.Normal, 'all' ) if result: text = text.lower() if text.startswith('hdd_'): return text elif text.startswith('hdd '): return text elif text == 'all': return text else: tu.message('Input needs to be "all" or "hdd_{number}" or "hdd {number}') return None else: tu.message('Input needs to be "all" or "hdd_{number} or "hdd {number}"') return None
def getStringMsg( title, text, preset=None ): if preset is None: (ans, ok) = QInputDialog.getText(IMC.mainWindow, title, text) else: (ans, ok) = QInputDialog.getText(IMC.mainWindow, title, text, QLineEdit.Normal, preset) return (ans, ok)
def goto(self, number=None): """ Ask event number in dialog and navigate and to event. """ logging.debug(__name__ + ": goto") if self._dataAccessor.numberOfEvents(): max = self._dataAccessor.numberOfEvents() else: max = sys.maxsize if number != None: ok = (number >= 1, number <= max) else: if hasattr(QInputDialog, "getInteger"): # Qt 4.3 (number, ok) = QInputDialog.getInteger( self.plugin().application().mainWindow(), "Goto...", "Enter event number:", self._dataAccessor.eventNumber(), 1, max) else: # Qt 4.5 (number, ok) = QInputDialog.getInt( self.plugin().application().mainWindow(), "Goto...", "Enter event number:", self._dataAccessor.eventNumber(), 1, max) if ok: self.cancel() currentEvent = self.dataAccessor().eventNumber() if currentEvent != number: self.navigate(number)
def onCargajuegoClicked(self): """Nos permite Cargar un juego anteriormente guardado""" (nombre,ok) = QInputDialog.getText(self,"Sudoku"),"Nombre:"),QLineEdit.Normal,"")) if ok==True: while str(nombre)=="" and ok==True: self.MessageBox(None,"Ingrese Un Nombre..!","ERROR",self.MB_ICONERROR) (nombre,ok) = QInputDialog.getText(self,"Sudoku"),"Nombre:"),QLineEdit.Normal,"")) if ok==True: archivo=open("Partidas.txt","r") linea=archivo.readline() Existe=0 while linea!="": partida=linea.split(",") nombreG=partida[0] if str(nombre)==nombreG: Existe=1 break linea=archivo.readline() if Existe==1: invalida=partida[3] incorrecta=partida[4] ayuda=partida[5] self.n= Sudoku(5,invalida,incorrecta,ayuda,partida) self.n.setVisible(True) self.close() else: self.MessageBox(None,"No Se Encontro El Archivo..!","ERROR",self.MB_ICONERROR) archivo.close()
def insert_item(self): """Insert item""" index = self.currentIndex() if not index.isValid(): row = self.model.rowCount() else: row = index.row() data = self.model.get_data() if isinstance(data, list): key = row data.insert(row, '') elif isinstance(data, dict): key, valid = QInputDialog.getText( self, translate("DictEditor", 'Insert'), translate("DictEditor", 'Key:'), QLineEdit.Normal) if valid and not key.isEmpty(): key = try_to_eval(unicode(key)) else: return else: return value, valid = QInputDialog.getText(self, translate("DictEditor", 'Insert'), translate("DictEditor", 'Value:'), QLineEdit.Normal) if valid and not value.isEmpty(): self.new_value(key, try_to_eval(unicode(value)))
def onActionguardarTriggered(self): """Guarda la partida actual Se pide el nombre con el que se desea guardar la partida y luego se procede a grabarla con encriptacion.""" (nombre,ok) = QInputDialog.getText(self,"Sudoku"),"Nombre:"),QLineEdit.Normal,"")) if ok==True: while str(nombre)=="" and ok==True: self.MessageBox(None,"Ingrese Un Nombre..!","ERROR",self.MB_ICONERROR) (nombre,ok) = QInputDialog.getText(self,"Sudoku"),"Nombre:"),QLineEdit.Normal,"")) if ok==True: solucion=open("Resueltos.txt","a") solucion.write(str(nombre)) solucion.write(",") for i in range(9): for j in range(9): solucion.write(str(self.resuelto[i][j])) solucion.write("\n") solucion.close() archivo=open("Partidas.txt","a") archivo.write(str(nombre)) archivo.write(",") for i in range(9): for j in range(9): if self.numeros[i][j]==0: archivo.write("j") elif self.numeros[i][j]==1: archivo.write("n") elif self.numeros[i][j]==2: archivo.write("l") elif self.numeros[i][j]==3: archivo.write("d") elif self.numeros[i][j]==4: archivo.write("y") elif self.numeros[i][j]==5: archivo.write("s") elif self.numeros[i][j]==6: archivo.write("t") elif self.numeros[i][j]==7: archivo.write("v") elif self.numeros[i][j]==8: archivo.write("a") else: archivo.write("e") archivo.write(",") archivo.write(self.cronometro) if self.invalida: archivo.write(",1") else: archivo.write(",0") if self.incorrecta: archivo.write(",1") else: archivo.write(",0") if self.ayuda: archivo.write(",1") else: archivo.write(",0") archivo.write("\n") archivo.close() self.MessageBox(None,"Partida Guardada..!","Sudoku",self.MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)
def edit_layer_point_size(layer): """ Interactively edit a layer's point size """ dialog = QInputDialog() size, isok = dialog.getInt(None, 'Point Size', 'Point Size',, min=1, max=1000, step=1) if isok and size != = size
def on_importGoogleContactsButton_clicked(self): googleUsername, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, 'Google Username', 'Enter your Google username/email', text=getConfig('googleUsername', '')) if not ok: return googlePassword, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, 'Google Password', 'Enter your Google password', mode=QLineEdit.Password) if not ok: return setConfig('googleUsername', googleUsername) self.import_google_contacts_signal.emit(googleUsername, googlePassword)
def add_var(self, source = 'input'): ''' Adds a variable to the margins Parameters ---------- source : str, default to 'free' Can be 'free' (default), 'input' or 'output' according to the variable ''' # TODO: fix this lists = {'input': self.input_vars_list, 'output': self.output_vars_list, 'free': self.free_vars_list} lists = {'input': self.input_vars_list} variables_list = lists[source] varnames = self.get_name_label_dict(variables_list) # {varname: varlabel} varlabel, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self.parent(), "Ajouter une variable", "Nom de la variable", sorted(varnames.keys())) insertion = ok and (varlabel in sorted(varnames.keys())) if insertion: varname = varnames[varlabel] datatable_name = self.get_var_datatable(varname) target = None if source=='input' and self.input_margins_df: index = self.input_margins_df.index indices = [ (var, mod) for (var, mod) in index if var==varname ] target_df = (self.input_margins_df['target'][indices]).reset_index() target = dict(zip(target_df['mod'] ,target_df['target'])) else: if datatable_name =='output_table': varcol = self.output_table.column_by_name.get(varname) elif datatable_name =='inputs': varcol = self.inputs.column_by_name.get(varname) if varcol.__class__ not in MODCOLS: val, ok = QInputDialog.getDouble(self.parent(), "Valeur de la marge", unicode(varlabel) + " (millions d'euros)") if ok: target = {str(varname): val*1e6} else: if datatable_name =='output_table': unique_values = unique(self.output_table.get_value(varname, self.entity)) elif datatable_name =='inputs': unique_values = unique(self.inputs.get_value(varname, self.entity)) target = {} for mod in unique_values: val, ok = QInputDialog.getDouble(self.parent(), "Valeur de la marge", unicode(varlabel) + u" pour la modalité " + str(mod) ) if ok: target[mod] = val else: return if target: self.calibration.add_var2(varname, target = target, source=source) self.param_or_margins_changed()
def __call__(self, val): dialog = QInputDialog(parent=self.parent) # dialog.setLabelText("") dialog.setLabelText("set label for minimum: " + str( dialog.setInputMode(0) dialog.exec_() if dialog.result(): label = dialog.textValue() self.parent._minima_labels[self.minimum] = label
def writeConfiguration(): key, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Write Config Value", "Key:") if (not ok) or (not key): utils.informationBox("Cancelled.") return value, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Write Config Value", "Value:") if (not ok) or (not value): utils.informationBox("Cancelled.") return self.config.writeConf(key, value)
def zoomDialog(self): if hasattr(QInputDialog, "getInteger"): # Qt 4.3 (zoom, ok) = QInputDialog.getInteger(, "Zoom...", "Input zoom factor in percent:", self.zoom(), 0) else: # Qt 4.5 (zoom, ok) = QInputDialog.getInt(, "Zoom...", "Input zoom factor in percent:", self.zoom(), 0) if ok: self.setZoom(zoom) self._userZoomLevel = zoom
def editContact(self, name='', conversationId=''): phone = conversationId.split('@')[0] if len(phone) == 0 or phone[0] != '+': phone = '+' + phone name, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, 'Contact Name', 'Enter this contact\'s name', text=name) if not ok: return phone, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, 'Contact Phone', 'Enter this contact\'s phone number\n(leading with a "+" and your country code)', text=phone) if not ok: return self.update_contact_signal.emit(name, phone)
def get_text(title='Enter a label'): """Prompt the user to enter text using QT :param title: Name of the prompt *Returns* The text the user typed, or None """ dialog = QInputDialog() result, isok = dialog.getText(None, title, title) if isok: return str(result)
def backup(self): try: selected_index = self.treeViewStorage.selectedIndexes()[0] selected_path = self.model_storage.filePath(selected_index).split( '/')[::-1] storage = '' for i, dir in enumerate(selected_path): if dir == "Backups": storage = str(selected_path[i - 1]) dialog = QInputDialog() dialog.setModal(True) key, ok = dialog.getText(self, "Key", "Enter key for <b>%s</b> storage" % storage, mode=QLineEdit.Password) if ok: #try: key = str(key) with open(self.current_dir + storage + sep + "init", 'rb') as f: hash_from_storage = cipter_text = encryptor = + self.padding[len(key):]) plain = encryptor.decrypt(cipter_text) if hash_from_storage == self.password = key self.encrypt_and_save_to(storage) else: QMessageBox.about(self, "Error", "Incorrect password!") #except UnicodeError: # QMessageBox.about(self, "Unicode error", "Incorrect password!") except IndexError: if self.selected_storage: with open( self.current_dir + self.selected_storage + sep + "init", 'rb') as f: hash_from_storage = cipter_text = encryptor = + self.padding[len(self.password):]) plain = encryptor.decrypt(cipter_text) if hash_from_storage == self.encrypt_and_save_to(self.selected_storage) else: QMessageBox.about(self, "Error", "Incorrect password! sel") else: QMessageBox.about( self, "Error", "Select the storage before creating backup!") self.tabWidgetRoot.setCurrentWidget(self.tab_storage)
def _comenzar(self): ok = 0 eleccion, ok1 = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Algoritmos", "Seleccione un algoritmo", self.algoritmos.keys()) if ok1: self.contenedor = self.algoritmos[str(eleccion)]() self.cant, ok = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "Duracion", "Indique la duracion de la simulacion", min=0, max=60) if ok and ok1: self.setWindowTitle(self.windowTitle() + " --" +str(eleccion)) self.temporizador.start(1000) self.iniciar.setEnabled(False) self.bloquear.setEnabled(True) self._inicializarDatos()
def expandToDepthDialog(self): """ Show dialog and expand center view to depth. """ if hasattr(QInputDialog, "getInteger"): # Qt 4.3 (depth, ok) = QInputDialog.getInteger(, "Expand to depth...", "Input depth:", self._treeDepth, 0) else: # Qt 4.5 (depth, ok) = QInputDialog.getInt(, "Expand to depth...", "Input depth:", self._treeDepth, 0) if ok: self._treeDepth=depth if self.onTreeViewSelected(
def edit_layer_symbol(layer): """ Interactively edit a layer's symbol """ dialog = QInputDialog() options = ['o', '^', '*', 's'] try: initial = options.index( except IndexError: initial = 0 symb, isok = dialog.getItem(None, 'Pick a Symbol', 'Pick a Symbol', options, current=initial) if isok and symb != = symb
def expandToDepthDialog(self): """ Show dialog and call expandToDepth() function of tree view. """ if hasattr(QInputDialog, "getInteger"): # Qt 4.3 (depth, ok) = QInputDialog.getInteger(self, "Expand to depth...", "Input depth:", self._treeDepth, 0) else: # Qt 4.5 (depth, ok) = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "Expand to depth...", "Input depth:", self._treeDepth, 0) if ok: self._treeDepth=depth self.collapseAll(False) if self._treeDepth>0: self.expandToDepth(self._treeDepth-1)
def continue_dialog(self, text1, text2): """ Check if the user wants to run the continue mode. Arguments: text1 - Dialog window name. text2 - Text of the dialog. Return: True, if the input is YES! """ dialog = QInputDialog(self) result = dialog.getText(self, text1, text2) return bool(result[0] == 'YES!')
def on_gerar_arestas_button_clicked(self): self.limparInferencias() self.grafo.limpar() n_linhas = self.tabela_adjacencia.rowCount() n_colunas = self.tabela_adjacencia.columnCount() for x in xrange(n_linhas): for y in xrange(x,n_colunas): item = self.tabela_adjacencia.cellWidget(x, y) if item.currentText() == '1': v1 = str(self.tabela_adjacencia.horizontalHeaderItem(x).text()) v2 = str(self.tabela_adjacencia.verticalHeaderItem(y).text()) valor = None if self.valorar_aresta.isChecked(): ok = False while not ok: valor,ok = QInputDialog().getText(self, 'Dados para a aresta {0}-{1} (separados por ",")'.format(v1,v2), 'Dados:', mode=QLineEdit.Normal, text=QString()) valor = str(valor) if not ok: sair = QMessageBox.question(self, 'Cancelar?', u'deseja cancelar a criação do grafo?', buttons=QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, defaultButton=QMessageBox.NoButton) if sair == QMessageBox.Yes: self.grafo.limpar() return elif valor == '': atribuir_zero = QMessageBox.question(self, 'Valor em branco!', u'Atribuit valor "0" à aresta?', buttons=QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, defaultButton=QMessageBox.NoButton) if atribuir_zero: valor = '0' else: valor = None valor = valor.split(',') valor = {string.split(':')[0]:string.split(':')[1] for string in valor} for dado in valor: if valor[dado].isdigit(): valor[dado] = int(valor[dado]) else: try: valor[dado] = float(valor[dado]) except ValueError: pass self.grafo.adicionarAresta(v1, v2, valor) self.eh_conexo.setChecked(self.grafo.ehConexo()) self.eh_arvore.setChecked(self.grafo.ehArvore()) self.eh_regular.setChecked(self.grafo.ehRegular()) self.eh_completo.setChecked(self.grafo.ehCompleto())
def get_text(title="Enter a label"): """Prompt the user to enter text using QT Parameters ---------- title : Name of the prompt Returns ------- The text the user typed, or None """ dialog = QInputDialog() result, isok = dialog.getText(None, title, title) if isok: return str(result)
def __call__(self): password, ok = QInputDialog.getText(None, '%s request' % self.value.label, 'Please enter %s for %s' % (self.value.label, self.backend_name), QLineEdit.Password) return password
def rename_file(self, fname): """Rename file""" path, valid = QInputDialog.getText(self, _('Rename'), _('New name:'), QLineEdit.Normal, osp.basename(fname)) if valid: path = osp.join(osp.dirname(fname), unicode(path)) if path == fname: return if osp.exists(path): if QMessageBox.warning( self, _("Rename"), _("Do you really want to rename <b>%s</b> and " "overwrite the existing file <b>%s</b>?") % (osp.basename(fname), osp.basename(path)), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) == QMessageBox.No: return try: misc.rename_file(fname, path) self.parent_widget.emit( \ SIGNAL("renamed(QString,QString)"), fname, path) return path except EnvironmentError, error: QMessageBox.critical( self, _("Rename"), _("<b>Unable to rename file <i>%s</i></b>" "<br><br>Error message:<br>%s") % (osp.basename(fname), unicode(error)))
def on_importGoogleContactsButton_clicked(self): googleUsername, ok = QInputDialog.getText( self, 'Google Username', 'Enter your Google username/email', text=getConfig('googleUsername', '')) if not ok: return googlePassword, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, 'Google Password', 'Enter your Google password', mode=QLineEdit.Password) if not ok: return setConfig('googleUsername', googleUsername) self.import_google_contacts_signal.emit(googleUsername, googlePassword)
def _add_new_file(self): item = self.currentItem() if item.parent() is None: pathForFile = item.path else: pathForFile = os.path.join(item.path, item.text(0)) result = QInputDialog.getText(self,"New File"),"Enter the File Name:")) fileName = result[0] if result[1] and fileName.strip() != '': try: fileName = os.path.join(pathForFile, fileName) fileName = file_manager.store_file_content(fileName, '', newFile=True) name = file_manager.get_basename(fileName) subitem = ProjectItem(item, name, pathForFile) subitem.setToolTip(0, name) subitem.setIcon(0, self._get_file_icon(name)) mainContainer = main_container.MainContainer() mainContainer.open_file(fileName) except file_manager.NinjaFileExistsException as ex: QMessageBox.information( self,"File Already Exists"),"Invalid Path: the file '%s' already exists." % ex.filename))
def _copy_file(self): #get the selected QTreeWidgetItem item = self.currentItem() if item.parent() is None: pathForFile = item.path else: pathForFile = os.path.join(item.path, item.text(0)) pathProjects = [p.path for p in self.get_open_projects()] addToProject = ui_tools.AddToProject(pathProjects, self) addToProject.setWindowTitle("Copy File to")) addToProject.exec_() if not addToProject.pathSelected: return name = QInputDialog.getText(self,"Copy File"),"File Name:"), text=item.text(0))[0] if not name: QMessageBox.information(self,"Invalid Name"),"The file name is empty, please enter a name")) return path = file_manager.create_path(addToProject.pathSelected, name) try: content = file_manager.read_file_content(pathForFile) path = file_manager.store_file_content(path, content, newFile=True) self.add_existing_file(path) except file_manager.NinjaFileExistsException as ex: QMessageBox.information(self,"File Already Exists"),"Invalid Path: the file '%s' already exists." % ex.filename))
def sizeHint(self): size = QInputDialog.sizeHint(self) if size.width() < 400: size.setWidth(400) return size
def insert_debugging_prints(editorWidget): cursor = editorWidget.textCursor() if cursor.hasSelection(): result = str(QInputDialog.getText(editorWidget,"Print Text"),"Insert a Text to use in the Print or " "leave empty to just print numbers:"))[0]) print_text = "" if result: print_text = "%s: " % result #begin Undo feature cursor.beginEditBlock() start = editorWidget.document().findBlock( cursor.selectionStart()).firstLineNumber() end = editorWidget.document().findBlock( cursor.selectionEnd()).firstLineNumber() lines = end - start for i in range(lines): position = editorWidget.document().findBlockByLineNumber( start + (i * 2)).position() cursor.setPosition(position) indentation = get_indentation(cursor.block().text()) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.EndOfLine) cursor.insertText("\n%sprint('%s%i')" % ( indentation, print_text, i)) #end Undo feature cursor.endEditBlock()
def createView(self): name, ok = QInputDialog.getText(None, "View name", "View name") if ok: try: self.db.connector.createSpatialView(name, self._getSqlQuery()) except BaseError as e: DlgDbError.showError(e, self)
def newfoldername(basetext, basefolder, formtype, alreadyexists=False): message = "Please enter a new folder name for the {}".format(formtype) if alreadyexists: logger.log("Folder {} already exists.") message += "<br> {} folder already exists please select a new one.".format( formtype) name, ok = QInputDialog.getText(None, "New {} folder name".format(formtype), message) if not ok: raise ValueError if not name: return "{}_{}".format(basetext,'%d%m%y%f')) else: name = name.replace(" ", "_") if os.path.exists(os.path.join(basefolder, name)): return newfoldername(basetext, basefolder, formtype, alreadyexists=True) return name
def _copy_file(self): #get the selected QTreeWidgetItem path = self.model().filePath(self.currentIndex()) name = file_manager.get_basename(path) global projectsColumn pathProjects = [p.path for p in projectsColumn.projects] addToProject = add_to_project.AddToProject(pathProjects, self) addToProject.setWindowTitle("Copy File to")) addToProject.exec_() if not addToProject.pathSelected: return name = QInputDialog.getText(self,"Copy File"),"File Name:"), text=name)[0] if not name: QMessageBox.information(self,"Invalid Name"),"The file name is empty, please enter a name")) return path = file_manager.create_path(addToProject.pathSelected, name) try: content = file_manager.read_file_content(path) path = file_manager.store_file_content(path, content, newFile=True) except file_manager.NinjaFileExistsException as ex: QMessageBox.information(self,"File Already Exists"), ("Invalid Path: the file '%s' already exists.") % ex.filename))
def showClusterTable(self): if not self.view.sampleTableView.selectedIndexes( ): #not self.acTree.selectedIndexes(): s, b = QInputDialog.getItem( self.view, "Select one sample", "Select one sample :", [spl.shortName() for spl in self.model]) if not b: return sample = self.model.sample(str(s), fullNameEntry=False) else: idx = self.view.sampleTableView.selectedIndexes()[0] sample = self.model.sample(, fullNameEntry=False) if sample is None: print("sample not found...") return if not sample.mappedPeaks: self.view.showErrorMessage( "No peaks found", "This sample does not have peaks, please do peak picking before" ) view = QTableView() view.setSortingEnabled(True) view.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) view.setModel( MSDialogController.getSampleModel(sample, flags='cluster')) self.view.addMdiSubWindow(view, "ClusterList of%s" % str(sample.shortName()))
def _copy_file(self): #get the selected QTreeWidgetItem item = self.currentItem() if item.parent() is None: pathForFile = item.path else: pathForFile = os.path.join(item.path, item.text(0)) pathProjects = [p.path for p in self.get_open_projects()] addToProject = ui_tools.AddToProject(pathProjects, self) addToProject.setWindowTitle("Copy File to")) addToProject.exec_() if not addToProject.pathSelected: return name = QInputDialog.getText(self,"Copy File"),"File Name:"), text=item.text(0))[0] if not name: QMessageBox.information( self,"Invalid Name"),"The file name is empty, please enter a name")) return path = file_manager.create_path(addToProject.pathSelected, name) try: content = file_manager.read_file_content(pathForFile) path = file_manager.store_file_content(path, content, newFile=True) self.add_existing_file(path) except file_manager.NinjaFileExistsException as ex: QMessageBox.information( self,"File Already Exists"),"Invalid Path: the file '%s' already exists." % ex.filename))
def _rename_file(self): item = self.currentItem() if item.parent() is None: pathForFile = item.path else: pathForFile = os.path.join(item.path, item.text(0)) result = QInputDialog.getText(self,"Rename File"),"Enter New File Name:"), text=item.text(0)) fileName = result[0] if result[1] and fileName.strip() != '': fileName = os.path.join(file_manager.get_folder(pathForFile), fileName) if pathForFile == fileName: return try: fileName = file_manager.rename_file(pathForFile, fileName) name = file_manager.get_basename(fileName) mainContainer = main_container.MainContainer() if mainContainer.is_open(pathForFile): mainContainer.change_open_tab_name(pathForFile, fileName) subitem = ProjectItem(item.parent(), name, file_manager.get_folder(fileName)) subitem.setToolTip(0, name) subitem.setIcon(0, self._get_file_icon(name)) index = item.parent().indexOfChild(item) subitem.parent().takeChild(index) except file_manager.NinjaFileExistsException as ex: QMessageBox.information( self,"File Already Exists"),"Invalid Path: the file '%s' already exists." % ex.filename))
def _add_new_file(self): item = self.currentItem() if item.parent() is None: pathForFile = item.path else: pathForFile = os.path.join(item.path, item.text(0)) result = QInputDialog.getText(self,"New File"),"Enter the File Name:")) fileName = result[0] if result[1] and fileName.strip() != '': try: fileName = os.path.join(pathForFile, fileName) fileName = file_manager.store_file_content( fileName, '', newFile=True) name = file_manager.get_basename(fileName) subitem = ProjectItem(item, name, pathForFile) subitem.setToolTip(0, name) subitem.setIcon(0, self._get_file_icon(name)) mainContainer = main_container.MainContainer() mainContainer.open_file(fileName) except file_manager.NinjaFileExistsException as ex: QMessageBox.information(self,"File Already Exists"),"Invalid Path: the file '%s' already exists." % ex.filename))
def showPeakTable(self): """ TODO: write little function to check if sample is None or good or write exception with good code """ if not self.view.sampleTableView.selectedIndexes( ): #not self.acTree.selectedIndexes(): s, b = QInputDialog.getItem( self.view, "Select one sample", "Select one sample :", [spl.shortName() for spl in self.model]) if not b: return sample = self.model.sample(str(s), fullNameEntry=False) else: idx = self.view.sampleTableView.selectedIndexes()[0] sample = self.model.sample(, fullNameEntry=False) if sample is None: print("sample not found...") return if not sample.rawPeaks: self.view.showErrorMessage( "No peaks found", "This sample does not have peaks, please do peak picking before" ) view = QTableView() view.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) view.setSortingEnabled(True) model = MSDialogController.getSampleModel(sample, flags='peak') view.setModel(model) self.view.addMdiSubWindow( view, " ".join(["PeakList of", str(sample.shortName())]))
def _rename_file(self): item = self.currentItem() if item.parent() is None: pathForFile = item.path else: pathForFile = os.path.join(item.path, item.text(0)) result = QInputDialog.getText(self,"Rename File"),"Enter New File Name:"), text=item.text(0)) fileName = result[0] if result[1] and fileName.strip() != '': fileName = os.path.join( file_manager.get_folder(pathForFile), fileName) if pathForFile == fileName: return try: fileName = file_manager.rename_file(pathForFile, fileName) name = file_manager.get_basename(fileName) mainContainer = main_container.MainContainer() if mainContainer.is_open(pathForFile): mainContainer.change_open_tab_name(pathForFile, fileName) subitem = ProjectItem(item.parent(), name, file_manager.get_folder(fileName)) subitem.setToolTip(0, name) subitem.setIcon(0, self._get_file_icon(name)) index = item.parent().indexOfChild(item) subitem.parent().takeChild(index) except file_manager.NinjaFileExistsException as ex: QMessageBox.information(self,"File Already Exists"),"Invalid Path: the file '%s' already exists." % ex.filename))
def newExperiment(self): if self.dirty: success = self.showDirtySaveBox() if not success: return False basePath = str(QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, "New experiment storage path:", EXPERIMENT_DIR)) if basePath == "": return False basePath = basePath.replace(os.getcwd() + "/", "") name, accepted = QInputDialog.getText( self, "Experiment Name", "New experiment name:") if not accepted: return False name = str(name) self.resetUI() self.enableUI() = FileStorage(name, basePath) self.experiment = self.ui.nameText.setText(name) return True
def useLayerExtent(self): CANVAS_KEY = 'Use canvas extent' extentsDict = {} extentsDict[CANVAS_KEY] = { "extent": iface.mapCanvas().extent(), "authid": iface.mapCanvas().mapRenderer().destinationCrs().authid() } extents = [CANVAS_KEY] layers = dataobjects.getAllLayers() for layer in layers: authid = if ProcessingConfig.getSetting(ProcessingConfig.SHOW_CRS_DEF) \ and authid is not None: layerName = u'{} [{}]'.format(, authid) else: layerName = extents.append(layerName) extentsDict[layerName] = { "extent": layer.extent(), "authid": authid } (item, ok) = QInputDialog.getItem(self,'Select extent'),'Use extent from'), extents, False) if ok: self.setValueFromRect(extentsDict[item]["extent"]) if extentsDict[item]["authid"] != iface.mapCanvas().mapRenderer( ).destinationCrs().authid(): iface.messageBar().pushMessage("Warning"), self. tr("The projection of the chosen layer is not the same as canvas projection! The selected extent might not be what was intended." ), QgsMessageBar.WARNING, 8)
def edit_parameters(self): allaxes = self.canvas.figure.get_axes() if len(allaxes) == 1: axes = allaxes[0] else: titles = [] for axes in allaxes: title = axes.get_title() ylabel = axes.get_ylabel() label = axes.get_label() if title: fmt = "%(title)s" if ylabel: fmt += ": %(ylabel)s" fmt += " (%(axes_repr)s)" elif ylabel: fmt = "%(axes_repr)s (%(ylabel)s)" elif label: fmt = "%(axes_repr)s (%(label)s)" else: fmt = "%(axes_repr)s" titles.append(fmt % dict(title=title, ylabel=ylabel, label=label, axes_repr=repr(axes))) item, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self.parent, 'Customize', 'Select axes:', titles, 0, False) if ok: axes = allaxes[titles.index(six.text_type(item))] else: return figureoptions.figure_edit(axes, self)
def save_sensor(self): """ save single sensor, create a new one or overwrite existing one """ if self.overFilter.isChecked(): self.oat.save_to_sqlite(config.db_path, overwrite=True) return True else: new_sensor = copy.deepcopy(self.oat) new_name, ok = QInputDialog.getText( self,'Sensor name'),'Enter a new sensor name:')) = new_name if not ok: return False try: new_sensor.save_to_sqlite(config.db_path) except IOError as _: QMessageBox.about(self, "Error", "Sensor name already exists...") return False return True
def pulsa_boton_crear_archivo_nuevo(self): text, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, 'Crear un archivo nuevo', 'Nombre del archivo:', QLineEdit.Normal, "nuevo") if ok and text: self.editor.crear_y_seleccionar_archivo(text)