Пример #1
    def plotPDF(self, width, height, output_file, units = "pixels", _plotting_object = None):

        """Plots the data specified in the current input file as a page in a
        PDF file with the given width and height, writing the output to the
        specified output file. The optional units argument specifies the units
        used to measure the plot size; by default, pixels are used, but "cm",
        "mm" and "in" are also acceptable.
        Returns the QPrinter object used to write the file."""

        pdf = QPrinter()
        if units == "in":
            width = pdf.logicalDpiX() * width
            height = pdf.logicalDpiY() * height
        elif units == "cm":
            width = pdf.logicalDpiX() * (width / 2.54)
            height = pdf.logicalDpiY() * (height / 2.54)
        elif units == "mm":
            width = pdf.logicalDpiX() * (width / 25.4)
            height = pdf.logicalDpiY() * (height / 25.4)
        elif units != "pixels":
            raise BDianaError, "Unknown units specified to plotPDF: %s" % units

        pdf.setPaperSize(QSizeF(width, height), QPrinter.DevicePixel)
        return self._plot(width, height, pdf, _plotting_object)[0]